• last year
Are you prepared to be captivated?

It's time to unveil the nominees for the BEST EDITOR category.

CREDITS (in order of appearance):

The Prodigy - Invaders Must Die @theprodigyofficial
Label: Cooking Vinyl @cookingvinyl
Director: BARTLEBERRY LOGAN @bartleberry
Editor: BARTLEBERRY LOGAN @bartleberry

Manni Dee - All Of It ft. Manuka Honey @mannideeuk
Label: Fabric Records @fabric_records
Production: Fabric London @fabriclondonofficial
Director: Jade Ang Jackman @jadeangjackman
Editor: Ale Dordoni @aledordoni

Rudimental - Dancing is Healing @rudimentaluk
Label: Room Two @roomtworecs
Production: Academy Films @academyfilms
Director: Eugen Merher @eugendirector
Editor: Final Cut/ Ryan Beck @finalcutedit

King Gnu - SPECIALZ @kinggnu.jp
Label: Ariola Japan @ariolajapan
Production: premiertron @premiertron
Director: Osrin Takemichi @osrin.0902

Billa Joe - OUSSIDE @billajoe
Label: GOLD LEAGUE @goldleague
Production: MG VIDEO @mgvideox
Director: Matthias Georg Slomkowski @mgvideox
Editor: Matthias Georg Slomkowski @mgvideox

Mette - Mama's Eyes @mettenarrative
Label: Sony Music UK @sonymusicuk
Production: Art Practice @artpractice.studio
Director: Camille Summers-Valli @camille.summersvalli
Editor: Vid Price @vidprice

James Blake - Big Hammer @jamesblake
Label: Republic Records @republicrecord
Production: Pulse Films @pulsefilms
Director: Oscar Hudson @o-hud
Editor: Fouad Gaber @fougaber

Bad Bunny - Monaco @badbunnypr
Label: Rimas @rimas
Production: Rimas Entertainment @rimas
Director: Stillz @stillz
Editor: Aitor Bigas @aitorbigas

Vintage Culture, Fideles - Fallen Leaf feat. Be No Rain @vintageculture @fideles_music @be_no_rain
Production: MyMama Entertainment @mymama___
Director: Gabriel Novis @gabriel.novis
Editor: Dan Abraham @danabraham_filmeditor

Питерский ЩИТ - Среда обитания @spb_shield @azarstrato
Production: St. Petersburg SHIELD @spb_shield
Director: Azar Strato @azarstrato
Editor: Azar Strato @azarstrato


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