• 6 hours ago
Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) menetapkan enam orang sebagai tersangka kasus dugaan suap proyek di Dinas PUPR Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU), Sumatera Selatan.
00:00As many as six people were placed as suspects in the case of a swap project in the Public Employment Service and Planning Department of the Ogan-Komering-Ulu-Oku Regency, South Sumatra Province.
00:15The six suspects are the head of the Public Employment Service of the Oku Regency, Noprian Shah,
00:21the head of the 3rd DPRD of the Oku Regency, Fahruddin, the member of the 3rd DPRD of the Oku Regency, Ferlan Julian Shah,
00:28the head of the 2nd DPRD of the Oku Regency, Umi Hartati, and Fauzi and Ahmad Sugeng Santoso from the private sector.
00:36The swap project was carried out after the investigation team of the KPK Corruption Elimination Commission
00:42arrested eight people in the OTT handcuff operation on Saturday, March 15, and conducted an intensive 24-hour investigation.
00:52Head of the KPK, Setio Budianto, at the time of the release in the Red and White Building, Jakarta, on March 16,
00:58said the disclosure of the initial case from the RAPBD of the Oku Regency in 2025.
01:05In the discussion, there was a request for pocket fund from three members of the DPRD to the local government
01:14and agreed and changed to a fee for projects in the PUPR, the Oku Regency, worth Rp 40 billion.
01:25So this is a change to be able to change the RAPBD in the Oku Regency.
01:33For the heads and deputies, the project value is agreed to be Rp 5 billion, while for the members it is Rp 1 billion.
01:45This value then dropped to Rp 35 billion.
01:50This is due to budget limitations, but the fee is still agreed to be Rp 20 percent.
02:04The head of the KPK also ensured that his party had sufficient initial evidence regarding the task of receiving gifts
02:11or promises in the procurement of goods and services at the PUPR office in the Oku Regency.
02:17From Jakarta, Pradana Putra Tampi, Angga, Kentor Berita Antara reported.
02:33For more information, visit www.fema.gov
