• 2 days ago
00:00All right, George, here it is, opening day, sort of, is coming next week, it's here.
00:14So you know, basically there are going to be a series of games that are going to count
00:18probably toward the standings in your rotisserie league, but you have to make that call as
00:24a commissioner.
00:25So let's play this by ourselves.
00:27All fantasy drafts should take place before this Tokyo series coming up next week.
00:32George, dare I say, you got about 72 hours to get this done.
00:38I definitely prefer my leagues to get done before the Tokyo series.
00:41I do.
00:42I know it's only two games, but it does bother me if I, as I, you know, sometimes you see
00:47a league that plays after the first Thursday night football game, they do their draft on
00:50the Friday, which nowadays you can't even do that because it's a game Friday.
00:52That bothers me.
00:53You know, I don't like, because, you know, someone's going to score four touchdowns,
00:57you're going to draft that guy worse than you should.
00:59Someone in this Tokyo series is going to hit three homers that we didn't expect.
01:01Oh, I got to draft this guy to get ahead.
01:03It's just if you're in a weekly league, oh, I'm sorry, a head-to-head, right, where you
01:07want, oh, I can win because so-and-so stole four bases, you know, and that sort of bothers
01:12me here.
01:13So yes, I'm going to buy this.
01:15I think they all should take place before game one here.
01:17We may not like it, but you've had all year long, oh my God, we knew this, it was on the
01:22schedule here.
01:23There was a week make here.
01:25So yes, I think you should draft before the Tokyo series.
01:28I'll buy.
01:29All right.
01:30Now let's get to, you know, for me, you know, actually, let me answer this myself.
01:34I'll sell.
01:35Come on.
01:36I'll sell.
01:37I'm going to wait till next weekend.
01:40Hit that red button for me, Sam.
01:42I don't know.
01:43I just feel like it's too soon.
01:45I get it.
01:46I understand it.
01:47But maybe the answer is those stats shouldn't count.
01:51Maybe that's my answer, but I'm going to sell this.
01:53I don't think you have to do this.
01:55Just do it next weekend.
01:56All right.
01:57Spring training.
01:58Do you recall the history of spring training and stats?
02:02Do you remember when Trevor's story hit all those home runs?
02:05Do you remember when players end up getting crushed as pitchers in spring training and
02:09then they have a Cy Young season?
02:11Buy or sell?
02:12Spring training statistics are overhyped in the fantasy community, George.
02:18They're overhyped everywhere.
02:20That's a definite buy.
02:21All right.
02:22They're always overhyped here.
02:24Young players, sure.
02:25That's important.
02:26If a young player is batting 120 or giving up nine runs in an inning, not going to make
02:31the team.
02:32So that's important.
02:33But for veteran players, we all know the pitchers are working on things.
02:36Oh, they're working on their curveball today.
02:38They're changing.
02:39They're throwing 18 of these things in a row.
02:40Here's the work.
02:41I don't care if they get hit.
02:42Just get to working and getting out of there.
02:44So it's not important to me.
02:47A hitter may just try to get his swing down.
02:49Maybe try to hit the ball to the right side.
02:51Hit the ball to the left.
02:52Get the loft on the ball.
02:54That's the big thing now.
02:55Get the ball up in the air here and hit those home runs here.
02:57So for players or guys coming back from injury, that would be a little bit more important
03:02to me as well.
03:03I might pay attention to those stats.
03:04But for a regular player, I don't give a damn.
03:07I'm going to say that not only are they supremely overhyped, but I think that people, you know,
03:14honestly, overdraft players.
03:16I'm going to buy this too.
03:18Like there are some players that are rookies that I'm paying attention to this too, because
03:22George, this is the first time they're facing major league pitching.
03:26There's a significant difference between AAA and the majors.
03:29So somebody as example, like Roman Anthony, I'm paying attention.
03:33But generally speaking, yes, they are the most overhyped.
03:36It's like the NFL preseason.
03:38You can't pay any attention to it whatsoever.
03:41Although Trevor Story is going to yell at me and remember this conversation that I had
03:45on shows like this several years ago, and he was great.
