• yesterday
Pemerintah Cabut Moratorium, 600 Ribu PMI Siap Berangkat ke Arab Saudi
00:00The government is discussing a moratorium or suspension of the delivery of Indonesian migrant workers, PMI, to Saudi Arabia, which has been done since 2015.
00:17In a press conference held after meeting President Prabowo Subianto at the Jakarta State Palace on Friday, March 14,
00:25Indonesian Migrant Worker Protection Minister P2MI Abdul Qadir Karding said
00:31that the head of state welcomes the plan to lift the moratorium.
00:36According to Qadir, his party will conduct an MOU with Saudi Arabia in March 2025 on the delivery of PMI
00:44and is targeted for the maximum of June, the first batch of departure can start.
00:50There are also a number of jobs promised by the Saudi Arabian government, namely 600,000 people,
00:56consisting of 400,000 domestic workers and 200,000 other formal workers.
01:04Why are we doing a moratorium? Because the protection is very minimal.
01:08Under this new MBS, their protection is much better now, because they guarantee a minimum wage of Rp 1,500.
01:26Then there is protection in the context of health insurance, mental health insurance and employment insurance.
01:38Karding said that the protection of PMI in Saudi Arabia will also be ensured by the presence of
01:44data integration between the Indonesian government and the Saudi Arabian government,
01:48so that workers who are still determined to leave non-procedurally will be immediately rejected.
01:54The finding is clear that Karding is also valid for employees who are required to register officially,
02:01be equipped with a salary deposit and provide a bonus for employees who complete a two-year employment contract.
02:10From Jakarta, Cahaya Sari, Aria Sindiara, Kentor Berita Antara, reported.
