• 2 days ago
Thank you to Thrive Market for sponsoring this video! Use this link: http://thrivemarket.com/farmhouseonboone to receive 30% OFF your first order + a FREE gift worth up to $60 when you join today!

My in laws new Airbnbs in Branson, MO (code: farmhouse)

Recipes mentioned in this video:
Sourdough Bread Bowls- https://www.farmhouseonboone.com/sourdough-bread-bowls/
Chicken Corn Chowder- https://www.farmhouseonboone.com/chicken-corn-chowder/
Sourdough Cornbread- https://www.farmhouseonboone.com/sourdough-cornbread/


Learn how our family supports ourselves full-time on our homestead with our blog and Youtube channel with in my FREE Youtube success masterclass: https://www.farmhouseonboone.com/masterclass-registration-youtube

Farmhouse Favorites Sourdough (50+ pages with all of my sourdough recipes)- https://withered-breeze-7467.ck.page/9aea28a530

Business inquiries: farmhouseonboone@select.co


00:00Even though we still have plenty of winter weather, more and more days are starting to
00:16feel like spring, which just gives me a pep in my step.
00:21I cannot wait until flowers are blooming outside, there are fresh things to get from the garden
00:28or farmer's market, we can walk outside barefoot without a coat.
00:34I am just looking forward to it so much.
00:37I want you to join me today, I'm just going to do some springtime homemaking around our
00:42farmhouse and talk about how this is a bit of a season of waiting and learning how to
00:49be content in those times and with that perspective.
00:53I really need to organize this pantry, we'll see if I get to that today.
00:59First I need to get something going for lunchtime.
01:03I usually start this in the morning after I put Victor down for his morning nap.
01:09The kids do lessons either independently or with Luke or a combination of the two.
01:15I usually have toddlers and babies at my feet that aren't seen in these videos.
01:21I get asked that a lot, like where are your toddlers when you're cooking?
01:25Well they're here, they're just silenced and that is why a lot of these videos, a large
01:31majority of them, are silent for that reason.
01:35Today I'm going to first mix up something that we will use likely tomorrow, just because
01:41with sourdough that's the nature of the amount of time that it takes.
01:45I always tell people with sourdough don't worry so much about the timing, just get it
01:52started and where it ends up being done will work.
01:56You can find a way to use any sourdough baked good and if the timing is overwhelming you
02:04or stressing you out or you're thinking okay if it's winter it'll take longer, if it's
02:08summer it'll take less time, how do I plan for that?
02:12I just kind of see where it falls, I have a pretty good gauge at this point because
02:16I'm so used to using my sourdough starter and making sourdough that I usually know the
02:21time that it's going to take and I have good ways of accelerating the process if I need
02:27it done sooner.
02:28But today I'm just going to get some whole wheat sourdough honey rolls going and I think
02:35that these will be lovely for tomorrow.
02:37I have some other things that I can make today so I won't need to put it in an extra warm
02:41spot to rush that process along, we'll just let them do a nice low ferment, I'll do some
02:46stretch and folds throughout the morning.
02:48Since we eat most of our meals from scratch and from home we can always use what I get
02:56I picked up some flowers today, now I did not think that they were the most beautiful
03:00flowers in the world but I just needed something fresh and these definitely did the trick.
03:06With some flower arranging I think that they'll be even more beautiful.
03:11Now I picked up a couple of faux stems as well as a couple of real bundles.
03:17I also grabbed some fresh parsley and cilantro, got those in water.
03:22I will use those to add some greenery and also just to leave in the jars and pluck fresh
03:27herbs throughout this next week just to give my dishes a more springy fresh flavor.
03:34I'm trying to make these arrangements a bit more beautiful by grouping like colors together
03:40so I stuck with a pink theme in the first vase.
03:43I did a couple of pink tulips as well as these pink fresh flowers and then I'm doing white
03:50and yellow in the other jar as well as adding in some greenery.
03:55I originally put the yellow carnations in with the pink flowers, I thought that they
04:00looked kind of nice with the yellow centers but then I ultimately opted to throw them
04:05in here with the other yellow flowers and the white tulips.
04:09I pull the tulips sort of out of the sides and since they're faux I can really bend the
04:14stems to make them spring out and give the arrangement a bit of a more interesting shape.
04:21I will group the red ones together, I just think they look more beautiful this way and
04:26I'll put them throughout the house where I think that they look best and give a little
04:31fresh element for us to enjoy while the weather isn't exactly spring like but is giving us
04:37little glimpses of what it's going to be like in the coming months and we are all just so
04:42excited about it.
04:43So excited to spend endless hours at the pool and the swimming hole and the creek.
04:50We are craving it at this point.
05:04One way that I source quality organic ingredients for my pantry during springtime and really
05:09any time of year is with Thrive Market.
05:12Thrive Market is an online membership-based grocery store where you can get items that
05:16if you live in a rural area like me that you may not even be able to find locally and
05:21if you can it's likely for a much better price on Thrive Market.
05:25Things like the sourdough pasta that I just found on there sort of recently, I've been
05:29buying it up like crazy, stocking my pantry for a super quick weeknight meal when I have
05:34zero plans with a little bit of meat thought out, toss that with some organic pasta sauce
05:39from Thrive Market and these noodles with a short list of great ingredients.
05:44I can make a healthy meal so quick.
05:46Also I get things like bulk baking ingredients, cocoa powder, sugar, einkorn flour, even vanilla
05:52baking powder, baking soda, spices, there are so many things that I repeatedly get on
05:56Thrive Market.
05:57I love that on their website you can sort by dietary preference so if you are paleo,
06:01dairy-free, gluten-free, you can make it to where you only see those options so that you
06:06can get the chore of sourcing great ingredients for your kitchen done very quickly.
06:10For me personally, I do occasionally like looking through all the different options
06:14to see, hey, what's new that I haven't tried yet that might be really great in my kitchen.
06:18But for the most part, I have my tried and true items, my tried and true brands that
06:23I purchase over and over again on Thrive Market, orders over $49, ship free, so it's fast and
06:30easy which is exactly what I need, especially in the season of life upcoming where it's
06:34going to be warm outside, I'm going to be spending more time outside, less time in the
06:38kitchen cooking.
06:39Another thing that I like to get are snacks that are quality, things like chips fried
06:43in avocado oil, some snack bars, especially when it gets warmer, I find myself making
06:48more and more packed lunches, if I have some bread ready to go, some deli meat, and some
06:53of these other staples, I can throw the water bottles and all that food in a bag really
06:57quick and meet friends at the park which I love.
06:59Thrive Market is offering Farmhouse Ombun viewers 30% off your first order plus a free
07:04gift worth up to $60 with my link, thrivemarket.com forward slash farmhouse ombun, I'll also
07:10leave a link down in the description box below.
07:20Members of my family definitely noticed this subtle change and appreciated the freshness,
07:27it's such a simple way to really make a big impact, I don't know why I don't do it more
07:31often or at least with the herbs that we're eating, put them in pretty vases and enjoy
07:36them around the house.
07:50I am just putting my dough for the honey wheat rolls into a different bowl because I need
07:56to use this other bowl for something else, I'm also doing a first stretch and fold, you'll
08:00notice the dough is very shaggy, it's not developed, the gluten is not stretchy yet,
08:06but it will become that way throughout the day as I just do stretch and folds as I think
08:10about it.
08:11I had a couple of pounds of sausage all thought out, so I decided that I was going to make
08:17some meatballs, I also had some whole grain sourdough bread crumbs already made that I
08:23kind of needed to use up just at the end of the week when we have little scraps of different
08:27types of bread, I will toast them and blend them and I love to use them in things like
08:33meatloaf or pastas or meatballs.
08:36I also added some parmesan cheese, some eggs and garlic.
08:40I decided today that I wanted to do something different than just pasta with meatballs,
08:46which is what we would usually do, so I opted for a sheet pan dinner.
08:52So I'm going to do meatballs, brussels sprouts, onions, potatoes, ideally this would all go
08:59on one big sheet pan, but I realized pretty quickly that for the amount of food I was
09:04making it would fit on two, but to serve it I'll throw it all together on one sheet
09:09pan, put it on the table, put out some sauerkraut and some avocados, all those fresh things
09:16and top it with parsley, we'll throw a little ketchup on the table too for anybody who wants
09:21to dip their potatoes and meatballs in ketchup, I know I sure enjoy that as well.
09:26I must say, life feels a lot different when you are in a season of waiting.
09:32So right now, as many of you know, we are working on building our new house, building
09:37out a new farm and we are temporarily living in this beautiful old Victorian in town, which
09:46it's lovely, it provides very nicely for our family, especially lately as it's getting
09:52We've been enjoying a few meals outside and it's set up out there for our large family
09:57a lot better than it is inside, because when you are in a temporary situation, there's
10:04just certain things that aren't practical.
10:06Like there are certain ways I would make this home suit us a lot better if I knew that we
10:13were going to be here two years, three years, four years, five years.
10:17There are certain things we would modify and change, but because it's short term and we
10:23are putting all of our efforts into designing and planning and sourcing, and I'm constantly
10:30behind the scenes thinking about what door is going here, what cabinet's going here.
10:34There's decisions that I haven't even considered are going to be decisions yet that I'll be
10:38facing this year.
10:40And so just none of my effort is going toward this home and making it suit our family best.
10:49It definitely works well enough and we are thankful for it, but we moved in, we pulled
10:55up the carpet, refinished the floors, brought in our own furniture, and set the whole house
11:01up the best we can, putting socks here, pots and pan lids here, kids clothing here.
11:08But beyond that, I really just don't want to devote any time, money, or effort into
11:14anything else, which means that we are in a bit of a season of waiting, a season of
11:19transition, which is a different feeling of life.
11:23Fluffing and creating in a home that you know you are going to enjoy for years down the
11:29road just feels different, just hits different.
11:34And that's where I am, and I'm learning to embrace it.
11:37I can tell you it's a lot easier now that it gets warm, now that we are able to spend
11:42more time as a family outdoors.
11:44That's where we can let the kids run, be free.
11:47Every time we go out to the farm, Luke and I start talking on the way home about how we
11:51could possibly erect a tent, maybe some kind of tiny house or camper.
11:57And then, of course, ultimately, I remember that the amount of children that we have, that
12:02just all sounds really romantic and lovely until you're in that situation.
12:07We have this perfect home here in town, and we're going to be patient, and we're going
12:13to devote our effort to working on and building that home, and we will be in it soon enough.
12:20And this temporary town life is definitely something our kids are going to all remember.
12:24We were out at the build site the other day talking to the contractor, and I was telling
12:28him how we just love being out there because the kids can ride their bikes endlessly.
12:35They can jump and play and run, and we don't have to worry about traffic.
12:39And I told him, man, could we just move into the basement?
12:43Or how quick can we get a bathroom out here?
12:46Just the bare necessities, and we could live in this place.
12:49And he said, do not do it.
12:50Every time someone does something like that, the house never gets finished because you
12:55don't have that deadline to push for anymore.
12:58You're there.
12:59You made it.
13:00So we're heeding that advice.
13:01Not that we were in any position to move out there, but just, you know, when we get out
13:05there, it makes us want to stay out there.
13:07We never want to leave the creek, the hills, the woods.
13:10So if you're in a season of waiting, whether you have an end in sight, a very clear finish
13:16line, or there's unknowns, there are always so many things that we can be waiting for
13:21in life.
13:22I challenge you, and I challenge myself to enjoy the process, to think about all the
13:27things you've waited for in the past that you're on the other side of, and what that
13:33season looks like now, and what you can take from it.
13:37I'm definitely trying to find those moments with this situation.
13:41My daughter and I are making the sourdough carrot cake that is over on the blog, my blog,
13:48This is such a great recipe, such a great cake.
13:52We kind of forgot that it existed, and then ever since we were reminded that it existed,
13:58we keep making it, because it just feels springy and light, and so darn delicious.
14:06I'm topping my meatball potato dish with fresh herbs, and then we will have that carrot cake
14:12for dessert.
14:22We topped it with shredded carrots and pecans.
14:31We've made this into cupcakes, which also tastes really great.
14:35It has a cream cheese frosting.
14:37We made ours here with freshly milled soft white wheat berries.
14:40When doing that, I always add a quarter cup more per cup the recipe calls for.
14:44You should definitely add this to your spring table.
15:22We stayed at the farm till dark, so I'm getting a quick, easy-ish meal going, something that
15:48I don't have to spend too much time on.
15:50I'm going to do big salads topped with sirloin, hard-boiled eggs, french fries fried in lard,
15:58homemade honey mustard, cheese, you know, the works.
16:01What we have on hand is what's going on this, so that we can get dinner underway, and everybody
16:06enjoys this, because you can eat it how you want it.
16:09So if the kids only like steak and hard-boiled eggs, they don't want lettuce or tomatoes
16:15or anything else, that's fine with me.
16:17Some of my kids only want steak and fries, and then some of them want the entire thing.
16:21I also top it with fresh herbs.
16:24I just love that.
16:25But I love all the things on this.
16:27As an adult, of course, I love all of it.
16:29For my homemade honey mustard, which is my go-to dressing, by the way, just because it's
16:33so fast and easy, and everybody likes it.
16:36It's an easy-to-like thing.
16:37I already had some made up today, so I'm not going to make any more here today, but it's simple.
16:41I just put an egg in the jar, add a little bit of lemon juice and salt, and top it with
16:48avocado oil.
16:50Use the immersion blender to emulsify that, making it sort of like a homemade mayo.
16:54And then I add equal parts honey and mayo, and then about half a part, if you will, of
17:01mustard, and then more lemon juice, if you have it, and salt to taste.
17:06Mix it up in a jar.
17:07It tastes great to dip chicken in.
17:09It tastes great on salads.
17:11It is definitely my go-to.
17:12Now, the dough I mixed up earlier today.
17:14I'm just going to let that sit out overnight, and in the morning, I will make it into buns.
17:19I will divide them, shape them, let them rise a bit more.
17:24This will be the perfect buns for burgers.
17:28We love to make something called butter burgers.
17:30I don't know if you've ever heard of these, but you add lots of butter to a burger, so
17:34you add lots of fat.
17:35We've already got the burger meat, and then we're going to add butter to it and cheese
17:38on these whole grain buns.
17:40Since I already have the lard in the pot from last night, I never even put it away,
17:45I'll just fire that back up, throw more fries in it, and we'll just do burgers and fries
17:50for lunch.
18:10This winter was kind of a rough one, but here in Missouri, we turned a quick corner, and
18:25we are enjoying sort of an early onset of spring.
18:29It has just lifted everyone's moods.
18:31We are all feeling so much better about life, and I hope that is the same for you.
18:36Thank you so much for watching today.
18:40I'll see you next time.