today we headed to St Augustine shopped around. Got some yummy banana bread. And found parking how exciting. Thanks you guys for watching we love you.
00:00I always fart. I always fart and Aiden never hears it because she's hard of hearing. I'm
00:05gonna drive through line, don't freak out, okay? I'm just pulling up. Welcome back, guys!
00:11This is gonna be our second vlog ever or we visited the oldest town in Florida. No, it's
00:18second vlog, we visited the oldest city in Florida. Whoa, whoa, whoa. We already talked
00:23about this, we're acting like this is some crazy thing. No, we said either or. No, it's
00:27gonna be all one title. I never said that. That's what I thought. That's not what I meant.
00:32It's vlog hashtag two, we visit oldest city. I don't rub off the tongue, right? I don't
00:43rub off the tongue, right? I actually don't care if I'm rubbing off their tongue. Do you
00:48wanna know? You should, you're aimed to please. You've never seen a bitch sneeze? I aim to
00:56please? Yeah, we're aiming to please them. We're the pleasers. JoJo Siwa podcast. Refreshing.
01:10My tummy hurts. Aiden, bro, I have Pepto, do you want some? It's not like that. You
01:16have to poop. No, it's like hungy, like I'm hungy. Okay, we're in the drive-thru line.
01:24This is like Kylie Jenner, which they're in the drive-thru line, she's like, can you get
01:28my snacks? She was gonna throw up, she was pregnant. Not you sticking up for her. I will
01:35always stick up for Kim Kylie. What is this car doing? My favorite Kardashians are Kim,
01:43actually I like everyone but Kourtney. Why don't you like Kourtney? But also, I like
01:52both the Jenners. Both the genders? Kylie Jenners, Kylie Jenner, and Kris Jenner? Wait,
02:03what's the other one again? Kris Jenner. Kendall Jenner. Oh, is Kris? Wait, is Caitlyn? Wait.
02:10No, Kris is the mom. Is Caitlyn a Jenner or a Kardashian? I don't know who Caitlyn is.
02:18Bruce, Caitlyn. A Jenner. The dad. Jenner. Jenner? Yeah, she's a Jenner. Caitlyn Jenner. Yeah, that
02:31pleases my tongue. Does it roll right off it? You know what also rolls right off your tongue?
02:39Badass breath. Your nostrils off your tongue? Stupid a-hole. Bro, I think this car is skipping.
02:48This car right here. Y'all have to skip. They just pulled up 8-Up. And of course they have a
02:52freaking alligator on their license plate. If you have that on your license plate, just like,
02:57you're annoying. I hate football, I hate that. Get the oranges or get a freaking fun dolphin. Like,
03:01I want a dolphin or maybe a rainbow. I got a dolphin. I want sunshine, oranges, lovely. No,
03:08but listen, I went to lunch or I went to breakfast yesterday and I'm standing in line
03:12because you pay up front, so I'm standing in line with my ticket to pay and a old man literally cuts
03:17in front of me. They act like they just can do that. And the waiter, the like hostess said
03:22something. She's like, sir, you're gonna have to go to the back, you skipped like all these people.
03:27Because he skipped like, it was a good, I don't know, 5 people. What's going on? I don't know.
03:35Why is everyone skipping? They must think they're gonna go to the line and then they decide that
03:41they're not gonna go to the line, so now they're trying to get out of the line. No, this GMC is
03:44trying to cut in the drive-thru. But you can't do, they know they can't do that. I don't think
03:49they do. I will honk. I'm not even a driver. You can't honk my wheel. Did you see that? Oh my god,
04:00this guy's mad. He's rolling down his window. Tell him to honk. You heard that? I'm so hungry.
04:14Barry, what do you want? Tell me. Tell me what are you craving? What's like a word you could use
04:36for past uncomfortable? Extricating and comfortable. Like more than uncomfortable, past it. Oh, I thought you meant like in the past. What are you smelling over there?
04:54We're like literally a car away. And then we have to wait even more. I don't know what you want me to do. You hear it again. I'm sorry, don't be mad. You should've ate at the fruit pool or something. I don't eat till like 1 o'clock. Okay, why are you flexing and you're eating this order on me? I'm not flexing. Like I sometimes don't eat till 1 o'clock,
05:23but last night, I didn't have a dinner. Why? So why are you flexing and you're eating this order on me? Because I was so into Minecraft. And then you only got crawfish and I didn't like crawfish. So I just kept eating pretzels. Okay, look, we're gonna order. I have late nights hungries. It's like from last night. Oh no, we're only halfway full. Should we try a freaking Sabrina Carpenters espresso? Oh my god, I always hit the curb here.
05:53Hello, can I do a sausage wake up wrap and an order of hash browns and then the ice medium brown sugar shake and espresso?
06:05Alright, anything else?
06:07Yeah, and then I'm just gonna do a regular medium coffee with cream and sugar.
06:13Coffee with cream and sugar?
06:15Yep, and one second. What do you want to eat?
06:17Oh, gosh, I'm doing stress now. It's okay, because you take your time.
06:26I want a turkey, sausage, egg, and cheese on an English McMuffin.
06:38And then can we do a sausage, egg, and cheese on an English McMuffin?
06:43A English Muffin?
06:48Turkey, sausage, egg, and cheese on an English Muffin?
06:50Yes, please.
06:52Alright, anything else?
06:54And then another order of hash browns, so two of those.
06:58Alright, anything else?
07:00That'll be all.
07:04I'm on the curb.
07:06Why'd you put Mick in my dyslexic brain?
07:12He's right there.
07:20I'm so embarrassed.
07:22I don't even care because I'm so hungry.
07:28Are you going to start eating me soon?
07:30I feel like you're next.
07:32I think this is like some Survivor Island thing.
07:38I'm weak.
07:40I'm not black.
07:42Also, guys, I'm wearing a dress today.
07:44Something a little different.
07:46Show them it.
07:48It's an Ed Hardy dress. It's so cute.
07:54If you want to see more, go to my TikTok.
07:56And maybe Instagram.
07:58Guys, we're not just YouTubers.
08:00We're not just TikTokers.
08:02We're freaking everywhere.
08:04Catch us on Twitter.
08:06Catch us on Meta.
08:08No, but listen.
08:10Actually, people on TikTok think that I just totally do TikTok, I think.
08:12Yeah, they think we're just TikTok influencers.
08:14Which, hey.
08:16Nothing wrong with that.
08:18Guys, we are even more like cool.
08:20Why is the heat so hot?
08:22The heat just burnt my finger as well.
08:26Also, everyone is wondering
08:28if this is Jayla's Jeep.
08:30No, this is our parents' Jeep.
08:32They mainly use it to take down the trash
08:34because there's not really enough seats for all the kids.
08:36So, we've just been using it
08:38to get it, like, you know, some use.
08:40And Jayla was maybe thinking of buying it off of them.
08:42So, she was getting some practice driving it.
08:44Like, in the future.
08:46Because she wants a bigger car
08:48because it's really hard for her to see when she's driving in a small car.
08:50Especially because she's short.
08:52And she's like...
08:56So, yeah.
08:58Also, guys, I don't know if I told you this, but
09:00I'm trying the Sabrina Carpenter.
09:04And Jayla always says espresso.
09:12I'll put y'all in my legs.
09:16So, if you didn't know, I got an egg McMuffin.
09:20This is for you.
09:22They changed the freaking packaging. Look at that.
09:24Did you see?
09:26Did you see the new pretzel sliders on the menu?
09:28Pretzel sliders on the menu now.
09:30I hate when they undercook them.
09:32Yeah, they're so soft.
09:34And they taste like freezer chemical.
09:36We always somehow sneak a McMuffin in our videos.
09:42Thank you so much.
09:44You too.
09:48I don't know how this angle looks, so this clip might be entirely cut out.
09:52We currently cannot find parking
09:54and apparently it's Irish.
09:56That was huge.
09:58That was actually huge.
10:00I didn't expect it to be that big.
10:04And apparently it's like Irish day.
10:06Yeah, everyone's wearing green dress
10:08walking around.
10:10With plaid and like these weird
10:12dead animals wrapped around them.
10:16Don't disrespect the culture.
10:18I haven't even seen one ginger, though.
10:20Also, there's a bunch of tourists here right now.
10:22You can just tell the tourists because they're sunburned.
10:24How are you sunburned, guys?
10:26Look at the freaking weather right now.
10:28How are you sunburned?
10:30Tell me now, Rachel.
10:32And show me where you went because I want to get a little sunburned, too.
10:34I know.
10:36Because what the hell.
10:38Tourists are out.
10:40You can tell by their outfits.
10:42You can tell they're fed up with their parents by now.
10:44They just want to be back at the hotel.
10:48They usually have some kind of St. Augustine jewelry on.
10:50Some new outfits.
10:52And it's always a Lululemon crossbody bag.
10:56You know, a t-shirt from here or something.
11:00Well, we went to Destin.
11:02Mom left Destin with the whole fit on.
11:04You should put the photo in.
11:06You should put the photo in.
11:08Which I just thought was so funny.
11:10We're not making fun, y'all.
11:12We are one.
11:14We lived six hours away from Destin and she was in the full merch.
11:18From Crab Island.
11:20But guys, I don't even recommend going to Crab Island and Destin anymore.
11:22Because they ruined it.
11:24Also, has anybody else noticed that a lot of things have changed since COVID?
11:26Like, nothing's back to normal.
11:28But it is slowly coming back to normal.
11:30It is.
11:32Everything's slowly coming back.
11:34YouTube's coming back.
11:40They're going to think we're waving, but we're really just saying that's my mom.
11:42Oh, these balls are making my bladder so heavy.
11:44She does have to pee.
11:46And then we went into this little area that you can pay for parking.
11:48She's like, no.
11:50No, try that Lululemon area.
11:52It says pay to park all over, by the way.
11:56I was about to give you $30 on my hard-earned money.
11:58And there is so much space, bruh.
12:00So much space.
12:02She's like, sorry, we're only doing people that are trolleying.
12:04Why are y'all coming to St. Augustine and doing the trolley?
12:06Do anything else.
12:08Even Ripley's.
12:10Like, literally walking around.
12:12Simply just walking around.
12:14You're going to get a better experience than going on the damn trolley.
12:16They tell you a bunch of shit that isn't real because it's not actually an old little ghost town.
12:18It's all fake.
12:20Expose the truth.
12:22If this was really a ghost town, then why is it...
12:24Why do I feel so happy here?
12:26Oh, there's graves.
12:28Oh, I'm scared, bruh.
12:30Just let the people live.
12:32They're just resting in the final resting spot.
12:34And they want to be like, oh, you're haunted.
12:36They're just living, bruh.
12:38Now you're sticking up for the ghosts.
12:40I always stick up for the ghosts.
12:42Unless you're an entity.
12:44Sorry, I had a Sam and Kobe face.
12:46I do not.
12:48I do not.
12:50Claim any of this energy.
12:52Speaking of, Sam and Kobe was just here and I'm so pissed that I didn't see him.
12:54What would you say? You'd be like, Sam?
12:56And Kobe?
12:58I'd be like, Sam Goldbach?
13:00What are you doing in my hometown?
13:02Remember me from high school?
13:04Piper? Remember our song?
13:06Piper, do you remember our song?
13:08And then we'd end up becoming friends and he would take me on ghosting trips.
13:10And I'd probably start dating him.
13:14Sorry, I got lost in the highlight reel.
13:16In the what?
13:18The highlight reel.
13:20Maybe don't say things like that.
13:22I'd rather date Kobe, honestly.
13:26Guys, let us know.
13:28Are you a Kobe girl or a Sam girl?
13:30Or maybe boy.
13:32Should we just park right here?
13:34I don't really want to get our car stolen.
13:36I don't really want to get it towed.
13:38Do you have any cash?
13:40I actually do.
13:42I have a $20 bill.
13:46I'm kind of lost.
13:48Uh, I'm not.
13:50There's an arrow.
13:52Why can't we?
13:54Is this the man that we pay or is he a scammer?
13:56Whoa, whoa.
13:58Guys, sorry, sorry. Bumpy roads.
14:00Yeah, serious.
14:02He looks like a scammer.
14:04No, he's a real...
14:06How's it going?
14:08Good, how are you?
14:10Just paying the park today.
14:12Yeah, that's good.
14:14You can run anywhere you want.
14:16Okay, thank you. Have a good day.
14:18You know what, honestly?
14:20Would it be a really good scam
14:22if you just stood right there?
14:24Literally. You would get so rich.
14:26Oh my gosh, I'm drooling.
14:28I'm going to be so mean.
14:30I'm going to be so mean.
14:34Let's go piss, girl.
14:36It's so rainy out today.
14:38I'm actually sad about it.
14:40Ella, Ella, we remember Rihanna.
14:44Testing our mics.
14:48Oh, the coffee.
14:50Not on your white dress.
14:52You can't take me anywhere.
14:56Guys, my favorite part of filming
14:58is testing the mics, honestly.
15:00You think that's good on me?
15:02I think so. Guys, what do you think?
15:04Guys, guys.
15:08The mic's going to distort.
15:10I'm going to be so mean.
15:14Guys, can you move?
15:16You hit my knee.
15:18I'm sorry.
15:20It's okay. I can just call you twig.
15:22I'm sorry. I don't know why that came out of my mouth.
15:24I don't even know.
15:26No, I actually don't know.
15:28I just said ho, and then I was saying fat
15:30because you were in the way, but I'm sorry.
15:32I don't support calling people fat at all.
15:34No, we actually don't, seriously.
15:36Unless we're talking about that.
15:38Ada, can you be better?
15:40Unless we're talking about that fat.
15:42Or that fat boob.
15:44Also, guys,
15:46my dress is a little bit see-through,
15:48so people are going to get a nice view
15:50of my lacy panties.
15:52Why did I say that?
15:54And there's no one even to laugh at it.
15:56Guys, I hope you're laughing at that right now.
15:58I'm embarrassed.
16:00Cut it.
16:02I said my dress is a little see-through
16:04so everyone's going to get a look at my lacy panties.
16:06They're not even lacy.
16:08I saw them.
16:10They are lacy.
16:12They're stained yellow.
16:14No, they're not.
16:16Do you need me to show you?
16:18No, I believe they're lacy.
16:20I believe you.
16:22They're lacy and black.
16:24I would never wear yellow stained underwear.
16:26You did that one time.
16:28Actually, one time?
16:30I don't know.
16:32We'll have to go buy one.
16:34We'll have to find one.
16:36I was expecting it to be nice today.
16:38It's all gloomy.
16:40Comparatively speaking,
16:42Montana sucks right now.
16:44Oh, really?
16:46I've never been to Montana,
16:48so I wouldn't know.
16:50Me either.
16:52I like the heat.
16:54Have a good day.
16:56Enjoy your food.
16:58I usually give them a little bite.
17:00I'm like, oh, you want to try your creation?
17:02A bite out of that eye?
17:04Dude, do you think they'll let me go pee in their house?
17:06No, but I actually really like that house.
17:08I know. It's so cute.
17:10I don't want to show it.
17:12But it is green.
17:14I'll give you the color. It's green.
17:16And look at this house.
17:18Can you get me too in this house?
17:20I want to take a photo of this house
17:22and build it in Minecraft.
17:24Ada, you're being ridiculous.
17:26Oh, shit.
17:30Oh, gosh, guys.
17:32Don't walk involved.
17:34Why do you support a guy from Sidewalk?
17:36Every time I'm on Sidewalk,
17:38I'm not even kidding.
17:40So would you think I was weird?
17:42This is based off a movie, so don't say,
17:44oh, my God, that's from da-na-na-na.
17:46Okay, chill.
17:48I just know what you're going to say.
17:50Do you think it would be weird if I took my gum
17:52and stuck it behind my ear and ate it later?
17:54I actually did that before,
17:56so no.
17:58But the only problem is
18:00the hairs do get stuck in it.
18:02You actually did that before?
18:04I did, but then it got stuck in my hair.
18:06When you're trying to be flirty?
18:08Like when I was trying to have a Debbie Ryan moment?
18:10Yeah, that's what I mean.
18:12It ain't fucking fun.
18:14Wait, which way are we going?
18:16How do you get to downtown?
18:18I think it's this way.
18:20Sorry, I'm touching the mic.
18:22Right there.
18:24Usually I keep it in the middle.
18:26Am I even recording you? Probably not.
18:28I'm just so self-centered and a narcissist.
18:30I'm like the worst.
18:32Look how cute these homes are.
18:34I really want a stained glass door.
18:36I love seeing all these stained homes.
18:38But imagine bringing your groceries up those stairs.
18:40Literally shoot yourself.
18:42I really want a stained glass
18:44like windows
18:46and doors in my home.
18:48And I want like a nice wood color.
18:50And I want a fun color on the outside.
18:52Maybe baby pink.
18:54Or I want like a baby blue
18:56or baby yellow or baby green.
18:58Like baby, baby.
19:00The problem with that is
19:02if you do light colors then you're going to have to
19:04power wash and stuff
19:06a lot and keep up more.
19:08Otherwise it's going to look dingy.
19:10What are we talking about?
19:12I'll have so much money that I'm just going to be able to pay people to do that.
19:14You think you're going to be that rich?
19:16Bro, I'm going to be literally
19:18rich in the neighborhood.
19:20No one's going to call you that.
19:22I'm going to be buying
19:24coffees every day and they're going to be like
19:26oh you're rich in town today.
19:28That's what you're going to do when you're rich? Buy coffees every day?
19:30Yes, and an energy drink because then I don't have to feel bad.
19:32I usually only pick one or the other.
19:34I either pick energy drink
19:36or coffee.
19:38But you already make enough money to do that.
19:40Yeah, but I'm not going to be stupid and buy an energy drink and a coffee.
19:42I need to buy one or the other.
19:44So on the weekdays
19:46I buy energy drink and on the weekends
19:48I normally buy coffees.
19:50Look, this home is for sale.
19:52Oh, it's so cute.
19:54I like this one next to it.
19:56Bro, we need to find a restroom.
20:00How much s*** do you think is under us right now?
20:02How much s*** could a s*** chuck chuck if s*** could ch-ch-chuck?
20:06How much s*** could Ada s***
20:08if Ada could s*** hard poop
20:10instead of diarrhea?
20:12Actually, recently it's just been the big D, diarrhea.
20:14You're not calling it the big D.
20:16What the hell is wrong with you?
20:22So I did call it the big D.
20:24And it's been really tough on me
20:26because the amount of wiping.
20:28Ada, stop right there.
20:30Remember, this is on the internet forever.
20:34It's because the cheese.
20:36Dad, if you also want to TikTok then you already know about this.
20:40Oh, Ada, my white pants.
20:42Get the angles.
20:44You want this on the internet?
20:46That's disgusting. Roll it up.
20:48These are her new Brandy Melville
20:50and she's already f***ing them up.
20:52How am I going to help you?
20:54Well, I'll just have Grammy hem them and cut that part off.
20:56But still, turn it on.
20:58Should I get a roller video of you?
21:02No, you're not supposed to move.
21:06Don't move, I said.
21:08Wait, let's do glam blot.
21:10Okay, ready?
21:12Three, two, one.
21:16Oh, that was good.
21:18Okay, then I'll do like when people do it bad.
21:20Okay, do Joey King.
21:22Three, two, one.
21:26No, that's not what you did. I'll do Joey King.
21:28Okay, ready?
21:30Three, two, one, action.
21:32That's what she did.
21:34Okay, then do your glam blot.
21:36Three, two, one, action.
21:40That was so ungraceful.
21:42Reach out, reach out, reach out.
21:44Ready, set, go.
21:48I'm going to be so mean.
21:50Did I serve base?
21:52You served nothing.
21:56I can't even take that in front of you because it's a baby.
21:58It's a baby in a stroller.
22:00You can't say that, but know I mean it.
22:04Okay, I think we've made it.
22:06Right or left?
22:08Uh-oh, I feel the rain coming, seriously.
22:10We need to go find a place to buy an umbrella.
22:14I have a wedgie. I'm picking it. Okay, I picked it.
22:16I think this way.
22:18It's a Nissan. That's not even a Nissan.
22:20Thank you, sir.
22:24We should have worn green. We're going to get pinched.
22:26Bro, I have green on my dress.
22:30No, I have green on my teeth.
22:32From my salad.
22:34You didn't eat a salad today, fat ho.
22:36Okay, now you're calling me fat ho?
22:38Fat ho.
22:40Because you have a big badonkadonk.
22:42Guys, also, why do y'all be commenting...
22:44Wait, why does Shayla actually have a fat ass?
22:46Like, why wouldn't she?
22:48She's had it her whole life.
22:50And I would say
22:52she has the butt and I have the boobs,
22:54but I have neither.
22:56Or I have the brain and you have the tower.
22:58I have the brain, you have the creativeness.
23:00But I also am really creative.
23:02But I'm also really creative.
23:04We have creativeness plus...
23:08Plus serving face.
23:10Stop before I start shaking it.
23:14I'm not crazy.
23:16Okay, I'll sing you a song and shake it.
23:18Middle fingers to the...
23:20My hate is myth.
23:22I'm actually not going to shake it here in these streets.
23:24Wait, wait, let me sing...
23:28Deep breaths.
23:30Why are these people so obsessed with me?
23:32I don't understand.
23:34There's actually people around
23:36and you're just about to say...
23:38We're done.
23:40We're done.
23:42I'm getting embarrassed.
23:44Don't get me started on bad baby.
23:48Bro, me and Ada just walked around for
23:5015 minutes for a bathroom.
23:52It's hard to find bathrooms here.
23:54They're very rare.
23:56Also, it's raining out, so I'm a little wet.
24:02Next is going to be
24:04to find an umbrella.
24:10Wait, her mic's on.
24:12You can probably...
24:14We met some of you guys today.
24:18Currently we're buying an umbrella because
24:20it's like a little pellet to brain and it's quite annoying
24:22to get in your eyes and make your hair crazy.
24:24Tell them about the handle.
24:26This is a really weird handle
24:28on this umbrella.
24:30Wait, it stands for
24:32C for you're my kitty cat.
24:34It stands for...
24:36Put the tongue in the hole.
24:38The allegations.
24:40The allegations.
24:42Should I clear them up right now?
24:46I'm going to get higher so I can...
24:48How can I be homophobic?
24:52Okay, no.
24:54I've had to say this multiple times.
24:56I'm not gay and I feel scared now.
24:58Everyone gets mad.
25:00I'm sorry. I'm an ally.
25:02I have lots of gay people in my life.
25:04A couple actually.
25:06Not that much.
25:08My godmother's gay.
25:10Okay, so you can't be racist.
25:12So I'm an ally.
25:14Alright, should we just buy this umbrella?
25:16Just put the umbrella in the bag.
25:18Okay, the song.
25:20Oh my god.
25:22Oh no.
25:24Oh no.
25:26This is like the Oompa Loompa.
25:28Mama, a grandma behind you.
25:32Ada, a grandma behind you.
25:34I can't stop the music.
25:36Someone's right there.
25:38Ada, another one.
25:42Oh my god.
25:44Okay, let's...
25:46So, this is a pretty big umbrella.
25:48Condone opening umbrellas inside.
25:50Seven years of bad luck.
25:54Open that thing.
25:56Oh, we're in the way. Sorry.
26:00Do you need some help?
26:04Why is it upside down?
26:08Oh, it's a flower.
26:10It's so pretty.
26:12I didn't expect it to be a flower.
26:14And it's this nice handle.
26:16C for my kitty cat.
26:20C for...
26:24Wait, can you go on this side?
26:26Okay, what's our next move?
26:28I think I need to hold the umbrella.
26:30Am I too short? I'm so tiny.
26:32Why does it smell like dirty diapers?
26:36Can you get me in it?
26:38Oh, sister things.
26:44We can't be licking our umbrella.
26:46Can you put it in the middle?
26:48Like this, all over my shoulder.
26:50I think we're right in the middle.
26:52I kind of feel like we're in the way.
26:54I don't know how to act.
26:56Go to the right.
26:58Why are you waving at her?
27:00You can't just wave at people.
27:02I wish this umbrella had a floating cloak.
27:06I agree. I wish I was like Harry Potter.
27:08I wish we were the same height as well.
27:10Yeah, I can get down to your height like this.
27:12Oh my god.
27:14It's hurting!
27:16Your quads are going to be sore.
27:18Okay, what do we want to do?
27:20I want to go buy a f***ing flute.
27:22Ada's been talking about a flute.
27:26Too high!
27:28Do you want my hair to get trapped in it?
27:30I don't care.
27:32Fine then.
27:34Just let me be the vlogger.
27:36You're such a bad vlogger.
27:40Okay, we're going to find the first shop
27:42and then come back to you.
27:44Yeah, because this is getting too stressful.
27:46Yeah, I'm having a lot of anxiety.
27:48I feel like my pants are going to turn brown.
27:50Can we turn it off?
27:52Are you shitting yourself?
27:54Yeah, because I'm so scared.
27:56We just found a really cool gem in the St. Augustine.
27:58A gem?
28:00A really cool hidden gem.
28:02It's not that hidden. You can find it.
28:04As you can see, there are some Tinkerbell sketches.
28:06This is actually what was going to be Tinkerbell.
28:08Me when I lie
28:10and I don't know anything about the museum.
28:12As you can see,
28:14all of her friends.
28:16Me when I lie and I don't know anything about that part of the museum either.
28:20This is actually the sketch of Belle
28:22from Beauty and the Beast
28:24drawn by the original creator of Disney.
28:26Land's head
28:28in the freezer.
28:30The frozen ice.
28:32In the frozen ice, guys.
28:34Tell us a little bit more about this.
28:36It makes me feel stupid. Let's get out of here.
28:38I just want to go get candy.
28:40And you can't even buy anything?
28:42Yeah, what's the point of that? How are they even making revenue, honestly?
28:44I don't know. You can't even buy anything. You just go in there and look at stupid.
28:48This is the original sketch of Belle.
28:50Oh, I know you're lying.
28:52Why is it not faded at all?
28:54Do you think it's a copy?
28:56Do you know how old it is?
28:58It's not even faded.
29:00I'm getting anxiety again.
29:02One time, I had to go in that bathroom
29:04for my period because they wouldn't let me
29:06in the bathroom.
29:08They wouldn't let me in the bathroom without buying something.
29:10And then I actually just got my brains out.
29:12I have a photo.
29:14Why does it always come down to
29:16talking about this? And look around.
29:18There's millions of people around you.
29:20I'm literally talking so low.
29:22My vibrato.
29:24My vibrato is so low.
29:26We need to go into a store here.
29:28You're not even filming me.
29:30I'm having a lot of anxiety.
29:32What should we go into?
29:34Guys, do you think we should do a
29:36Cooking with Samurai Swords video?
29:38Let us know down below.
29:40How much are they?
29:42This one's $160.
29:46get us to 2 million subscribers
29:48if you want to see that.
29:50She's really pretty.
29:52We don't like people staring at us.
29:54Don't stare at other people.
29:56I'm now shaking hands with the first president
29:58of the United States.
30:00Abraham Lincoln, I think.
30:02I think that's Samuel Adam.
30:06Did you just try to pull a fast one on him?
30:08I did. He rejected me. That's okay though.
30:10Let's go in there. It looks cool in there.
30:12Look at those dresses.
30:14This is the luck of the Irish store.
30:16I'm going to be low-key.
30:18I don't think anything is better than low-key.
30:20I'm going to be so low-key.
30:22Stop. I'm going to be so mean.
30:26A little frog.
30:28It's a bogo.
30:34I love it in here.
30:36It's so pretty.
30:38It smells like candy.
30:40Let's get a foot check.
30:42I don't even want to look in the mirror.
30:48Guys, I just burped.
30:52This isn't my cup of tea.
30:54Ada, what?
30:56Come here.
30:58Why are you walking away?
31:00I said this isn't my cup of tea.
31:02You don't want this?
31:04This isn't my cup of tea.
31:06It could be a good swim shirt.
31:08Okay, true.
31:10She just breathed on me.
31:16You actually just breathed on me.
31:18And I'll do it again.
31:20With my pink lemonade breath.
31:22Why do you have pink lemonade breath?
31:24We didn't drink pink lemonade.
31:26Are you vaping?
31:28Okay, you want to prove that it's not a vape?
31:30What are you saying?
31:32I'll prove it.
31:34Prove it then.
31:38Exhibit A.
31:40Pecker spray.
31:44You're supposed to aim for the eyes.
31:46Exhibit 2.
31:48Okay, this doesn't look good on me.
31:50I lost the pack in my car.
31:52It's not drugged, I promise.
31:54This is actually pink lemonade.
31:56That's green orange with flies.
31:58Smell it.
32:00I'm leaving. I'm not smelling your gum.
32:02I don't want to eat this. Now I opened it.
32:04All for the video.
32:06I need my 30 cents back.
32:08Have a nice day.
32:14I'm getting anxiety. Let's get out of here.
32:16Oh my gosh. I feel like we're rolling the stroller.
32:18We're trying to dig in the whole bucket of candy.
32:20I thought you lost it.
32:22Okay, open her up.
32:26What the hell is she doing?
32:28Wait, Billy?
32:30Definitely Billy.
32:32Alright, can we focus?
32:34We're in another little like
32:36basically kind of touristy trap thing.
32:38I love this thing.
32:44You need to hold your mic.
32:46Background noise.
32:48Ada, can you stop? We're going to get copyrighted.
32:50Oh, I apologize.
32:52She's mocking.
32:54I just stopped her.
32:58Baby, I
33:02don't want to say goodbye.
33:10This actually screams. This is me.
33:12This is real.
33:14It's giving Sadie Corral.
33:16Sadie Corral.
33:22No, I'm not being a hater.
33:24I'm just saying that's what it's giving.
33:32I told you this place was shite.
33:34It's not.
33:36I thought they were going to have knickknacks.
33:38They only have freaking clothes.
33:40They have knickknacks all over there that you just pass by.
33:42Every time we go in a store, you always get past the whole front of the store.
33:44I don't know why you do this every time.
33:46I just want to get deep in it.
33:48What the hell?
33:50Take it back.
33:52I took a pill in the beezer.
33:54Can you film me?
33:56Just film me.
33:58What, Ada?
34:00We live in Florida.
34:02Can you just hold this?
34:04Who created that?
34:06Who created that?
34:08That's not even the right color of his hair.
34:10Get the angles right.
34:12No, I hate that so much.
34:14Please put it down.
34:16I like it, though.
34:18I'm going to see your armpit hair trickling out.
34:20I don't like it.
34:22It's cool. I like it.
34:24Then get it if you like it.
34:26Hey, she's dancing.
34:28We're dancing.
34:32Who are you dancing with?
34:34With the owner.
34:36Girl, I know her.
34:38No, you don't.
34:40I'm buying this. This is a cool shirt.
34:42Check the price first.
34:44Welcome to Florida.
34:46It's literally free.
34:48It's about $20.
34:50That ain't bad, honestly.
34:52I'm going to let her get it like I even had a choice.
34:54You know what?
34:56If it's 2 o'clock, I'll be doing good.
34:58You know why? I get out of jail and go to prison.
35:00At 2 o'clock, you get out of jail and go to prison?
35:02Guess what?
35:06You got to cook something for me now, soldier.
35:10You girls are having a good time?
35:12It's raining out, but besides that...
35:14We got to buy...
35:16You know how I know it's raining out there?
35:20I just stepped in a poodle.
35:22What? You stepped in a poodle?
35:24Good one.
35:26Do you like my shirt that I'm getting?
35:28Alright, nice to meet you.
35:32Thank God I got my gun shirt.
35:34I just wish you never did that.
35:36You wish what?
35:38Let's just get out of here.
35:40Do you have an umbrella?
35:42I'm feeling overstimulated.
35:46Because I can't do it.
35:48She was nice.
35:50She's nice, but I'm scared.
35:52What are you scared of?
35:54Can you hold this umbrella? I'm holding a mic.
35:56I'm holding a camera.
35:58I'm holding back your tears.
36:00The luck of the Irish is here.
36:02I see a ginger behind me.
36:04He's here to stay.
36:06What are you saying?
36:08Imagine if we saw a ginger person
36:10and they had orange boots
36:12hanging out their jeans.
36:14If you're going to actually
36:16stare at me recording myself,
36:18I'm going to give you a little wink.
36:20Did you just wink at me?
36:22I went like this.
36:24Where do you want to go next?
36:26We should get something to try.
36:28That's the most nostalgic smell I've ever smelled.
36:30Can you chill?
36:32Now I feel sick in my heart.
36:34In your heart?
36:36I can't see because you're so bad at holding an umbrella.
36:38I'm sorry.
36:40Is that better?
36:42Why is your ex here?
36:44I'm just joking.
36:46My heart dropped.
36:48Don't do that.
36:50We're in op territory.
36:52I'm stepping in a puddle
36:54because you're pushing me into the puddle.
36:56You just scared the nipples off my boobs.
36:58Now they look better.
37:00I had a landing pad.
37:02That's your pubes.
37:04Landing strip.
37:08Do you like a Christmas tree or a landing strip?
37:10I like to do the Mona Lisa
37:12from Squid Games.
37:14I got triangle girl.
37:18I got circle.
37:20We're being those people that stop at the middle of the road.
37:22Guess what? I don't even care because there's no one around us.
37:24But they're coming.
37:26Let's take a little break.
37:28My flip flop is going to slide off my foot
37:30because you pushed me into the puddle.
37:32Jayla, what are you doing to me?
37:34I'm taking a break.
37:36I'm taking a break.
37:38I'm taking a break.
37:40Let's face this way so I'm not looking at them
37:42while they stare at us.
37:44Turn around.
37:46There we go.
37:48Face with me.
37:50What are you doing?
37:52Like that.
37:54I'm sorry.
37:56It's not that hard.
37:58I'm sorry.
38:00You're acting crazy.
38:04Did you hear that?
38:06I think it was a ghost of St. Augustine.
38:08Oh my gosh, I'm sorry.
38:10Too much cheese.
38:12I think it was a ghost of St. Augustine.
38:14Guys, the ghosts won't stop farting.
38:16Okay, it's not funny the fifth time.
38:18I'm pissed.
38:20It's funny to me. Guess what?
38:24It's funny.
38:28Why did I say that?
38:30It's going to be a lot of breathing.
38:32Right into the mic.
38:38I'm using the umbrella
38:40so I don't have to look at people staring at me.
38:44I just licked that part.
38:46Now we're bonded.
38:48It's like when you spit and shake hands.
38:50I'm eating.
38:52I was just
38:54knocking someone out with the umbrella.
38:56Wait, this girl is screaming something.
38:58We're becoming everything we never wanted.
39:00What's that?
39:02People that are annoying with umbrellas.
39:04Hold on.
39:08Yeah, you can move it down.
39:10No, no, no.
39:12That's much better.
39:14Much better.
39:16Maybe we should start a protest.
39:20Protesting what?
39:24to watch our YouTube.
39:30Oh, awesome.
39:32I feel like we have to support.
39:38Okay, guys, we're supporting
39:40the church.
39:42They make you feel like you have to.
39:44Let's just buy some bread or something to get out of here.
39:48I'm scared.
39:50Looks like Coke, Doritos,
39:56Good, how are you?
39:58Can we do a banana bread slice?
40:02It actually looks so good.
40:04I know.
40:06Do you do card?
40:10Thank you so much.
40:12I didn't know what to do with the camera.
40:14Guys, we just supported.
40:16This banana bread actually looks pretty fire.
40:18Oh, God, you keep hitting me multiple times.
40:20Let's sit somewhere and eat this banana bread.
40:22But not away from the music.
40:26They kept staring at me.
40:28They didn't even give me a container.
40:30They kept staring at me through the camera.
40:32They didn't even give me a container.
40:34I'm just holding this banana bread.
40:36It looks good, though.
40:38It do.
40:40They were just staring at me through the camera.
40:42Three dollars.
40:44We can't go into the gazebo.
40:46We're going to go into the gazebo.
40:48There's people there.
40:50I don't care, they can move.
40:52We have a right there as much as them.
40:54Okay, you're right.
40:56We have a right there as much as them.
40:58Is there horse?
41:00My burps are getting really bad.
41:02It hurts.
41:04It's okay.
41:06We have some banana bread.
41:08Come on.
41:10Another ginger.
41:12The luck of the Irish is actually here today.
41:14Why do you keep saying that?
41:16Are they lucky or something?
41:18Everyone says the gingers are the luck of the Irish.
41:20They're just standing there.
41:22Why are they just standing there?
41:24You and this umbrella is not a good mix.
41:26What are you doing?
41:38Come stand under here.
41:40You're stepping on my toe.
41:42Why are you wearing flip flops?
41:44What the hell?
41:46I didn't have any other shoes to wear.
41:48People keep staring at my feet.
41:50Hush, child.
41:52It's not that good.
41:54Oh, funky.
42:00We just got robbed.
42:02Three dollars for one slice.
42:04At least it went to charity.
42:06She gave us the big slice.
42:08She was trying to give us a skinny slice,
42:10and then I ripped it in half.
42:12She was like, just give me the big one.
42:14She didn't like us.
42:16I clocked it from the start.
42:18And cleavage.
42:20Your area's out.
42:22See mine's covered nice. My area is not out. I'm going across and so am I. I'm one tattooed on my body forever
42:29And I'm a Christian, but they just think that I'm not
42:32Yeah, you have a thing on your chin. What? Beauty? I well. I'm not like a Christian, but I believe someone's smoking
42:39That's all I smell it. I don't know what that smells like though
42:45Ada you're gonna the rumors what I'm not the driver and
42:49You banana bread all over your house, I can are you sure you're not already I it's just the munchies, bro
42:56What well you shoved it in my face
42:59Don't say that
43:01Say what you shoved the banana bread in my face. Hold this stop. I don't want it
43:11Stop I can hear you. I can literally hear you
43:16No, can you show me it's not
43:21Like you're lying all right, I want to actually like look around in a store, so let's take a break from camera. Yeah
43:28Yeah, cuz we haven't been shopping we just
43:30I don't even want to shop. Why?
43:32I swear there's banana bread on my face and they just keep looking at me
43:34There's not we're looking at your beauty because you look like a vampire like mom said it is in your teeth though
43:39Look at the camera, not me. I don't want to look at my teeth all over
43:47Bad I don't know what you want me to do about that open up
43:52Your mouth
43:55All right serious, let's put the camera away and go to that bonita store
44:00And look look at the camera
44:03All right serious, let's put the camera away and go to that bonita store
44:08And look grilled cheese gallery, let's get a fun girl cheese for the video, okay
44:18How do you go so hungry from being because I ate food you know what that means
44:23Putting the mic away done done. I'm gonna itch my ear and put it on you
44:29Somehow we found our way back to the car
44:31I was scared we were gonna get lost Aida did not care and every time she walks for a super long distance her legs
44:37Get itchy like we bad
44:39Extremely itchy like it hurts like it's so itchy. It hurts. Yeah, I'd be profane
44:44And Pepto and I don't have any allergies and you can see they're like covering hives kind of yeah
44:51So if you know what that means in the comments, please drop a comment
44:55It's not like it's from the fat jiggling because there's not much jiggle. Yeah, you're tight. Oh my god
45:01You're tight like when I about a night
45:05Like when I walk there's not a whole lot of motion. Yeah, but let us know in the comments
45:11Anyways, we're gonna head home now. We're 40 minutes away from home 45
45:15We hope you guys enjoyed our second vlog ever