• 13 hours ago
गुजरात: फिट इंडिया मूवमेंट के तहत अहमदाबाद में "संडे ऑन साइकिल" कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया गया। इसमें केंद्रीय खेल मंत्री मनसुख एल. मंडाविया और अहमदाबाद मेडिकल एसोसिएशन के डॉक्टर शामिल हुए। साबरमती रिवरफ्रंट पर आयोजित इस कार्यक्रम का उद्देश्य स्वास्थ्य और फिटनेस के बारे में जागरूकता बढ़ाना था। केंद्रीय खेल मंत्री मनसुख एल. मंडाविया ने कहा, "पीएम मोदी के फिट इंडिया के आह्वान को पूरा करने के लिए पूरे देश में संडे ऑन साइकिल अभियान चलाया जा रहा है। लोग इसमें शामिल हो रहे हैं और धीरे-धीरे संडे ऑन साइकिल देश की कार्य संस्कृति का हिस्सा बनता जा रहा है।" वहीं सांसद दिनेश मकवाना ने कहा कि आज फिट इंडिया मूवमेंट के तहत प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी के विकसित भारत के सपने को साकार किया जा रहा है।

#Ahmedabad #Gujarat #UnionSportsMinister #MansukhL.Mandaviya #PMModi #FitIndia #undayonCyclecampaign #FitIndiaMovement #SabarmatiRiverfront #healthandfitness


00:01And the Endowment Medical Association.
00:03That's our Peter.
00:05All right, please welcome Commissioner.
00:14Because you're the Head of the Sports Association,
00:16but she might not have some of the right to say.
00:29Please stand in this line.
00:37Please stand in this line.
00:44Everyone is requested to lock their positions.
01:16Let's just get out of the crowd!
01:34This is what it means to be a part of this movement.
01:41This is what it means to be a part of this movement.
01:47This is what it means to be a part of this movement.
01:51To carry out the Charitarth movement for Modi Ji's Fit India,
01:55there is an on Sunday cycle campaign going on across the country.
02:01The people are coming together.
02:04Slowly, Sunday on cycle,
02:08work culture has started to develop in the country.
02:11If you want to be fit yourself,
02:14do cycling.
02:16If you want to reduce pollution,
02:19do cycling.
02:21If you want to maintain your health,
02:25do cycling.
02:27In your life,
02:29you can be fit by cycling.
02:32By cycling,
02:36you can fulfill the dreams of the developed India of the Prime Minister.
02:41Because a healthy society
02:44can build a prosperous society.
02:49And a prosperous society can develop.
02:53Therefore, every citizen of the country should be fit.
02:56To be fit,
02:58do cycling.
03:00By cycling,
03:02the citizen should keep himself fit
03:06and keep his health healthy.
03:08To fulfill the dreams of the developed India of Narendra Modi,
03:14the Indian government
03:16and our Cabinet Minister,
03:18Respected Mansukhbhai Mandavaiah
03:20and the people from the medical sector of Ahmedabad
03:25are doing the Fit India program.
03:30Sunday on Cycle,
03:32to carry out this program,
03:35all the doctors from the medical sector
03:38and all the people from the medical sector
03:42are moving forward to realize the Fit India of Narendra Modi.
03:49By cycling,
03:52to make the country prosperous
03:54and to save the environment,
03:59or to develop the country,
04:01this is Narendra Modi's resolution.
04:04To carry it out,
04:06the Honorable Minister of the Indian Government,
04:08Mr. Mansukhbhai Mandavaiah,
04:10has come to Ahmedabad, Karnataka.
04:13All our MPs,
04:15Respected Mayor,
04:16everyone is involved in this program.
04:19For more information, visit www.fema.org
