Jake Turner (Justin Hartley), auteur de best-sellers, rentre chez lui à Noël pour régler la succession d'une mère avec qui il entretenait des relations distendues. Il découvre alors un journal intime qui pourrait bien l'éclairer sur son histoire et sur celle de Rachel (Barrett Doss), une jeune femme intrigante lancée dans sa propre quête. Ensemble, ils entreprennent d'affronter leur passé pour se découvrir un avenir qu'ils ne soupçonnaient pas.
Court métrageTranscription
00:00C'est parti !
01:00Well, maybe if you're up for a drive, we could script a few lines.
01:06Why is it that a handsome, successful guy like you is still single?
01:09Not bad.
01:11Don't deflect.
01:12I've had relationships in the past, don't get me wrong.
01:16In the end, I just wasn't what they were looking for.
01:20Maybe they weren't what you were looking for.
01:22Excuse me, are you two together?
01:24Oh, no.
01:26Well, yeah.
01:27We were, you know, we...
01:28Maybe we are.
01:33Jake, do you know what this is?
01:35It was in a box marked personal.
01:36They just kind of picked it up.
01:37I didn't look at it.
01:38What is it?
01:39Okay, listen to this.
01:41My name is Noelle Ellis.
01:42I'm 17 years old and I'm having a baby.
01:45My parents are ashamed of me.
01:47And they're ashamed of the child I'm bringing into this world.
01:50And so, I'm leaving.
01:53This is my mother's diary.
01:54I know it.
01:56Why go through the trouble of writing everything down
01:58if she was just going to abandon it?
02:00I need to know if I ever mattered to her.
02:02Maybe you've wondered that about your dad.
02:06Jake, it's just so hard to talk about.
02:09You know that saying, time heals all wounds?
02:12It doesn't.
02:19Christmas is almost here.
02:22And after that day,
02:24I know my life will never be the same.
02:27What will happen to me?
02:30To us?
02:33Please tell me the universe really does reward the brave.
02:36You got this.
02:52To be continued...