Une jeune femme qui n'a pas de chance en amour trouve enfin l'homme de ses rêves grâce aux rencontres en ligne. Elle décide d'aller de LA à New York pour lui faire une surprise pour Noël. Ce qu'elle y trouve ne ressemble pas du tout à la fin heureuse qu'elle avait espérée. Elle a été trompée par un jeune homme qui a fait un faux profil. Mais, quand elle se rend compte que l'objet de son affection est bien réel, elle décide de créer son propre miracle de Noël.
Court métrageTranscription
00:00Dating has never really been easy, but modern online dating,
00:03you're married, is even harder.
00:06But, on a positive note,
00:08I met someone.
00:12Oh my god, he is so cute!
00:15Really, there's only one con.
00:17You've never seen him.
00:20I'm gonna fly to New York for the holidays,
00:22I'm gonna surprise Josh,
00:23and I'm gonna get my happy ending.
00:25Josh! Someone's here to see you!
00:29As of this moment, right now,
00:30my disaster dating days
00:32are over.
00:36Are you his...
00:39This is a Christmas miracle.
00:41Look, look, I can explain!
00:43I don't understand.
00:44We talked.
00:45I made sure.
00:46The photo!
00:47It had my name on it.
00:48I'm pretty good at Photoshop.
00:53Please tell me you are calling me
00:54after the most intense sex of your life.
00:56It's hard to have sex when you've been catfished.
00:58But you won't believe what happened.
01:00You're telling me the guy exists and he's there?
01:02You should totally go for it!
01:03I know Tag, let me make it up to you.
01:05I can help you get him.
01:07One week.
01:08No more lies.
01:10You're gonna set me up with Tag.
01:14All you need to know about Tag
01:15is he likes outdoorsy, adventurous women.
01:17You climb.
01:19Do I climb?
01:22I'll climb anything that moves.
01:26Never been bobsledding before?
01:28You didn't tell me he was Tom Cruise.
01:30Everything will be fine. Just trust me.
01:32Who's the guy who catfished me?
01:34I didn't set out to catfish you.
01:36It just kind of happened.
01:38I had my profile up on the app for a year.
01:40And one of the matches I got was my old English teacher.
01:42She's 70 now and she has a pacemaker.
01:44Having sex with her would literally kill her.
01:51What do you think?
01:52You look perfect.
01:55If I've learned anything,
01:57it's that love doesn't have to be perfect.
01:59It just has to be honest.
02:01Do you still have your original profile photos?
02:03I was going for like a rugged look.
02:05You literally look like an axe murderer.
02:09You know, I've been thinking about joining one of those dating sites.
02:12My friend Darlene joined one
02:14and she has seen more ass
02:16than a church pew.