• 17 hours ago


00:00Next, let's go to the airport.
00:03One, two, three.
00:04To the airport!
00:05To the airport!
00:16Where are you from?
00:17I'm from Germany.
00:20Why did you come to Japan?
00:21I come to Japan because right now I'm hitchhiking through Asia.
00:24Hitchhiking is if you do this on the street.
00:27Look, I have a sleeping bag, I have a tent, I can sleep everywhere.
00:31The only time I spend money is for food.
00:35Then you experience the culture better, in my opinion.
00:40Over the last six months, I've been to all different areas of Asia.
00:43I was in Thailand, India, Laos, Vietnam, and now Japan.
00:50This is your last trip to Japan?
00:54I see.
00:55The goal of his hitchhiking tour of Asia is Japan.
00:59I can't believe it.
01:00Half a year.
01:05I wonder if there are people who do things like Sargansaki.
01:07Where do you want to go?
01:08There's a city where the mochi is really famous.
01:16I don't know, I did not try it, but in Germany I tried once mochi.
01:21You know, it was like, it was cold.
01:23I don't know if it's normal.
01:24It was just delicious.
01:25It was like, it was soft, it was sweet, it was good.
01:28That's my name, Mr. Mochi.
01:32It was like heaven.
01:33And a Japanese girl told me, oh, this is nothing.
01:36Like, go to Japan ten times better.
01:38I'm like, no way.
01:40Is it Nara?
01:41Nara, Nara prefecture.
01:42But apparently there is the best mochi.
01:46The goal is the best mochi.
01:48Was the mochi sweet?
01:50Was it like a sweet mochi or sort of a salty mochi?
01:53It was sweet.
01:55But there are different kinds of mochis.
01:59There are a lot.
02:01Everything, everything I can get.
02:02Why not?
02:04A hitchhiking with mochi.
02:07I've never eaten anything like this.
02:09Me neither.
02:11We also want to eat mochi, so can we go with you?
02:14Oh, really?
02:16You would ask to come along with me?
02:35Mr. Mochi.
02:38Good morning.
02:46A young movement of Japanese people started to hitchhike from this place.
02:50Apparently it's a good place to start hitchhiking.
02:54This is the place to hitchhike from Tokyo to the west.
02:58There must be dangos at the highway.
03:02Kara udon and stuff like that would be good.
03:04Of course.
03:05I'd like to try it.
03:22He introduced me to mochi.
03:25I've never seen mochi before.
03:27Me neither.
03:28It's apparently the best mochi there is.
03:32We'd like to see Nara's best mochi in two days.
03:38Hitchhiking with mochi.
03:39Hitchhiking with mochi has started.
03:40I like hitchhiking with mochi.
03:43People who hitchhike with mochi are too skinny.
03:46You can't see it unless you come all the way to the edge of the car.
03:50Let's buy a thicker one.
03:56He's a snake.
03:57First of all, I have to smile and look friendly enough so people pick me up.
04:02And smile and hope for the best.
04:05That's my whole strategy.
04:20It's hard to stop here.
04:23If you hitchhike, you have to be chill.
04:26We're choosing to do it like this.
04:28I know sometimes you have bad days, sometimes you have good days.
04:49There it is.
04:53It's here!
05:09I'm going to Nara.
05:11I'm here now.
05:13Do you think it's OK?
05:15If it's OK.
05:38It's a nice car.
05:39Let's go.
05:42Which way?
05:44Let's go to Nagoya.
05:45Let's go.
05:49Mr. Kantaro, please.
05:54How old are you?
05:55I'm 23, man.
05:57Oh, it's close.
06:02Why did you pick me up? What was the reason?
06:05Because I want to talk English.
06:11Now I'm studying space physics.
06:15Space physics?
06:20I want to go NASA or JAXA.
06:25I'm thinking of going to a university.
06:30I don't know what I'm going to do in the future.
06:35That's great.
06:38Can you recommend a mochi?
06:40What is your favorite one and what would you say I should eat?
06:46What mochi should I eat?
06:48In Japan?
06:50I want to eat...
06:55Yukimi Daifuku in Japan.
06:59And you can buy...
07:03Ebi no Service Area.
07:09Go to mochi.
07:10Let's get started.
07:17We have these ones now.
07:19Let's try them.
07:28I want to eat this.
07:29I wonder how it tastes.
07:32Himura is a forbidden fruit.
07:36I'm a fruit.
07:37What do you recommend for Himura?
07:40I'm a citrus.
07:43I want you to squeeze it.
07:46It's like grapefruit.
07:48It looks good.
07:49It doesn't look good at all.
07:54This is nice.
07:56As expected from Pantaro.
07:59Yukimi Daifuku for the first time.
08:02So then just...
08:03You poke it out and then you can just eat it?
08:07It's hard.
08:08It's a little soft.
08:12Yukimi Daifuku.
08:14It's a little soft, but it's good.
08:23I'm surprised.
08:26I want to eat this.
08:28It's good.
08:29It's really good.
08:30I really want to eat this.
08:32I don't need to describe it.
08:33I think everybody knows what mochi is.
08:34But it's really nice.
08:37When I think of Yukimi Daifuku,
08:40I think of mochi.
08:41In Germany, the skin was way softer
08:43and in there it was really like
08:45warm and cold at the same time.
08:47It's ice cream.
08:49Ice cream?
08:51Vanilla ice cream.
08:52Let's go to here.
08:53Ice cream?
08:54I don't know.
09:00Okay, I ate too fast.
09:02Take one.
09:07Oh, this one is way better than the first one.
09:10Because it got softer.
09:12Okay, now it's better than the first one.
09:20I'm happy.
09:2719-year-old German guy.
09:29He was like,
09:31I have no money.
09:32He only went with 50 euros across the world.
09:34And I told myself,
09:35I can do the same thing.
09:38Even if you don't have money,
09:40you can still enjoy life.
09:46Yu quit his job and went on a trip.
09:52I realized soon that
09:53if you travel with money,
09:55or a lot of money,
09:56it gets easy.
09:57And you get very uncomfortable.
09:59And I realized soon that
10:01comfort is sometimes
10:03the killer of experience.
10:05Now I'm really happy I did this.
10:08And meeting people earns money.
10:17I hope you feel safer.
10:29He came all the way to Aichi.
10:33For Nara,
10:34I'll try to be there in two days.
10:37He doesn't have much time.
10:40He wants to hurry.
10:56It sticks like a rice cake.
11:03It's good.
11:12I think we can stop.
11:13This is not working at night.
11:17I'm sorry.
11:24I'm hungry.
11:35He's with the staff.
11:38The staff wants to teach him how to make rice cake.
11:41They've been together for so long.
11:44There's rice cake.
11:45Thank you for the rice cake.
11:50Mr. Mochi.
11:52Your name?
11:53Mr. Mochi.
11:57Mr. Mochi Mori.
11:58Nice to meet you.
12:04This is mentaiko mochi.
12:06It's good.
12:11It's rice cake.
12:12It's good.
12:14Oh, my god.
12:20It's four times more than usual.
12:22Four times?
12:24Mochi special.
12:25Mochi special.
12:26Have you ever seen this?
12:34I think it's going to have a strong umami taste.
12:41It's a rice cake filled with rice cake.
12:44It's four times more than usual.
12:52It's good.
12:56It's good.
13:00It's way better than the first one.
13:02Fort Mochi is only like a sweet pastry kind of thing.
13:05It doesn't feel like a meal.
13:08And it's really good.
13:09I like it a lot.
13:11It's really good.
13:20We even prepared a new sign.
13:22It goes to three different destinations.
13:25So, maybe this time will be better.
13:29Now, let's go on a happy mochi hike.
13:38Oh, no.
13:42It's not as sweet as mochi.
13:48It's not working.
13:55I'm going to get off at a high speed, but I'm not sure if it's okay.
14:01Mochi up.
14:03I can drive with you.
14:04Where do you go?
14:06I'm going to Osaka.
14:07High speed.
14:08High speed.
14:09Oh, perfect.
14:10That would be lovely.
14:14We got one.
14:15The traffic stopped here.
14:17It said Nara and Kyoto.
14:19So, I'm going to go back.
14:20Oh, I see.
14:21She's going back.
14:22She's kind.
14:26Yuu's stickiness.
14:32Why did you pick me up?
14:33What was the reason?
14:35My friend was hitchhiking.
14:37Oh, really?
14:39So, when I saw someone hitchhiking, I got excited.
14:42Oh, I see.
14:47Let's go to Shiga Prefecture on a 100km long drive.
14:51I cannot spin.
14:54It's really bad.
14:58Thank you very much.
14:59Good luck.
15:01Thank you very much.
15:02This person didn't have mochi.
15:05I want to see mochi.
15:07I want to see it.
15:08I want to see it.
15:09I want to see it.
15:10I want to see what kind of mochi he's going to show me.
15:13With mochi.
15:20It's coming from behind.
15:26Yes, Nara.
15:27There's a pattern like this when you're hitchhiking.
15:30Can you give me a ride?
15:31Oh, you go to Nara?
15:32Oh, perfect.
15:33Thank you very much.
15:36You don't have to say it.
15:38I'm watching you.
15:39Oh, really?
15:40I'm watching you.
15:41Am I okay?
15:42Yes, you're okay.
15:45He's a good guy.
15:46My name is Uji.
15:48Thank you very much.
15:51Nara's neighbor, Kyoto.
15:54My name is Hiroki Goto.
15:57Hiroki Goto.
16:02Oh, a bird watching.
16:07That's amazing.
16:10It's real.
16:15Really, it's cool.
16:20There are so many of them.
16:25What kind of birds are there?
16:26Do you have some pictures of them?
16:28No, I'm just going to go now.
16:30There are a lot of them, so I'm going to take a picture of Hayabusa.
16:37Hayabusa is the world's fastest bird, which is rarely seen.
16:42It's right behind the mountain in front of us.
16:45Good timing.
16:47I want to see one in real life as well.
16:49That would be cool.
16:50Do you want to go there?
16:52Let's stop by.
16:53Sounds good.
16:55Okay, let's go.
16:57Wow, this is amazing.
16:58I've never seen anything like this before.
17:00I've never seen anything like this before.
17:02I've never seen anything like this before.
17:04I wonder if I can see it.
17:06Wow, it's a huge lens.
17:09I want to see it.
17:15Can you find it?
17:18I think it'll come out in an hour or so.
17:23Hitchhiking is like birdwatching almost.
17:26Because you have to wait for a few hours.
17:28You never know if you even get something.
17:30But I think it's almost always worth it.
17:33Hitchhiking is tough.
17:35Because you have to keep waiting.
17:37Hitchhiking is tough.
17:44There's a picture of a face.
17:50Oh, it moved.
17:56That's good.
17:59It moved.
18:00Did you see it?
18:01It's a black bird.
18:02A bird?
18:03A black bird.
18:05There's no beautiful picture.
18:08You can see that?
18:09That lens is amazing.
18:11It's amazing.
18:13Mochi, mochi, mochi, mochi.
18:16Can you recommend your favorite mochi?
18:20The best mochi is too good!
18:23The best mochi is too good!
18:25It's true.
18:28It's true.
18:30Can you say something sweet to those who are tired?
18:35Thank you for always watching us!
18:37We can see everyone from here!
18:40I'm scared.
18:41I'm scared.
18:51Can you recommend your favorite mochi?
18:55Matcha mochi.
18:57Matcha mochi?
18:58Matcha mochi.
19:00I want to eat it again if I eat it once.
19:07Do you want to go there?
19:08All over Japan?
19:09All over Japan?
19:10Thank you very much.
19:11Thank you very much.
19:12It's in a smaller area.
19:14Kyoto's matcha mochi.
19:15It's easy to eat.
19:18It's because it's near Uji that you can find this kind of mochi.
19:21We've arrived.
19:23That's good.
19:24That's very good.
19:29Thank you very much.
19:30Thank you very much.
19:32What kind of dango is this?
19:35It looks delicious.
19:37Thank you very much.
19:40It smells just like tea.
19:42Like green tea.
19:46People in Uji like this, right?
19:48Because it's matcha.
19:50It looks delicious.
19:51Is this a little sweet?
19:52I think so.
19:53This is delicious.
19:54It's delicious.
20:09This one is number one.
20:13It's not good. It's perfect.
20:18Can I get another one?
20:25People in Uji like this kind of mochi.
20:32We're almost at the finish line.
20:37Let's go to Nara Station.
20:46Thank you very much.
20:49It's wonderful.
20:55Let's go.
20:59Let's go to the finish line.
21:07Okay, we're almost there.
21:13If I have to guess, it's that one.
21:16There's a whole line of people just waiting.
21:25The mochi store that we're looking for for two whole days.
21:29Let's go.
21:37I want to make a video of this as well.
21:41Well, it feels amazing that we finally reached this point.
21:44Oh my god.
21:45I'm so tired.
21:54I'm so tired.
21:59Does this make any sense?
22:00It doesn't make sense at all.
22:01Are you hitting it?
22:03It feels like I'm hitting it with my hand.
22:05It's the sound of my hand.
22:10It's amazing.
22:11Okay, that was worth it.
22:13You're right. I didn't hit it.
22:16I didn't hit it on the way.
22:18I didn't hit it.
22:20It's the sound of my hand.
22:21It's the sound of my hand.
22:24It's true.
22:27This is freshly made, right?
22:29This is the best.
22:31Wow, it looks good.
22:33Is there bean paste in it?
22:35It looks good.
22:38I want to eat it fresh.
22:39I'm going to be number one.
22:42Does it smell?
22:44Is it matcha?
22:45It's soft and warm.
22:47It's warm.
22:48How do I say it?
22:49The skin overtakes it really hard.
22:52This is really good.
22:53This is really good.
22:55It's really nice.
23:00Most of the times, I meet amazing people.
23:03Sometimes, we have an amazing conversation.
23:05I met awesome people.
23:07To be kinder, to be more in awe, and just enjoy the moment.
23:14Today's the finisher for my Japanese job.
23:16Japanese job.
23:19Mocchi hike is over.
23:22We'll see you again next week at 6.25pm.
23:25One, two, three.
23:26You are now watching NamiCity 4F.
