• last week
Today, a massive Super Hurricane is on it's way right towards us! Yikes! We don't have much time, we have to build the most secure hurricane bunkers possible to protect our families, before it's too late!

We hope you enjoy our videos! Have a great day!

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00:00Hm? Uh, Mikey, what are you doing?
00:04It feels like we're melting! It's so hot out here!
00:08Just take a look at the sun!
00:10The sun?
00:13Ugh, it is hot. It's over 120 degrees!
00:18That's way too hot!
00:21Oh, I know! Let's swim in your pool, JJ!
00:25Pooling off in the pool is perfect on a day like this!
00:32There's no water in the pool!
00:34It looks like the water all evaporated because it's so hot!
00:38Oh, well in that case, we can just swim in the river!
00:47It's hot! Why?
00:48The river is boiling!
00:51Get out of there!
00:52It's burning me!
00:54It's way too hot!
00:56Even the river's too hot?
00:59But I want it to cool down by swimming!
01:02Well, let's go inside where there's air conditioning.
01:06Oh, hang on!
01:08What's this?
01:09Oh, that's an artificial rain machine.
01:12It's not finished, though. It's way too buggy.
01:15You built this?
01:17That's incredible, JJ! Let's use it right now!
01:20Uh, wait!
01:23It's not ready!
01:24What's it gonna do?
01:30Wow! It started raining!
01:32See? It works just fine, JJ!
01:35Hmm, I guess so.
01:37You worry too much!
01:39Look! The rain's cooling everything down!
01:42What could be better than this?
01:47Look, JJ! The rain's also filling your pool back up!
01:51Let's jump in the pool!
01:55Whoa! This is the best!
02:00Huh? What was that?
02:04Hang on!
02:05Oh, no!
02:06This is bad, Mikey!
02:08A tornado has started to form!
02:10What do we do?
02:11Hurry into the house!
02:13Got it!
02:14Whoa! The wind's so strong!
02:16Oh, no!
02:17Get inside! Hurry!
02:18All right!
02:19Get in here!
02:22What in the world is going on?
02:24I knew it was a bad idea!
02:26The artificial rain machine is glitching!
02:29No way!
02:30Will we be okay?
02:34That's not good.
02:35What's that noise?
02:37It's a siren warning us of a super tornado!
02:41What do we do?
02:42We need to build anti-tornado underground bunkers
02:45before the super tornado shows up,
02:47or we might all get blown away!
02:51A hot sunny day would have been better than this!
02:54Now we have no choice but to hurry and build underground bunkers
02:57to protect our families!
02:59Got it!
03:00You two!
03:01The three of us are going to work together to make an underground bunker!
03:04Good luck to you and your family, JJ!
03:06If you're not able to build yours,
03:08feel free to come over to our underground bunker!
03:13Come on, you two!
03:14They left!
03:15But will Mikey's family be okay?
03:18Well, no time to worry about that!
03:20We have to quickly work together to build our anti-super tornado underground bunker!
03:26First up, we'll build the entrance.
03:28I guess we'll make it over here.
03:30We'll dig right here.
03:33Next, I'll place some ladders here.
03:36Let's see...
03:37I'll use trapdoors for the entrance.
03:40Next, I'll build a staircase right here.
03:48I found an underground cavern!
03:50This is perfect!
03:51Let's build our underground bunker in here!
03:55Our first step will be to remove the water from the underground cavern.
03:58We'll clear out the water with some of these.
04:02That'll drain the water!
04:04And over here...
04:06We've drained the water!
04:07Now let's all tidy up!
04:11Oh, that's a great plan!
04:14We'll reinforce the underground bunker by making walls out of deep slate!
04:20So first, let's clean all this up.
04:23Let's fix up the walls of the cavern.
04:32Good job, everyone!
04:34Now let's switch the outer walls out with deep slate.
04:38Okay, just a little more...
04:42Now the ceiling and walls are made out of deep slate.
04:46Next, we'll use these quartz blocks to make the bunker a little nicer to look at.
04:58Thanks, you two!
04:59Alright, we're done!
05:01Next, let's work on the interior of the bunker.
05:04First, we'll need to make an aquarium.
05:07I would feel really bad if our pet fish got blown away by the tornado,
05:11so let's make sure they're safe.
05:13Let's build it over here.
05:15I want to move the aquarium down into this space.
05:19To keep the aquarium from being destroyed,
05:21we'll use tornado-resistant deep slate.
05:24I'll switch out the ceiling, too.
05:27I'll also put in a layer of sand to make it look more natural.
05:32I'll also put in a layer of sand to make it more comfortable for the fish.
05:37Then I'll use blocks of glass so we can see inside.
05:42Next, I'll fill it with water.
05:49And then I'll plant some kelp and seaweed.
05:52How about some coral, too?
05:54Alright, it's finished!
05:56Now let's transport the fish!
05:59Hmm, this is perfect!
06:00Our fish will be safe from the super tornado down here.
06:04Okay, next up, let's build a bathroom and a shower.
06:07If we don't have them, the bunker will end up smelling horrible.
06:11So first, let's section off a space over here.
06:16This should be good.
06:18I'll completely section off the bathroom with some more blocks, just like this.
06:24Aw, thanks, you two!
06:26Next, I'll make a hole here.
06:29Okay, I installed some iron doors.
06:33Now I'll build a shower area over in this corner.
06:37I'll use quartz to make it look a bit more like a shower.
06:40Then I'll do this.
06:43Hmm, I think I'll put lights up here.
06:45And then I'll pour out some water.
06:48And now it's a shower!
06:49Moving on, I think I'll make a toilet right next to the shower.
06:55Okay, perfect!
06:56Now our bunker is much cleaner.
06:58We can relax a bit more now that we have a bathroom and a shower.
07:01Let's build a kitchen next.
07:04I want to make sure that we can eat nutritious meals, even in our underground bunker.
07:08This area is perfect, so let's put it here.
07:11I'll set it up like this.
07:13Hmm, I think I'll make the stove right over here, just like this.
07:18Then I'll set up the sinks right here.
07:20Hmm, I'll fill them both with water.
07:24And then I'll place some refrigerators on this side.
07:27How about some coolers, too?
07:30Whoa, thanks for setting up the dinner table, you two!
07:33Next, I'll fill the refrigerators up with some carrots.
07:39Then some meat.
07:41And finally, some fruit.
07:44And then I'll fill these coolers up with lots of water.
07:47And some cakes!
07:51Next, I'll place some jars on the counter
07:53and fill them up with a whole bunch of cookies for us to snack on.
07:57Alright! The kitchen's complete!
07:59We have enough food to last us a long time,
08:02and we can even cook our own meals!
08:04Moving on, how about we build a pool next?
08:07We won't be able to get enough exercise without it.
08:10We'll open up the space, like this.
08:13And then, I'll place some stair blocks right here.
08:17Alright! The pool is done! It looks good!
08:22Oh, that's right!
08:24I wonder how Mikey's family's doing.
08:26I'm curious, so I think I'll go take a look.
08:29I still can't see how he's doing.
08:32Is he hard at work at his bunker?
08:34Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum!
08:39Yum, yum, yum!
08:40These cookies are so tasty!
08:42Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum!
08:45Mikey, how's it going?
08:47Hey, JJ!
08:48Our underground bunker is coming along really well!
08:55Mikey, you've barely made any progress!
08:58We're just taking a break!
09:00Do you want some cookies, too?
09:02You've only made a small hole, Mikey.
09:04You're going to be in trouble if you don't hurry!
09:07Don't worry!
09:08We'll definitely finish in time!
09:10Good luck working on your underground bunker, JJ!
09:13Oh, well, thanks, Mikey!
09:16Well, whatever.
09:19Now I'm worried about Mikey's family.
09:24Alright, let's make our beds next.
09:26We want our underground bunker to be comfortable.
09:29So, let's build them over here.
09:31I think I'll make a triple bunk bed.
09:33I'll build it like this.
09:35And I'll place the beds here.
09:38Then I'll place some lanterns and some ladders like so.
09:43Okay, it's finished!
09:44I'm really worried about Mikey's family, though,
09:46so I'll make some beds for them, too.
09:48Just in case.
09:52Okay, they're done.
09:53What else?
09:54Oh, let's make a place to play games!
09:56We'll get bored if we're stuck here for a while,
09:58so we'll definitely need these.
10:00I'll place tables along here.
10:03Then I'll place gaming PCs on top of them.
10:07And I'll place sofa chairs at the desk
10:09so we can all game comfortably.
10:12Alright, finished!
10:13Now we won't get bored living in our bunker.
10:17Oh, right!
10:18We forgot something important.
10:20We need to make an armory.
10:22Let's see.
10:23We can put it over here.
10:25I'll make the armory over in this area.
10:27The rain machine is extremely buggy,
10:29so just in case something unexpected happens,
10:32I'll store our weapons here if we need them.
10:34First, I'll start by making a tunnel over this way.
10:38This should be long enough.
10:41Then, over here,
10:42I'll use some sturdy deep-slate blocks
10:44because they hold up against tornadoes.
10:49And then, I'll use quartz blocks for the floor.
10:54Thanks, you two!
10:55Next up, I'll make a large open space
10:57at the end of the tunnel.
10:59This is where the armory will be.
11:06Aw, thanks, you two!
11:08Okay, for this next part,
11:10I think it'll be best to make the walls
11:12out of sturdy blocks of iron.
11:14These walls definitely need to be able to withstand
11:16anything the tornado throws at us.
11:24We built an extremely sturdy armory.
11:26Next up,
11:27could you two place chests along here,
11:29just like this?
11:31Then we can fill the chests up
11:32with a variety of powerful dynamite.
11:35Oh, and maybe some rocket launchers, too?
11:38I'll also put some powerful blocks of TNT
11:40and rocket launcher ammo.
11:44Lastly, I'll add some formidabombs.
11:48I think I'll also put a chest over here
11:50and fill it up with golden apple stew
11:52and enchanted golden apples.
11:54Next up,
11:55I'll prepare some netherite equipment for all of us.
12:00Okay, it's finished!
12:01These formidabombs have a dangerously high attack power.
12:07Even the sound it makes is intense.
12:09This is super dangerous,
12:11so I'll hold onto it for now.
12:13All right!
12:14Now let's decorate the armory.
12:16Maybe something like this.
12:17I'll also cover this wall in frames
12:19so we can display all our powerful weapons.
12:24Okay, it's finished!
12:25And since this armory contains extremely dangerous weapons,
12:29let's make a secret entrance for it.
12:31So over here,
12:32I'll use sticky pistons and a redstone circuit
12:35to build a secret entrance.
12:37First, I'll place some sticky pistons over here,
12:40and then I'll place a lever here
12:42to open the secret entrance.
12:44Then I'll put a redstone torch behind it
12:48and then connect that with a redstone circuit.
12:53And then I'll place repeaters as I go along,
12:55like so.
12:59If I activate it with the lever,
13:00the secret entrance opens up,
13:01just like that!
13:02Oh, nice!
13:04We're almost finished!
13:06The last thing I'd like to do
13:07is install an entrance at the staircase.
13:09I want us completely blocked off
13:11from the outside world, after all.
13:15So, how about we build the switch over here?
13:17I'll place a lever here
13:18and build a mechanism to open and close the entrance.
13:21I'll put a sticky piston down
13:23and then place a block of redstone here.
13:28Then I'll place some repeaters down here
13:30and then some command blocks for the next step.
13:34Next, I'll create a section for the doorway
13:36and place sticky pistons inside.
13:43This section will become the doorway,
13:45so I need to input the commands
13:47that will make it open and close.
13:55All right!
13:56Now, when I'm done,
13:58All right!
13:59Now, when I pull this lever,
14:01I can open and close the entrance, like that!
14:04Now we're completely sealed in and super safe!
14:07Our anti-tornado underground bunker is complete!
14:11We'll be safe no matter how large and dangerous
14:14the super tornado is.
14:16That reminds me...
14:17I wonder how Mikey's family is doing.
14:19I'm kind of worried about them.
14:24How is Mikey's family doing?
14:28Hold up...
14:29Gah! Hang on!
14:30It's really raining out here!
14:32I need to hurry before it gets worse!
14:37Is everything okay, Mikey?
14:39Did you finish your bunker?
14:40We actually just finished it now!
14:42Come check it out, JJ!
14:44I'll show you around!
14:47We can use this ladder to enter the bunker.
14:49Okay, let's go!
14:51Whoa, awesome!
14:53I'm coming down!
14:57This is our underground bunker!
15:01Isn't this underground bunker...
15:03a little shallow?
15:06It'll be just fine!
15:08And look at this!
15:11That's our pet fish!
15:12We'd feel bad if it got caught in the tornado,
15:14so we brought it down here!
15:16Oh, that's nice!
15:17Here's the bed.
15:19And we have lots of books to read!
15:22And we also have lots of cookies
15:24for us to eat down here!
15:26But will this be enough?
15:28It'll be fine!
15:29And I'm sure of that because...
15:34I brought some ultimate weapons with us!
15:40I've got a chest hidden here!
15:42What do we have here?
15:43Oh, no kidding!
15:44That's amazing, Mikey!
15:46It's full of weapons!
15:48You have TNT, dynamite,
15:50and even a minigun in here!
15:52Isn't it great, JJ?
15:53Even if a super tornado does form,
15:55we can destroy it with these weapons!
15:58Can you destroy a tornado with weapons?
16:01Of course you can!
16:03Just watch!
16:04If a super tornado forms,
16:06I'll use these ultimate weapons to destroy it!
16:09I'll even be able to protect your family, JJ!
16:13Well, thanks, Mikey!
16:16The siren is going off!
16:18I need to get to my bunker!
16:19If anything happens,
16:20you're always welcome back here!
16:23Thanks, Mikey!
16:27I need to hurry!
16:31That tree got knocked over!
16:33This is getting really bad!
16:37Hold up!
16:38Part of my house is completely upside down!
16:41Oh, no!
16:42I need to hurry back to my bunker
16:43before something worse happens!
16:46The wind's so strong!
16:47I've got to hurry!
16:48All right, into the bunker I go!
16:53All right!
16:55Made it!
16:56Mikey wants to destroy the tornado with weapons,
16:58which makes no sense!
17:00I hope he'll be okay!
17:04Well, so far,
17:05our bunker has been absolutely amazing!
17:08It's not shaking at all,
17:09even though there's a super powerful tornado outside!
17:13And the fish seems happy in their new aquarium!
17:15That's good!
17:19What was that explosion?
17:20Is Mikey up to something up there?
17:22I'd really like to go outside, but...
17:26What should I do?
17:28It's dangerous outside,
17:29but I don't have a choice!
17:32But I'll gear up first,
17:34just in case!
17:35I don't know what will happen up there,
17:37so it's better to be safe than sorry!
17:39First I'll grab some armor,
17:41and then some weapons.
17:44Then I'll equip them.
17:46I'll also bring some enchanted golden apples
17:48and golden apple stew, too!
17:50I need to hurry!
17:51Is Mikey okay?
17:54What's going on up there?
17:55I can hear lots of gunfire outside!
18:00There's the super tornado!
18:02This is really bad!
18:04Take this!
18:06Your house!
18:07Are you okay?
18:09Oh, JJ!
18:10I'm trying to destroy the tornado right now,
18:13but it's not working at all!
18:15That's weird!
18:16Guns won't work on it!
18:18Then I'll attack with dynamite!
18:20Here it goes!
18:21Take this!
18:24That won't work either!
18:26You can't destroy a tornado with those!
18:28Hang on, what's happening?
18:33Did I destroy it?
18:36Oh, no!
18:38Your attacks turned it into a wither storm!
18:40This is really bad!
18:42Don't worry!
18:43I'll destroy it!
18:44No, stop!
18:45My attacks won't work!
18:47I'll have to destroy it with the dynamite I brought!
18:50Take this, wither storm!
18:52Ah, it's not working!
18:53Then I'll hit it with a nuclear missile!
18:58How's that?
19:00It looks like our attacks are being nullified by the wither storm's power!
19:05No way!
19:06Not even a nuclear missile helps!
19:08The wither storm's too powerful!
19:10I can't believe my attacks are what caused this!
19:16It's sucking up everything!
19:18Wait, I have an idea!
19:20We'll have to use my ultimate weapon!
19:22Ultimate weapon?
19:24Yep, it's the ultimate TNT!
19:27Is that safe?
19:28Three, two, one, ignite!
19:31What'll happen?
19:33Come on!
19:34It looks like the ultimate formida bomb takes a while to detonate!
19:37Go, go, go!
19:39The wither storm's on a rampage!
19:41Oh, yes, it's sucking up the bomb!
19:43Take that!
19:45Come on, you can do it!
19:47Blow up and destroy the wither storm!
19:49What's gonna happen?
19:51Will it destroy it?
19:52Yes, it's exploding!
19:54Go, go, go!
19:56What's happening?
20:00What's going on?
20:02Did it work?
20:15We did it!
20:17We defeated the wither storm!
20:19That bomb was amazing, JJ!
20:22Let's check it out!
20:24Let's go!
20:26It looks like the wither storm isn't moving at all!
20:30We actually defeated the wither storm!
20:33I'm glad you and your family are safe!
20:35I'm glad we're all safe!
20:37Thank you, JJ!
20:39If you enjoyed today's adventure, make sure to like and subscribe!
20:43Plus, you can check us out on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok whenever you want with the links in the corner!
20:49Thanks for watching! See you next time!
