In 2005 an unforeseen event took away the directors voice isolating him from the world. For twenty years he lived in silence yearning to reconnect with life. Whale of Rebirth is his whispered expression through film. In it a whale experiences flight fall stranding and metamorphosis before emerging reborn radiating light. This film is dedicated to those who have lost their voice forgotten by the world yet still long to be understood. It reflects the shared human journey learning to listen and give in the deepest silence while rediscovering the light of hope. THE STORY BEHIND THE FILM A quiet journey into the depths of the soul where light emerges from the darkness. In the vastness of the ocean a whale glides silently each movement carrying an unspoken longing to rise higher to break free from the depths and reach for something greater. As it weeps its tears cleanse the heart symbolizing the catharsis of transformation. These tears born of sorrow and solitude carry the wisdom of release and rebirtheach drop a step toward healing. Whale of Rebirth is a meditative exploration rooted in the directors personal journey. Through years of struggle and silence a quiet reconciliation with the self unfolds. The film becomes a dialogue not with the world but with ones inner essencewhere the faint whispers of the soul rise above the surface. The whale soaring through the vast ocean represents a journey of personal awakening. Its tears are not signs of defeat but of cleansingthe vital step before true renewal. As the whale rises from the depths so too do we emerge from our own shadows touched by fragile light reminding us that no matter how dark the world may seem there is always the possibility of transcendence. This film is not merely an art pieceit is an invitation to breathe to pause and to dive deep into ones being. In stillness one may encounter their own rebirth finding strength in silence and peace in the transformative process. Even in a broken world the whales song endures guiding us from personal pain to the healing of nations and the world with a light of hope.
Court métrageTranscription
00:30Avec le soutien de Denix
01:00Avec le soutien de Denix
01:30Avec le soutien de Denix
02:00Merci à mes Tipeurs et souscripteurs
02:30Merci à mes Tipeurs et souscripteurs
03:00Merci à mes Tipeurs et souscripteurs