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Full video: The myth of the child’s innocence || Acharya Prashant (2018)


00:00You produce kids as if the kid would forever remain a kid.
00:03You totally forget that the kid would soon, very very soon, be a fully grown up individual.
00:10But for 3 years of kuchiku, you burden the planet with 100 years of the excreta of that full grown individual.
00:18For how many years do you get to kuchiku the kid? 3 years.
00:22And for how many years does that kid destroy the planet? 100 years.
00:26You do not see that.
00:27After 3 years, do you pack the kid back and parcel it back to your uterus?
00:33After 3 years, you leave the kid upon the world.
00:37Or you say that now I am busy preparing for the next one.
00:40So this one can now go out and destroy the streets.
