Today we walked to the local shopping center. So basically come on an adventure with us. We discover doo doo water and horses. Thanks for watching we love you guys.
00:00This is Jaila. What do you think about this little flower? What do you think about this little flower on my...
00:04Is it quiet? It's very posh.
00:08I don't want to be posh. Testing, testing.
00:16We can do another testing. Testing to make sure the mics aren't too close.
00:20Hey, first vlog ever! This is going to be our first vlog ever on this channel.
00:24Hit the record.
00:28Freaking! Wait, wait, wait. Hold on. Give it here.
00:32Give it here. Hold on.
00:36Okay, now. It's coming through now.
00:40Testing, testing, testing, testing.
00:48Testing, testing. Say something. Um, something.
00:52Say something, testing. Something, testing, testing, something. Testicle. One, two, three, testicle.
00:56Testicular cancer. Don't click the... What? Sorry, sorry.
01:00Learning how to be patient. I'm sorry. Be careful when you click the screen on the
01:04transmitter because... I don't want to click that. It's touch screen. What'd I do?
01:08Testing, testing. Testing. Last testing, guys.
01:12Wait, I think we should put all the testicle clips in the front, yeah. Okay, we're gonna...
01:16Okay. Hello, everyone! We have tested the mics. Don't worry. They work good.
01:20Today we are doing...
01:24Too much mug! Uh, Memphis? Get a club of me mugging.
01:28Get a club of me mugging.
01:32Open your eyes, boy.
01:36Uh, Memphis? What are you doing here? He wants his mug. Come on, Memphis.
01:40Get your mug on. OG mugger, OG mugger.
01:44Oh, now he's a crotch-smelling mugger. Memphis, go! Rory!
01:48Call your Memphis!
01:52There he goes. Okay, get my mugging. Bro, my butt's itchy in these leggings.
01:56Anyone else? Uh, no. Guys, we actually have matching leggings. Show them.
02:00Pink. Ah! Guys, run to pink. Don't walk, run.
02:04But they were also really expensive for no reason. Were they?
02:08Yeah, I was, like, I was, like, kind of wanting to say no. Talk into your mic.
02:12I was kind of wanting to say no after I scanned them, and I was embarrassed. You should have.
02:16Always speak up for yourself. You should have told me something. No, it was, like, fine.
02:20I thought it was going to be, like, $40 at the most. Like, $40, like, $50.
02:24And they were $60. It was, like, $60. Yeah. But also, I am going to wear the crap
02:28out of these. Yeah, and they're super comfy and, like, good, like, basic. Comfy, cute.
02:32But cute. Yeah. Like, this is how, this is why me and Jella keep buying things, because we
02:36justify it way too much. Like, we do really like these $60 leggings. You need them.
02:40They're cute, comfy. I don't know.
02:44But the whole rest of my fit is freaking Amazon. Yeah. Off-brand UGG.
02:48I can't say this one. Target. You have freaking, like, earthbound
02:52skins. No, this is White Fox Pink. This is
02:56World Market, and then my UGGs are real UGGs. But my boyfriend got me the UGGs, so girl math doesn't count.
03:00And World Market is really expensive, if you guys don't know. Yeah.
03:04It's literally like you walk in there, and she's like... So overpriced. So overpriced.
03:08I'm like, ooh, this couch is so cute, because I've been looking at new stuff for my room. I'm like, so cute.
03:12Why the f*** are you $600?
03:18Hee hee!
03:22Ow. You just Michael Jackson'd my back.
03:26Do you remember that meme? The Michael Jackson meme? Hee hee!
03:30Bro, we look like freaking nerds of the neighborhood. What the hell is this? I actually went on live one time with this,
03:34and people from the school, like, they were getting off of school as soon as I
03:38started, as soon as I left the house. No. So I was seeing everybody that I knew. No, that's like
03:42embarrassing. Wait, do we tell them what we're doing? This is our first... We're so bad at intros, because we just are
03:46so chatty Cathy. But don't worry, I can say that, because my mom's name was Cathy, and she was chatty.
03:50Sorry to all the Cathy's out there. But this is our... We are doing basically our first vlog
03:54ever, and the other day, me and Ada went on a walk.
03:58We went on a walk, and it was a lot of fun. Uh, this is a weird... This is a...
04:02You went for the, like, this, and I went for the, like, this. Let's do this.
04:06Interlocking. And we went on a walk, and we were like, this will be a
04:10fun video. Our Publix is... I don't know,
04:14like a, what would you say, 30 minute walk away? Yeah. So we walked yesterday, it was good weather.
04:18We're like, let's walk today. It was cold. Today it's better weather,
04:22honestly. A lot, sweater wetter, better wetter.
04:26So you're a bed wetter.
04:30I do get that bed wetter. Sorry.
04:34I never want to hear that again. No. Bruh, this is like...
04:38Those who don't know. I don't know how long it's been since I washed my hair, but it's been a while.
04:42Smell it. Oh, it smells good. It smells dank. Stop. Can you actually not say those
04:46rumors? Sorry. Smell it. I forget people actually take that serious.
04:50Okay, enough, enough.
04:54It was addicted, sorry. It smells so good, it was addicting.
04:58Rory's friend, which Rory's our sister, and her friend used to literally come and
05:02smell my hair. It was so weird. You know, when I just cleaned and shampooed my hair, Diesel...
05:06He sniffs it, especially when it's a little damp. He comes and rubs it, and he loves it.
05:10And I'm like, boy, you literally smell it, get away from me. It's so bad. And he loves when it's a little
05:14damp, because he's like, ooh, a little bath, a little fresh cream.
05:18No? He's like, ooh, let me go to the powder room and freshen up.
05:22The one thing about the bear claw versus the Uggs that I like is
05:26the bear paw or bear claw, whatever the funk it is, is a little bit wider
05:30toe. And, honestly, they're thinner, which is nicer for Florida. Yeah, because we don't need
05:34a different thickness. Because, as you can see, my toes look a lot wider than Jale's.
05:38Guys, I really hope your face turned red behind the screen.
05:42I'm really scared, because what if I have to poop on the walk?
05:46There's so many bathrooms, dude. Where? In the yard?
05:50Dude, people's houses. Bathrooms everywhere. Just say, hi, my name's Jale.
05:54Can I maybe use your bathroom, please? No, not like that. You say, hi,
05:58I'm homeless. I'm homeless. No, okay, no, no, no.
06:02You're not going to let a homeless person in. Just say, hey, I was on a walk, and I started getting really bad stomach cramps.
06:06Ada, why are there horses right there? Oh, don't film them, don't film them.
06:10There's people on the horses. Why are there horses right there? They're doing training.
06:14Should we say, hi, we're doing a vlog, can we get your horses
06:18for our video? Yeah, and then we can put the mic up to them. The horse?
06:22Yeah. Do you have anything to say? Okay, okay, you take the mic.
06:26Or do you want me to take your mic? I need to take my mic. Why? So then I can hand it to them.
06:30And they need to talk. Oh, the horses? Okay. You do the lead.
06:34I'll do the leading on this. Hello! Hi, how are you?
06:38We're good, how are you? Good. We're filming a video.
06:42Do you want to come give us two facts about, fun facts about a horse?
06:46Sure. They can only sleep with
06:50REM, like, they can only have REM sleep while laying down.
06:54Wow. Wow. REM. And,
06:58what else, what else, what else? These are pretty
07:02horses, wow. Don't eat my mic.
07:06Can I pet her?
07:10Wow. Our sister rides horses, so they're always,
07:14yeah. Where? Um, she, it's like, it's around
07:18Right, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's with, like, some private people, I guess.
07:22It's not really a thing, but, yeah. So I always love seeing them, they're so cool.
07:26Oh, and horses bear 60% of their weight on their front legs.
07:30Oh, really? I did not know that. Yeah, they have some powerful legs, Brooke.
07:34Yes, they do. Look, he's antsy. I know, he's like, can we get going?
07:38Hey, you guys haven't seen a fat
07:42gray cat, have you? Uh-uh. Does it have the brown eyes?
07:46It has almost, it looks like something's wrong with one of its eyes. I've seen
07:50that cat before, but not recently. Okay, she just, she belongs over right
07:54behind that brown fence right there. Yep. The yellow house. Yeah.
07:58Um, or brown barn, whatever, brown barn. Um,
08:02yeah, she's their cat and we board our horses there. Really? You haven't seen her lately.
08:06Aww. It's been a little two weeks. Really? I know, that's so sad.
08:10It's so sad of cats. I just figured I'd ask. Yeah, if we see anything,
08:14we'll come and knock and let you know. Yeah, okay, thank you. Of course.
08:18Alright, have a good time. You too. Thanks for the facts.
08:22Well, those were some pretty fun facts. Pretty fun facts. Horses, I don't know, the mics
08:26might not have picked it up, but they only get run asleep when they're sleeping and they carry, what is it, 60%
08:30of their body fat in their legs. 60% of their body weight in their front. Not body fat, body, like their
08:34body weight when they're standing. And I tried to get as close as I could, but the horses were
08:38pretty antsy. And she was like, oh, he's gonna eat that right up.
08:42I was like, we just bought these. I was like, nah, our new mics that cost
08:46an arm and a leg. Nah, it's too, it's not.
08:50It's not that cold, huh? No, this ain't gonna work. This ain't gonna work,
08:54nah. Can we walk into this? Hold on, I have to put this over here.
09:02We'll just get it on the way back. We'll get it on the way back.
09:06What are you doing?
09:10Can you focus? Can you focus? I'm going to eat you guys.
09:14Can you focus? Can you focus?
09:18Ada, focus. I'm just gonna get my sweater on the way back.
09:22Yeah, I know. You already told us that.
09:26All people do is mow their lawns. Yeah, I know. I swear.
09:30Lawns and music, we can never get away from as a YouTuber.
09:34We'll have to talk loud. If we see other people, let's interview them. What do you think?
09:38I think that's a good idea. Can you be the interviewer, though, and I'll record?
09:42Yeah, but you just actually be quiet, because I had a handle.
09:46Oh, was I talking too much to the horse lady?
09:50No, you kept talking. But it's fine, because it was a good balance.
09:54But if you want me to be the interviewer, you've got to be the interviewee.
09:58Okay, so we interview him. No, he's busy.
10:02Yeah, he's leaf blowing.
10:06Florida type sheep.
10:10We're going to go to Sonic, actually, guys.
10:14It's the craziest thing. I wanted to walk to Taco Bell, but that's three days time.
10:18Literally, it's three days time to walk to Taco Bell, so that's not happening.
10:22I'm not spending three days time. And I wanted to try the new churros, guys. Seriously, Taco Bell actually
10:26sponsored us the microwave.
10:30Guys, let's interview this microwave. How long have you been here?
10:34Too long.
10:38Yes, the smell is my bad.
10:42If I had to say something I was suspecting to happen right there,
10:46it would be that. That was crazy time.
10:50That was actually crazy. What? I just want to have a little fun.
10:54I miss the horses already. If you don't know, we kind of live in a not really rural, but farm area.
10:58It's a country. Yeah, people have a lot of horses, chickens, goats here.
11:02The horses poop in our yard all the time, before we had a fence. Diesel would roll in it.
11:06Yeah, the horses would poop in our yard, and then our dog, Diesel, here he goes again, being stinky allegations.
11:10They literally roll in the horse poop. They're not allegations.
11:14I want to bring Diesel out, so when we meet y'all, you can meet Diesel.
11:18Oh, hell no. Wouldn't that be crazy? No.
11:22They would have to sign a waiver, because he bites. Before they pet, yeah. I would say no petting, but we have a waiver.
11:26But you can take selfies. Also, guys, give us some merch
11:30ideas that you guys have, because we have some ideas cooking in the incubator.
11:34But we want more. We want more. You know? What do you think?
11:38I think you're being selfish.
11:42You always want more.
11:46Give me more. Give me more, babe. Ada, Ada.
11:50Let's pay attention. Let's pay attention. Ada, seriously, Ada. I'm not going to go.
11:54Hello. Ada, no. Ada.
11:58Seriously. What does that mean? What does that mean? That means they're going to pick you up.
12:02That means they're going to pick you up. Ada, stop. Ada, that's not funny. I don't condone this.
12:06Get out of my street. God, literally, I'm going to have gray hair by the time I'm 20.
12:10Because of you. I can't even drink alcohol. I'm going to have gray hair.
12:14It's just YouTuber things. YouTubers don't just lay in the middle of the street.
12:18It's just YouTuber things. They do anything for some views. Come on.
12:22That's true. Maybe we should get into a fight for some views.
12:26I'm just trying to be more like YouTuber-type vibes.
12:30I feel like you're not on board with me. Why? I'm a pirate.
12:34Walk my plank. I'm on board. Did you like that?
12:38What? We can have a little drink, you know, a nightcap.
12:42Girl. If I bite back.
12:46I love you like a fat killer cake. Okay, so we can title this Jaila Bites. Check out.
12:50We can title this Jaila Aggressively Bites Ada.
12:58Ada, chill. There's Marsh. There's Marsh. I know. I was joking. Wait. Get me, get me, Ada.
13:02Get me. Film me, film me. No, no, no. Okay, Ada is in jail. Ada is in jail.
13:06Can you actually film me, Ada? Guys, get me out. Ada. Give me the camera.
13:10No one cares. Ow.
13:14Jaila does dangerous climbs across the swampy marsh.
13:18Jaila does Jack Sparrow across the swampy marsh.
13:30Ada, I'm in someone's yard. I'm in someone's front yard.
13:34Nice green van.
13:38I'm in me mom's car.
13:42I'm gonna drive far in me mom's car.
13:46Oh, here's Jaila.
13:50What's up, bruh? I can't get up right here.
13:54Good night.
13:58This is POV. I'm a hobo and you're on like my hobo sack.
14:02I called something. Look, this is the POV and Jaila's with me. Stop. You're just filming your butt.
14:06Oh, I didn't mean to. Drop that dunk, Dylan. No, Jaila wants to shake her
14:10shit all she wants, but as soon as my butt gets shown, or
14:14mine, she's like, Ada, you're being disgusting.
14:18As she's stripping it down on the pole. True. Strip it down.
14:22My favorite song, Luke Bryan. That came on today when I was crying.
14:26Strip it down, dude. Wait, fun fact, really, really sad
14:30fact? Strip it down came on when I was crying.
14:34And then I started laughing a little bit. We should've brought water on our journey. We're gonna get water at Sonic. I'm so
14:38thirsty. I was actually doing that. And a blue raspberry nerd slushie? Yes!
14:42What kind of slushie you want, son? A blue raspberry slushie. He want a blue
14:46raspberry slushie with nerds in it.
14:50Okay, welcome back to my quick little video. Should we do model walks
14:54as we normal walk? Dude, I'm baking. I'm baking in this
14:58hot sun. I've actually been literally freezing all day. And not baking, guys. Baking
15:02from the sun. Baking, like cooking. Where's the cheese?
15:06Cheese is under the sauce. And I don't want to hear any Italians being like, oh, I'm
15:10defending the cheese under the sauce. It's just a meme, guys, seriously. Is that true?
15:14Hey, there's a swing. Go on it. What swing? Right there on the tree. No, it's
15:18on the property. I can't. That's actually called trespassing. Everything's property. Can I show them my
15:22new nails? Yeah. Guys, I painted my nails today. I did too.
15:26Let's show them like this. So her side. I mean, my
15:30side, her side. My side, her side. So that's how we show nails to everybody around
15:34us too. That's not true. Oh my god, a squirrel.
15:38I mean, we can interview the squirrel. I don't know.
15:42My eyes are burning from the wind. So if they're red, it's just from that.
15:46I'll help you. Thanks. Just let me know if I run into a tree or anything.
15:50Okay. Keep to the shot.
15:54You're trying to move me directly into that pole.
15:58Wait, wait.
16:02Sometimes I have to snap you out of it.
16:06That's the only thing that works. Okay, you're right, you're right. You only are allowed to titty flick your sister. Okay, watch.
16:10Guys, so you see this? It's a thinking stump for the thinkers.
16:14Because I'm the thinker. Thumbnail.
16:18Price, that was golden.
16:22Should I do a stunt? What are they called?
16:26Oh my gosh, Jayla, help me. The guys that throw the balls.
16:30Dude Perfect. Should I do a stunt like Dude Perfect? I have stickers on my shoes.
16:38Almost hurt me with my Ariana Grande shirt on.
16:42She almost hurt me with my Ariana Grande shirt on.
16:46I'm lost in the sauce quickly. Ada, I'm feeling weak.
16:50Why don't we do a piggyback ride or something?
16:54Basically, a long, long time ago, me and Jayla were at a stoplight together and this insanely hot man, just six pack muscles,
16:58just shirtless started running by. This is not true.
17:02And the conversation literally stopped.
17:06No, this literally happened right down there. Remember? Shirtless man running.
17:10And we were like, where the hell are you? And then I was like, I'll follow you home.
17:14Was this when we were like 13? No, this was like just the other day.
17:18Like last year.
17:22Last year? Yes.
17:26Bro, I can barely remember people's birthdays. You expect me to remember a hot man from last year?
17:30Bro, that's how hot he was. I remember.
17:34Oh, Ada, a hot tub.
17:38Bruh, that's just a shit tub.
17:42It's literally where you find Shrek. What if Shrek is really small and their whole town is in the sewers?
17:46Bro, I'm Matrix Sheik. Okay, you film. My arm's tired.
17:50I'm D.Va. What? Is there a little rat in there?
17:54Something literally just jumped out of the water and I heard it. A little rat?
17:58Guys, throw something in there. Quickly.
18:02Get that rock. White rock.
18:10That's what good you know what sounds like.
18:14Seriously, bruh. Oh, my shadow again.
18:18Hi, fashion, fashion, fashion.
18:22Stop with the shadow thing. Please, can you just film us?
18:26I just wanted to film my shadow for two seconds. I'm pissed at you.
18:30I'm pissed at you. I hope my jacket's still there.
18:34Bro, why would you leave your Nike Tech?
18:38Guys, this might be the day that the Nike Tech dies. Stop.
18:42I'm not wishing to an existence or anything, but... My Nike Tech's gonna be there when I get back.
18:46My Nike Tech's not there when I get back. We'll have to go buy a new one.
18:50You're right, and they have a new blue color. They do have a new blue color, but I can't buy it.
18:54It's too much money. Unless we lose the other one. Yeah, then we're allowed to buy it.
18:58That's the dumbest of rules. I didn't make them. Ugh, I need sunglasses, bro.
19:02I have some on my head. Cool. Thanks.
19:06You're welcome. Ugh, still air getting into my eyes.
19:10Jayla has really sensitive eyes, and I have sensitive eyes, but not as bad as Jayla.
19:14Yeah, and then everyone thinks I'm freaking smoking on that gum. No, I know, and they're like,
19:18Guys, I've never smoked in my life because I know some people in my family that have smoked.
19:22Okay, drop four.
19:26And they say that they get really paranoid, so I don't want to do it.
19:30The worst thing that's probably been in my body is the amount of energy drinks I consume.
19:34Oh, yeah. It's alarming. Caffeine is bad.
19:38Can I show them my favorite thing I used to do when I was a kid?
19:42When we would come on walks, I would come on walks with my friend. We're not friends anymore, sadly.
19:46Sad story. Aw, can you hug?
19:50And I...we used to do this.
19:54Oh, I've done this before, too. And then I would collect it. Confetti.
19:58Since I was kind of like the friend that was not really in the group.
20:02But you were the collector? Yeah, I would always collect a bunch, and then I would throw it at them.
20:06I'd go like this. And they'd all be like,
20:10Ada! Stop, you're being annoying!
20:14I'd be like, oh, okay. Remember that one time that I made a friend?
20:18I searched up how to make a friend on Guava Juice.
20:22On Guava Juice? Like, you know, Guava Juice. And he had a tutorial, and it was get a paper plate
20:26and put a smiley face on it. And remember, I came out,
20:30because you guys were excluding me. And I said, look, I have a new friend.
20:34Pick me. Yeah, that's the most pick me shit you could ever do. I was always the pick me.
20:38And then we look at your laptop later, and your search history is how to make friends.
20:42No, my real search history was like, guess the underwear kissing challenge.
20:46Chapstick challenge? Bro!
20:50Ain't gonna lie, ain't gonna lie. I did watch Chapstick Challenge.
20:54Me, too. I'm embarrassed. But everyone watched it.
20:58You know our parents did Chapstick Challenge on YouTube?
21:02There's some crazy stuff on the internet. Enema, the enema.
21:06Alright, I don't think we should. I'm actually so excited to get to Sonic.
21:10I'm gonna say one big fat water, please. And then we're gonna try a couple other things.
21:14Yeah, I wanna get a pickle. Don't they have a pickle drink?
21:18I think that was like three years ago. Oh, I'm always so late to the trend.
21:22But they always have new stuff. Do they? They literally always have new stuff like Zaxby's.
21:26Bro, I thought you hated Zaxby's. No, I'm saying they always have new stuff like Zaxby's.
21:30Like how Zaxby's gets new stuff.
21:34Like. And I don't hate Zaxby's, guys. I just think that it's ruined for me
21:38because our school used to cater Zaxby's and they would taste like really poo-poo fart.
21:42Say you're rich without saying you're rich. Bro, I'm getting tired.
21:46Jilla, it's not that bad. I actually got a lot of cardio in today
21:50because I was walking a lot. Walking where? Your room?
21:54No, down the street.
21:58When did you walk down the street? Um, earlier I was walking everywhere outside.
22:02Why were you walking everywhere outside?
22:06Because I couldn't drive.
22:10Where? Where did you walk? I walked all the way down.
22:14Down what? The road. Which road?
22:18The road. The one road. The dirt road? The other road.
22:22The other road. Okay, I'm done with you. I don't know what you're saying.
22:26I walked all the way down the road to the road at the end of the road.
22:30Which road? The road.
22:34Guys, we're actually almost there. I can see the Publix sign.
22:38Should we take a little Instagram photo to this bench?
22:42No. That was a joke. Oh.
22:46Sorry my sarcasm didn't kick in. Actually, I think I just saw a coyote up here or something.
22:50Something dangerous. There's not coyotes here.
22:54I walked all the way though. And deer. So wouldn't that be here?
22:58No, ten minutes away from here.
23:02Right, so then that's a ten minute radius, so that's here.
23:10Why are you...
23:14Wait, Ada, should we get a cheeseburger?
23:18Can I have a cheeseburger please? Should we get a cheeseburger? This used to be the place to be.
23:22The green boxes type sheet. I used to put my boogers on it.
23:26What is that? What is that?
23:30Is that a bug? Is that a bug? Oh my god, it's a cocoon.
23:34Oh, Ada, run, run, run. Guys, adventures.
23:46Now she's twerking. Went from athletic to raunchy very quick.
23:50Come on, I know you wanted some. Stop, Ada, there's literally an officer right there.
23:54The cops just watched you twerk. They're going to get me for streaking.
23:58Yes, guys, I was streaking on the other side of the camera.
24:02No, you weren't. Yes, I was. Why do you want to be a bad girl so bad?
24:06I was streaking. Ada, you're literally not a bad girl.
24:10Bro, I'm literally a baddie. You're not a bad girl.
24:14I'm literally a bad girl. I party every weekend.
24:18Just make bread and stay home. We are together every weekend playing Roblox.
24:22Don't make me sound like a granny now.
24:26Oh, I'm back. Someone actually told me that
24:30I have very grandma tendencies.
24:34Mom told me that I eat like grandpa.
24:38Orbeez! Oh my gosh! Ada, don't touch that.
24:42You don't know what that is. It's Orbeez. I know, but it just ran a person's front yard.
24:46Why are you smelling it?
24:54Did you just throw them in the air? They're decomposable.
24:58Ada, we're going to have to call someone. I don't think I can walk back.
25:02Okay, we can call someone on the walk back.
25:06Wait. Oh my gosh. We didn't bring our phones. I'm recording on it.
25:10Oh my gosh. I do that all the time. I'm so silly. You can't take me anywhere.
25:16A kitty! Where? Right there!
25:20Where? Right there!
25:24Where? Right there! Where? Look!
25:28Come here!
25:36Kitty! Oh my gosh, it has a white beard.
25:40I'll pet you! Stroke game strong.
25:44Stroke game strong. She doesn't care about a stroke game. She probably has a really good stroke game in the house.
25:48I know.
25:52She's so cute!
25:56I think if I had one wish, it would be to have no allergies.
26:00I'm so sad that I love cats and dogs so much, but I'm so allergic to them.
26:04Like God gave you the passion, but not the talent. Literally.
26:08I think I would no joke have like five cats if I was not allergic.
26:12What? I just like staring at the people driving.
26:16Yeah, last time we were on a walk, Ada kept like doing funny things to them.
26:20Wait, Ada, this is where the dead thing is. No, we already passed it a while ago. Are you sure?
26:24Yeah, I remember seeing it and thinking, oh, that's the dead thing. When we were on our walk last time, we found a dead thing.
26:28It had bones and stuff. Yeah, but I still am skeptical because I'm always skeptical.
26:32I always question. She's like, that's not dead and there's like a bone sticking out of it.
26:36She's like, that's not a thing. I always question things. That's not an animal. I'm the thinker.
26:40Okay, so this is three tips if you're the thinker of the friend group.
26:44One, always ask questions of your friends.
26:48Okay. Do this a little. Always question the questions
26:52and make sure when you're questioning questions, put the finger on the chin
26:56so they know you're in the zone. Oh, at our local Sonic.
27:00If you live in a small town, you know about Sonic lore.
27:04Everyone comes here Friday night, has fun, gets the taters,
27:08gets a bit slushy, hangs out. I never went to have fun.
27:12Yeah. Because I was always too scared. But I was out
27:16in these streets. Oh, I think something touched my head.
27:20It's just a branch. Oh, that scared me. We're here. He made it
27:24to our oasis. Oh, there's music. We're blanching
27:28and we're blanching. They're blasting music, Ada. Yeah, I see that. So we're going to have to go eat
27:32probably in the parking lot. Whoa, what is that? Get a Double Orchard for Sonic Smasher.
27:36I love America. Okay.
27:40Wait, make sure they have Apple Pay. It's kind of quiet. I think we'll be fine.
27:44Yeah, they have Apple Pay here. Oh, Apple Pay.
27:48Wait, Apple Pay. Function available through the Sonic app only.
27:52What? So we have to get the Sonic app.
27:56Alright, we should order and then come back. Okay, so we're actually leaving Sonic because
28:00we don't have a card, our fault. But then you go to order on the app
28:04and it says everything is unavailable. And then we talked to the guy.
28:08And he was like, sorry, everything's in stock. He was like, everything's in stock. I don't know
28:12why the app's saying that. Yeah, so they're just not updating their app, which is fine. We should have brought a card.
28:16But that's okay. We have a lot of other restaurant options. This is the beautiful thing
28:20about our loco. Our loco? I was trying to do something quirky
28:24for location, but it's just kind of stupid.
28:28Okay, are you sure we want to go to the Loop? Yeah, I'm sure.
28:32Got a cookie to tide us over. And we didn't get that much because we're not super
28:36duper hungry, but we did get something to
28:40feast your eyes on. And this cookie, I've never had
28:44Loop's cookies. I've never tried. I love cookies. Lily's Loops
28:48cookie. Who's Lily? That's actually the whole name of
28:52the Loop. It's Lily's Loops. Where did you learn
28:56that? Wikipedia. No. Guys, beautiful. You did not trust Wikipedia.
29:00What is this? Macadamia?
29:04No, I think this is toffee.
29:08What? I farted.
29:12You farted? Someone get this girl a little car air freshener
29:16because damn. It doesn't even smell. It got blown away in the wind.
29:20Can I try yours?
29:24It's the same thing. No, it's just toffee. Mine doesn't.
29:28My side.
29:32Me on my side. I just want to snuggle.
29:36I just love you. I love you too, but I love
29:40my side of the bed as well.
29:44You don't have a side of the bed. It's on my side, my side, my, my side, side.
29:48If you know, you know.
29:52They were my endgame. It's crazy that it actually
29:56turned into a song. They made a song.
30:00It originated like that. Right?
30:04Yeah, that's like, that was their song.
30:08It wasn't originally a song. It's from a video. Someone didn't make it like that.
30:12Alex and Lauren made it like that though.
30:16Yeah, but it's from a video.
30:20Oh. It's from just a
30:24regular YouTube video made into a song. I thought you were saying the editor made it like that though.
30:28No. I don't know who made it.
30:32It was Alex and Lauren. Oh, okay.
30:36I actually need to bring a pillow. I'm so tired. I like being able to see every
30:40single hair on your face. I'm cold. I wish I had my Nike tie.
30:44Come on.
30:48Ada's the type of girl that would give her shirt off your back. Do you actually not want it or?
30:52No, you can have it.
30:56And good things happen to good people. Our food's ready. Do you want me to come help?
31:00Yeah, I'll just come.
31:04I wonder what Ada's doing. She's in the restaurant. You can probably hear her.
31:08This is actually a lot of food. These onion rings smell so good.
31:12Oh, you dropped it in my salad. This is the Asian chicken salad. This used to literally be my favorite salad here.
31:16And there's ramen in it. And walnuts.
31:20I just got a super salad. If you are allergic to nuts, don't hit me up.
31:24I'm just kidding. I don't discriminate.
31:28What is that?
31:32I don't know. I just saw it on you.
31:36Must be.
31:44It's now time for the walk back. We're full. Belly's full.
31:48Belly's full and happy.
31:52Get my belly full and happy. Get it.
31:56I got it. Your belly's full and happy.
32:00And now it's time for the walk back.
32:04We're going to burn those cows, ladies.
32:08I never consider that men watch this.
32:12Yeah, someone said that in the comments. They were like, you act like only women watch this.
32:16I feel bad, but I literally feel like...
32:20Our demographic is mostly girls, but I just am like...
32:24I can't even think of a boy watching this right now.
32:28I'm not saying that. Come on, boys. It's okay.
32:32Sorry. If you're a boy viewer...
32:36If you're a girl viewer...
32:40I have no opinion. I think that's sexist.
32:44Ada, chill. I'm just kidding. See?
32:48As soon as I make a funny joke about it, then you're like, oh my god, Ada.
32:52Chill. We're being crazy right now.
32:56You're right. I'm going to push you in the ditch.
33:00I'm just kidding. Not if I go myself.
33:04We're not doing this again.
33:08Move out the way, troll.
33:12Do you want to wrestle?
33:16I'm embarrassed. There's people.
33:20What are they going to do? Bite us?
33:24We can only wrestle in the privacy of our home.
33:28I'm in my Katniss Everdeen era.
33:36Okay, and I don't give a f**k.
33:40Who the f**k is Coco? I didn't know there was a Coco at this school.
33:44That's the energy I always give off.
33:48Who the hell is Coco? I didn't even know there was a Coco at this school.
33:52You know, that would really hurt me if I knew ASL.
33:56Have a sip. Don't say I threw my water, please.
34:00Yeah, maybe it'll get rid of the fat.
34:04Sorry, sorry.
34:08There's no fat. You're so skinny.
34:12Don't do it, Ada. Ada, serious.
34:16Ada, serious. Get back on my side.
34:20I just want to love you.
34:24She doesn't get a side of this road. This is all my side.
34:28That's it. I'm going to get this b**ch.
34:32I'm taunting you! I'm taunting you! Come here!
34:36You can't outrun me.
34:44Ada, you can't just keep running across the street. That's seriously dangerous.
34:48Stop. Streets are not for playing.
34:52I didn't bring my inhaler, so chill.
34:56Oh no, that just gave me a period cramp. I looked both ways.
35:00Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter.
35:04Streets are not to play in.
35:08That was too much playing. That was too much playing.
35:12You know what I said when I was over there? I'll find out in editing, but sure, confess.
35:16I said, she ain't getting none of this side.
35:20She ain't getting none of this side? The sidewalk.
35:24You're not getting any of that side.
35:28Only this side. My side, side, side.
35:32I just want to love you.
35:36Actually, I'm a tourist, so I can actually flick you off whenever I want.
35:44I'm a Gemini.
35:48So I can actually s**t your pants when I want. My? Pants.
35:52Okay, well, do you know what Gemini means?
35:56Yeah, it means you're a two-faced b**ch.
36:00Will you stop cursing? Sorry. I would like to rate this G.
36:04Sorry, I was just trying to eat you up. We're sisters.
36:08I don't like that. Like, it's like- Where does this rope lead to?
36:12What rope? Right here. This rope that's tied.
36:16Where does it lead to? Right here.
36:20It's not a rope. Wait. No, it keeps going.
36:24It keeps going. I see it. It's still going.
36:28Where? See it?
36:32Oh my god, it leads to the power line. What if we just yank on it?
36:36We'd get electrocuted. Oh. What?
36:40You ain't got a clue when the f**k you are.
36:44What's your problem? No, no. Me?
36:48I put a rope on the power line so the kids will pull it.
36:52You ain't got a clue when the f**k you are.
36:56Do you know what that Rod Wave means? That's Rod Wave.
37:00I think so. I'm not 100% sure.
37:04No, I think it's that one guy. Drewski?
37:08I don't know. It's one of them.
37:12I don't like Rod Wave. Just his music.
37:16Mama says it's my fault.
37:20There was actually this guy that I was talking to and he kept sending me videos of him
37:24listening to Rod Wave in the car singing it. Did that turn you on? It turned me negative off.
37:28Wait, I have my Nike Checks there. I forgot about it.
37:32There's things on me and I don't like it. There's what on you? Like things. Like bugs.
37:36Not huzz? No. Should we try to get you a huzz on this walk? I actually don't have any huzz.
37:40Should we try to get you a huzz on this walk? If you want.
37:44I'm gonna call the horse lady for her phone number. Damn it. You're right.
37:48She probably knows some good huzz. No horse huzz.
37:52Bring him on around.
38:00My tummy hurts. Seriously.
38:04My tummy hurts.
38:08My tummy hurts.
38:12It's my fault. It's my fault. I wear my heart on my sleeve.
38:16I've been broke so many times.
38:20I should not have believed.
38:24Bro, this is actually the cans that they're gonna use for Happy Daddy.
38:28What is Happy Daddy? They use recyclable cans and they're
38:32probably gonna use this one right here. Happy Daddy's a YouTuber brand. I'm not sure
38:36what YouTuber though. Oh, interesting. But they use recycled cans for it.
38:40Good to know. So they're probably gonna use that can. So we should
38:44mail it to them? Maybe we should pick that up.
38:48Guys, we picked the can up off camera. So don't worry about it.
38:56What are you doing?
39:00Are you serious? It's peeing. It's peeing.
39:04Stop. It's about to pee all over me.
39:08Bro, just a little middle school throwback.
39:12Aiden told me that she did used to do that in middle school. She used to draw
39:16perns. You can't say the real word on YouTube.
39:20Unless it's educational.
39:24No, that's it backwards.
39:28It would be C-pep.
39:32She used to dress C-peps on the sidewalk.
39:36In school and she said the teacher would never catch her because
39:40apparently everyone did it. Everyone was doing C-peps.
39:44And they would just dry up so it didn't matter. That's what's wrong with America.
39:56Bro, these keep dragging on the ground.
40:00Did you just fart on me?
40:04Get back here.
40:08I'm leaving her in the back with the fart.
40:12Aiden, I'm serious. Get back here.
40:20Get back here.
40:24Did you just
40:28fart on me? It was just poopy air.
40:32You just pooped your air on me? Yeah, I did. And my shirt's all dirty.
40:36I look stupid. I feel like down about myself.
40:40I feel like down about myself.
40:48I'm done running for the rest of this video.
40:56I'm stronger. I'm better. I'm faster. I'm faster.
41:00My pants are falling off my ass.
41:04My sister.
41:08Over here.
41:20Cunt with the stain on her chest.
41:24Because I'm ready to see. Stain on my shirt.
41:28Wait. Stain on my shirt because I'm ready to be his laundry maker.
41:32Do you think you ate?
41:36Because you threw up. You didn't eat. My tummy hurts.
41:40My tummy hurts.
41:44Are you recording me?
41:52You have swears in your jacket.
41:56She smacked my butt.
42:00No, I didn't.
42:04Shut up.
42:12I'm scared.
42:16You know I'm scared.
42:20This looks like your new hair.
42:24It looks like your butt hole hair.
42:28It's funny because I shaved.
42:32I'm going to be sick for two days.
42:36I'm going to be sick for two days.
42:40We're going to the pool.
42:44This is not the pool we were in.
42:48This is not the right one.
42:52This is not the right one.
42:56This is the exact pool.
43:00It wasn't on the curve.
43:04I hate it when you do that.
43:08I hate it when you push me to the edge of the sidewalk.
43:12Doing that thing you do.
43:16Keep doing that thing you do.
43:20Breaking my heart into a million pieces.
43:24Like I always do.
43:28You look like a fool in me.
43:32Is that a real song?
43:36I'm having a great time.
43:40What about you?
43:44Doing that thing you do.
43:48Breaking my heart into a million pieces.
43:52Like you always do.
43:56You need to go to yap city.
44:00When you think you're funny.
44:04I'm not even yapping.
44:08I love gas station hot dogs.
44:12I love Walmart hot dogs.
44:16Nathan's glitzy.
44:20It's called a no makeup mugging.
44:24I don't wear makeup.
44:28I don't wear makeup ever.
44:32I just do a little bit of water in the morning.
44:36I don't need it at all.
44:40She's so natural she doesn't even use toothpaste.
44:44A lot of guys have told me that my breast smells like shit.
44:48One time I caught her digging in the litter box.
44:52There was litter on her mouth.
44:56Confession time.
45:00I drink from the toilet bowl.
45:08This is going to be weird.
45:12I like to make a hole and bury my head.
45:16During COVID I used underwear as a mask.
45:20It helps with the germs outside.
45:24I used to wear underwear for 16 days straight.
45:28I thought that was normal.
45:36Her turn on the branch.
45:40Is planking still funny?
45:44I hope you didn't get my butt.
45:48Bring me a little water now.
45:52Bring me a little water.
45:56Got no tears left to cry.
46:00Stop mugging in the sun.
46:04I'm ready to be home.
46:08Then I'll race you.
46:12Help me.
46:16What the heck is going to be there?
46:20Try to fit in the hole.
46:24Is it comfy?
46:28I can see the other side.
46:32See if I can see you.
46:40I'm over here.
46:44I see you.
46:48Can you see me?
46:52English or Spanish?
46:56I don't answer that question.
47:08I'm racing.
47:12I told him I was racing him.
47:20I told him I was racing him and he looked at me.
47:24Do you want a cookie?
47:28I said I'm racing.
47:32Do you want a cookie?
47:36I actually do.
47:40I think you could jump it.
47:44Should I jump this?
47:48You have to.
47:52Roll down this hill.
47:56If you insist.
48:00Let's do this.
48:14Full of grass.
48:20I'm holding a piece of grass.
48:24My cup has something in it.
48:28Guys, my cup actually has something in it, growing.
48:31Look, look.
48:33Oh God!
48:35It's just my hand, guys.
48:36Hey, she's been like this forever.
48:38Like what?
48:40She's been like this forever.
48:42How long have you been like this?
48:45Like what?
48:46I returned like this about a couple years ago.
48:49I used to be like this as a kid
48:50and then I had to pretend I was someone else.
48:52Yeah, when you're a teen, you know,
48:54you kind of got to revert into coolness.
48:57You got to be incognito.
49:01When you become a teen, you got to be incognito.
49:06How long have you been like that, though?
49:07Listen to me.
49:09I've been like this about two minutes.
49:13I see my future and it's clear to me now.
49:17I see my future.
49:19I've always wanted to touch a speed limit sign.
49:22You never have.
49:23Strip it down.
49:26Are you going to touch the sign or not?
49:28I'm going to touch it now.
49:31I remember one time I went to this girl's birthday party
49:33and there was this like square wooden pole
49:36and they were all stripping on it.
49:39A square wooden pole?
49:40How do you even strip on that?
49:41So it's like, I don't know.
49:42I didn't do it.
49:43I was like, this is embarrassing.
49:44The corner could catch you.
49:45Yeah, and then it's like a bunch of guys there.
49:47Yeah, but that's why they were doing it.
49:48That's embarrassing, actually.
49:49Because we're males.
49:50Yeah, but it's like you don't look good.
49:52Oh my gosh, we're going to get ran over now.
49:55Don't run me over, please.
49:56Please, I'm only 16.
49:58I'm just 16.
49:59Bro, I'm itchy as hell now.
50:01Freaking frick you for challenging me.
50:02I told you you're going to be itchy from the grass.
50:06Oh, no.
50:09Oh my gosh, guys, that was horse girl.
50:10That was the girl that told us the horse facts in the car.
50:16I had the ripping sensation in my foot really badly.
50:19What was that again?
50:22That was the girl that told us the horse facts.
50:24That was her.
50:26Long time no see, huh, neighbor?
50:28I'm really itchy.
50:30And my foot did the tearing thing.
50:31Is that Grammy?
50:32No, that's a Ford.
50:34I wish it was Grammy.
50:35Me too.
50:35Get right home.
50:37At least you get your Nike check.
50:39Thank God, bro.
50:40We have some good neighbors.
50:41Oh, I'm so itchy.
50:42They don't steal or cheat,
50:43but I hope there's not roaches in it.
50:45Well, the roaches might've made a home,
50:47but it's not their home for long.
50:50Yep, I'm a tenant,
50:51and you'll have eviction soon.
50:56A ride, a free, a ride.
51:01It's gonna hit me.
51:02She's crazy.
51:05We wanna be right home.
51:07Pick us up.
51:09Please pick us up.
51:10Thank you, Mom.
51:12Scoot over.
51:14We did a big adventure.
51:17We're exhausted.
51:18We're exhausted.
51:19We walked all the way to the loop.
51:22We ate.