00:00My blindness was never an issue until I started winning.
00:02Want to hear a funny story?
00:03Well, it might also kind of be a little sad,
00:06but my dad tells it the best,
00:07so I'm going to show you a clip from my documentary.
00:09Basically, it still affects me to this day
00:11sometimes in the back of my head
00:13when I'm at like able-bodied competitions for judo.
00:16But here's the clip.
00:17It's an old story.
00:18You know, Anthony was wrestling in eighth grade
00:21and he's getting beat like 10 to nothing
00:23and it's the third period
00:25and I told Anthony to take neutral
00:27because he has to throw the kid.
00:29You know, it's his only chance now.
00:30He's down 10 points.
00:31He's got to put the kid on his back.
00:32He has to pin him, you know?
00:34So Anthony takes neutral and he throws him
00:36and he throws the kid to his back
00:38and the place goes nuts.
00:40Absolutely crazy.
00:41Kid was a real gentleman.
00:42Got off the mat, shook Anthony's hand.
00:44And his dad, I guess, you know,
00:47felt that, well, unfair that his son
00:49had to be in contact with Anthony.
00:51And the father says something like, you know,
00:53he want to go in Special Olympics
00:55or he shouldn't be allowed to wrestle, you know,
00:58because of the contact.
01:00That he has an unfair advantage.
01:02And I was like, you know, are you kidding me?
01:04This kid just like overcame the odds.
01:06This kid just worked so hard
01:08and you're like saying this stuff
01:10and going on about it, you know.
01:12You know, maybe he's right, you know,
01:13but I just want me,
01:16my kid just wanted to play with the other boys, you know?
01:18So it was really that important
01:21Anthony would have taken this medal
01:22and given it to the kid.
01:23It wasn't, you know, that important.
01:25But, uh.
01:26Did I mention it's free to watch now?
01:27One love.