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00:00We're testing insane secret rooms in Minecraft to see which ones are real versus fake 87% chance
00:06Of being what I think it's a 7% chance of being fake. What do you think? Oh wait?
00:11Oh, and this is the first time I've seen the chance go down
00:14All right, so the chances decrease as we see that there is a mob spawner, which definitely is not in mansions
00:20Oh, so can we just talk about what's that? What's the point?
00:22Why would you even want to find a spawner in a mansion right now again?
00:25I just I would like to know what is the purpose of this secret room. I'd well the man was he was outside
00:32Broke through the windows and then somewhere over here. He ended up seeing that secret room
00:37I mean again if it exists was it on this side. No, maybe okay. It's on this side. Oh, this isn't good
00:41Hey, I don't know about y'all, but I'm not seeing I'm not seeing a spotter spawner with a bunch of cobwebs everywhere. Oh
00:49What bad time what timing is this
00:51But why look I got no choice, why is this a thing what would be the benefit here?
00:56Okay, there's not even any chests like in a spawner underground you get chests with loot and you just just get this
01:03All right, we're on the wiki or the wiki, but there it is
01:07It literally there is an actual spider room look and it literally says a secret room packed with many cobwebs
01:12These rooms can generate on any floor. So this one is definitely real
01:1756% chance and we're starting with an adorable Fox
01:22Okay, do you all think what I'm thinking here? We're gonna make the Fox
01:25Dig this hole can foxes even put shovels in their mouth. They can use swords. I've seen them do it
01:31Wait one hole one hole that now has created a giant hole and now we're in a magical
01:40This is like a fox is a hideout
01:42Why would the Fox show us this right now now we get to see I mean they are the most clever mob
01:48Technically boxes are very clever and maybe they're also clever in Minecraft
01:51I don't know. We're gonna get the iron shovel. But my question is do you want this to be real?
01:55What would be the benefits this could be like a cool like party trick or a flex, sir
02:00I'm gonna need you to take this shovel and show me where you and your boys end up hanging out. This is
02:05About to be a moment. I feel like I'm about to have my shovel stolen. He's gonna just take it and run
02:12Don't look at me like that. Does this mean that there is or is not a secret room? Our lazy-eyed Fox is not doing anything
02:22I was like I was like believe in this so tough until he just wraps up. Yo, give me my shovel back
02:28Give it back bro. Give it back. Yeah, this is fake and also foxes are fake homies
02:33Wait 64% chance. Oh wait, look at this. Hey, there's a mob spawner in the cave
02:37I have always have you thought there's a secret room in the spawner area
02:41I've always thought this would be like the perfect place for Mojang to put a secret room
02:45But this guy thinks that there's a jukebox trick. Okay jukebox. Yeah, I like him. He's vibing
02:51He's got the disc in the jukebox. Oh
02:54Wait, do you wait a second? If you look beneath the spawner, there's a block that breaks somehow
02:59From the the magic that is the c4-18 disc. Oh
03:08This is oh and this is a deep hole this is a deep and what does it take you to wait?
03:12This is just another spawner area. Oh
03:15But we have some novelty mob. So we got some unique mobs here
03:19This is this is it?
03:21Okay, and then we just have like a random pig. Why is the pig the only mob that's fully trapped?
03:27I want this to be real just so I can free the pig. Oh
03:30Don't you own are these even dungeons? Are they just spawners? Where they call? I don't even know what they call these things
03:35I found the dungeon spawner area. Oh, wait, we do have music this we have the c4-18. This is good
03:41We don't have the jukebox, but that's fine because we have creative mode now
03:45Why let's just think about this for a second
03:47It's just the jukebox cause the zombies in the spawner to just dance so hard that they just drill
03:52Through the ground beneath them. I'm really trying to use logic here prepare to witness the feeling of a lifetime
04:01I feel like I'm literally back in time 100 years ago whenever I listened to this
04:05Alright, remember the block beneath is a
04:11Supposed to open so the music has stopped from the jukebox
04:15Uh, and they're okay. There's the vines
04:17Someone explain to me. What am I gonna do?
04:19Okay, there's the vines
04:21Someone explain to me. What am I gonna be finding down here? What am I gonna be fine? Okay, wait
04:25I hear a pig but this is not
04:27Oh, i'm hearing a crazy pig
04:29Am I hearing like a hoglin?
04:32We have the zombie spawner. Okay
04:34We have hoglin now. What in tarnation are you doing here? Oh, wait a second. Now. This is where we had the pig
04:40No, wait, this is where the chest was and the loot on this one is significantly better and then we should have our pig in here
04:48And that ain't no pig we have a zombified villager
04:52And then you literally get the chirp disc back, but you don't even have the ingredients to transform this poor man
04:58Back into a villager. All right, the power of christ compels you sir
05:02i'm gonna sound like a conspiracy theorist here, but my conspiracy is that this is not
05:06Like it shouldn't be here because like people would find rooms like this after playing minecraft for this long
05:12However, like we can't be the first people to find this that's why I just don't think it's real
05:1788% chance is getting my blood boiling a little bit
05:20Oh, no, don't tell me this guy is gonna say if you fish in this wishing well, then there's gonna be a magic opening
05:28Please don't do it. Oh, no, hold on
05:30There's gonna be an enchanted book which has unreal enchants
05:39He's killing i'm praying for them i'm praying for them because I know they're liars
05:46We've all swam to the bottom of wells before and there's never an opening
05:51I now I can't say that i've ever fished an enchanted book out of it
05:54Thrown it back in watched it drain and then gone down the stairs because the opportunity has it's never crossed my mind
06:01It's never crossed my mind once like and how are we gonna trust this guy this could be a full-grown adult wearing a
06:07Reptile onesie in minecraft. This is the moment of truth. Does the blood pressure rise to the occasion?
06:13Oh, i'm ringing the bell for good luck, huh? Ring that bell. All right, let's not ring it too many times
06:17These guys are gonna get scared. I'm not gonna sit here and fish for books all day
06:20We got lure three on
06:22And then we're gonna fish the enchanted book first try it. Yeah, of course we would
06:26And at least we have different enchants. This is a good sign
06:29Oh, I just don't want to throw the book in there. All right, here we go. I'm throwing in
06:34Don't you dare drain don't you stop doing what you're doing this has got to be a dream
06:41No, I mean now now we go in now we just go in
06:45And seeing is not always believing you don't know if somebody's messing with you, you know
06:49We don't know how credible the person is that told us this is legitimate
06:54I mean to have to have a protection for diamond chest plate
06:58Okay, all I gotta do is drain the well
07:00Diamond sword too. I mean you've even got random tools over here, too
07:04Uh, by the way, there's also there are things in the barrel too more books that are enchanted diamond shovel partially used
07:11and diamonds
07:13And now apparently a leak in the well
07:17I was already confused in the first place
07:20Where did this water come from like we went down here and there was no reason
07:24Like the water wasn't going down the stairs and now it is why is the water going?
07:27Why is the water going down the stairs?
07:29Why is this even at the bottom of the well when it shouldn't be so many questions that need answering?
07:34Okay, 51 51 percent chance now. The only thing I know that's a secret room for sure that exists out here
07:44Hello, sir
07:46Wandering traders going in invisible mode
07:48Why are they why are they going invisible you oh, you know, what did you do that?
07:52Yo, look at look at this. This guy's so sneaky or he thinks he is
07:56So he's got to be like sinking into the powdered snow
08:00He is sinking in the powdered snow
08:02And look at this. I would feel devastated if I was the wandering trader right now
08:06Like I just gave up my potential secret room by holding a bucket of milk. This is like the same
08:12What are we doing to the camels this is like that secret room beneath igloos that actually exists
08:18I don't know if this one does yet. We haven't gone into the actual game
08:21But why are there camels here? And why are these the worst skins i've ever seen in the game?
08:27All right, we got wandering trader. How would I make this guy go to his area?
08:31Do I just like walk around the sun is definitely going down though. You see it like oh
08:38Really oh dude, am I the bot here for not realizing that they do this the heck is he oh, he's
08:45Oh, oh, oh, bro. I literally was looking at this rabbit and I almost fell for him
08:50Oh, I saw you go in this hole buddy. Oh, yeah pack snow. I don't hear him. Uh, is he dying?
08:56What is he dying?
08:58What are you doing, dude
09:02The fact that he's dying in his secret room makes me think that this is fake because does he ever leave or does he just
09:08Die, maybe he doesn't die
09:10I mean think about it. The guy's got a lot of okay
09:12Never mind. He definitely does die
09:14So mojang adds a wandering trader secret room where they die and don't even get to benefit from the secret room
09:22and it has
09:23wandering trading
09:25Items they just basically made a giant igloo
09:29But for what purpose?
09:31For what purpose?
09:33Yeah, this is by the way, just in case you want to go look for yourself. This is where the secret room is
09:38in a real igloo
09:40But in this one, which I don't believe in there's a chest
09:43That has a total of a nine and a notch apple and an entire empty map
09:48Yeah, see this is this is this is how I know somebody is messing with me. It doesn't make any sense
09:52Does it tell me i'm not alone? Thank you very much
09:56But why is the witch out of the hut?
09:58The witch not being at the hut does make me nervous. What are you doing here? Huh?
10:02You're gonna fill are you filling up her cauldron? The witch is not gonna be happy about this
10:06You can't be brewing with her cauldron
10:09You definitely cannot be throwing what is this this looks like some kind of magical black liquid
10:14And then where did this room come from? Oh, it opens on the left
10:18All right. Nice. Yeah, okay
10:19The witch has a secret ingredient cauldron that just so happens to open up a piston to what?
10:24Where her and the other witches are brewing together? Like what are they doing down here?
10:28Is this i'm hearing a lot of them? So this is like their laboratory
10:33All right. Why would they need this? Why would the witches need this? They already have their hut
10:37They don't need a laboratory. Oh so bad, you know for science
10:40All right
10:41We're just gonna keep believing and now we throw in the fermented spider rye and there should be like a piston sound
10:48Okay, now like what is this black liquid can I even scoop this out?
10:54I did hear something. I did hear a piston. Oh, where did you just go? Is that where the opening was?
10:59Oh, if it was a snake it would have bit me
11:02Secret witch hole now, why would the witches need this the witches already have their hut?
11:07Is this where they're like arming themselves?
11:09Is this why the witch has like a million potions like, you know
11:11When you're fighting them and they never run out of potions to splash you with
11:16Yeah, this has got it. Okay. I don't even care that i'm seeing this. This is just weird and there's even water
11:21Okay, there's a chest now. What is what's what's here kind sir? Uh more potion ingredients. I imagine this
11:28I mean, what do you say?
11:29Like I feel like my friend chase or somebody's gotta be messing with me like i'm gonna press tab and somebody's gonna be on the server
11:36And there's not
11:38Potion of invisibility. This is very important for the secret room
11:41Oh, man, and you know what? I really want this to be real
11:45I really do because phantoms they don't get enough utility people don't respect the phantoms
11:50Does this really does it really work if you drink invisibility potions?
11:54Do the phantoms actually not see you because these guys are spinning like bape lights
11:58What are they doing?
12:00Oh, no
12:02Don't ruin phantoms for me. Don't ruin the phantoms
12:06Yeah, okay because the phantoms are definitely capable of opening up
12:12Cobblestone to the phantom room. There you go
12:15What club are you participating in now the phantom club? I mean this actually looks like the phantom club
12:21This is me. I love the phantoms
12:23I think the phantoms are one of the coolest mobs in minecraft
12:25But this is like the phantom is so much better than this room. We're doing the phantoms dirty. That's all i'm saying
12:32All right. Let me see. Do we got okay phantoms?
12:35Phantoms check I want to get one of these to actually attack me. I don't know if the invis works
12:39Oh, yeah. Okay. That guy's definitely mad. I go in the room
12:43Now we drink the invis
12:45Now i'm kind of busting a myth right now before we even bust the secret room
12:48Oh, he's stuck. Some of these guys are kind of flying away. Like look at this guy on the right
12:52He's definitely flying this guy might be stuck
12:54But they're supposed to fly as like a unit a flock of phantoms
12:58Like waka flaka and then go break my cobblestone. I'm gonna break the oh, oh, oh
13:04My presence has shooketh them to move and get stuck in a totally different piece of
13:10Hey, yo, you just hit me. All right. Well i'm just gonna go ahead and say I don't believe this one is legitimate
13:16Thank god, huh faith in humanity restored fake
13:21ruined portals next to each other the chances would be so much lower than 57
13:28I have probably seen
13:3030 ruined portals and never seen conjoined ones. Oh and then okay there
13:35And they have a blue tent. This guy's got a resource pack on. Yeah, show me the fake room that you're about to show me. Absolutely
13:43Now we've teleported and we're in among us. We're in the spaceship. Where's red?
13:46Because this whole thing is sus. What is this? This is
13:49Below this is like the void like below bedrock. It's not even in the nether
13:54Like I just wish they would try to at least make it somewhat believable, but they're not even trying
14:00It's fine, you know because i'm gonna just know i'm just gonna go fine
14:03even if you we do see the double ruined portal, I know
14:09this even though it's not side by side, you know is just
14:15Like dude if this shoe fits yeah, but like this is too close already
14:20This is telling me that somebody's got something going on and then can you even connect them?
14:25I don't think you can connect these
14:27Isn't there a limit to how wide you can like the portal or maybe that's I don't know to be honest
14:34But just look at this for one moment and tell me this doesn't feel so fake and illegal at the same time it just
14:42It's honestly it's it's very wild who would have this much obsidian could the world's longest
14:47Ruined portal and now we light it now we light it and you know, even if it's blue
14:52We don't know it's gonna be blue it's gonna be blue
14:59Right there I see
15:01Okay, I don't know why I press and tap nobody's on the server apparently allegedly, huh?
15:07But I know there is like where do you get this? Where does this come from? It seems legit to me
15:12Now i'm just gonna thrust myself in here
15:20Wish I was three maybe I am can somebody please catch me this is cursed. It's just it's beyond curse
15:26It's beyond curse. I mean, we're definitely below the bedrock. Oh, we didn't go to the nether
15:30No instead we went to the among us ship. Oh great. And yeah, there it is
15:34Everything's literally here including the paintings and the chest. Did they even check behind the giant painting?
15:42Didn't see that coming had no idea
15:45Giant suspicious painting with a definitely like a room behind it that also has even more
15:50And a respawn anchor you probably don't even know what this is if I wasn't making youtube videos. I wouldn't even know
15:56Oh, wait, hold on
15:56This is a very important part if the player attempts to set their spawn point at a charged respawn anchor in the overworld
16:03So if you try to set your respawn point anywhere, that's not in the nether it will blow up
16:08All right. So right now I don't think we're in the nether. Do you i'll answer that for you? No, let's charge it up
16:15Yeah, it's charging so it's got four charges and now if I right click it
16:21It shouldn't blow up if we're not in the nether
16:24Please don't blow up. Yeah
16:26What did I say?
16:28I was literally killed by intentional game design
16:32Which means we're not in the nether uh emma respawn and now it's gonna have yeah and i'm in the overworld
16:37Big shocker. Yeah, I know. You know this. I love it
16:40I know somebody's messing with me even though I can't prove it
16:43This just has me feeling some kind of way where I need to leave. Thank you for watching