• 2 years ago
Full Video:The myth of the child’s innocence || Acharya Prashant (2018)
Link: https://youtu.be/NMBvE_EsjEc?feature=shared

Video Information: Shabdyog Session, 19.09.2018, Advait BodhSthal, Greater Noida, India


~What is innocence?
~How to take care of children?
~What is meant by 'the myth of the child's innocence?'
~How to understand child's psychology?

Music Credits: Milind Date
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00:00 Get out of this obsession with kids.
00:10 The more you obsess with kids, the more you show how body centered, egg centered and prakriti
00:22 centered you are.
00:28 This entire planet is suffering because of man's obsession with kids.
00:43 You produce kids as if the kid would forever remain a kid.
00:48 You totally forget that the kid would soon, very very soon be a fully grown up individual.
01:00 But for three years of kuchiku, you burden the planet with hundred years of the excreta
01:10 of that full grown individual.
01:15 For how many years do you get to kuchiku the kid?
01:19 Three years.
01:20 And for how many years does that kid destroy the planet?
01:24 Hundred years.
01:25 You do not see that.
01:30 After three years, do you pack the kid back and parcel it back to your uterus?
01:39 After three years, you leave the kid upon the world.
01:47 Or you say that now I am busy preparing for the next one.
01:52 So this one can now go out and destroy the streets.
02:10 It is very strange how religions have often said that it is violence and sinful to kill.
02:23 But no one has ever emphasized that there is great violence in procreation.
02:30 Today ahimsa consists less of not killing.
02:36 Today the greatest act of ahimsa is to not to reproduce.
02:45 Violence lies less in killing.
02:49 Today violence lies much more in giving birth.
02:58 But if somebody is assaulting someone, you are quick to deplore.
03:01 You say, oh such violence, such violence.
03:07 And if you come across a pregnant woman, you suddenly become so decent, so gentle, so accommodating
03:15 and so tolerant.
03:35 If someone practices black magic, then you say that he is badly conditioned by centuries
03:49 of rituals.
03:52 If you find somebody practicing black magic, then you are quick to decry.
04:02 Medieval rituals.
04:08 And how old is this ritual of procreation?
04:14 I ask you.
04:16 And why must this continue as a ritual?
04:21 Why can't there be any wisdom in the decision?
04:27 Why must you habitually procreate?
04:32 Why must you take it as an obligation to procreate?
04:38 Why must you feel that a part of your life remains unfulfilled if you are childless?
04:46 Is it not hoodoo and voodoo and black magic to believe so much in maternity and pregnancy
04:52 and the fullness of the nest?
05:00 But no intellectual would come forward to say that maternity today is mostly an act
05:10 of great violence.
05:15 We keep on talking of saving life without ever knowing the meaning of life.
05:38 There would be a blood donation cam and the hoarding would read donate blood, save a life.
05:45 And you feel like asking save what exactly?
05:49 Say what?
05:50 What do you mean by life?
05:56 A breathing mass of flesh that's life.
06:02 What's life?
06:05 Something that begins when the child emerges from the body of the mother.
06:14 What is life?
06:16 Do you really want to save life?
06:21 Then first of all learn what life is.
06:27 Then you will really be interested in life and much less interested in giving birth.
06:34 [Music]
