• 4 days ago
Aujourd'hui j'ai réalisé 4 pièges de fou furieux à l'aide d'un bug qui me permets littéralement d'entrer dans le coffre-fort du train avant même son ouverture avec la thermite et ça s'est bien passé comme prévu ! La vidéo est folle comme d'habitude, bon visionnage les amis 🙌

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#EpicPartner #Jinskow #Fortnite


00:00In this video, I went inside the train's safe before it even opens!
00:07I planned 4 strategies to try to trick the enemies, and the last one has literally never been realized!
00:12We don't lose any more time, we leave the 17 jinx and we're off!
00:15Let's go for the very first game where we will just...
00:18First, try to do the bug because it's super hard!
00:20And we can also see if it really works, friends!
00:23We're on one of the most masterclass videos, but just before we leave and we really start doing what we have to do,
00:28I have a very small request to ask you
00:30Can you put the notification bell?
00:32I'm asking you because the next video is going to be a banger
00:35I can't wait for you to see it
00:36It's super important for me
00:38So either you put the bell or you make sure to watch the next video
00:41I can count on you
00:42Let's go, we're waiting for the train to arrive
00:44I'm going to look around in the meantime
00:45You know
00:46The train is going to arrive very quickly
00:48I know the way
00:49Yeah, yeah, I'm starting to see it on the map
00:50It's coming
00:51Ok, let's go up, let's go up, let's go up
00:52We're on the train in no time
00:54Come on, get back
00:55I hope there's no one on it
00:56Normally it's good, I see there's no one
00:57Ok, the turrets are activated
00:59Ok, it's hot
00:59So what you have to do guys
01:00You have to get on top of
01:02The cabin where there is the safe
01:05Right here you see a kind of roundabout
01:07Basically our goal is to get on the roundabout
01:09And that's it
01:10To go through
01:11But it's super hard to get directly into the safe
01:13There's a guy
01:14But I have to smoke him
01:18He's going to make me lose the train
01:19Get out of here, brother
01:22Oh, it was extremist
01:23Oh, it was so extremist
01:24By the way, I have no more HP
01:25It's hot what's going on
01:26Ok, I have a strat normally to get in
01:28Before we get to Brutal Boskard
01:30Ok, quick
01:30Get down
01:31Ok, perfect
01:31I have a technique to get into the train almost 100%
01:33But for that, we have to be at Brutal Boskard
01:35Guys, friends
01:36We're going to make it for the first time in the video
01:38I'm so excited
01:39Normally, there's an invisible wall
01:41Well, rather an invincible wall
01:42And basically the goal
01:43Oh, no, there's a guy
01:44Oh my God
01:45There's a guy
01:46Quick, move forward
01:47Oh no guys, it's way too slow
01:48It's way too slow
01:49Ok, I have to take the invisible wall
01:51So that I'm at the right place
01:53Right at this moment
01:54Ok, the train is going to restart
01:55So, quick
01:56Go, hop
01:56I'm getting in
01:58Go, go, go, go
02:00I'm over-bugged
02:01I'm so bugged
02:02Get in
02:03Get in
02:04I'm in
02:05How am I in?
02:06I'm in...
02:08It's even better than what I wanted guys
02:09Oh, it's incredible
02:10It's incredible what's happening
02:11Oh, the masterclass
02:12Ok, friends
02:13There's a guy taking care of the train just above
02:15I can't see him because we're literally well blocked
02:17I just hope he doesn't see me
02:19I'm going to re-broadcast
02:20But normally, he doesn't see me
02:21And he didn't see me
02:22Oh, he's here
02:23He's right here
02:24Wait, can we...
02:24Can I shoot him?
02:25Can I shoot...
02:26No, I can't shoot outside
02:26Ok, so...
02:27Oh, we can see each other, look
02:28We can see each other
02:29We can see each other
02:30But the guy, as soon as he gets in
02:31He's dead
02:32Can we shoot inside?
02:32Wait, I'm trying
02:33No, we can't shoot inside
02:34In fact, I'm really stuck
02:35Until he opens the train
02:36And again, like...
02:37Come on, come on
02:37At the same time
02:38Open the train
02:38Get in
02:39Oh, I'm going to smoke him so much guys
02:40He's opening the train
02:41It's ok, he's opening
02:42It doesn't do any damage
02:44Come on, open up
02:45Open up
02:46Come on, pity
02:47Guys, it's super hot what's happening
02:48Oh, it's ok, it's open
02:49Is it open?
02:50Am I unlocked?
02:52I even got shot!
02:53There's the guy!
02:54There's the guy right there!
02:56Ok guys, you didn't get the final result
02:58Of what I really wanted to do
03:00Oh, sorry
03:04No, I...
03:05He's about to die
03:06He's about to die
03:07Die, die!
03:08No, he died in a boat!
03:11I hope guys, you understood
03:13With this glitch
03:14I was supposed to be right here
03:15And wait for the guy inside
03:17You just saw a preview of what we can do
03:19And let's go for the second trap
03:21Let's go guys for the second trap
03:23And we're with Graphix
03:25I won't be alone for this one
03:27And so, look
03:28Do you see the skin he has?
03:29Guys, you recognized him
03:31If you saw one of my old videos
03:33He managed to scratch him
03:34When Wig was on my account
03:36So I'm going to use it
03:37Honestly, it works
03:38It's fun
03:39And honestly, it's profitable
03:40Let's say it's profitable
03:41Guys, I already briefed him
03:42He knows how to do the glitch, etc
03:44And so, we're going to do this kind of pose
03:45Directly in the train
03:46And we'll see if someone sees us
03:48Personally, and I think Graphix
03:49You can confirm
03:50If I see someone doing this
03:51Knowing that the train wasn't open before
03:53And that I don't play a lot of Fortnite
03:54Well, especially on your side
03:55Well, dude, I don't care
03:57Yeah, me bro, I don't care
03:58I take the chests
03:59And I don't care about the status
04:00I give them to you right away
04:01Yeah, seriously
04:02So, we're almost 100% sure that it works
04:04If it doesn't work, at worst
04:05It'll just be funny
04:06I briefed you, you know where we have to go
04:07You know what we have to do
04:08Come on, dude, I can't wait to see
04:10If I'm in the panel
04:11Dude, I really want to succeed
04:12If it works, it's too funny
04:14Actually, first, we have to be able
04:15To get both of us in the train
04:16So it's not our first try
04:17It's a bit hard
04:18But know that
04:19The moment I briefed Graphix
04:20He had succeeded
04:21And not me
04:22So he'll know what to do
04:23It's not his fault if we don't make it
04:24It's hard, guys
04:25I briefed him well
04:26The train is stopped
04:27For two seconds
04:28I'll try to loot it very quickly
04:29Before getting on the train
04:30Because there are guys
04:31Who can come and join us
04:32We have to be quick
04:33We have to be quick
04:34And there's the boss, dude
04:36There's a boss?
04:37I don't know
04:38Actually, he has a chance out of five
04:39To be here
04:40And he's here
04:41Wait, wait, wait
04:42Don't jump
04:43I'll destroy one
04:44She won't bother us
04:46Let's go
04:47Let's go destroy them
04:48The turrets are so annoying
04:49There's a guy
04:50She's shooting at me
04:51Come back
04:52What are you doing?
04:53I'm trying to do the glitch
04:54Yes, well seen
04:55We can try a bit
04:56Be careful of the turret
04:57It's too hard
04:58Let's not try
04:59Because we'll take too much damage
05:00I don't know
05:01We're taking so much damage
05:02He didn't hit us
05:03Ok, we stop
05:04I can try
05:05Because I can come back quickly
05:06No, I fell
05:07I'm coming in a car
05:08It's ok
05:09I managed to get a doll
05:10I'm coming, I'm in a hurry
05:11Don't worry
05:12I managed to catch up
05:13I have zero luck
05:14There's no car
05:15You have to hurry
05:16We're almost there
05:18Oh no
05:19The adventures we have
05:20It's crazy
05:21I can't do the glitch
05:22I understand
05:23It's hard
05:24It's hard to do the glitch
05:25I don't have a car
05:26If I cut
05:27It's going to be hard
05:28Do the glitch
05:29I'm coming
05:30I'm doing the glitch
05:31There's guys next to me
05:32It's ok
05:33It doesn't matter the wall
05:34One on each side
05:35I fell
05:36You fell too
05:37And there are steps
05:38What are you taking?
05:39I'm taking the turret
05:40Oh my god
05:41I'm coming
05:42You went down
05:43Go up
05:44We have to go up
05:45I'm coming
05:46There's a guy behind
05:47It's ok
05:48Come on
05:50Either we do a train
05:51Or we try to go up
05:52But I'm going to destroy the turret
05:53I think it's the turret
05:54We're going to try
05:56Go out
05:57I take care of the turret
05:58It's ok
05:59The turret is going to be destroyed
06:00In a few seconds
06:01Not at all
06:03It's not destroyed
06:04What is this glitch?
06:05What is this glitch?
06:06The turret is shielded
06:07It's ok
06:10We're going to get the termites
06:11What are you doing?
06:12Ok perfect
06:13I'm dead
06:14We can keep going in the train
06:15There are big turns
06:16We can do it differently
06:17We can either go in
06:19Or go around the train
06:21I didn't go through
06:23I'm in
06:24You're in?
06:25Ok I'm coming
06:26Let's go guys
06:27It's crazy how hot you are
06:29The scenario is perfect
06:30Don't go too far
06:31Go to the center
06:32And I'm going to go there
06:33No wait
06:34I'm going to take damage
06:35If I go there
06:36There's a guy
06:37Stop moving
06:38Do the motions
06:39I'm going to go
06:40If it goes through
06:41It's crazy
06:42If it goes through
06:43He's going to destroy
06:44Ok he's coming
06:45Grab him
06:46It's never going to go through
06:47It blew up
06:48Be careful
06:49Be careful
06:50You got it
06:51I can't go through
06:54The bots
06:55The bots
06:56The bots
06:57It's ok
07:01If it goes through
07:02I'm going to go
07:04There's a guy right there
07:05There's a guy right there
07:06He's right next to you
07:07I can't move
07:08I can't move
07:09I can't move
07:10I see him
07:11He's a mini bot
07:12I see him
07:13He's a mini bot
07:14I can't move
07:17He blew up
07:18Shoot him
07:20It's ok
07:23Let's get back
07:24We're not touching anything
07:25Let's get back
07:26There's guards
07:27It's the guards
07:28It's ok
07:29How did it happen?
07:30It works a little
07:31He hesitated
07:32There's 3 big bots
07:33There's 3 big bots
07:34I'm going to put this
07:35So we'll know when a guy comes
07:37It blew up
07:38No I don't think so
07:39Ok perfect
07:40We're so good
07:41Ok we're not moving
07:42And normally
07:43I take him
07:44Yeah really
07:45We're going to try
07:46Let's go
07:47I'm taking the opportunity
07:48The Graphix channel
07:49It's in the description
07:50If you want to subscribe
07:51Go for it
07:52We're just waiting
07:53Let's go
07:55I think it's the end
07:56It's over
07:57It was an honor
07:58Thank you for coming
07:59And guys
08:00We're going to
08:01The 3rd trap
08:02I'm so lonely
08:03Let's go
08:04For as I told you
08:05The 3rd trap
08:07We're going to have fun
08:08I don't know how many times
08:09But it's still as effective
08:10So we're going to have fun
08:11But I'm afraid
08:12To do the last trap
08:13Of this video
08:14Which has never been done
08:16It hasn't been done
08:17In the same way
08:18And it's never been used
08:19You'll understand
08:20It'll be another skin
08:21And while waiting
08:22For this skin
08:23You probably know it
08:24If you're a real OG
08:25Or if you've seen
08:26Other of my videos
08:27Or other videos
08:28Of people who use it
08:29Basically this skin
08:30Allows you
08:31With its emote
08:32To transform yourself
08:33With the appearance
08:34Of the last kill you did
08:35And in this case
08:36There's a lot of people
08:37There's a lot of people
08:38But what's going on
08:39Who's spawning here
08:40Who's spawning there
08:41Except to make this video
08:42But there are so many people
08:43But I'm filming
08:44I'm not even on veiw
08:45Let's go
08:47There's another guy
08:48He put a turret
08:49Oh no
08:50I could have used it
08:51What a shame
08:53It's ok
08:54We can't see the vest
08:55He's heading toward us
08:56Go away
08:57Ok perfect
08:58He almost killed me
08:59It might be something
09:00I'll be able to finish my sentence
09:01Maybe as I told you
09:02We can transform
09:03With the appearance
09:04Of the last
09:05There are people everywhere, there are people everywhere
09:09Come on, die brothers, die! Oh I killed the guy, it's good, there's no one left
09:12In addition there is stuff so it will attract people, it's so perfect
09:15We are so good, we are so good! Okay I take the scanner
09:18Okay maybe I got half of the stuff and maybe I shouldn't have
09:21But it doesn't matter, there were so many people, I hope there's no one in Reckless
09:24It's not Reckless anymore, it's Brutal Bastion, okay, we're getting ready
09:27The fateful moment is coming, it's so much easier to go in thanks to the walls
09:30that are invincible here. Okay, are you ready guys? 3, 2, 1
09:33Let's go, we're going down, we're waiting for the wall to
09:35be invincible, it's coming, let's go, okay, hop, we put ourselves on the side like that
09:38Hop, come on, go in, yes, it's good, I'm in, let's go!
09:41I'm in guys! Okay, so we're waiting for someone to come and
09:44simply open this train, it can take years
09:47if no one has climbed on it, we cross our fingers, oh there's a guy there, there's a guy right above
09:50Okay, maybe he's going to open the train, I don't know if he's going to open it now, knowing that
09:53Oh, I just noticed, but on this train, guys, there's the boss, we see him at the top right
09:56There's the little wolf icon, so there's obviously the boss, oh la la
09:59Oh la la, okay, he's probably going to take care of the boss
10:02He's coming, he's opening the train, he's opening the train, guys
10:05It's the fateful moment! Okay, I have to get out
10:08of the other side where the boss is, if the boss is on the right, I'm not going to the right
10:11if the boss is on the left, I'm not going to the left, okay, it's good, it's open, perfect
10:14Okay, I'm stuck in it, I'm stuck in it
10:17Quick, I'm stuck! There's a guy
10:22There's a guy, I killed him right away! There's another guy, he's right there
10:25Okay, quick, I need to kill this bot
10:27Okay, perfect, I'm transforming, guys, hop
10:30I'm doing the emotes, no, don't kill me, bot, there's a bot next to me
10:33Okay, perfect, I'm a perfect bot, let's go, there's guys around me, it's too much
10:36What the hell, what's going on? Oh la la, I'm putting on the kit, I'm putting on the kit
10:39I'm putting on the kit while the guy is behind me, the bot is on the left, he's shooting at me
10:42No, he shot me, he took me out, quick, I need to go back, quick
10:45Come on, but no, he's lasering me, guys, I have to kill him
10:48He didn't see me, no, guys, it's impossible he didn't see me
10:51He's trolling me, he's trolling me a lot, he's trolling me, it's impossible he didn't see me
10:54He's right there, I don't know if I shoot him, oh, he's healing me
11:00But I think this guy is blind, wait, we're going to throw him a little termite
11:03What's he going to do, what's he going to do? What's he doing? He's running away, he's running away
11:06Okay, he has a doubt, we keep going, we keep going
11:09They're fighting, they're literally fighting
11:14This is a joke, what's going on, I'm going to throw a termite, I'm going to throw a termite up there
11:19What's going to happen, we'll see, oh, he smashed him, the guy smashed him
11:23Okay, I put myself like this, I'm a bot, I move like this
11:26I can't look at him for a long time because I'm afraid he thinks I'm not a bot
11:29No, he understood, fuck, that sucks
11:31Oh my god, this game is crazy, I'm laughing
11:34And we're moving on to the last and ultimate strategy
11:37Let's go, final of the video, fourth and last part
11:42And as you can see, I'm with the Midas skin
11:45Why do I have Midas skin? Just before, as you noticed, we were stuck between the coin dispenser and the goal
11:50Well, know that thanks to this technique that allows you to enter the train
11:53And that also allows you to spawn the elements just after
11:57And so, we're going to be able to put ourselves inside an element
12:01As you imagined, it's Midas with gold
12:04Hop, we take the first chest here, perfect, we have a bat, we're going to be able to join the train quickly
12:08And so, the goal will be to clean the train, hoping that we don't meet anyone
12:12Okay, I jump, I go there, I go in this direction
12:14Just to see if there are people, for now, it doesn't look like it
12:17Let's see if we can loot ourselves quickly before the train arrives
12:19Oh, there's a guy, oh no, there's a guy in the car
12:20There's a guy in the car, but it should do it, well, at least I hope so
12:24Okay, he just stopped, he wants my skin
12:26Come on, please, please, let me get on the train
12:28That's good, and then the guy, oh, he's going to break my head
12:31He wants my skin!
12:32Okay, he's low, he's so low
12:34He's so low, come on, die, let's go, let's go!
12:37Oh, I hope I'm going to make it, guys, I don't know how many deaths, it's really terrible
12:41My number of deaths, guys, you don't want to know
12:42By the way, the turret is shooting, there's potentially a guy
12:46Oh, yes, he's...
12:47I can't shoot him, I can't shoot him
12:49We're going to see if he's hostile and if it comes in handy
12:51He's getting shot, we're going to let him take damage
12:53Okay, okay, let's go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go
12:56Okay, perfect, he's not here
12:57Okay, he didn't get off the platform
12:58There's a guy here, okay, we're going to go this way
13:00Come on, let's go, let's go
13:01It's the final moment of the video, come on, yes, it's good
13:03Perfect, so, okay, I think the thing is right here
13:07We really have to scale, we're scaling right here
13:08Okay, now we just have to wait for someone to open the trunk
13:10We're waiting for it, two feet away, friends
13:12Okay, it's already happening
13:14Okay, guys, it's already happening
13:17No, it's too fast
13:18Okay, there's two, one guy, two guys, I don't know
13:20Oh, la, la, la, la, guys, if you haven't done it, don't hesitate to like the video
13:22Before the final
13:23Okay, perfect, quick, okay
13:25It's okay, I'm in the gold
13:26Perfect, but I don't see anything
13:28I don't see anything
13:29He's taking care of the bots that are around
13:31Oh, I'm stressed, I'm stressed, I'm stressed
13:33He's taking care of the bots, easy
13:34I can't get out, guys, as long as I don't break
13:36I couldn't get out
13:37Oh, I can do something here
13:38Okay, we take it
13:39Okay, perfect, we opened it
13:40We'll see if it works
13:41There are people who are dancing
13:43There are two guys who are dancing
13:44Like, you're going to tell me that there's teamwork behind this
13:46No, but I can't wait to see what's going to happen
13:47I can't see
13:48I see a little thing, I see a pump
13:49Oh, I hid it so well in the gold
13:51Oh, they're breaking the gold
13:52They're breaking the gold
13:53What's going on?
13:54He's here, he's here
13:55Oh, as soon as I...
13:56I'm going to kill them, guys
13:57As soon as I get out, I'm going to...
13:58Wait, I'm waiting for...
14:01Come here!
14:02Come here!
14:06There's a guy, he hit me with a whip
14:08No, but wait, what's happening is incredible
14:10But we're going to wait
14:11I want other guys to come
14:12Actually, I think it's going to be complicated for other people to come
14:14Because there's no medallion and everything
14:15Oh, no, but...
14:16The end of the video is incredible
14:19Well, guys, I hope you liked it
14:21I was expecting there to be some team-up
14:23No, but it's really crazy
14:25Just at the top right of the screen
14:26While I'm looting to finish this little part
14:28You have a video that allows you to see what I did
14:31Just before this one, I really broke the whole season
14:33Really, the video is super interesting if you haven't seen it
14:35Don't hesitate, there are a lot of glitches really available on this season
14:38So it's sure that there's at least one or two glitches that you don't know
14:40Come on, hurry up and click it
14:41You have 3 seconds left
14:423, 2, 1
