In todays video I skate the most recent famous shoe of the sneaker head world, the MSCHF Big Red Boot! Also known as the astro boy boot. These were not made for skateboarding but thats what made skating them fun! Watch for an enjoyable look at what these skate and feel like!
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00:00What's up guys today, we have the shoe that broke the internet
00:02We got the mischief big red boot and we're gonna see if they're possible to skateboard in and giving them a rating based off
00:07How good they skate so let's get right into it
00:09We're gonna determine the rating of how good or bad these shoes are for skating based off of their looks
00:14How they flick and feel on the board how well they protect your feet and the practicality of wearing them to start it off
00:20We're gonna rate the shoes looks looks matter to skaters because when we feel like we look better
00:25We skate better even just starting off with the unboxing of the shoe
00:28The whole shoe just has this massive big red cartoony vibe
00:32That's really new to the sneaker game and it looks really well made and detailed even down to the box details
00:38The bottom of the shoe has these really cool traction lines plus a little bit of mischief branding and for the shoe itself
00:43There's just no other shoe like it
00:45it really does look straight out of a cartoon because of their smooth and
00:49Unproportionately sized look and if you decide to put your pants over the boots like this
00:53I think it gives them a lot more of a low-key look and I actually think they look a lot better this way
00:57So because of the shoes super unique and cool vibe, I rate the looks at 9 out of 10
01:02Next we're gonna rate how they flick and feel on the skateboard
01:06this was for sure the scariest part of making this video because I had no idea what these were gonna feel or skate like and
01:12The only way to find out was by standing on it and trying it out
01:15my first impression of standing on the
01:17Skateboard with these was that it felt like I was on stilts because of how platform the boots are and I knew it was finally
01:22Time to try tricks. So why not start off with an ollie?
01:26Definitely not my best ollie, but it kind of worked then I went for some shove-its after I started landing those
01:31I wanted to do a kickflip which was definitely going to be a hard trick in these because you can't
01:35Flick and move your ankles, which is a very important part about doing a kickflip after almost like a dozen attempts
01:41I started to get a little bit closer until I finally managed to land a few
01:46Definitely not my best kickflips, but it worked out next
01:49I wanted to do heel flips and those are a little easier in these because you don't have to flick your ankle as much on
01:53A heel flip so I did land a few of those and now to truly test how well these shoes flick and feel
01:59I had to try it on a bunch of obstacles
02:00So I did some more flat ground tricks, then I took them to this box right here
02:04Got that first try I even took them to a rail
02:07Definitely a sketchy trick in these I took them to this ramp to do some simple transition tricks like a drop in and a kick
02:13Turn both very sketchy as well on these all the skating in them felt very sketchy and hard for me
02:18So I rate the flick and board feel a one out of ten next we're gonna rate how well they protect your feet
02:23And i'm even gonna hit some gaps
02:25But first, let's see what's inside the shoe if you look inside
02:28The first thing you're gonna see is some info about the shoe like the size and where it was made
02:32But this is actually an insole that you can take out and it's a pretty soft comfy
02:36Floppy insole and under that is this rubber and with the combination of the insole and the rubber
02:41It actually does a good job of protecting the feet
02:43So I thought i'd send it down some gaps to truly test that
02:46I first wanted to do it down the sixth stair and luckily I got it first try
02:49So I thought i'd step it up and do it on this super tall three block
02:53This gap was way bigger than the sixth stair
02:55But I knew I had to try it to test the shoe's limits and the first attempt didn't go super well
03:00It definitely hurt my body, but my feet felt fine, which is the whole purpose of this test
03:04So got up there tried it again and rolled away clean
03:07None of the primos or landings hurt my feet at all the entire day and even when the board hits your feet
03:12It deflects it so well. You don't even feel it
03:14They do protect your feet super well, but are very dangerous to the rest of your body
03:18So I give their protection a 7 out of 10 and lastly we're gonna rate the shoes
03:22Practicality and there's gonna be a lot of things that are obviously not practical about skating this big chunky red boot
03:27But to get into the specifics
03:29The first impractical thing is how your ankles can't move freely which makes it hard and feel weird to do almost all skate tricks
03:35And for me probably the most impractical thing about them was the hard rubber at the top of the shoes digging into my shins
03:41And it ripped out a lot of my leg hair and gave me a pretty bad rash
03:44Definitely one of the least practical shoes i've ever tried for skating and I give their practicality a 1 out of 10
03:50So when you combine the ratings of their looks their flick and feel on the board their foot protection and their practicality
03:56Overall, they get a 4.5 out of 10 for their skate rating
04:00So that's it for the mischief big red boot skate review
04:03Definitely a cool shoe, but don't recommend skating in them
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04:10And let me know in the comments what you want to see next. See you guys in the next one