Minecraft but I discover the AXES of PVP CIVILIZATION...the second CRAZY episode of PVP CIVLIZATION CHAPTER 2.....
Voice Actors: Evbo, Teddy, @seawattgaming , @PrinceZam , @wemmbumc , @TabiMC , @ClownPierce , @Hannahxxrose , https://www.twitch.tv/toph033
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Tiktok: @evboshorts
Twitter: twitter.com/evboyt
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/evbolive
"Hit the Streets, Rynos Theme, Floating Cities, Leaving Home, Industrial Cinematic, Crypto, Ghostpocalypse - 2 The Call, Ghostpocalypse 3 Road of Trials"
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0
Voice Actors: Evbo, Teddy, @seawattgaming , @PrinceZam , @wemmbumc , @TabiMC , @ClownPierce , @Hannahxxrose , https://www.twitch.tv/toph033
Follow me on Twitch, Twitter, and Tiktok!
Tiktok: @evboshorts
Twitter: twitter.com/evboyt
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/evbolive
"Hit the Streets, Rynos Theme, Floating Cities, Leaving Home, Industrial Cinematic, Crypto, Ghostpocalypse - 2 The Call, Ghostpocalypse 3 Road of Trials"
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0
00:00In PvP civilization, players spawn into this world holding one of five items.
00:04The first are the swords, next are the axes, there are the tridents,
00:08there are players that are born with shields, and lastly there are players that are born with bows.
00:13I know, I know that's not exactly new information, but just let me explain, I'm getting there.
00:18Point is, each of the five items have their own advantages and disadvantages when it comes to PvP.
00:23To start, there are the swords, which is the item I was born with.
00:26Being the standard weapon for close range combat,
00:29natural born swords spawn with a wooden sword that has a lifespan of 59 PvP attacks.
00:34However, by eliminating players, swords can upgrade all the way to the diamond level,
00:38giving them the longest lifespan in PvP civilization, as well as stronger attacks and
00:43defense. But, the true power of being a natural born sword is the ability to rank up beyond diamond,
00:48to become an immortal netherite sword. No other civilization has this ability,
00:53which is a reason as to why the swords are facing extinction.
00:56Next are the axes, who also start at a wooden level. Like the swords,
01:00axes are used for close range PvP, but deal much higher damage than the swords,
01:05especially with critical hits. While axes share the exact same durabilities as the swords,
01:11the higher damage from an axe means each PvP attack uses two durability instead of one.
01:16So, this would mean that wooden axes basically have the shortest lifespans in PvP civilization.
01:22But, just like the swords, the axes also have the ability to rank up to the diamond level
01:26through PvP victories. Next, we have the tridents. Being born as a trident comes with a few unique
01:32qualities that increase the odds of survival in PvP civilization. For one, tridents are born with
01:38250 PvP attacks, and deal significant damage in close range PvP. However, tridents can also be
01:44used for long range combat by being thrown from a distance. Normally, if a player were to drop
01:49their weapon, they would die, but tridents can throw their weapon and still survive. The only
01:54downside is that until they retrieve their trident, they can't hold another item, which makes them
01:59vulnerable if they do decide to throw it. Tridents also can't rank up in any way, so 250 PvP attacks
02:05is all they get. The fourth item in PvP civilization is the shield. Honestly, shields are
02:10kind of a mystery around here. They have the power to open certain doors, and they take zero damage
02:15when they block their shield. Unlike any of the other items, shields actually rank up by taking
02:20damage. So, while their role in PvP civilization is kind of unknown, shields will basically work
02:26for anyone that's willing to pay them in PvP attacks. And finally, we have the bows. Spawning
02:31in with a bow comes with a durability of 384 PvP attacks, which means newborn bows technically have
02:38the longest lifespans when starting out. While bows can be very dangerous from far away, close range
02:44PvP is where bows have the biggest disadvantage. Okay, now I'm coming full circle. This is why I was
02:50explaining all that. Knowing the weaknesses for the bows was how I was able to get out of this
02:54current situation. In a small room, there would be no way for a bow to beat a sword, let alone a
02:59diamond sword. Look, bro, I told you I'm not here to fight you. I just want to help, but if you truly
03:04have no choice, I'm sorry to say you're not gonna win. I'm a diamond sword, and it's two versus one.
03:09I don't know where you're from, but in PvP civilization, guards don't work for anyone. They
03:13work for whoever pays them the most PvP attacks. I'm not gonna lie, my financial situation is great
03:19as is, so I'm probably team Evo on this one, man. What? You can't be serious. You're a fool if you
03:25think that guard is your friend. Once he finds a higher price, you'll be alone. Okay, if I'm being
03:29honest, he's more of my friend than I'm his, but regardless, I still am the highest price. So yeah,
03:35two versus one. So what do you expect me to do now? I made a promise to save my people, my family.
03:41I would be a monster like you if I let you go free. Look, I don't think you understand. You
03:46don't need to keep your promise if I succeed in stopping the Axis. Your people will be safe if
03:50I can just do this. I don't know if I'll ever understand why you all dislike the sword so much,
03:56but I'm here asking to fight for you. So why won't you let me just at least try to do that?
04:01The player just stood there staring at me, but a second later, an arrow fired right past my head.
04:06Fine, then you better make good on your word. Thankfully, I avoided a fight with a bow,
04:11but now I have another added responsibility, and that's making sure that the bows are safe.
04:16Of course, the only way to do that is to stop the Axis. So what do we do now that the Eternal
04:21Bow is gone? I don't know, but honestly, my curiosity is compelling me to explore this
04:26place, so that's what I'm gonna do. Don't worry, I'll just be a few minutes, so feel free to watch
04:30the journal while I'm gone. Give it up already. I'm never going to make a video journal update.
04:35Whoa, whoa, I didn't even say anything, but that was my intention. It's fine, I'm sure we'll get
04:40a guard update soon. Maybe when that happens, I'll actually get to know his name. I caught up
04:44with the bow that spared me a fight, and he told me that if I actually wanted a chance to stop the
04:49Axis, I would have to know what I'm up against, and he started leading me down the path straight
04:54ahead. I followed him until we approached a giant gap in the ground that looked like it should have
04:58been uncrossable if it weren't for the four blocks on the wall leading to the other side.
05:03This massive pit with water at the bottom was supposed to prevent outsiders from reaching the
05:07armor stand at the other end. That was where the Eternal Bow was located before it was stolen.
05:12The bow named Siwat told me before they even had time to react, one of the two Axis used these four
05:18blocks to parkour across the gap, and after they stole the Eternal Bow, they used invisibility to
05:24escape without being seen. After Siwat told me that, I knew exactly who this was, because I've
05:29seen it before. Okay, so Axis have blocks to place, that's new. Uh, is there a PDP marketplace
05:35shop, something like that here? Did you not just hear what I told you? There's nothing you can buy
05:39that will help you outsmart the Axis. No, no, you have it all wrong. You see, for me, um, buying
05:45things helps me get a clear headspace, I guess is how I should say it, and that will help me think
05:50of a plan to defeat the Axis, you follow me? Okay, that just sounds like you have a severe
05:56shopping addiction. Yeah, whatever, it's time for a new PVP marketplace, let's go! Siwat led me to
06:02one of the armor stand doors, and told me behind this wall was the PVP marketplace for the Bow
06:07civilization. He said that a key item needed to shop in the PVP marketplace was a spyglass. I
06:13wasn't really sure why though, and then I'm pretty sure he said something under his breath, like he
06:17hoped my bow would break and I'd die. I don't know, I kind of chose to block it out, but whatever. It
06:21seems like the other civilizations not liking the swords has kind of been a long-standing issue,
06:25so I guess at the end of the day, Siwat letting me live and go on a shopping spree is kind of a
06:30step in the right direction. The Bow civilization's PVP marketplace looked wildly different than the
06:35one I was used to. For starters, the armor stands were very far away, and I couldn't even read what
06:40I was buying. The armor stands were only able to be hit by using a bow, which was a problem for me
06:45because I soon realized I wasn't good with a bow and arrow. If I was actually someone who was born
06:49as a bow, well, judging by this performance, I probably wouldn't have survived for very long.
06:54Eventually though, I got the hang of it, and my arrows started to actually hit the armor stand.
06:58After landing five successful PVP attacks, an item popped out of the dispenser. This was the
07:03item Siwat told me would be necessary for shopping in the PVP marketplace, a spyglass. Apparently,
07:09it's also useful for bows in general for being able to spot enemies from afar, but I really don't
07:14care about that. I just care about the shopping part. Now that I could use the spyglass and zoom
07:18in to read exactly what I was buying, I was disappointed. I mean, the PVP marketplace in
07:23the sword civilization was so much better. I mean, I bought a PVP speaker system, a video journal
07:27machine. The only thing that seemed remotely cool to me was this item display frame that I bought
07:32for 50 attacks. Now that I think about it, maybe the swords having a better PVP marketplace selection
07:37is why they want to wipe us all out. Yeah, that doesn't make any sense. I noticed that the more
07:43expensive items in the bow civilization had armor stands that were very far away, so given my bow
07:48capabilities, it probably wasn't worth my time to buy any more stuff. At the end of the day,
07:53Tabi is out there somewhere most likely getting ready to steal the other eternal weapons,
07:57so keeping that in mind, I should probably pick up the pace a little bit. Before going back to my
08:01room, however, I decided to check out the entrance to the bow civilization. It looked like the door
08:06was open and operated the same way the door to the sword civilization did. My guess is that these
08:10four armor stands are also responsible for opening and closing this giant entrance. The difference
08:15here, however, is the bows probably had no reason to keep their door closed like the swords did,
08:20because they weren't afraid of the other civilizations attacking them. But I guess
08:24the decision to keep the door open backfired because Tabi and whoever the other axe was just
08:29walked straight in and stole the eternal bow. It's crazy to think that if I had just made it here a
08:34little bit earlier, I would have seen Tabi standing in this exact same spot, probably next to someone
08:39she trusts to have her back. I really thought that would be me, you know, just two best friends
08:45fighting to survive another day. While I'm grateful for the family I found, I honestly would do
08:50anything for one more time when it's just Tabi and I against the world. Unfortunately, I ended up
08:55with just me and this guy. To answer your question, no, I didn't journal. Anyways, what'd you find?
09:01Well, I learned that Tabi was definitely here, and I also learned that the shopping here is
09:05pretty bad. I mean, I'm all for buying useless stuff, but like, I mean, come on, an item display
09:09frame? That's just sad that that's the best thing they have to offer here. Well, if you paid all
09:13those PvP attacks for it, you might as well put some item on display. All right, you make a fair
09:18point. I guess it would be kind of cool if my sword was displayed here. It's just like, when you do
09:24this stuff, it's impossible to feel bad for you. The last time I died and respawned, I woke up to a
09:30fight that almost cost me my power of immortality, which is why I got out of bed swinging my sword
09:35everywhere, just in case that happened again. But thankfully, it seemed like I could get my respawn
09:39power in peace this time. And while I did manage to get this respawn through, I should really start
09:44being more careful in the outside world, because if I lose this respawn power, that could be the
09:49difference between life and death for my friends. The diamond swords are trusting me to be disciplined.
09:54So, with that being said, I'm definitely not telling them that I just died by throwing my
09:58sword in an item frame. I also lost my bow, but on the bright side, I'm back to full durability.
10:03Hey, what's up, Wemboo? What are you doing? Oh yeah, what's good, bro? I was trying to turn the speakers
10:07back on, but whatever, it doesn't matter. What's up? Well, the eternal bow is gone, so that's not
10:12good, but I'm doing alright. Wait, did you say the eternal bow is already gone? How is that even
10:18possible? Apparently, Tabby and another axe wiped out almost all of the bow civilization. I don't
10:23know, there's a lot to break down, but just come with me, I'm gonna go journal. Trusting a sword to
10:27save us all? No, that would just be reckless. I am fine with us not being targets at the moment,
10:33though. Hey, what happened up there? You were gone for a while, I thought you died. Please tell me
10:38the axes are gone. The axes are gone, but a diamond sword is here now. Long story short,
10:44the kid let us off the hook. Wait, did you just say a diamond sword is here? How are you even
10:50still alive? I'm alive because he didn't want to fight me. I have no clue what the deal is with
10:56this kid. I mean, he practically vented his whole life story in front of me. I wasn't really
11:01understanding any of it, but I think I came to the conclusion that this kid Evbo has the power to
11:07respawn. Trust me, I can tell by the look in his eyes he wasn't exactly afraid to die. That can't
11:13be possible. Remember that guard we paid? He told us the diamond sword named Faray had the respawn
11:18power. Right, so either that guard was lying, which I doubt, or there's something else going
11:24on here. Do you think it's possible that this Faray guy gave the power to Evbo? I doubt it.
11:30Why would anyone give up the power to live forever? Valid point, which leads me to think
11:36maybe this power can be shared somehow. I think it's about time we get a whole new perspective.
11:43The axes are going to get the eternal weapons, there's no doubt about that, and we're in no
11:47condition to stop them. So, I say we shift our attention to this respawn power. If we find out
11:53how to obtain this power, we just might be able to come out of this on top. So yeah, that was pretty
11:59much my journey in the bow civilization. Fortunately, Wenbu and I are boys, so we're
12:03kind of keeping that whole item frame death thing between us. But anyways, let's look at the bigger
12:08problem at hand. Tabi has the eternal sword, the eternal bow, and probably the eternal axe if I had
12:13to guess. So now, all she needs is the trident and the shield. If we can't stop her before she gets
12:18those two, well, it's probably not going to look good for us. Hey, you think I can finish the uh,
12:22the video journal update? Are you kidding me? Of course you can! Alright, so, the situation
12:28is not great, but I believe that we can overcome this with a positive mindset. What now? Oh,
12:41right. Okay, signing off. That was beautiful. I mean, that was seriously really good. Wait,
12:45check this out. I think we got a message. Looks like Parrot's got more to say, I guess. I'm not
12:49gonna lie, I probably haven't recovered from his last message, but oh well. I guess let's give this
12:54a listen. Hello F-Bow, and the other diamond swords I'd imagine. I have to admit, the outcome
13:00of our last fight was unexpected to say the least. I might even accept the fact that you've become
13:06outright better than me at sword pvp. Be that as it may, I don't need to be better than you.
13:12You see, me being alive threatens your existence, your ability to respawn over and over again.
13:18Each time you die, you'll never know if I'll be there waiting to get rid of you for good.
13:23And that thought alone scares you enough to give me the advantage. Honestly, you should be thanking
13:28me for helping you not take life for granted. Hey, uh, I don't know about you, but I'm thinking
13:33this is not very good. Bro, obviously this is not good. Parrot is literally nowhere in sight,
13:38and this is supposed to be from him. Okay, just making sure we're on the same page. Anyway,
13:43I need to make it out of the sword civilization alive, for reasons that don't concern any of you.
13:48The way I see it, if I drop down to your level, I'll die before I reach the exit.
13:53And if I try fighting, well, it doesn't take a genius to know how a 5 vs 1 will turn out.
13:58So, that is why I have leverage. Your friend Parrot should be enough to let me walk out if
14:04you're unharmed. If you decide to take me out, then I come right back to this iron sword level
14:09and Parrot dies. Alternatively, you might come up with a plan to have Evbo die and wait for me to
14:14respawn to prevent me from taking out Parrot, but choosing that route assumes Evbo can win a battle
14:19against a trident, which he's never fought before. If he can't, he dies permanently, and Parrot
14:24suffers the same fate. Now that I've made this decision obvious for you all, I'll be down there
14:29shortly. I look forward to seeing what you choose to do. The video journal machine shut off, leaving
14:35Wenbu and I speechless. But both of us were thinking the exact same thing, and that was that
14:40Prince Zam was gonna make it down here one way or another. If only I could have actually convinced
14:44Parrot to come down here, things would be different. But now, well, now he's basically just a free ticket
14:49out of here for Prince Zam. Wenbu and I filled in Minitech, Julie, and Faray, and they all came to
14:54the same conclusion. So, we decided that Prince Zam was coming down to the diamond sword level.
15:00His terms required that he would be able to leave here unharmed. So, despite having the strength of
15:05five diamond swords, all we could do was sit back and watch as Prince Zam walked right through us
15:10without suffering a single PvP attack. As he was leaving, he stopped in front of me.
15:15Parrot told me your best friend Tabby betrayed you. I guess I'm doing you a favor by getting
15:19rid of her, since she's the one collecting the Eternal Weapons. Hey, we let you leave without
15:24a scratch, so the least you can tell us is what you want. As of now, there are two things that
15:29stand in my way. You and the Eternal Weapons. Once I deal with both of those, I will be the
15:35god of this world. After that, Prince Zam jumped off the edge and escaped to the outside world.
15:41So, using his words, he wants to be a god of PvP civilization. My guess is by being the only one
15:47with the respawn power, which means he's not gonna stop fighting until one of us is gone.
15:52Minitech also pointed out that being eliminated by the Eternal Weapons gets rid of the respawn
15:57ability, so it would make sense why Prince Zam needs to collect them all in order to be
16:01truly immortal. Ugh, now I have to stop two people from getting the Eternal Weapons. This is getting
16:06complicated. Minitech, being the main strategist of the Diamond Swords, told me I didn't have any
16:11time to waste, and he was right. The struggle for power would soon be at an all-time high,
16:16now that Prince Zam is joining the fight. I have no concepts of a plan at all, but I'll
16:20figure it out as I go, I guess. Improvising was always my thing, anyways. For a second,
16:25I thought I caught up to Prince Zam because there was a player standing directly in front of me,
16:29but this? This was definitely not him. Whoever this was wasn't even moving. Um, uh, hello? Who
16:37are you? For a moment, I thought this player didn't even notice me, but a second later,
16:41he turned around and I saw the weapon in his hand. This was not just some ordinary player,
16:46this was a Diamond Axe. We both stood there staring at each other in the middle of the
16:50desert. I had no clue what to say or what to even do, but soon enough, the Diamond Axe spoke.
16:57You don't seem nervous. Usually, people run from the sight of a Diamond Axe,
17:02but I guess your respawn ability must be the source of your confidence.
17:05What? How? How does this guy know that I have the respawn ability? I stood there frozen,
17:10not knowing what to think of this situation. This Diamond Axe knows who I am somehow,
17:14so what is his game plan? Why haven't you attacked me yet?
17:19I could ask you the same thing. I, I don't know. I guess I'm holding out hope that you might be
17:26good? But just as I said that, the player with the axe sprinted towards me. It's been so long,
17:31I had almost forgotten that this was a world of PvP, so now it's time to see if I can truly survive
17:36in it. We both landed an attack on each other, but the axe was faster than I was and landed a
17:41critical hit, causing me to back off. What really confused me is that this player didn't continue
17:46his aggression and just stood there. Just so I have this right, you only attack people if
17:51you deem them good or bad? In all my fights in PvP Civilization, I've never had a fight go down like
17:57this. Why was he just talking to me? If he knows I'm the one with the respawn ability, shouldn't
18:02he be more cautious? Let me ask you something. In our world, where it's necessary to defeat
18:08others to survive, how do you determine who lives and who dies? To you, it must be whoever
18:14treats you well. I don't know what to say to that. Why are you asking me these questions?
18:19Tabby told me you have a strange outlook on this world. I just wanted to see for myself.
18:24Hearing Tabby's name thrown out completely made me lose sight of the situation I was in,
18:28so much that I didn't even notice the weapon the player was holding when he was walking towards me.
18:33It was only until this player was staring me straight in the face that I noticed that the axe
18:38was not a diamond axe anymore. This player was holding one of the five items capable of erasing
18:43me from this world permanently, the Eternal Axe. For some reason, I can't explain. I was
18:49petrified. I couldn't move. All I could do was just watch this player get closer and closer,
18:54knowing that I'd never get a chance to say goodbye to my family. But the player just stopped
18:58right in front of me. Now is not your time to die. So in the meantime, you think about those
19:04questions. And that was all the player said before turning around and disappearing into the desert.
19:10What was that?
19:13I met your friend Evbo just a bit ago.
19:16So, I take it he's dead then?
19:19If I said yes, how would you feel?
19:21The swords threatened our existence, so I would say you did what you had to do.
19:26We need to prepare. Getting the Eternal Trident is all that matters now.