Full video: The Earth cannot afford even one more human being || Acharya Prashant (2018)
00:00You just want good to happen to the next generations of homo sapiens.
00:06And what about the millions of other species?
00:08Where is your compassion?
00:10But such is man's lot.
00:13He cannot do anything selflessly.
00:15If he talks of saving the rivers, he says,
00:18let's save the rivers so that our grandchildren have pure water to drink.
00:24What nonsense!
00:26It's like saying, don't kill the girl child,
00:30so that tomorrow, somebody's male child may have a sexy girlfriend.
00:36Many of these campaigns say,
00:38if today you kill the girl child,
00:40tomorrow, how will you find a bride for your son?
00:44So the girl has no independent worth of her own, right?
00:49And what if she brings no pleasure, no service, no gratification to men?
00:55Then she doesn't deserve to live.