TeleSUR correspondent Henry Camello, brings us the details on the ongoing conference for the normalization of the relations between the United States and Cuba, and the end of the U.S. blockade on the Caribbean island, which will be on session in New York City during Saturday March 15th and Sunday March 16th. teleSUR
00:00Hello and greetings from the International Conference for the Normalization of Relations
00:05between Cuba and the United States.
00:08This event is being held at the Malcolm X and Dr. Betty Shabazz Historical Education
00:13Center in Manhattan.
00:15This conference brings together various progressive and human rights organizations, both inside
00:22and outside the United States.
00:25Witnesses from each of these organizations have expressed their rejection of the U.S.
00:31government's aggressive policies against the island of Cuba.
00:36These organizations include the Cuba Sea Coalition, Women and Cuba, Women in Struggle, and the
00:42Vancouver Communities, amongst others.
00:46This event coincides with the 100th anniversary of the death of African American leader Malcolm
00:52X, who was assassinated at the very venue where the conference is being held.
00:58Attendees and panelists at this event discuss essential topics for the normalization of
01:05relations between Cuba and the United States, aware of the economic and social damage that
01:12the blockade against Cuba has caused for decades.
01:16They also advocated before U.S. congressmen and legislators for an end of the blockade
01:22and for the vote in favor of lifting the so-called economic embargo before the United Nations
01:29to be binding.
01:31Among other topics, the Cuban Family Code is also being addressed as a model for protecting
01:37the rights of different types of unions and families, in light of the Trump administration's
01:43repeal of many of its pro-LQBT rights and laws.
01:50The common denominator at this event is the energy and eloquence of the entire audience
01:57in support of Cuba, especially those from African American and Anglo-Saxon communities
02:04who throughout their trips to Cuba have been able to see that the negative concepts they
02:10grew up with about the island were completely wrong.
02:14Instead, they discovered a reality where education, health care, and social well-being are the
02:21foundation and strength of Cuba.
02:23That's my report for now.
02:25Back to the studios.