Hi Friends! Welcome back! I'm pulling my favorite pieces from high school (yes, the things I actually wore) and taking a trip down memory lane. Let me know if you want to see more! Don't forget to like, subscribe, comment...appreciate you all! XOXO, Kate
00:00Welcome back, friends.
00:01I am so excited because today we are going to go through, get ready for this, my favorite
00:16authentic pieces from high school, actual artifacts that I wore between 2005 and 2009.
00:24I mean, it doesn't get more real than this.
00:26This is, none of this is from Poshmark, none of this is from eBay.
00:29This is all mine, so I'm very excited because these are pieces that are near and dear to
00:35my heart.
00:36If you ever saw the movie Inside Out, the core memories and the ball, these are the
00:40balls in my brain.
00:41These are the items that I remember so well.
00:44So let's get into it.
00:46The first piece I'm going to talk about has made a full comeback, the North Face jacket.
00:53Or if you're from the Midwest, it's the Midwest winter coats.
00:56I mean, I wanted a North Face so badly in high school and in middle school, but they
01:01were pretty expensive, and I remember getting this pink North Face from Sports Authority
01:06I got during the holiday season.
01:08When they were on sale, there was always a discount during that time, and I really wanted
01:12the black, brown, or gray one, but during the holidays, only the colorful ones were
01:16on sale.
01:18So my mom got me this pink one, and I mean, I wore it down to the bone.
01:22The fact that I've had this since 2004, 2005, the quality is insane.
01:28Let's get a close-up on the pill, the pilliness of it all.
01:32I mean, it's held up.
01:33I think that this is an authentic stain from college, even.
01:37This jacket, I would wear all season long.
01:40It would be 80 degrees in the summertime, and I'd wear this jacket because it was such
01:45a flex.
01:46And then when you go into fall season, you'd wear it with a jean skirt and UGG boots, and
01:50then you go into winter, you wear it with jeans, and then spring, you're back with your
01:54jean skirt again.
01:55I mean, this is the jacket that everybody had and everybody needed to own, and I had
02:02I was about to say something TMI, but I'm not going to say it.
02:04I don't know.
02:05I can't say it yet.
02:06Maybe if I get peer pressure in the comments, I'll say it, but I can't say it.
02:09So yeah, this was the hottest jacket.
02:13Now, if you grew up in the 2000s, we were like the faux fur generation.
02:18We loved a faux fur jacket from Abercrombie or Hollister with fur in the hood, and I mean,
02:23that was the biggest flex of the time.
02:26This jacket was the rage.
02:28Again, another item that was very expensive, except guess who found an Abercrombie faux
02:33fur jacket in a parking lot?
02:35Krusty in a parking lot and picked it up and washed it and brought it back to life?
02:41I never got luckier with this jacket.
02:42I found this jacket in a parking lot.
02:45Look at this.
02:48I mean, if you could feel this right now, it weighs about 10 pounds.
02:52It really is such a heavy jacket.
02:54This is definitely a boy's jacket, and I wore this baby every single day in the winter.
02:59This again was another winter coat.
03:02Let's zoom in on the fur.
03:03We all know this.
03:04Actually, let's see.
03:07I raise you to put it on.
03:09Oh yeah.
03:11Oh yeah.
03:13Smells like Axe.
03:15Smells like Axe and Fierce mixed together, and I mean, I wore this with jean skirts.
03:20I wore this with my pink pants.
03:22The zipper is a little jammed.
03:24I never said things were in great condition, but I said they were in good condition.
03:30Okay, it doesn't zip anymore.
03:33Okay, I was going to say all the cool people had it, but I had one, so I'm not sure if
03:37actually this was the coolest jacket then.
03:40But yeah, look at it.
03:44You might see my character Brett wear this in a lot of my skits, because I feel like
03:49a lot of the times, the people I had crushes on wore this jacket.
03:52Okay, let's put it back.
03:54This is an arm workout.
03:55I feel like you can do some crunches with this.
03:58I will say, I've stopped into Hollister recently, and I do think these are coming back.
04:02So if you're looking, get on top of it.
04:06Okay, accessories.
04:07Now, I kind of have a love-hate relationship with this trend that has made full circle,
04:13and it is the Coach bag.
04:14Now, owning Coach back in the 2000s was like owning a Louis Vuitton.
04:19It was the purse along with Juni and Burke, the other brand, I think it was Juni and Burke,
04:25Michael Kors, and Coach.
04:27Now Coach has made a comeback, and I see so many people, a lot of Gen Z, wearing Coach
04:32out, and it just blows my mind, because we've come full circle, and the difference is, when
04:40they wear this purse, they look cool, but when I bring out my Coach purse from high
04:47school, I literally look like I've stayed different from high school.
04:51The vibe is just, it just looks different, but yes, this is my Coach purse from high
04:57I got this for Christmas, like my junior year, and it was from Coach Outlet, and when my
05:02aunt got me this, oh, the stars aligned.
05:05I thought I was the coolest person with this purse.
05:09I took this everywhere.
05:10I even think I wore it to Homecoming, like this, I don't even care what the event was,
05:16I was matching it with this purse.
05:18Sofie shorts, pink pants, what else?
05:21Those were actually the only two things that I really wore, so those items, but I mean,
05:26the quality on this thing, I mean, it is, this is almost 15 years old or so, I can't
05:32do math, but the quality on this is insane, and I have other Coach purses, so when now
05:37when I go to the Coach store and see these all coming back, again, I don't know how to
05:41feel about it, but I'm upset because everyone has them now, and back then, it was so hard.
05:47Back then, you'd have to go to a kiosk at the mall and get a fake Louis Vuitton, a fake
05:53Actually, hang on, I have them here, hold on.
05:56This is what I'm talking about.
05:57This is a fake Louis Vuitton that I got from a kiosk.
06:02It looks real, but there's no business for a 7th grader like me walking around the halls
06:07with this.
06:08No business.
06:09But you know what?
06:10We were doing dupes before the dupes, and that's all I gotta say about that.
06:13Ho ho!
06:16Another thing that has fully come back, it is the Victoria's Secret pink pants.
06:22Now, I know you're looking at these and you're like, yeah, this is nothing special.
06:28At the time, this was the first time where we had things written on the butt, and if
06:33you were a 6th or 7th grader at the time, like me, your mom wouldn't let you wear it.
06:38So I had to beg my mom to take me to the mall, to Victoria's Secret, to get these pants.
06:45And she did not want them tight on me at all, so I had to get them sized up three sizes
06:51so they were so baggy on me.
06:53I was wearing full-on sweatpants.
06:55This was like sagging down my butt like this.
06:58You probably couldn't even read that it said pink on the back.
07:00You probably just saw the eye and my butt crack.
07:01Yeah, so these pants were everything to me.
07:05And Victoria's Secret, I mean, pink is still very popular.
07:09I see so many people wear it, but when I tell you that these were the pants and they came
07:14in different colors, like pink, yellow, green, every girl had them.
07:18And then also the weight, like these, how they're kind of like capris with these little
07:24elastic bands at the bottom.
07:25You would tuck them into your underboots.
07:28That was the move.
07:29You pair it with your North Face, and this was the hottest outfit.
07:34This was it.
07:35You can find these right now on like Poshmark or eBay, so if you want to do something pink
07:40but a little different, you can go back and get these, they're still there.
07:46Last item.
07:47Now, I have a friend from high school in town, so we've been going down memory lane and we've
07:51talked about prom.
07:52Oh my God, who's...
07:53I have a friend right now from high school who's in town and we've been talking a lot
07:56about the past and we talked about prom.
07:59Now, prom for me wasn't like, it wasn't the best, but it wasn't the worst, okay?
08:05I really wanted this one guy to ask me to prom.
08:08I just like, I was like really hoping he would.
08:10And then one day I came home and my mom's like, oh, you have a box on the doorstep from
08:16Oh no, no, no, no.
08:18And I opened the box and when I opened it, all these like pink little balloons flew out
08:23and it said like, when pigs fly, will you go to prom with me or something?
08:28And then it said from the, it wasn't the person I wanted to ask me.
08:32And I was like, fine.
08:35So we went together.
08:36It was fine, but like, it wasn't like the best time, but he was, it was nice.
08:40He was nice.
08:41He was nice.
08:42It just wasn't, it just wasn't who I wanted.
08:44But he was very nice.
08:45I didn't, shame on me.
08:48But it's just a little backstory on prom.
08:49So here is one of the prom dresses that I wore.
08:53I got this from Macy's.
08:55Yeah, this is from Macy's.
08:57And I remember seeing this and I was like, oh, I need to have it.
09:01It was kind of different because I feel like a lot of girls were wearing things from Cachet
09:04or I think the store is called Windsor.
09:07Like they're wearing these like teal dresses with a lot of sparkle waistbands and halters.
09:11And I remember seeing this and like thinking, classy, class act in this.
09:17And I actually wore my hair into like a slicked back pony like this, except I had this like
09:21huge bang going across my face.
09:23I was very flat chested in high school.
09:25So I mean, my things were like, I think this was like double padded and I ripped one of
09:30the pads out, but like, I like triple pads going into these dresses so they can fit in
09:34high school.
09:35But this is actually, this is actually still one of my favorite dresses.
09:38And I think about it often that I want to cut it short and wear it because I still love
09:43I love this little like diamond embellishment.
09:45What brand is this?
09:46Let's see.
09:47Marie, Marielle Couture.
09:48That's my Couture.
09:50So anyways, oh, I feel bad that I told that story, but you know what?
09:51It's the truth.
09:52You know what?
09:53I wasn't like a popular kid.
09:54I wasn't, I just was like a nice kid.
09:55I was just a nice kid in high school.
09:56I don't even know if the guy ever looked at me.
09:58I need to stop.
10:11So those are my five looks from high school or the early 2000s.
10:14If you guys want to see more, let me know.
10:16Make sure to like, and subscribe.
10:17I really appreciate you guys always watching, commenting.
10:21It really means a lot.
10:22And this was a lot of fun.
10:23So let me know what you want to see next.
10:24I saw some other questions, I know I asked this in the community group and some people
10:28wanted to know about my different characters.
10:30So don't worry.
10:31I see it.
10:32We will get to it.
10:33But everybody have a great day and Chi Chi Maya.