Продолжение серии влогов на Сейшелах где Вики Шоу и ее семья путешествуют на каникулах. Мы покажем вам невероятное приключение нашей семьи на уникальном острове, где живут сотни гигантских черепах! Вы увидите, как эти удивительные создания ведут себя в дикой природе, как они взаимодействуют с людьми и что произошло, когда мы решили их покормить.
🐾 Начало смотри тут - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83GfYb66oyM&list=PL-CPpYd4zA6EZDnNa51Uf8B4uzyh77x2J
😎 Мой Телеграм тут: https://t.me/vikishow_official
🎹 Мой новый клип "УЛЫБНИСЬ" - https://youtu.be/Ue5JiJsy2Ns
😵💫 Родители спрятали все сладости - https://youtu.be/idLImRDV-yo
💰 По вопросам сотрудничества пишите сюда: https://viki.show
🎸 Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
🐾 Начало смотри тут - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83GfYb66oyM&list=PL-CPpYd4zA6EZDnNa51Uf8B4uzyh77x2J
😎 Мой Телеграм тут: https://t.me/vikishow_official
🎹 Мой новый клип "УЛЫБНИСЬ" - https://youtu.be/Ue5JiJsy2Ns
😵💫 Родители спрятали все сладости - https://youtu.be/idLImRDV-yo
💰 По вопросам сотрудничества пишите сюда: https://viki.show
🎸 Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
00:00Good morning, girls!
00:05Good morning!
00:06Where are we going?
00:07To breakfast.
00:08And then?
00:09And then what?
00:10Soup with cat.
00:11And then we go to the uninhabited island where we will feed turtles.
00:18Yes, only turtles live there.
00:19It is inhabited, but populated only by turtles.
00:22And then we go to the pool.
00:24Amelia, go to the pool.
00:25Amelia's nose is already burned.
00:27Everything is very scary, burned.
00:29Have you lost your skin?
00:30I have.
00:31It's red.
00:32Not all.
00:33It still hurts me.
00:34Very painful.
00:35But it stopped hurting me.
00:36So I can go for a massage tomorrow.
00:39And my kids bit me.
00:41They bit my leg.
00:43They bit my leg.
00:45And ...
00:46Because you have the sweetest blood.
00:50You have fresh blood.
00:51They don't bite me, Marusya, because I have sour blood.
00:54We arrived now for the family.
00:55We arrived.
00:56Beautiful family.
00:57Mom calls it the most beautiful reception.
01:00What else can be beautiful?
01:01Look at the view.
01:02And we wake up with such a view, by the way.
01:05Oh, our friends are sitting.
01:11We need to take the dogs.
01:13Look how big the ship is there.
01:16This is not a ship, but a liner.
01:18Big liner, yes.
01:20We have a ship in Cheboksary, right?
01:22I'm in Tolstoy.
01:23Or St. Petersburg.
01:24And here is the liner.
01:28Did you swim there?
01:30In the ocean.
01:31Traveling in the ocean.
01:33And I took an umbrella.
01:34Oh, cool.
01:35Do you know why?
01:38Protection from the sun.
01:40Chia seed pudding.
01:41Seed pudding?
01:43Two times?
01:44Brioche, French toast.
01:45And ...
01:46Vika, what do you want?
01:47Only chia pudding?
01:49And smashed avocado.
01:50Vika, you will burn in the sun.
01:52Amelia, where am I?
01:53Sit down.
01:56Now the eyelash fell.
02:00Give it to me.
02:01You can make a wish.
02:04I know.
02:05Make a wish.
02:06I made a wish.
02:07And now blow.
02:10Poor, bald nose.
02:12And if I get false eyelashes, can I make a wish too?
02:16Yes, you have ...
02:17That is, I can make you 10 wishes?
02:19It turns out so.
02:20Even more.
02:22I have 9 more wishes.
02:24Do you have 9 more wishes?
02:26Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
02:28So, well, we ordered.
02:29Let's go.
02:31I will go to choose.
02:32To pick up a treat?
02:33Please bring me pancakes.
02:35And here you go with Vika and take.
02:39No, I want to stay with you.
02:41Come on, first you, then we.
02:42I take two pancakes for myself.
02:44And take me, please, two pancakes.
02:46Take a plate.
02:52Let it go, I'm afraid.
02:54Ask yourself.
02:55I'm afraid.
02:56Okay, okay.
02:59Good morning.
03:01How may I help you?
03:02Two pancakes.
03:03Two pancakes?
03:04This one?
03:05This one.
03:07For me and for my beautiful daughter.
03:12She is very beautiful.
03:17She is a puberty girl.
03:23Will you marry me?
03:27Well, yes, I'll think about it.
03:29Pancakes are hot.
03:33Hold your plate.
03:34Take it with you?
03:39Be sure, dad.
03:42I went to pick up fruit for myself.
03:44And me too.
03:45Amelie, tell me, what wish did you make?
03:50I won't say.
03:52Because it's a secret.
03:55You can't tell your wish to anyone.
03:58And what is your treat?
04:01These are the pancakes.
04:03Just like this.
04:04For some reason.
04:06Yes, it looks like a snail.
04:07And this one too.
04:08And this one too.
04:10This one forward, and this one back.
04:12Bon Appetit.
04:14Are we all going to eat?
04:15You are a glutton.
04:17Everything is delicious here, and I want to try everything.
04:19And what is it called?
04:20I forgot.
04:22And what is it made of?
04:24In tomato.
04:26Eggs with tomatoes.
04:27But the tomatoes there are unusual.
04:28There are with special tastes.
04:29I asked when they brought me hot chocolate, and they brought me chocolate with ice.
04:36We are going to feed turtles.
04:37To the island.
04:39We have a lot of turtles.
04:41Do you like turtles?
04:43They are very cute.
04:45What, Vika, first?
04:47Come on.
04:50I will go first.
04:53We need someone to take the child later.
04:56I will take the child.
04:57Get in.
04:59Come on, get in.
05:02Be careful, he will knock you.
05:14I don't like this.
05:21Incredible beauty of the coast.
05:25Incredible beauty of the Indian Ocean.
05:30The color of the water just changed to blue.
05:33I don't know how beautiful it really is.
05:36Like a sea eye, only huge.
05:38Well, hello, big turtle.
05:41This is a girl.
05:42How did you determine?
05:44We were told that if she has such a hump.
05:47If she is all wavy, then this is a girl.
05:49And the boys are flat.
05:53Everything is like in real life.
05:55For the first time so close.
05:57I see a turtle.
05:58Me too.
05:59They say that if they are hungry, they can bite.
06:02Wow, how great.
06:04What a cutie.
06:07But it is safe to stroke them from above and neck.
06:12Yes, they like it.
06:13For the head and neck.
06:14They like it.
06:15Let's stroke the first one.
06:16Oh, he attacks you.
06:18Here, here.
06:19Be careful.
06:22You can look into her mouth.
06:24Do you have teeth?
06:25You are too close, as if mom.
06:28I don't see teeth.
06:29And she stretches.
06:30No, she can't eat.
06:36I say that you are rebellious today.
06:38Dangerous, dangerous.
06:40Now we would have left for Moscow without a finger.
06:43Without your nails.
06:45What about mine?
06:47Your nails.
06:48Your nails are more expensive than mom's.
06:50Can I try stroking?
06:51Here on the island from 250 to 300 turtles.
06:55And they walk here on their own.
06:58And there are also small turtles.
06:59We will go later and see.
07:02They have such a skin.
07:03Like a snake.
07:04Take it.
07:09Like a dragon.
07:11Let's go to the boy.
07:14This girl is cute.
07:15Let's go to the boy.
07:17Oh, he squeaks.
07:19How old is he?
07:20They didn't tell us.
07:21Yes, they didn't tell us.
07:23How to report.
07:24Oh, don't eat with sand.
07:26The sand is not tasty.
07:27Come on.
07:30Can I sit on it?
07:32What a weight it has.
07:33Can you imagine to carry it on yourself?
07:36That's why they are so slow.
07:38Huge turtles.
07:40Let's go to the boy.
07:42I see the boy.
07:44Let's go to the boy.
07:45They have a whole ball.
07:46This is the boy.
07:51Smooth shell.
07:55Do you want?
07:58He is ugly.
08:00Dear diary.
08:01I can't find the words to describe the pain and humiliation that I experienced today.
08:05A little bit.
08:06The girls are beautiful.
08:10In general, boys are always more beautiful in nature.
08:15Look, the chicken is ugly, the rooster is beautiful.
08:18Why are you comparing it with animals?
08:20I'm talking among animals.
08:31You scared me.
08:38Vika again.
08:39I will feed you.
08:40You were heard in Moscow again.
08:44Feed yourself.
08:45I won't do it anymore.
08:47Only 10 people live here on the Turtle Island.
08:5110 people on the whole island.
08:53And here is their house.
08:54Here it is.
08:56They all live in this house.
08:58And we went to look for little turtles.
09:03Guys, they are just scattered here like mushrooms.
09:10Here it is.
09:11Here it is.
09:13They rest in the shade.
09:15I only see two.
09:16It eats.
09:18Look further.
09:19There is a turtle.
09:20Here is a turtle.
09:22And we are looking for little turtles.
09:25Listen, why are coconuts lying here?
09:26What is here?
09:28I don't see palm trees.
09:29Why are coconuts lying?
09:32You can't walk with coconuts.
09:33Let's go.
09:35Life cycle of Giant Aldabra Turtles.
09:41Life cycle.
09:43Yes, turtle?
09:45The incubation period of eggs is 2-3 months.
09:49Then the turtles hatch.
09:52What is hatchling?
09:55What is hatchling?
09:56From 1 to 10 years old.
09:58They go to school.
10:05Who knows French?
10:06Write in the comments.
10:08I only know adult.
10:09Adult turtle.
10:1220-30 years old.
10:13Let's go and see.
10:14Oh, Vika, you will burn.
10:16It would be better if you covered your shoulders.
10:18These are small.
10:22They are so small.
10:24And there are very small there.
10:29And these swim.
10:30After how many?
10:31Five years?
10:33Vika, give them something to eat.
10:36Give it to mom.
10:41Dad, maybe you take something?
10:45For example.
10:48Mom, this is the smallest.
10:55Dad, look.
10:56Come on.
11:02Have you seen?
11:07Come closer.
11:13Now they attack each other.
11:21Oh, how it smells.
11:23Tell me what it smells like.
11:25Like Chanel.
11:27Like in a cow shed.
11:32Like in a cow shed.
11:53The unicorn climbed on the turtle's head.
11:58And what do you want to find there?
12:03Do you want to do something bad with it?
12:05Or good?
12:09Bird with a long tail.
12:12Bird with a long tail.
12:14Do you see?
12:19Do you like it?
12:21Do you like it?
12:27It will sting you now.
12:29The skin is straight.
12:31Like a dragon's.
12:33Like a dragon's horn?
12:34It seems to me like a dragon's.
12:38It goes very well away from the cat.
12:48Yes, you like it.
12:50It's boring here, right?
12:52Don't step on it.
12:53Is it a boy?
12:55This is a girl, probably.
12:57Girls are different.
12:59And they are all about numbers.
13:03This is not 11, this is 17.
13:08Who is this?
13:10They are talking.
13:14Did you hear?
13:15I thought it was one of you.
13:18I heard.
13:20This is one of you.
13:24Well, no.
13:25This is not a stool.
13:26But you can touch it a little.
13:27Touch it.
13:30Touch it.
13:31Did you touch it?
13:35Touch the skin.
13:40Touch it.
13:42I'm afraid.
13:43Are you afraid?
13:45I'm not afraid.
13:56I'll do it again.
13:59The turtle's twister, I'll do it again.
14:03Now she will bite you again.
14:05Now mom is the turtle's twister.
14:07Come on, come on, turn around.
14:08Come on, come on, come on.
14:12What's down there?
14:14Come on.
14:15This is a critter, dad.
14:17Stones in the form of turtles.
14:19I think they did it on purpose.
14:22Or is it a natural formation?
14:24It is impossible to do it on purpose.
14:26Look, the head of the turtle.
14:27I saw, yes.
14:28I think it's on purpose.
14:29Because look, on the other side of the beach there is also a turtle on the top.
14:35Well, it's impossible.
14:36How do you say?
14:37They drove the crane, right?
14:41They drove the crane, right?
14:42How do I know?
14:43This is a tourist place.
14:44Of course.
14:45You have to call people here.
14:46They drove the crane across the sea, collected it.
14:5124 hours in the cave.
14:53This is a blogger's topic.
14:54Ah, but it's not a cave.
14:57Not quite.
15:00Let's see.
15:02They didn't turn it into a toilet.
15:05Oh, maybe you can cool down there, probably, like under the air conditioner.
15:10No messages.
15:12Who, Heads and Tails, left 100 bucks?
15:17I only see coconuts and sticks.
15:20Is it cool there, no?
15:21Good, yes.
15:23Kamelya, come in.
15:24Cool down.
15:25Give me too.
15:28Damn, there is a web.
15:30Come in.
15:32There are more people, more oxygen.
15:34I'll go.
15:35Let's go.
15:37That's it.
15:38Well, we now have to get to the other side of the island, to another beach.
15:44And we have to go through the mangrove thickets.
15:47I don't know, of course, what awaits us, but they say there ...
15:49We put on shoes that are not very suitable.
15:51They say that this is a very difficult transition, but we will overcome everything, I believe.
15:55Oh yes, and our subscribers will help us, right?
15:57So put a like and we will go along this path with your support.
16:02Let's do it.
16:03Let's do it.
16:04Let's do it.
16:05The beginning of our transition through the mountains.
16:09There are even steps here.
16:10Not mountains, but mangrove thickets.
16:12Mangrove thickets.
16:13Let's go.
16:16Vika is the first.
16:19Yes, let's go.
16:20Remember who came in first.
16:23Who won.
16:25And then who will come out first.
16:26The transition will take almost an hour, probably.
16:32And there are such black stones ahead.
16:37Let's skip, let's skip.
16:38Let's skip.
16:41Why did you call me?
16:42I have never dived in the water to watch fish.
16:49Okay, let's dive.
16:51I want to dive.
16:53It's very hot.
16:55Come on.
16:56And you are walking very slowly.
16:57We will walk at such a pace for an hour and a half.
17:00Why are they so black?
17:03They are not smeared with sunscreen.
17:08Why did he say to stay to the left?
17:11Apparently, all turns go to the left.
17:13And because there are such cliffs on the right.
17:16On the right, because of the cliff.
17:21In general, we were told that this used to be an island of pirates.
17:26I don't know.
17:28Why not?
17:29There were islands where pirates lived.
17:32And they hid ...
17:34There are 150 islands in the Seychelles.
17:36But this is one of them.
17:37Where exactly were the pirates.
17:39I heard that they used to keep sick here.
17:43And here at the end of the way there will be some kind of doctor's house.
17:45I don't know.
17:47Where did covid spread from?
17:49I don't know about covid.
17:51That is, they kept sick here.
17:54And they died here, right?
17:56Thank you for this information.
17:58The story about the pirates was interesting, by the way.
18:01Let's stick to my story.
18:04In general, this is the island of pirates.
18:06And here you can find treasures and gold.
18:10But the locals say that they have never seen them in their lives.
18:13But it is hidden somewhere.
18:15One hundred percent.
18:17There is something here.
18:20I hear ...
18:23Maybe a bird?
18:25I hear someone's rustle and some sounds.
18:28So quiet.
18:31And I'm all wet.
18:33Here is just the sick one.
18:40Let's go further.
18:41Be careful.
18:43Be careful.
18:44Almost fell through.
18:46Mom, be careful with your knees.
18:55Oh, a wooden bridge.
19:00This is what the longest bridge on Seychelles looks like.
19:03This is not a Crimean bridge for you to build.
19:08This is what the locals are capable of.
19:12Great engineering minds have built this bridge.
19:16Who lives here?
19:18I'm coming now.
19:19And there are a lot of small holes here.
19:23It's all shells.
19:26Oh, it's all shells.
19:28Snails, then.
19:30Here, look.
19:31Here, see?
19:32Someone will crawl into the hole now.
19:36Did you see?
19:37I saw.
19:38Let's run away from here.
19:39These are executioners.
19:41Cover your shoulders.
19:43Otherwise, you will be black on one side and white on the other.
19:47Or red.
19:49I know where a bunch of shells came from here.
19:51Because at night, there is most likely a tide here, and the water from the ocean reaches right there.
19:59Just look.
20:03These are all shells.
20:07These are all shells.
20:09These are roots.
20:11And shells.
20:12Oh, and shells and roots.
20:13Yes, roots and shells.
20:14I want to pick up one shell.
20:17Elephants can be poisonous.
20:20Like from a horror movie.
20:21As if they are now coming to life and rising at night.
20:30Be careful here.
20:32Be careful.
20:35What happened to you?
20:38I'm on Seychelles.
20:39I was attacked by shells.
20:41We were attacked by executioners.
20:45Unfortunately, the bridge is over.
20:48And we, like on a frying pan, will go further.
20:54Let's go.
20:55We still have a long way to go through this mountain.
21:00Dad, wait.
21:01Come on.
21:03Because, you see, we need to go around this cape.
21:05Over there.
21:06There is a bridge here.
21:09Again a bridge, yes.
21:10Again a bridge.
21:11This is good.
21:14Because it is safer to go along it.
21:18Vika, where are you?
21:20Wave your hand.
21:22We still have a little bit to go to that mountain.
21:25We decided to stop and take a break.
21:27There is a cool view here.
21:29I'm tired.
21:30Everyone is tired.
21:31The child is tired and does not want to go.
21:33And we are running out of water.
21:34And there are no stores here.
21:35There are no stores here.
21:37You can't buy water.
21:38Now we will go to the safe and go for a swim.
21:41Well, we have already passed all this decently.
21:43We went along the bridge.
21:44And there.
21:46There we were at the very beginning.
21:48Dad, take a picture of me pouring water.
21:51Be sure.
21:52I haven't walked so much in my life.
21:55Now let's rest.
22:00Vika has already run away.
22:02Vika ran ahead.
22:06We lost her.
22:13Give me your hand.
22:16This is the most ...
22:19No, in general, it's not very difficult.
22:22It's just hot.
22:24There is no water.
22:25And we are in a hurry to see the beach faster.
22:27Well, we are not in a hurry.
22:28We are not in a hurry.
22:30We are walking in a calm step.
22:31It's just that this area is changing here.
22:38We had a yellow bridge.
22:39My film in the camera runs out.
22:40Up and down.
22:41Up and down.
22:42The path is beautiful.
22:43Very beautiful.
22:44But it takes a long time to go.
22:45It seems to me as if we are going into eternity.
22:46As if we ...
22:47As if we ...
22:48As if we ...
22:49As if we ...
22:50As if we ...
22:51As if we ...
22:52As if we ...
22:53As if we ...
22:54As if we ...
22:55As if we ...
22:56As if we ...
22:57As if we are going to the hospital.
22:59As if we are going to the hospital.
23:01As if we are going to the hospital.
23:03As if we are going to the hospital.
23:04Well done.
23:05It's higher and higher.
23:06I didn't joke with that mountain, did I?
23:07My children.
23:09Girls, I have good news for you.
23:10Amelia, I see the beach over there.
23:11There is literally 20 meters left.
23:12I hope this is it.
23:13Are you happy?
23:15Oh, let me see.
23:16Amelia, are you happy?
23:18Oh, let me see.
23:19Amelia, are you happy?
23:21Oh, let me see.
23:22Oh, let me see.
23:23Are you happy?
23:24Oh, let me see.
23:25Oh, let me see. Amelia, everything is wet.
23:29I don't even have a swimming suit.
23:33I'm not surprised by lizards anymore.
23:40The roots of the tree pierced through this concrete building.
23:44The building? The wall?
23:46Well, once it was a building, and now it's just a wall.
23:49And what's on the other side?
23:51Look, it's right inside.
23:53Amelia, be careful.
23:58The man is powerless before nature.
24:01Look, she hugged him.
24:03They found the doctor's house, here it is.
24:06Yes, but they don't let him in there, because he is being reconstructed.
24:09And there he is probably infected.
24:11Do you think the executioners live there?
24:13The executioners live there.
24:15There are people here, hurray.
24:17Oh, Vic is lying there, sleeping.
24:19Do you see?
24:21He fell asleep.
24:24We did it.
24:30I'm all wet.
24:32You just can't imagine.
24:34Look at me.
24:36Why can't we imagine? We can imagine.
24:38My hair is wet.
24:40Why didn't we run like you?
24:42Let's go swimming.
24:44And do a beach review.
24:46Finally we go to the sea.
24:48Finally we got there.
24:50We have to go through all these jungles to get here.
24:53It's very beautiful.
24:55By the way, our hotel is on the other side.
24:57Yes, and the ocean here, unlike our hotel, is without algae.
25:01Dad, I'm going to swim.
25:12The water is muddy.
25:15Dad, look how I'm swimming.
25:17Come on.
25:18Let's run.
25:21A hunter for fish.
25:24Did you find anyone?
25:32There are small sharks here.
25:34Not here, but on the beach where we came.
25:36There were small sharks.
25:38It would be cool to shoot them on camera.
25:40Aren't you afraid of them?
25:42I'm afraid.
25:44Mom is friends with them.
25:48Let's start.