Lizzo - Love in Real Life
"Love in Real Life" available now:
Text Lizzo:
Director Colin Tilley @colinseyes
Creative Director Molly Hawkins @mollyjane_x
LABEL ATLANTIC @atlanticrecords
VP, Atlantic Creative Andrew Reid @santafeyyy
SVP, Atlantic Marketing Marisa Aron
Atlantic Creative Caroline DeFranco @carolinedefranco
EP/Producer Zubin Anklesaria @zubin_asaria
Producer Danielle Wright @danielleswright
DOP Tehillah De Castro @tehillahdecastro
Choreographer Sergio Reis @sergiovreis
Choreographer Assist Jowha Van De Laak @jowhavdlaak
BTS Brendan Barone @b.k.barone
BTS Colleen Lee @visualsbycolleen
Styling Anastasia Larae @anastasialarae
Junior Creative Director Santangelo Williams
Director Rep Tommy Labuda
SERVICE CO STILLKING Prague @stillkingfilms
Line Producer Lida Ashwell Ordnung @lida_ashwell_ordnung
Unit Production Manager Tereza Fekete @terezafkt
Production Manager Monika Hanzlikova @monikahanzlikova
Production Manager Stills Pavla Prunerova @pavlaprun
Unit Manager Matous Dolezal -
Production Coordinator Simona Motika @simona_demona
Transport Coordinator Jan Dolezal @ofikojendis
Production Assistant Alzbeta Novosadova @betti_n
1st AD Frantisek Rezek @rezekfrantisek
2nd AD Katerina Safrankova @katerina_safran
3rd AD Nastasia Gospicova, Michal Uhlir @nastasia22
Set PA Ondrej Rosicky @hurenhurenhuren
Set PA Martin Frontz @frontzmartin95
Set PA George Black @premiumboy666
Set PA Patrik Riegl @patrikubonriegl
Production Designer David Baxa -
Art Director Petr Marek @petr_marek_flipar
Prop Master Standa Prerovsky -
Wardrobe Stylist Terezie Dvorakova @tereziedvorakova
SMUFX Artist Tereza Tartusa
H&MUP Artist Lada Bimova, Veronika Vandasova @veronikavandasova
SFX Martin Oberlander @woodoo_sfx
Location Manager Jan Ramba -
Camera Operator Cam B Sveta Aparina @_m_u_n_e
1st AC Cam A Ondrej Kos @kos_ondra
2nd AC Cam A Petr Slon Vladyka -
1st AC Cam B Martin Maryska @mitahelo
1st AC Cam B Pavel Frydrych @pavel_z_branika
Loader Jan Prokes @honzakesa
Steadicam Daniel Vagenknecht @danielvagenknecht
Video Assist David Mamula @davidmamula
Cable Guy Jan Zeman -
Script Supervisor Lucie Pascu @lucie.pascu
Sound Playback Roman Seckar -
Gaffer Daniel Kafka @kafkadaniel
Rigging Gaffer Igor Jelen -
Key Grip Ludek Hynek @ludekhynek
Grip Matej Saffek -
Crane Grip Martin Vejvoda -
Stills Photo Assistant Antonin Blazek @blazek_antonin
Extras Casting Agency Cinema Casting -
Catering Pepperoncino @valentyn_perets
Studios / Stages / Location Barrandov Studio, Prague @barrandovstudio
Friend Sakeema Crook @sakeemathecrook
Dancer Chawnta Marie @chawntamarie
Dancer Amber Brammer @amberrae
Dancer Mira Jebari @mirajebari
Dancer Shawarah Battles @shawarah.b
CDK COMPANY @cdkcompany
Dancer Mauro van de Kerkhof @maurovdkerkhof
Dancer Lorenzo Strijb @lorenzostrijb
Dancer Tiffany Lau @tiffany_lau
"Love in Real Life" available now:
Text Lizzo:
Director Colin Tilley @colinseyes
Creative Director Molly Hawkins @mollyjane_x
LABEL ATLANTIC @atlanticrecords
VP, Atlantic Creative Andrew Reid @santafeyyy
SVP, Atlantic Marketing Marisa Aron
Atlantic Creative Caroline DeFranco @carolinedefranco
EP/Producer Zubin Anklesaria @zubin_asaria
Producer Danielle Wright @danielleswright
DOP Tehillah De Castro @tehillahdecastro
Choreographer Sergio Reis @sergiovreis
Choreographer Assist Jowha Van De Laak @jowhavdlaak
BTS Brendan Barone @b.k.barone
BTS Colleen Lee @visualsbycolleen
Styling Anastasia Larae @anastasialarae
Junior Creative Director Santangelo Williams
Director Rep Tommy Labuda
SERVICE CO STILLKING Prague @stillkingfilms
Line Producer Lida Ashwell Ordnung @lida_ashwell_ordnung
Unit Production Manager Tereza Fekete @terezafkt
Production Manager Monika Hanzlikova @monikahanzlikova
Production Manager Stills Pavla Prunerova @pavlaprun
Unit Manager Matous Dolezal -
Production Coordinator Simona Motika @simona_demona
Transport Coordinator Jan Dolezal @ofikojendis
Production Assistant Alzbeta Novosadova @betti_n
1st AD Frantisek Rezek @rezekfrantisek
2nd AD Katerina Safrankova @katerina_safran
3rd AD Nastasia Gospicova, Michal Uhlir @nastasia22
Set PA Ondrej Rosicky @hurenhurenhuren
Set PA Martin Frontz @frontzmartin95
Set PA George Black @premiumboy666
Set PA Patrik Riegl @patrikubonriegl
Production Designer David Baxa -
Art Director Petr Marek @petr_marek_flipar
Prop Master Standa Prerovsky -
Wardrobe Stylist Terezie Dvorakova @tereziedvorakova
SMUFX Artist Tereza Tartusa
H&MUP Artist Lada Bimova, Veronika Vandasova @veronikavandasova
SFX Martin Oberlander @woodoo_sfx
Location Manager Jan Ramba -
Camera Operator Cam B Sveta Aparina @_m_u_n_e
1st AC Cam A Ondrej Kos @kos_ondra
2nd AC Cam A Petr Slon Vladyka -
1st AC Cam B Martin Maryska @mitahelo
1st AC Cam B Pavel Frydrych @pavel_z_branika
Loader Jan Prokes @honzakesa
Steadicam Daniel Vagenknecht @danielvagenknecht
Video Assist David Mamula @davidmamula
Cable Guy Jan Zeman -
Script Supervisor Lucie Pascu @lucie.pascu
Sound Playback Roman Seckar -
Gaffer Daniel Kafka @kafkadaniel
Rigging Gaffer Igor Jelen -
Key Grip Ludek Hynek @ludekhynek
Grip Matej Saffek -
Crane Grip Martin Vejvoda -
Stills Photo Assistant Antonin Blazek @blazek_antonin
Extras Casting Agency Cinema Casting -
Catering Pepperoncino @valentyn_perets
Studios / Stages / Location Barrandov Studio, Prague @barrandovstudio
Friend Sakeema Crook @sakeemathecrook
Dancer Chawnta Marie @chawntamarie
Dancer Amber Brammer @amberrae
Dancer Mira Jebari @mirajebari
Dancer Shawarah Battles @shawarah.b
CDK COMPANY @cdkcompany
Dancer Mauro van de Kerkhof @maurovdkerkhof
Dancer Lorenzo Strijb @lorenzostrijb
Dancer Tiffany Lau @tiffany_lau
00:00Everything was so much simpler, and that's exactly what I need, no views, no likes, real
00:16love, and real life.
00:46Tonight, I might make an appearance since I look this fine, and plus it's been a while.
00:56Tonight, tequila do your job girl, help me change my mind, how many shots this time?
01:07Hey ho, hey ho, give me something with a little tempo.
01:12Hey ho, hey ho, give me something I can throw a back from.
01:16By the end of the world, by the end of the night, baby come over here, I need love and real life.
01:24Give me that, give me, give me that, give me, give me that.
01:27Come over here, I need love and real life.
01:30Give me that, give me, give me that.
01:32In the light, I'm so high, this is better than I thought.
01:39Am I dancing like I thought I needed this?
01:44Just to see, people searching just like me, it restores my faith in humanity.
01:52Tonight, I might make an appearance since I look this fine, and it's been a while.
02:02Tonight, tequila do your job girl, give me something lime, to help me fix my life.
02:12Hey ho, hey ho, give me something with a little tempo.
02:18Hey ho, hey ho, give me something I can throw a back from.
02:22By the end of the world, by the end of the night, baby come over here, I need love and real life.
02:48Give me that, give me, give me that, give me, give me that.
02:57Give me that, give me, give me that, give me, give me that.
02:59I need tequila and faith, I need love and real life.
03:02Give me that, give me, give me that, give me, give me that.
03:04I don't wanna rock and roll, you know that's wrong.
03:07Give me that, give me, give me that, give me, give me that.
03:09By the end of the world, by the end of the night, baby come over here.