• 15 hours ago
Luma’s fav food from Open Farm!! - https://bit.ly/4jpk2AX

Thank you Open Farm for sponsoring this video!

TARTE PALETTE - https://bit.ly/3PH8hIx

tik tok: http://www.tiktok.com/aspynovard
instagram: http://www.instagram.com/aspynovard
my links: http://www.linktree.com/aspynovard
my presets: https://bit.ly/2GZdQxU

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00:00Good morning guys and welcome to today's vlog. It's been a crazy week. I've had like sick kids
00:05I feel like i'm behind on everything in my house. It's not even messy
00:08I just know there's like germs everywhere on everything. So i'm washing like all of my bedding my duvet cover
00:14I've got fresh sheets on people are crying. Hold on
00:18I have like the world's biggest pile of laundry because i'm washing like all my bedding duvet cover
00:23Like I just said but also like blankets stuffed animals kids bedding everything. So today's a laundry day
00:28I also need to get groceries. So I think i'm gonna actually leave
00:32I think i'm gonna go to trader joe's to do that
00:34I wanted to do another vlog that was like my video two videos back
00:39It was kind of like a recap of like a few weeks and then I like filmed footage and then like satan talked about it
00:43Like the new format that I talked about. I loved it
00:45So fun, but during the weeks that I was filming that I had a lot going on
00:49I was like tripping with tart doing all this fun stuff
00:51I was in new york and then now i've just been home like living normal life and i'm like, wait a minute
00:54I don't have exciting things going on
00:56Like it's not as fun to film that way when I don't have like lots of fun things happening
00:59So we'll definitely do more of those but not every video is gonna like be like that
01:03Even though the girl at my local coffee shop, she came up to me and was like, oh my gosh
01:07Love the new vlog format. So if you're watching this, thanks
01:09I might go there for lunch today actually to get a little break out of the house
01:13I'm, not sick. Luckily. I have not gotten anything and the girls are feeling better today, but like not all the way
01:18So today kind of feels like the first day in like almost a week that we're like getting back onto
01:23A little bit of a normal schedule i'm gonna try to not have the tv on all day today
01:27They've just been like resting watching shows
01:29So I think i'm gonna go out and run some errands one girl is not sick now actually so I might take her with me
01:34What else what else for this life update mostly?
01:36It's just me having a lot of laundry to do. I also need to go around and like disinfect everything
01:41I have like disinfectant wipes i'm gonna go through and disinfect all high touch surfaces
01:45And then I have like random things on my to-do list today
01:47Like I need a new screen protector for my phone. I'm gonna do that really quick except is this cracked?
01:51Amazing great week i'm having i'm actually going out of town this weekend. So that'll be fun
01:55But I have another one. I think very exciting content. Okay. This one is not cracked. So we are gonna do this one
02:01i'm gonna clean it off
02:02I dropped my phone the other day and then that's when my other one like broke
02:05But I haven't had one on for like five days now and i've been paranoid every day
02:10Oh, no, that is not in the right spot at all
02:13No, I don't think you guys can tell but this there's like a whole giant chunk at the bottom
02:17All right, you know what? That's good enough for now. It is what it is check
02:19We're gonna check that off our to-do list except
02:22No, that is not gonna actually drive me insane. Um
02:26okay laundry's going we're gonna go get groceries in a little bit go downstairs and
02:30Start disinfecting clean up the kitchen probably have some dishes to do. So
02:34Come along with me. Yeah, you can sit right there. All right, we're doing breakfast
02:38You're also obsessed with hard-boiled eggs. We're gonna do hard-boiled eggs ready one. No put it in
02:43Sorry, it's okay. That one just broke but it's okay. I'm not hot water. It's not hot water yet. No, okay
02:50No, no, no, no, no, no, no
02:52Okay, I think i'm gonna do a really soft. Okay do it really soft
02:57Oh, yeah
02:58Next we're gonna do luma's food. Shout out to open farm for sponsoring today's video. We love open farm
03:02This is what we've been using for luma for like years at this point. We have a lot of great recipes
03:06Luma loves the homestead turkey and chicken recipe. Humanely raised sustainably sourced. We're gonna mix some of this
03:12Gourmet, there's a feeding guide on the side, which is really helpful. So you know how much to do. This one is the air dry
03:19Be careful air dry harvest chicken recipe usually I need to do something like this like some kind of
03:26Can you stir it sure look she's right here she's right here she's waiting she smells it
03:33I've tried a few of their different recipes as a topper. They're all great. She's eating all of them
03:39Your spoon we're gonna stir it with a spoon, okay
03:42Thank you
03:43They have a ton of different recipe options like different proteins, so we'll get off the counter luma. Are you just waiting?
03:50Okay, let's give it to her. There you go
03:52Good puppy. You can eat it. They won't get it. I promise open farm is the best
03:55I'll have them linked down below if you guys want to check them out. Okay, we're in the car
04:00Yum, yum. I just have one baby with me. Got your cute sky headband. Yeah
04:08Yeah, he went to a coffee shop we got lunch to go got my drink do you wanna taste it yum
04:15Avocado toast. Yum
04:17We have gift cards to the bookstore from one of my grandma's just got a little outing the hip-hop patrol ones. Yeah, no way
04:27Yeah, I do okay we are back I needed groceries I went to whole foods because it was right next to the bookstore normally
04:32That's not where I go
04:34So I was interested to see what they have but i'll show you guys what I got
04:37We always have to have lollipop strawberry vanilla. It's the best
04:43I got chicken noodle soup for my sick babies and then I got like a vegan lentil one for me
04:47Which is really yummy. I also did not plan any meals
04:49I literally just walked in and bought stuff which I feel like is what i've been doing for a while
04:53If I don't have like a home chef box or something
04:56I just don't even plan meals anymore because I don't have it in me to do that
04:59We just make it up as we go, but I got bananas i've been wanting some cereal
05:03So we got these I think this is like reese's puffs but whole foods version then
05:10Some snacks so I got these little like applesauce pouch things. I also got eggs girls actually prefer scrambled tofu to eggs
05:16But eggs are just so much easier. So that's what we have. I needed milk. We got almond milk this time
05:20I've been getting pea milk because it has more protein and I like it
05:23But I just said almond this time and then orange juice. We got mint oranges. Uh, the girls also love bell peppers
05:28So I got three of those we got true fruit, of course when I got you lola remember these remember
05:33She had these at my friend's house the other day and loved them
05:35So I got some for her
05:36I always like to have something like frozen waffle frozen something in the pantry for
05:41Or in the freezer just for days when I don't have groceries. So we got some waffles
05:46These are protein waffles, which is nice because I always feel kind of bad if I give them that with fruit and there's like no
05:50Protein in it then we got these popsicles that they picked out. I also needed butter quick easy lunches
05:55I got a couple frozen burritos. We got pretzels
05:58We don't have like any crackers stuff right now. So I got those also got some pineapple, but I hate cutting pineapples
06:03So whenever I get it, I always get the pre-cut one and I got tomatoes and look what else I got. I got this for you
06:11We got a huge thing of blueberries and a huge thing of strawberries
06:14I was gonna actually order my groceries from costco this week
06:17I normally do sprouts and I was like I shouldn't order from costco
06:20It didn't work out that way because I needed a little outing. We've been in the house doing nothing tv on all day from like
06:30I was gonna go to trader joe's if I go out that's normally where I go. But usually I have everything delivered but
06:35I gotta put everything away
06:53Okay guys time to get ready I do not remember lesson that I filmed
06:58I think it was probably like a week ago
07:00So I just got back from being out of town for the weekend. So i'm doing my makeup
07:04I saw on tiktok someone like put it on their hand like this like a makeup artist lady
07:08We are copying that today. She was like put it on your hand get it like really into the brush
07:11So that's what we're doing. Yeah, so back at home doing a little reset
07:15It's always nice to get away and just remember that life exists outside of my sad house
07:20Obviously i'm doing much better mentally since like moving to california and everything
07:23But there is just like so much that goes on so much that I don't share. But anyways lately i'm like am I okay?
07:30Am I good because I don't I don't know if I actually am I kind of mentioned this on tiktok
07:34I probably mentioned it on youtube too
07:35But I started zoloft over a year ago when I was pregnant because I was so so so so so unwell
07:43Like did not know how I was gonna get through that pregnancy
07:46So i've been on that for a while and then last month I decided I wanted to switch to wellbutrin
07:51So I started weaning off the zoloft and like kind of going on to the wellbutrin
07:54but then I was out of town and I missed a couple days and I was like
07:57I think i'm just gonna I think i'm gonna stop everything don't do what I did
08:01Obviously you want to like talk to your doctor, but I had been weaning off the zoloft
08:04So I kind of listened to her but then I didn't fully so don't follow my example in that
08:08But there's just been so much going on
08:11I'm gonna do the same thing with my concealer also like put it on my hand and then my brush and then my face
08:15Just wash my hands. So they're clean this brush also from dibs beauty is so good double-ended. It's the best
08:20anyways, I kind of wanted to just see how I
08:23Could do off of the medication and then re-establish like where i'm at and then figure out what I need to do
08:29So that's what i'm in the process of doing right now. Obviously, you can't cure depression with like being healthy and
08:36Working out and whatever need more concealer. I'm like breaking out
08:39I always feel better like in general when i'm kind of just working on those things and have a really good routine
08:45And life has been crazy for the last little bit. So I feel like I just haven't been doing my best
08:49I don't know
08:50Anyways, i'm kind of in the process of like going off medication slash switching and I thought I was doing okay for a minute
08:55But then i'm like so stressed out every day, but it's so hard because i'm like, okay
08:58Well, I need to like change my situation. I have the power and ability to do that at the moment
09:03Whereas when I was getting on the medication, I really didn't so it's kind of like my only choice
09:07But now now i'm in a different situation
09:09So basically i'm trying to get back to like a better baseline to re-establish where i'm at and like what my needs are
09:15I'm trying to do that and i've been thinking maybe i'm okay like not being on anything
09:20But I don't know because i'm also really stressed
09:21But then i'm wanting to like figure out how I can change my stress to not exist if that makes sense
09:27Which is not possible because it will always exist. I don't even know if this is like making any sense
09:32I did not organize my thoughts before this but the point is I think maybe i'm not okay thought that I was for a second
09:37But everything is just so stressful
09:39Like really trying to get into a routine and it's so hard when there's just not a lot of
09:43Consistency with certain things and it's really hard to try and find help for anything
09:48I have house cleaners that come every other week and then I did just meet a new babysitter, which is super helpful
09:53but I don't know my life just feels like it's a mess like I hate filming on days like this though because i'm like
09:57No, I just want to talk about like positive happy things so that when you guys come on here and watch my videos
10:01It's like a good time
10:02But that's just not really where i'm at right now
10:05Like where i'm at right now is literally the world and life just feels so so so so heavy
10:11And I don't know what to do about it
10:12and I don't want to just go on medication for like
10:14Not for no reason. I have a lot of reasons to go on it
10:16But i'm like such a fixer. So i'm like, okay, but no like what else can I do?
10:19And sometimes there is nothing else you can do like when I was pregnant
10:22It was just like this is going to literally save my life and it did just being in a different situation now
10:26I'm, like, okay, but what else can I do?
10:27Like, how do I make myself feel better?
10:29Not even necessarily without doing that because I don't have any problem with being on medication
10:33But I don't want to be in the same unhappy situation and then just like be on medication if that makes sense
10:38I'm, like, okay, how do I get how do I fix the unhappy situation and then see do I need medication still what I mean?
10:43Um, I don't even know if I know what I mean at this point
10:46But all I know is I want my videos to be happy
10:49But I am not happy i'm trying to like keep it real but nobody wants to come on and like see somebody being depressed
10:55So I don't know where the line is there
10:57I really don't because I like to go on social media and like escape from the real world
11:01And so I don't want to put my real world problems on social media to make other people sad. Anyways, it was valentine's day
11:08That was fun. It's fun as the girls get older because they're just so much more into the holidays and everything and then it's actually
11:13Elle's birthday next month. Wait, I think I didn't talk about her name
11:17I talked about it a little bit in my video that abri was in like last month
11:20And I said I was gonna tell the story but I ended up forgetting so little story time on baby. Elle's name
11:26Uh, obviously I chose to not share her name for a long time
11:30I think I ended up sharing it in december and I ended up sharing it because it was all over
11:34My comments anyways, like literally just such a bizarre thing that people would think that it was appropriate to comment
11:38Like it wouldn't even be like trying to be rude, but they'd be like, oh baby. Elle
11:42So cute, whatever. She's not really in my videos
11:43But if it was like the back of her head or like i'm holding her or something
11:46But you can't like I don't really show her face. I was just like this is the most bizarre thing
11:50Like this is a little infant baby. Why are you saying her name when her mother did not say her name?
11:55So I just said you know what? Yeah, here it is. Here it is. Her name is elle
11:59She's named after my sister. Uh, my sister's name is abriel. So it's her
12:04Middle name. I love short names as you guys know
12:06I love four letter names and it wasn't like a requirement for this baby's name to be four letters
12:11That's just like the style that I like like every name that I like usually it's like four letters
12:15So I named her l I think this was the longest it took me to come up with a name
12:20i'm trying to think of like how pregnant I was when I came up with that because I did really like ella ella was
12:24One of my top names, but that is one of lauren's top names
12:27So I was like I can't use ella, but I can use l
12:30Because that one is like significant and special to me and I was like it's different enough. It's fine
12:35So hopefully one day lauren will have little baby ella and I will have a little baby l. Yeah, that's the story of her name
12:40So it's not anything crazy. Obviously. She's just like named after my sister, but I love that it has meaning to it
12:45I feel like the other girls names have meaning too, but normally i'm not into family names as I have said
12:49But l is just so perfect and it fits her so well. She's like such a sweet little baby
12:55So it's her birthday soon, which is crazy. I don't even want to think about it. Actually. I feel sad
12:59I feel like her babyhood was like taken away from me in a way because
13:03She was in the NICU. Um, and then just going through a divorce with a newborn baby and then oh, okay
13:09I can't talk about it. I'm gonna cry
13:15Um, but we're gonna finish the makeup I have some packages downstairs
13:17So we'll go open those and then maybe that'll be it for today because I feel like i'm just gonna cry all day
13:22I don't know what else to do
13:23Youtube videos are harder because on a tiktok you can like be happy for the 60 seconds that you're filming
13:28The youtube video is just a lot more
13:30Real and you're like filming for longer. So you get a little bit deeper, which is why I really like youtube
13:35But um, I don't like it when I feel like crying because I don't want to cry on the internet
13:41Okay, I ordered some new clothes so I know that's what I have in some of these and then I think some of them are
13:46like random yard stuff or
13:48Brands i'm working with i'm excited for this one. This one's from dippy
13:52I'm working with them soon
13:53Which is really cool because I posted about them and then they reached out to me to like work together
13:57So it's always super fun when you get to work with a brand that you
14:00Like already use and you basically like get yourself a brand deal from just organically posting
14:04i've seen their stuff all over tiktok
14:05Obviously, I love their brush, but they sent me some stuff to try so that'll be way fun looks like fancy
14:11Oh wait, one of my friends got this book for the girls adventures of cove and lola and I think everybody else's names are in it
14:18too, okay next
14:19Another makeup one I think yeah. Ooh glow recipe. Okay. I love your stuff so much
14:24Love the dew drops and I really like the like tinted ones. So they sent me some of those
14:29Okay, and then this one is from revolve
14:32Usually what I do when i'm getting clothes is I
14:35Will order like way too much stuff and then try everything on and then return like at least half of it
14:39So i'm not gonna open every single thing of this because I have to keep it very organized with all the bags to make sure
14:45I put everything back in my bag for the last little while i've been trying to redo my closet
14:49I feel like I just literally have like no style. All I wear is like comfy clothes only
14:54I don't know where everybody's going but they need like such nice
14:57Things i'm not going anywhere even like basic tops and stuff
15:01I feel like all I have are like sweats and pjs and like brandy melville tank tops and stuff, which I love it's a vibe
15:07But I don't have like even literally something like this
15:09That's just like a simple silk tank top that could be worn with like a million different things
15:13So I need to try all this stuff on i'm not gonna do that now because i'm too sad
15:17I did get some really cute stuff
15:19Can I try them on and then maybe i'll show you guys in the next vlog like what I ended up actually
15:23Picking because i'm are like wanting to keep because i'm kind of trying to not build like a capsule wardrobe
15:28But I don't even have the basic pieces for the most part of like a capsule wardrobe like a really good staple pair of jeans
15:34Or like good denim shorts or something like that
15:36Obviously I have like some of those pieces
15:38But I need to find like the perfect ones that I actually will always reach for instead of like I like these ones
15:43But they're a little too short or like a little too big a little too tight
15:46Whatever it is because i'm so picky when it comes to my clothes. But okay, we'll come back to this one
15:51I think these next two are from princess polly and aritzia
15:55Princess polly is always one of my go-to's for like trendy pieces. So I got this is a
16:00Sport which you need if you're a mom. I did get a skirt. Actually. This is a full-on skirt
16:04So i'll have to wear this when i'm not mommy but denim skirt
16:08I got this cute maxi dress would be cute on like a trip. It's brown with little polka dots
16:13Silk striped skirt. This is just like a plain t-shirt another basic white top, but I don't have one exactly like this
16:20So I actually don't love an unboxing
16:22So let me know if you guys do because I feel like I don't do a ton of them since I don't like love them
16:26I also got this little polka dot dress. I need to like get a life so that I can go places and wear cute outfits
16:32I definitely have more of a life in california, but I feel like I don't have enough of a life right now still
16:37I got this top to go with that silk skirt. So that's fun. I just don't have anywhere to wear it, too
16:41i'm not gonna wear that to like the coffee shop or pilates and I feel like I don't really go anywhere other than those places
16:46This is what I wear to those places
16:47Now I just keep thinking about how I have like a lot of anxiety lately
16:50Like i'm not i'm maybe not as depressed but i'm like anxious and I think the loft is more for depression
16:55And wellbutrin is more for anxiety. I asked somebody on tiktok and got a bunch of like useful info
16:59But if any of you guys have tried wellbutrin, let me know because I just feel anxious like all the time
17:05But i'm like, okay. Well, how do I stop feeling that way? Like what do I do?
17:08I'm, just down bad today. So sorry about that, but it is what it is
17:12Okay, this is a fun top thing about me also is if i'm not so comfortable, I won't wear something
17:17So that makes everything hard because i'm just lame in that way, but these are cute together
17:23Like this little denim top and denim skirt white pants
17:25This is exactly what I was looking for princess polly always has like if I have something in mind and I search it on their
17:29Website they pretty much have it. I wanted like white jeans with brownish like darker stitching
17:34So hopefully these fit me cute I needed actually do I have this one? No, I have a similar one, but I needed this one too
17:41Maxi dress. I have got to start going places. Like I need to know where people are going
17:45Actually, where is my aritzia package? Maybe it's not here. I have one from abercrombie. I also ordered from them
17:50So obviously they have their basics
17:52this cute top
17:54Why do I just feel like crying? I don't know. We'll be back. Okay, we need to like perk up or something
18:00Okay, guys, we have to end the vlog on a happy note
18:02I realized I didn't even talk about my tart palette. This is back after I think like six years
18:07It originally came out in 2018
18:09It was like a fan favorite because it's such a good palette for every day with all the neutrals and everything
18:13And we brought it back. It's the exact same palette that came out in 2018
18:17All I did was update a couple of the shade names, but it literally is the most beautiful palette
18:21We pre-launched it a few weeks ago and it literally sold out in like an hour
18:25So then for the actual launch they had way more stock
18:27So it's still available now and I will make sure to link it down below for you guys
18:30it's literally the best and also just the fact that it's like a huge mirror is so nice for like actually doing your makeup in
18:35It and we also are donating a hundred percent of the proceeds to childhood cancer, which is very special
18:39So i'm gonna have this linked for you guys if you want to check it out. It's such a good palette
18:44I'm, so excited that we were able to bring it back and I hope you guys can all get one if you want one
18:48But I think that's gonna be it for the vlog because it's already kind of long
18:52So hope you guys enjoyed watching even though I was a little sad. I'm still a little sad today
18:55But again ending it on a happy note
18:57I also ordered some sleeping pills because I literally have not been sleeping and I decided that I need to start writing down
19:02Stuff that i'm doing I did this when I like a couple vlogs back when I did like that different format or whatever
19:06I was like writing down things I was doing so that I could talk about it and I need to start doing that for like
19:09Regular vlogs too because even like shows I watch like i've been watching love is blind
19:13I think the new episodes maybe they come out today. Is that today?
19:15I think it might be today actually. Yeah, because they like split up the episodes, you know
19:18Um, I also watched like the gabby petito thing on netflix severance is out white lotus new season
19:24Like there's so much stuff i've been watching that I feel like I should update you guys on and we should talk about it
19:27But i'm not caught up on any of those so I will get caught up
19:30I just need to start writing down like things that i'm doing so that when i'm talking I can
19:33Remember things that I have to say you guys enjoyed watching this video and I will see you guys in the next one
19:38Bye guys
19:40Will you carry me like I am?
