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Today, we've been turned into mice! But this is bad, we have to hurry and fortify our house before the evil cat catches us!

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00:00Uh-oh! Mikey and I have turned into mice!
00:03And there's a rumor going around that a scary-looking cat is coming tonight to try and eat us!
00:09I don't want to be eaten by a bad cat! What do we do?
00:14Well, we need to set up an anti-cat security system before night falls to fend it off.
00:19Oh, we gotta hurry!
00:21Mm-hmm. Also, since we live inside of this forest mansion...
00:26Let's set up all our security inside of it.
00:29Got it!
00:30All right! First up, we'll set up security lasers and lava here at the forest mansion's entrance.
00:37Good idea! Let's do it!
00:39All right! So, I'll start by building pillars out of stone, just like this.
00:49Then, I'll set up lasers on the pillars.
00:52Hmph! Nice!
00:55Mm-hmm! All right!
01:00Okay! The lasers are all set up!
01:03Whoa! That looks good!
01:06Next up, I'll dig up the dirt here to set up the lava security.
01:10Okay! I'll help!
01:12Thanks, Mikey!
01:16Hmph! And now, let's pour in the lava!
01:23Whoa! That looks really good!
01:27All right! We finished setting up the lava! Our first security measure is complete!
01:32Awesome! That bad cat won't be able to get in now!
01:36Yep! This is the only entrance to the forest mansion.
01:40So, as long as we secure the entrance, the bad cat will have no way of getting inside.
01:45Does that mean our security system's done?
01:48No, not at all! One security measure isn't enough.
01:53We need to have more prepared just in case the bad cat does break through.
01:57Okay! What are we setting up next?
02:00Next up, let's set up a rapid-fire arrow security measure somewhere near the entrance.
02:08Alrighty then!
02:10I'll put some dispensers right here.
02:16Then, I'll fill them up with stacks of arrows.
02:23All right! That should do it!
02:25Awesome! But with the way it is now, won't the arrows attack us, too?
02:30That won't be a problem! We can avoid getting caught by our own security
02:34by taking advantage of the height difference between us, as small mice, and the bad cat.
02:39Huh? Take advantage of the height difference?
02:42Watch, Mikey! First, I'll set this up here, like so.
02:46Then, hook it up with the red string.
02:49Like so.
02:51Then, hook it up with the red stone circuit.
02:54Huh! And then what?
02:56Next, let's put a comparator over here to activate the dispensers.
03:03That should do it!
03:05Okay! What's next?
03:07All right! And then, I'll hook up tripwire hooks over here.
03:13Then, I'll put one on the opposite side.
03:20Oh! I get it now!
03:22Since we're tiny mice, we can just run right underneath the tripwire!
03:26That's exactly right, Mikey!
03:28The bad cat is big, so it won't be able to duck underneath the tripwire.
03:33You're so smart, JJ!
03:35Then we can fight off the bad cat with arrows!
03:38Yeah, but I still want to set up more security.
03:42If the bad cat is chasing us, the two of us will run down this hallway, right?
03:47Whoa! That's a long hallway!
03:50What security measure are we setting up next?
03:53Well, we'll escape into this room.
03:55Oh! But this room is a dead end!
03:58If we run in here, we'll be cornered!
04:00And the bad cat will definitely eat us!
04:03Not a problem, Mikey!
04:05Because we're going to build a ventilation shaft that leads from this room to the entrance of the building.
04:10Huh? What do you mean?
04:13Watch, Mikey!
04:14I'll start by opening a hole in the wall here on this side of the room.
04:21Then I'll make it lead this way.
04:24Mm-hmm. And then I'll make another hole over here so we can continue this way.
04:31Next up, I'll use cobblestone to seal up the hole.
04:35Whoa! What are you building the ventilation shaft for?
04:45All right! Now the ventilation shaft is complete!
04:50So now, we can pretend to be cornered in this room.
04:53Then we simply make our escape through this vent!
04:56I get it now! The bad cat is too tall to enter the ventilation shaft!
05:02Only we can escape!
05:06Yeah! There's no way the bad cat can fit through here! All right!
05:10Hmm. After that, let's run up to the second floor.
05:14The second floor? Okay. Then we'll go up the staircase.
05:19We'll climb the staircase, then come down this hallway.
05:22Makes sense!
05:26Hmm. This looks like a good spot for another security measure.
05:30Sweet! What kind of security measure?
05:34Hmm. This looks like a good spot for another security measure.
05:38Sweet! What kind of security are we setting up?
05:41The bad cat always has a ravenous appetite. It's hungry all the time.
05:47So that's why we'll lure it over to a pitfall trap using food.
05:51Good idea!
05:53So first, let's start building the pitfall trap.
05:56Let's build a really deep pitfall trap.
06:03Hmm. Okay. The cat will drop down here.
06:07And to keep it from running away after falling in, let's use iron bars to trap it.
06:12Good idea!
06:17Hmm. This looks good.
06:18Whoa! Nice!
06:20All right! Next, let's make this area easier to see
06:24by using different colored wooden planks to cover it up.
06:29And now, I'll finish it off by setting explosives right under here.
06:34Interesting! That's amazing!
06:36But how are we going to detonate the explosives to drop it into the pitfall trap?
06:41Well, to do that, we'll actually use this remote detonator.
06:45Oh! I see!
06:47All right! Now we need to figure out how to lure the bad cat over to this pitfall trap.
06:54I'll start by covering this area with plates like this.
06:58Plates? What are the plates for, JJ?
07:01We're going to fill them up with the bad cat's favorite food, Mikey.
07:04Whoa! That chicken looks so good!
07:08Uh-uh! Don't eat them, please, Mikey! They're bait to lure the cat!
07:12I know! I know! But they just look so yummy!
07:18All right! Next, I think I'll put up a security camera right around here.
07:23Security camera?
07:25Uh-huh! And let's put one directly above the trap, and one here, too.
07:31Okay! They're all synced up!
07:34Next, I think we should hide behind this pillar.
07:37Huh? The pillar?
07:39Yup! And to do that, we'll have to modify it.
07:45Hmm! Then I'll put trap doors here, just like this.
07:50Huh! Okay! Perfect! Our secret tiny hiding space is now complete!
07:58Sweet! We'll hide in here.
08:01Huh? Uh-huh!
08:03All right! Then we can watch the security cameras so that we know exactly when to dump the cat into the pitfall trap after it gets lured by the chicken.
08:12It's perfect, JJ! We'll definitely be able to take down the bad cat with this pitfall trap!
08:18Don't underestimate it, Mikey!
08:20The bad cat is very persistent, so I think we should build two more security measures.
08:26Huh! Well, I definitely don't want to get eaten by a cat, so sure! Let's build them!
08:32Okay! Follow me!
08:35We'll go this way after we leave the hiding spot.
08:38A staircase!
08:39Mm-hmm! If the bad cat does somehow manage to escape from the pitfall trap, let's escape up this staircase to the third floor.
08:47Huh! But won't the bad cat just follow us up to the third floor?
08:51Exactly! That's why we're going to put a security measure on the staircase.
08:56What kind of security?
08:58Well, first I'll line up some dispensers at the top of the staircase, just like this.
09:05Then I'll put some water inside.
09:11And then I'll hook up a redstone circuit right here.
09:15Ooh! Cool!
09:17And it's complete! Now if we pull this lever…
09:21Huh? No!
09:23The water flows right out!
09:25The water makes it super hard to climb up! Huh!
09:29Yeah, isn't it great? Let's use water power to keep the bad cat from reaching the third floor.
09:35Interesting! That's awesome! This way, the bad cat won't be able to climb up to the third floor.
09:42Hmm, but just in case it does somehow make it past this too, let's build a super powerful final security measure.
09:49What kind of super powerful final security measure?
09:54Let's head over to the farthest room.
09:57What kind of security will it be, JJ?
10:00We're going to put a self-destruct security measure in here.
10:04If the cat breaks through all of our security, our only choice is to set off the self-destruct and blow up the mansion.
10:11Huh! Can we really blow up the entire mansion?
10:15Uh-huh! We'll use this powerful anti-matter explosive, which is the ultimate bomb.
10:22Alright, first let's set up the self-destruct switch over here.
10:32Okay, now I'll put the anti-matter explosive back here.
10:37Nice! Then I'll place the detonation lever here.
10:41To keep us from accidentally flipping the lever, I'll put a red glass pane right here.
10:46Oh yeah! That would be a disaster!
10:49Uh-huh! So once we smash the glass pane and pull the lever, the self-destruct will activate.
10:56We'll have ten seconds before it detonates.
10:59Only ten seconds? Is that safe? Won't we get caught up in the explosion too?
11:05That's why we're also going to build an emergency escape mechanism.
11:10First, I'll lay out some rails.
11:12Huh! Okay.
11:14Let's use lots of powered rails for this.
11:18It's pretty extravagant, but these rails will allow us to really speed ourselves up.
11:23So that means we'll be able to make a really quick escape from here, right?
11:32Let's extend this out a bit more.
11:40Oh, thanks, Mikey!
11:44Alright, our emergency escape mechanism is complete.
11:49We can put the mine carts down here, like so, and then move along the powered rails.
11:54Whoa! This is really fast!
11:57And then, we can safely land in the pond down here.
12:04Once we've landed in the water, we need to run away as far as possible.
12:09Of course! We need to avoid getting caught in the explosion.
12:14Mm-hmm. So now, how about we head back to the last room and barricade it up?
12:21I'll start by placing sticky pistons there.
12:27Then, I'll attach iron bars along here.
12:33Now I'll hook up a redstone circuit, just like this.
12:38Then I'll place the lever here, and it's done!
12:42When we flip this lever…
12:45Hey! We have an iron bar barricade, just like that!
12:48Now we can safely activate the self-destruct switch!
12:52Now we've completed all our security measures.
12:56All we have to do now is wait for night to fall, and for the bad cat to eat us.
13:01I definitely don't want to get eaten, but I'm confident our security will keep us safe!
13:09Woof, woof, woof!
13:11Gah! The bad cat is here!
13:13Ah! It's scary! It's gonna try to eat us!
13:17I'm sure we'll fend it off with our security system.
13:20Huh! Yeah!
13:21Our lasers and lava are up first!
13:25Come on!
13:27Oh, look! The bad cat has stopped in its tracks!
13:31It can't come over here because of the security measure!
13:36It's giving up and leaving!
13:38We did it, JJ!
13:41Uh, hang on…
13:43This could be really bad…
13:45Huh? Why's it climbing up that tree?
13:48Oh no, it looks like it might…
13:56Run, Mikey!
13:58What do we do now, JJ?
14:00Our security arrows!
14:02Oh, that's right! Come on!
14:10Come on!
14:11Oh, it's caught in the trap! Woohoo! It's working!
14:15We're doing a lot of damage to it!
14:17Yes! Go, go, go!
14:19But I feel like it's slowly getting closer!
14:24It pushed through!
14:26Run away, Mikey!
14:27To the far room!
14:28It's coming!
14:30Okay, in here, Mikey!
14:32Is it coming?
14:35It's here!
14:36Let's run to the vent!
14:38All right!
14:41Let's see…
14:45The bad cat is too big to enter the ventilation shaft!
14:49Haha! We did it! Let's move on!
14:52All right!
14:55That bad cat was really scary!
14:59We can't let our guard down! Let's stay focused!
15:02Oh, relax, JJ! We're absolutely fine now! Don't worry about it!
15:08Ah! Wait, Mikey!
15:12Oh, no! To the second floor!
15:14Oh, that's right!
15:19Here it comes!
15:20It's coming?
15:22It is!
15:23Hurry, Mikey!
15:24Okay! Hurry!
15:26Hide in the pillar!
15:27Oh, that's right! Okay!
15:30This is the spot!
15:32Yes! Mikey, we're using the security pitfall trap next!
15:36I wonder if we can trap it in the pit!
15:39First, let's activate the security cameras so we can see what's going on outside!
15:43Huh? What's going on? Where's the bad cat?
15:46Uh, is it on this side?
15:48Oh, there it is!
15:51Huh? It doesn't seem to realize that we're hiding in this pillar!
16:00Hold up! Is it working? Let's change cameras!
16:06Whoa! I think we've caught it!
16:09The food lured it right onto the pitfall trap!
16:12Awesome! The bad cat is eating the chicken and it doesn't know that the pitfall trap is right there!
16:18Nice! It's still eating!
16:20Oh, sweet!
16:22It's on top of the pitfall trap!
16:24Activating now!
16:33We did it! We caught the bad cat!
16:36Yeah! Now, just to be safe, let's take a look inside the pit!
16:42Now we don't have to worry about the bad cat eating us!
16:49Oh, no! This is bad! The cat jumped right out of the pitfall trap!
16:53It's coming this way!
16:55What do we do?
16:57Run away!
17:01It's right here!
17:03Hurry to the third floor!
17:04Let's go!
17:06It's coming!
17:08Take this!
17:11Is it working?
17:12Woohoo! You can't climb up here!
17:14Oh, right! It's getting pushed away by the water!
17:20Oh, no! Is the cat getting closer to us?
17:23It's climbing up!
17:27Yeah, it is climbing back up!
17:29No way!
17:31We have to use our final security measure!
17:34To the far room!
17:35Got it!
17:37I didn't think we would need our final security measure!
17:41Close it!
17:45Close call!
17:46Phew! We made it!
17:48Phew! We managed to escape to this room!
17:51And the barricade's working!
17:53Phew! What a relief!
17:55We can't relax just yet!
18:00It broke the iron bars!
18:02Mikey, are you ready to escape?
18:05Yep! We gotta escape quickly!
18:07Here I go! I'm gonna activate the self-destruct now!
18:10Can we escape safely?
18:12It's almost inside!
18:14Three, two, one, detonate!
18:18Here we go!
18:23Are we gonna be okay?
18:27Almost there!
18:29Into the water!
18:31Alright, now run!
18:32Run away!
18:39The self-destruct bomb went off!
18:41Wow! What a huge explosion!
18:45That's incredible!
18:46Huh? Whoa!
18:51The explosion's over!
18:53Oh! Wow!
18:57The cat is gone!
18:59We survived the bad cat's attack!
19:02And we got through it all without being eaten!
19:05Mm-hmm! Our house is gone now!
19:08But that's better than being eaten by the cat!
19:12Well, today, we built a security system and managed to survive the bad cat's attack!
19:18If you enjoyed this video, please subscribe to the channel and be sure to give us a like!
19:23Goodbye for now!
19:25If you enjoyed today's adventure, make sure to like and subscribe!
19:30Plus, you can check us out on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok whenever you want with the links in the corner!
19:36Thanks for watching! See you next time!
