Russian President Vladimir Putin during his video call with his Venezuelan counterpart President Nicolas Maduro, as part of the 80th anniversary of relations between the two countries. teleSUR
00:00Nicolas, good afternoon.
00:06Good afternoon.
00:08Can you hear me?
00:11Esteemed President Maduro, dear friend, I am glad to have this chance to talk to you
00:21directly by video link.
00:23Our conversation is dedicated to the milestone event, the 80th anniversary of establishing
00:30diplomatic relations between our countries, and I would like to congratulate you from
00:35the bottom of my heart, to congratulate you and all our Venezuelan friends with this anniversary.
00:41We have exchanged messages, and both sides emphasized our satisfaction with the current
00:48level of the Russian-Venezuelan relations, and we expressed our interest in continuing
00:55developing these relations in the spirit of friendship and absolute mutual understanding.
01:01Russian-Venezuelan ties have a long history, and it has a lot of impressive chapters.
01:10Back in the 18th century, the national hero of Venezuela visited Russia, Francisco de
01:14Miranda, and Empress Catherine the Great even bestowed him with the title of Colonel of
01:23the Russian Army, and she even gave him Russian citizenship, and in the mid-19th century,
01:31the Russian Empire acknowledged and recognized the independence of Venezuela, which became
01:39an official start for the interstate contacts.
01:43But in March 1945, when the diplomatic war was established, it created conditions for
01:50regular political dialogue to be maintained, to expand trade and humanitarian ties, and
01:58this phase of the Russian-Venezuelan cooperation owes a lot to President Hugo Chávez.
02:08I remember with warmth all our conversations.
02:12It is due to his personal contribution, to his ideas, to the steps that he took, we managed
02:19to make a breakthrough in strengthening cooperation between our states.
02:24Currently, our relations have reached the level of strategic partnership, and today
02:30the cause of Comandante is contained by you, President Maduro, and you are standing for
02:36the sovereignty of your country and its course towards the close cooperation with Russia
02:44that is based on friendship, mutual trust and consideration for the interests of each
02:53On our part, we are doing everything that we can to give even a bigger impetus to work
03:01even more closely in trade and culture, in technical matters, in humanitarian areas.
03:10And with satisfaction, I would like to note that we have agreed on the agreement on strategic
03:16partnership and cooperation that is going to lay a good, strong foundation for further
03:22expansion of multidimensional ties between our countries in the long term.
03:29We can sign it during your visit to Russia, at your convenience, and I would be happy
03:35to see you in Moscow at the celebrations dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the great victory
03:43on May 9th, of the great victory in the Great Patriotic War.
03:47And we remember that during the difficult years of fighting against Nazism, Venezuela
03:53joined the anti-hyperionic coalition, and Venezuelan fuel played an important role.
04:03This fuel was supplied by the Lend-Lease system to our country.
04:07It helped our aviation and other military vehicles to function, to operate.
04:12And now we stand together against any manifestations of neo-Nazism and of neo-colonialism.
04:19And we appreciated that Venezuela supports Russian initiatives at the multilateral platforms.
04:26Russia and Venezuela adhere to similar positions on many matters of the global agenda,
04:34many items of the global agenda.
04:37We strive together to establish a more just world order.
04:41We promote the principles of the sovereign equality of the states,
04:45of mutually beneficial cooperation without any interference from the outside into the domestic
04:50affairs. The further strengthening of the Russian-Venezuelan strategic partnership across
04:56the board in all the sectors is in the interest of the harmonious development of our both states.
05:04My dear friend, my dear colleague, I would like to congratulate you once again.
05:08I would like to congratulate you and the Venezuelan people
05:12on the anniversary of the diplomatic relations between our countries. Thank you.