• last week
After filing for a new passport, 'Euphoria' star Hunter Schafer was confronted with the reality of the Trump administration when her gender marker was changed to 'male.'

'I just wanna say trans people are beautiful. We are never going to stop existing. I’m never gonna stop being trans, a letter on a passport can’t change that, and fuck this administration,' she said in her series of TikTok videos.


00:00Today I saw it on my new passport mail.
00:12So now to specify I um my gender markers were first changed in my teens when I first got my
00:22driver's license and then passports following all have been female since then hasn't really
00:32been a problem. I've had to do this one time before no part of the process was different
00:40I filled everything out just like I normally would I put female and when it was picked up
00:50today and I opened it up uh they had changed the marker to male. I'm not making this post
01:00to fear monger or to create like drama or um receive consolation I don't need it but I do
01:13think it's worth posting to sort of note the reality of the situation and that it
01:19is actually happening and I was shocked I was shocked because I didn't I don't know I just
01:25didn't think it was actually going to happen and like I want to acknowledge my privilege um
01:37like not only as a like famous or like celebrity trans woman who is white and thin and can adhere
01:49to like contemporary beauty standards and I can participate in all of that um and I pass and uh
02:00uh it's uh it it still happened. This has happened to me since I changed my gender marker
02:12we're coming up on a decade now or something um and I do believe it is a direct result of
02:21the administration our country is currently operating under. I also want to say I don't
02:27give a f**k that they put an m on my passport um it doesn't change really anything about me
02:37or my transness um however it does make life a little harder. This is getting very long
02:47but I just want to say trans people are beautiful we are never going to stop existing
02:53I'm never gonna stop being trans um a letter and a passport can't change that and f**k
03:00this administration um and I don't really have an answer on what to do about this
03:06uh but I feel it was important to share this is real
