• 4 days ago
Il était temps d'affronter Cradoc, pro des trickshots, aujourd'hui sur ma toute nouvelle map et le premier à apprendre les 35 compétences remporte 1000 euros ! On s'est marré comme jamais, rejoins la map et rigole avec nous 😆

Code MAP 35 Skills Challenges : 0961-0769-9130

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#EpicPartner #Jinskow #Fortnite


00:00Today, I challenged Kradok to a skill test on a brand new map, super innovative.
00:04And the person who finishes the 35 challenges first, wins 1000 euros.
00:09Kradok, are you ready?
00:11I'm ready, bro!
00:12The S210 is Jinsco, and welcome to this masterclass.
00:15Let's go!
00:15Know that you don't need to take the easter eggs.
00:17They will only be used for this golden XP piece.
00:20I'll explain later.
00:21Shall we go, Kradok?
00:22Let's go, bro!
00:24Let's go, let's go!
00:25The timer is on!
00:27The first to finish the 35 has won.
00:29I'm running, bro, I'm not even waiting for you.
00:30Ok, first, I did it.
00:31No, you're not going to take the lead!
00:33No, I fell!
00:33Oh, ok, I'm going to take the lead.
00:34No, you already fell!
00:35It's just written, perfect jump, I'm going to make it!
00:37Yes, let's go!
00:38Plus, I have the easter egg.
00:38Ok, this is a sniper test.
00:40Sniper master.
00:43Ok, it's ok.
00:43The sniper shoots 3 times.
00:45No, it's too hard to hit him!
00:46Perfect jump!
00:48You're so bad!
00:49It's ok, let's go!
00:50Side jump!
00:51Ok, tac!
00:51You have to pass on the side like that.
00:55No, I fell too!
00:56How can't you do the perfect jump?
00:57It's too hard!
00:57But the perfect jump is hard!
00:58But bro, you're so bad!
01:00Ok, no, I know the technique, Jinsco.
01:02I put my FPS at 200.
01:04It has nothing to do with it!
01:05It's not a joke!
01:06Look, guys, how I'm going to jump further.
01:07And let's go!
01:08Level 4.
01:09Ok, glass bridge.
01:10It made me roll right after, guys.
01:11Ok, look at this.
01:13And now, I'm doing it.
01:14You see, it does something.
01:15And let's go, I passed.
01:16I didn't care about his FPS, bro.
01:17I'm going to win.
01:18Sniper is with who, normally?
01:20Come on, let's go up fast.
01:21Side jump, ok.
01:22I'm a Deathrunner, me, Jinsco.
01:24But bro, you're everything but a Deathrunner.
01:25You're a trickshotter.
01:26Maybe, at the limit, you have your trickshot past.
01:28No, I fell!
01:29Yeah, well, I hope there's a trickshot level in the Jinsco map.
01:31Well, don't worry, there is.
01:32Otherwise, Kradock, you played a lot this season?
01:34My bro, I played a lot.
01:36But, on the other hand, it's a galley of XP.
01:38I don't know if you saw it.
01:39Well, know that I have a solution for you.
01:41Oh yeah?
01:42But also for you who are watching the video.
01:43I don't know if you noticed behind your screen,
01:45but at the top, it says Jinsco.
01:46It's normal, it's just because it's my new map.
01:48And since it's really brand new,
01:50if you go on it, you'll earn a crazy amount of XP.
01:52I know how hard it is to earn it this season.
01:54So we maximized everything for you.
01:56Well, if we don't earn it, it's normal.
01:58It's because we're in a beta version.
01:59But when the video comes out, it's currently online.
02:02And to find it, it's super simple.
02:03In the lobby, you'll click on the magnifying glass at the top left.
02:05You just type Jinsco, J-N-S-K-O-W in the search bar.
02:08And here's the map in question.
02:09You put it in Favorites and launch it.
02:11Finish the map with all the easter eggs
02:12to unlock the golden piece of XP.
02:14And especially the final room of XP, which brings back a lot.
02:17Cradock, I just finished the only-up.
02:19Let's go!
02:19Oh, yeah.
02:20No, but I'm struggling, bro.
02:22Okay, only-up finished.
02:23Oh, GG.
02:24Up there, I have the weapons of the new season.
02:26I don't have to shoot them, I just have to run.
02:27Bro, there are so many zombies, it's so hard!
02:29But bro, you know I can hear you, I'm next to you.
02:31Okay, I'm coming.
02:32Oh, hi Jinsco!
02:34Well, actually, no, I'm fine with it.
02:35Bro, right now, there will be twice as few zombies.
02:39Go ahead, I'll leave the zombies to you.
02:40No, no, bro, don't worry, you can take them.
02:41Oh, yeah, look at him, look at him.
02:43But bro, are you kidding me?
02:44So, here, man's head.
02:45The zombies are coming too!
02:46What am I doing?
02:48Oh, we have 10 HP, I didn't see it!
02:49We have 10 HP, I would have gotten one-shot if I had been hit.
02:52Imagine that I would have started the minute again.
02:53Ah, it's too bad, bro, it's too bad.
02:55Come on, hi my friend!
02:58No, it's...
02:59It's falling on me.
03:00Bro, I have traps.
03:01Oh my God, but it's so OG, guys, I don't know if you've seen it.
03:04Oh yeah, incredible.
03:05Okay, perfect.
03:06Come on, 15 seconds, quick!
03:07Oh, it's hot, it's hot, it's hot.
03:09I had to jump on it, I'm so stupid!
03:11Guys, I have an idea.
03:14It's okay.
03:16No, go ahead, don't worry, don't worry.
03:17I'll pass the traps, don't worry.
03:20Hop there.
03:20So, my friend?
03:21We can't do it?
03:24Look at him, how he's...
03:25Oh, it's okay.
03:26In fact, it's okay.
03:26Oh, let's go!
03:29Let's go!
03:30Thank you for letting me pass.
03:33It's nice.
03:35Okay, and I'm done.
03:36I'm on skill 10.
03:37I've already done the third, my little cracker.
03:39No, I'm too...
03:40Oh no, it's okay.
03:41Oh, it's...
03:42Oh, it's not that easy, guys.
03:44No, I fell!
03:45It would be the end, Jinsko.
03:46You won't catch me.
03:48I'm so sad.
03:48Okay, I have to catch you.
03:50Oh yeah, the guy is...
03:51Oh, bro, I'm comfortable.
03:53I did a roll!
03:54Oh no, you passed in front of me.
03:55Come back here!
03:56Oh no, oh no.
03:56Oh, I'm too hot.
03:57Come on, I can jump right there, I think.
04:00Am I done or not?
04:00Okay, Jinsko.
04:02Oh, it's annoying.
04:03But go ahead, don't wait for me, bro.
04:04There's 1,000 euros to win, don't forget.
04:06Trick shot, grappler.
04:07Oh yes, there's trick shot, Jinsko.
04:09Bro, it's...
04:10It looks like you don't want to win the 1,000 euros.
04:11The guy is taking his time.
04:12Okay, watch out.
04:133, 6.
04:15And there you go, it's easy.
04:16But the wave shot, it's an old trick shot.
04:18They wanted me to do it.
04:23Between his legs!
04:25It's a joke!
04:26It's a joke.
04:26I shot between his legs, guys.
04:28Okay, I pass the next level in 3, 2, 1.
04:31You're a big loser.
04:32You're just a big loser, bro.
04:34But I'm too stupid, I trembled!
04:37But what?
04:37I can't do the minus 200.
04:38Come on, move, move!
04:41Come on, go, go, go, go!
04:42Yes, it's good!
04:43Come on, let's go!
04:43Goodbye, my friend!
04:45Come on!
04:45Oh, I took the easter egg in addition.
04:47Okay, okay, okay.
04:49I didn't succeed either!
04:50Come on, come on, come on!
04:52Go, go, go!
04:53But what?
04:56Let's go, I did it!
04:58Okay, now I have to find a secret door.
04:59Okay, it's memory.
05:01Let's go, I found it.
05:02I won't tell you what door I found.
05:04Oh, come on.
05:05Please, how many euros do you take from my basket if you give me the doors?
05:09No, no, I won't give you the doors.
05:11It's a kind of collaboration.
05:12It's super hard!
05:15But I can't be more on the target, bro!
05:17How did you do it?
05:18Come on, please, please, please.
05:20There are too many doors!
05:21You have to remember everything.
05:22And there, I would say that...
05:25I can't, bro, the Thunder Pump there.
05:27You know you can't skip the levels, huh?
05:28It's forbidden for the video.
05:30Oh yeah?
05:30Well, no, bro.
05:31But damn!
05:32Hey, I think the people who watch the video...
05:33The people who watch the video must be better than us, bro.
05:36It's possible.
05:37There's a strat I don't have.
05:38You're going to give it to me.
05:39Bro, I told you.
05:40You have to shoot just before me.
05:41I shoot a microsecond.
05:43I have the target in the throat.
05:45I have the target in the throat.
05:47Oh, what did I do?
05:48I skipped the memories.
05:49Rocket Bounce.
05:50It works.
05:51Come on, go ahead.
05:52Oh, it's hard.
05:53Oh, okay.
05:54And now I have to hit the target.
05:55But I can't just shoot there?
05:57Oh yes!
05:58Oh, damn.
05:58Did you finally pass?
05:59Come on, good luck with the memory.
06:04I passed!
06:05This door.
06:07It's not there.
06:08Okay, Don't Press.
06:08Well, I'm going to...
06:13No, is this a joke?
06:14I'm back at level 1?
06:17Oh, it's good!
06:17Oh, it's a troll!
06:18I was wrong!
06:21Come on, dear!
06:22Oh, man, I was shocked.
06:23Barre de baiser, bro.
06:24My head was in the air.
06:26The memory test...
06:27It's going to be complicated for me.
06:28Yeah, yeah.
06:29I understand that.
06:30I don't really understand the riddles.
06:31It's good, I passed.
06:32I don't even know how I did it.
06:35Did you see what I just did, guys?
06:36I kept going up.
06:37Oh my God!
06:38Dude, I'm at level 17.
06:39I took a huge lead.
06:40I'm warning you.
06:41No, no, by the way...
06:42What just happened is crazy.
06:43Guys, I swear, I didn't play the map.
06:45Anyway, for example, I've never done the labyrinth.
06:47And at least we can see that there's an arrow at the bottom.
06:48So it's good.
06:50I found a technique to cheat at the door.
06:52Oh yeah?
06:53No, you shouldn't show it in the video.
06:55Don't do that!
06:57Oh my God!
06:57Oh, dirty dog!
07:00I looked through.
07:00I saw that there were arrows all to the left.
07:02So I knew I had to go all the way to the left.
07:04I just had to go to the right.
07:05The guy is cheating in his own map!
07:07Can you tell me which one I have to shoot at?
07:10Yeah, don't worry, don't worry.
07:11Don't worry.
07:11All the time.
07:12I shoot at the top directly.
07:13Well, go ahead.
07:14Okay, let's go!
07:15I passed!
07:16I'm at level 18, dirty dog.
07:17I'll have to move my butt.
07:18Okay, there's a kind of huge ramp.
07:21Okay, I jump.
07:22Let's go!
07:23Come on, I'm going out!
07:25Did I succeed?
07:27Okay, what do I have to do now?
07:29Okay, I fall.
07:30Oh no, I had a Fizz!
07:31I had to activate it!
07:33I shouldn't have said it!
07:35You had a Fizz?
07:36Okay, yeah.
07:37I'll save, I'll save.
07:37No, no, don't worry.
07:38I didn't have a Fizz, bro.
07:39Come on, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead.
07:40Okay, it's good, let's go!
07:41Hop there!
07:42I'm at level 20, dirty dog.
07:44Oh yeah?
07:45Yes, yes, yes.
07:46I have a little bike there.
07:47Oh my God!
07:47It's not that complicated, but...
07:49I don't want to make a mistake.
07:50Go ahead, go ahead.
07:51Let's go!
07:51Well guys, we have a little time to talk.
07:53We're among ourselves.
07:54Friends, if you want to take two seconds
07:55to just put the map in favor and like it,
07:57it will be enormously helpful.
07:59And if you want us to add more levels
08:01or make other maps that are as good as this one,
08:04well, that's how you can help us.
08:05Thank you to those who will do it.
08:06I continue, Kradok.
08:07I don't know where you are.
08:08You're still in memory.
08:09Oh no, you're at the Rocket Bounce.
08:10Yeah, I have to shoot the one at the top.
08:12Yeah, yeah, don't worry.
08:14But yes, I don't know which one it is.
08:16I don't know which one it is, bro.
08:18It's a cheater.
08:18No, I fell while trying to hit you.
08:21A cheater, okay.
08:22The guy looked through the doors of the memories.
08:24He says I'm the cheater.
08:25Ah, but you have to shoot.
08:26Ah, you have to find what thing.
08:27Ah, I think I got it, actually.
08:29But what? But you didn't know.
08:30But I'm sure you knew.
08:31Have you ever done stuff like that?
08:32No, usually.
08:33But usually, it's a path.
08:34But yes, brother.
08:35But no, usually you have to shoot at something.
08:38It bounces off all the masts there.
08:39And it must hit the target.
08:40Hey, bro, that's different.
08:41It's a little easier.
08:42Don't press.
08:43Don't press.
08:43Go ahead, I'm not pressing.
08:44But go ahead, press, two seconds.
08:45Just to see.
08:46I'm sure I have to wait.
08:47Don't press the button.
08:47I'm sure there's a timer, like 20 seconds.
08:50Oh, la, la, la, la, la.
08:51I'm the GOAT.
08:52But, bro, you know I'm in a hurry.
08:53And I'm back to level 1.
08:55Like, really.
08:56Find the button.
08:57That's known.
08:58That's good.
08:58It's activated in green.
08:59It's activated in green.
09:00So, I'm going to leave it.
09:01You're level 18, right?
09:02Uh, yeah.
09:02No, level 21.
09:03Well, anyway.
09:04Yeah, okay.
09:04I just passed level 21.
09:05Cloud dropper.
09:08Oh, yes.
09:09Labyrinth now.
09:11Okay, I have to go through the clouds.
09:13But really, the labyrinth.
09:14They've already seen it, brother.
09:16Oh yeah?
09:16On my skin.
09:18Hey, I won't tell you where we're going.
09:19There, I can react.
09:20You see?
09:20There, I can say things.
09:23Okay, here, a bag's ass in the labyrinth.
09:24But, actually, brother.
09:26I already went through the labyrinth.
09:27I don't know if...
09:28I don't know if you followed me.
09:28But, you know, you're trolling and everything.
09:29There's 1,000 euros to win, man.
09:31I don't know if you realize.
09:32Let's go!
09:32I passed!
09:33Oh, dodge, brother.
09:34It's super hard.
09:34No, but...
09:38On the right track, there.
09:38I'm good, there.
09:39No, no.
09:39You're on nothing, there, man.
09:41Oh, it smells like hunger.
09:42Do you smell it?
09:42No, no.
09:43We only smell the fact that you're a big noob.
09:45But, what is this labyrinth?
09:46But, bro, that's how it works.
09:49No, but...
09:50Oh, I'm passing the levels and not you.
09:52Ah, but we can do that.
09:53Guys, don't tell Kradock.
09:55Oh, let's go.
09:55I found the easter egg, but not the exit.
09:58Man, I'm a gey the logo.
09:59It's stylish.
10:02Guys, the one-piece, you can't fool me.
10:03Like, I'm a big fan.
10:04Oh, it's hard.
10:05Oh, it's hard.
10:07Ryo, are you coming or what?
10:08Uh, yeah.
10:10You're crazy.
10:10But, bro, where are you?
10:11Do you want me to tell you?
10:12Go ahead.
10:13I want to die on the...
10:14I want to fart on the labyrinth.
10:16He's stuck again.
10:17Bro, I'm the one who's going to win the 1,000 euros.
10:18That's for sure.
10:19Okay, well, okay.
10:20The photoshop, at least, is too bad.
10:23At least, we're sure that's it.
10:24Disney, that's it.
10:25Uh, yeah.
10:26Well, I was there, guys.
10:27I don't have to be wrong.
10:28I've done the whole labyrinth.
10:29I'm sure except for the exit.
10:30I've done the whole labyrinth.
10:30I'm sure except for the exit.
10:31But, bro, I swear.
10:33I've criss-crossed all the points of the labyrinth.
10:35Oh, la, la, la, la, la.
10:37And thank you.
10:37But, bro, you say,
10:38Oh, la, la, la, la, la.
10:39It's been an hour and a half, bro.
10:40Not at all.
10:41It's been between 15 and 20 minutes.
10:42But, anyway, I've done it.
10:44I'm level 24.
10:45Well, look.
10:46The mega ramp.
10:47Are you ready or not?
10:47I'm a pro.
10:51Here's the mega ramp.
10:53I'm surprised you have advanced levels.
10:54The mega ramp, I one-shot it.
10:56Okay, now I'm at Fizz Save.
10:58Bro, I'm still on the course.
10:59Oh, it's something like that.
11:00But what level are you at?
11:01I'm level 19.
11:03But, bro, I've put you in a storm.
11:05The euros, you're going to give them to me.
11:08There's one level you're going to struggle.
11:10Okay, Fizz Save.
11:11Actually, I think it's simple.
11:12Here's the Fizz Save.
11:14Yes, of course.
11:14They saw that it was simple on my POV.
11:15But here, actually, it's a bit hard.
11:16Because here, I fall, it's over, bro.
11:18After, you see, I have a disadvantage.
11:20I'll tell you what.
11:20I have ping, me.
11:21So what?
11:21It means that you should have...
11:22You see, if you were Fairplay,
11:23you would have left me, like, 5 minutes ahead.
11:25What are you talking about, bro?
11:26You have a past as a trickshotter, man.
11:28What's the relationship between Fizz Jump and trickshot?
11:31Okay, okay, I'll give you that.
11:33Oh, oh, no!
11:34Oh, yes, it's good!
11:36Oh, the bike.
11:37The bike is stressful a bit.
11:38I don't know if you see what I mean.
11:40Okay, the bike.
11:41Okay, I have to jump there.
11:43I'm not a bike YouTuber, me.
11:45You're a trickshot YouTuber.
11:46Come on, go, go, go, go, go!
11:47Come on, come on, pass, pass!
11:48Let's go, guys!
11:49We're at skill 24.
11:49We have to go!
11:52I go on.
11:52Okay, it's good.
11:54The bike, one shot.
11:55I can't wait to see Kradock succumb.
11:58Come on, come on, pass.
12:00Oh, okay, it was easy.
12:01I thought there was something else.
12:03Yes, you big noob.
12:04Anyway, I'm slaying the course.
12:07A small staircase.
12:08Hop, hop, I don't see what's...
12:09You're not going to get me.
12:10This is Canada.
12:12One Piece.
12:13There's no record.
12:16But you...
12:17Shut up, Jean-Pierre.
12:17Bro, I'm forced to hit the course again.
12:19You can't fail once.
12:20Did you fail a lot, Gazelogo?
12:22Twice, I think.
12:23I went to the wrong McDonald's.
12:24I didn't even look.
12:25Bro, you're so bad.
12:26Bro, you failed four times.
12:28But you're a noob.
12:29But you're so bad.
12:30So you're with me now.
12:31Oh, damn.
12:31No fail, Obby.
12:32Oh, damn, you're with me.
12:34You're with Obby too?
12:35Yeah, I can't fail.
12:36But you're so bad.
12:37What do you mean, you're so bad?
12:38The course is super long, bro.
12:39Okay, for now, nothing hard.
12:41You see, the fact that you're dead,
12:42I think you're not very good.
12:43Yeah, well...
12:44Oh, if you die...
12:45Oh my God, the session van you're going to take.
12:47The session van you're going to take.
12:49Because I just passed level 25.
12:50Look at him, he's over there.
12:51Look at him.
12:55No, I...
12:57I rolled.
12:58I think I have two cubes left.
13:00I'm stupid.
13:00Yes, yes.
13:02No, but I'm bad too.
13:04Okay, okay.
13:05Yes, I passed.
13:08Level 26.
13:08Escape game.
13:10Okay, for now, I'm really going to shut up.
13:11You won't know anything.
13:12But what do I have to do?
13:13There's something activated here.
13:15Oh, damn.
13:16It did that on purpose.
13:18I didn't know you could push the walls to climb.
13:20Okay, it's my turn.
13:21Okay, then there's this to do.
13:24Then there's what?
13:25Okay, well, the hobby.
13:26The hobby, it's easy.
13:27There you go, one shot.
13:27Of course, they saw the hobby on my POV that it's easy.
13:31Perfect timing.
13:31I managed the moving cubes.
13:33The last one.
13:35Let's go.
13:36You see, when you shut up, it's perfect.
13:38No, but...
13:38Oh, but you...
13:39I opened the door for you.
13:42Oh, that's crazy.
13:43The escape game is so good.
13:44Bro, it's really hard to have in time.
13:46Anyway, Kradoc...
13:47I wouldn't say it, but I think I found it.
13:50Yes, yes, yes.
13:51I found it.
13:52Hey, Kradoc.
13:56I passed.
13:58Okay, it's math.
13:59Okay, easy.
13:59Guys, I was a pro in math, I'm telling you.
14:01After that, it's math, but it's super simple.
14:03Guys, just one thing.
14:04The moment you're going to see the video,
14:05the puzzles will change a bit.
14:07So you can redo the map.
14:08Don't worry about that.
14:09There's no problem.
14:10Oh, I almost made a mistake.
14:10Oh, there's a moment, there's a little...
14:12Six minus eight must be four.
14:17It's okay, I'm done.
14:19I'm coming, I'm coming.
14:20Don't worry.
14:21I have to hurry up, I'm running.
14:22But bro, bro.
14:23There, I have such a hard thing.
14:27What am I going to do?
14:28Start the lava.
14:30I'm dead.
14:31You took my lava.
14:33No, I fell.
14:35It would be too bad if you struggled at the last level.
14:37Because it's the only level I know.
14:39I can assure you that it is impossible.
14:40Well, okay.
14:42No, but it changes me.
14:43It doesn't change anything that I know it.
14:44You'll see.
14:45Come on.
14:46Oh, I almost fell by the way.
14:48Okay, perfect.
14:48Hey, Kradoc.
14:49Kradoc, there, you see the rocketry, it's a little hard.
14:51But for real.
14:51There, there, there, there's a little rocket launcher.
14:53Never in my life will I rocket you.
14:54Never in my life.
14:56No, but never in my life.
14:57After, I'll help you after.
14:59Who believes it, guys?
15:01Who believes it, guys?
15:02In fact, if I don't pass, you won't pass.
15:04No, I wanted to push you.
15:06Can't you stop, bro?
15:07It's not that.
15:12We're not going to stay 400,000 years, we do it once each.
15:14I'll get here first.
15:18Oh yes.
15:18Oh no.
15:19Oh yes.
15:20The karma.
15:21The karma does things so well.
15:23There's no karma at all, bro.
15:26Oh yes, me too.
15:31No, I almost.
15:32But no, but it's a joke.
15:34Hop there.
15:35Hop there.
15:36Let's go.
15:38Okay, hard jump.
15:39Okay, it's like the first level.
15:41Oh, but there are several.
15:45Oh, I watched it.
15:48But go ahead.
15:48Yes, level 32, there are three left.
15:51Bro, I'm taking you for a big asshole.
15:53Oh, but there are others.
15:54I don't know.
15:55Okay, I go down.
15:55I take this.
15:56I take this.
15:57And I take this.
15:57Okay, it's the best stuff.
15:59Hop there.
16:00Let's go.
16:01Okay, hard water jump.
16:02It's done.
16:03What's that?
16:04Oh, it's the same thing as in Squid Game.
16:06No, I fell.
16:07But it's so cool.
16:08Yes, my guy, the map is so cool.
16:10By the way, guys, I played it very, very often.
16:12In order to train, in order to find new levels, etc.
16:15So join me.
16:16I'll be there all the time.
16:17Oh la la.
16:17Don't forget to type Jinsco in the search bar.
16:19I keep going, I keep going.
16:20I don't need the easter egg.
16:21Trick shot, let's go.
16:22Come on, you have to handle the trick shots well.
16:25You have to.
16:25The son...
16:26Well, look.
16:27One shot, otherwise I'm the worst trick shotter.
16:28There you go.
16:29Okay, perfect.
16:30Let's go.
16:30Oh, the last one, guys.
16:31Impossible trick shot.
16:32The target is all over there.
16:33Let's go.
16:34We take the pad and we have to avoid all the traps.
16:36Oh my God.
16:39Yes, it's a trick shot.
16:39Oh, shit.
16:40But it's true that you have...
16:41No, go ahead, bro.
16:41Come on, come on, come on, come on.
16:44I'm so hot.
16:44There's a thousand euros playing.
16:46You have to hurry up.
16:47Don't worry, I'm trying.
16:48I'm not talking anymore.
16:48Come on, come on, come on, come on.
16:51No, but the ball is going everywhere with the sniper.
16:54Well, for the trick shot.
16:55Are you ready, guys?
16:56No, he's watching.
16:57For the trick shot.
17:00Okay, if he sees a cat, you...
17:02But what?
17:10A thousand euros, Kradoc.
17:13Well, friends, I hope you enjoyed the video.
17:14If you join the map, right here,
17:16we put a gigantic dispenser.
17:18Don't hesitate to get them.
17:19It brings back a lot.
17:20We have items with the coins you got.
17:222 XP with the chairs.
17:23And at worst, if you don't have enough gold,
17:25hop, you farm here.
17:25And if you got all the easter eggs,
17:27you get the golden coin
17:28which brings back even more than the others.
17:31Subscribe with the logo at the top right.
17:33And put the notification bell
17:34to not miss any of the next videos.
17:36It was Jinsco.
17:37It was Kradoc.
17:37There's also a video at the bottom right
17:38if you want to watch a new one.
17:40Come on, hurry up and click.
17:413, 2, 1.
