• yesterday


00:00In Toronto's war on crime, the worst offenders are pursued by the detectives of the Specialized
00:11Criminal Investigations Unit.
00:13These are their stories.
00:20Come in.
00:24Leave it on.
00:42So you think your service actually improves relationships?
00:45The long-term ones, yes.
00:47Miss Stewart, your dating company, Scarlett Riley, is currently valued at $80 million.
00:52Are you comfortable making this kind of money off what is essentially deception?
00:57Would my business be going public if I wasn't meeting a need?
01:02I think I save marriages.
01:05I keep families together.
01:08Come on, Isla, you got this!
01:14Very good.
01:15Oh, and there they all go.
01:20Okay, Isla, let's play something else, okay?
01:22Isla, give Mommy the candy.
01:25And we're done with the blindfold.
01:32You got something against piñatas?
01:34No, it's just too much sugar.
01:36Hey, are you okay?
01:41Yeah, just tired.
01:43I've seen you tired.
01:45Come on, it's me.
01:48What's going on?
01:56Dina, I'll tell you later.
01:58God, God wants to be near you.
02:02He wants to be with you.
02:07And all that He requires is faith, is trust.
02:14You show up for God, and He'll show up for you.
02:17Amen. My beautiful wife, Roxanne.
02:22I thought I had it all
02:25But all I felt was emptiness inside
02:32That's right.
02:33But then I came to realize
02:38It was nothing more than foolish pride
02:46I'm falling down to my knees
02:54She didn't want the money.
02:55I tried.
02:56Everyone has a price. Did you offer her more?
02:58She doesn't want cash, Ellen.
03:01We need to fix this now.
03:05What about the judge?
03:07Simon Mackey?
03:08It's a long shot, but it's worth a try.
03:10No, you know what? It's interesting.
03:13Carrot didn't work. Let's try the stick.
03:15I'll call him first thing.
03:19Let me just get that. I'll be right out.
03:23Justice Mackey.
03:28To what do I owe this?
03:39I can try.
03:41That's not easy to...
03:50Give me a name.
03:52Spell that.
03:59You ready?
04:01Okay. I am so sorry.
04:05Work emergency.
04:07You go ahead. I'll come up tonight.
04:10Great. Now put in your password.
04:15No, your password should not be the same as your username.
04:26Sorry, can I call you back?
04:32There you are.
04:41Hey, Dana.
04:42I found him.
04:43Wait, what?
04:46Tell me.
04:50No, I'm not on the phone.
04:54Meet me at our spot?
05:24You can't just sit there, ma'am.
05:40Now we're testing your blood pressure.
05:43Please remain seated and calm while the test finishes.
05:46In case of emergency, please press the physical stop button.
06:16Victims Dina Patesh, 35, single, IT professional, works at an investment firm that's connected to the PATH.
06:36She was stabbed.
06:38Any witnesses?
06:39No. They didn't even know she was dead.
06:41Staff all thought she was asleep.
06:43What, up here?
06:45Not the best place for a siesta.
06:47You got security footage?
06:48Yeah, here you go.
06:53The assailant went straight for her.
06:56Walks off like nothing happened. Looks calm, professional.
06:59Well, it may look pro, but it's not.
07:02These stab wounds here, down into the clavicle, it's a maneuver called the subclavian thrust.
07:07I've seen this before. I've done well. I'm all hit.
07:11The knife slices the nerves, paralyzes the arm, and then severs the subclavian artery. You've collapsed and hemorrhaged internally.
07:17A near instant death of one and done, except in Dina's case, the killer struck twice.
07:23Blood on the shirt and collar here indicates they missed the artery the first time.
07:27All right, so we're looking for somebody who knows the method below well practiced.
07:31I think we're looking for an amateur who was in a hurry.
07:34Dina called me at the hospital.
07:37She said that she needed to talk, that she wanted me to meet her here.
07:40What did she want to talk about?
07:42Must have been important for you to leave your shift.
07:45Dina didn't stay on the phone. By the time I got here, she was already gone.
07:50Really have no idea what she wanted?
07:52No, Kay, I already told you, I don't know.
07:55I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
07:58Did she have any enemies, feuds at work, ex-partner who might want to hurt her?
08:02No. Dina's amazing.
08:07Everybody loves her.
08:09Okay. Thank you.
08:15Would you call your best friend and not tell them what was bothering you?
08:18I mean, why make them wait to see you in person?
08:21Putting aside for the moment that you hate talking on the phone.
08:24I don't hate it. It's just if I have something to say to you, I want to look you in the eye, especially if it's important.
08:31So what did Dina have to say?
08:34When did somebody kill her before she could say it?
08:39Dina Batesh. She's not a gambler. No debts, no criminal affiliations.
08:44Only mark on her record is an impaired driving charge is still before the courts.
08:47Is that relevant? Was she an addict? Was this an altercation with a dealer?
08:51No, De Silva didn't find any traces of drugs or alcohol in her system.
08:55Dina was single, lived alone. Her boss said she was the best tech security expert they'd ever had.
09:01Are we sure this wasn't a random attack?
09:03Remember Rohini Bisesar, the shopper stabber, mentally ill, went straight for a target, didn't learn from Adam.
09:09Rohini was delusional, whereas Dina's killer had the foresight to conceal their identity.
09:14And so well, in fact, that Mark couldn't even recognize them on street level after they left the path.
09:18This was targeted, boss. It might not have been executed by a professional,
09:22but the subclavian thrust isn't something that just any Adam off the street would know.
09:27And De Silva confirmed the method during her autopsy?
09:30She did. And speaking of...
09:36Yeah, sure.
09:40De Silva wants to see us in person.
09:43She didn't say why.
09:47Thanks for coming. Had to do this one in situ because of the nature of his death.
09:50This is Justice Simon Mackey.
09:52Oh, damn.
09:54You knew him?
09:55Yeah. He was a good judge. Fair.
09:59Neighbor found him dead around noon.
10:01Well, it looks like a suicide. Carbon monoxide.
10:04Yeah, but considering his job proximity to criminals and lack of suicidal ideation,
10:09cops on the scene wanted to make sure there was no foul play.
10:11What's your verdict here?
10:12Well, the flushing is consistent with CO poisoning. There is no sign of a struggle.
10:16It is definitely a suicide. He even left a note.
10:20I'm sorry, Kay. Remember me as the man you knew. I love you.
10:24Well, it sounds like Justice Mackey was worried about his reputation.
10:27Looks like it, too. You don't smash up all your devices unless you've got something to hide.
10:32I just have one question. If he killed himself, what are we doing here?
10:36Because I found this in his pocket.
10:42Dina Batesh, our victim.
10:48I have no idea who Dina Batesh is.
10:51Why are you asking me this?
10:53She was killed earlier today.
10:56You think Simon was involved?
10:58Not necessarily. They died around the same time, but in different parts of the city.
11:04And Mrs. Mackey, you said your husband asked you to go to the cottage with Adam?
11:09He got a call before we left, came in here to take it. He said he had a work emergency.
11:16Dina Batesh. This may be the last thing he ever wrote. Why was he thinking of her?
11:21What are you suggesting, Detective?
11:23Well, although you don't know who Miss Batesh is, your husband certainly did.
11:27She was obviously on his mind right before he died.
11:30My husband's been gone for a few hours, so please do not come in here and try to make me doubt him.
11:38Simon was a good man, and he loved his life, he loved his kids, and he loved his work, and he loved me.
11:44He did not want to die. I don't believe that. I can't believe that.
11:49Yes, ma'am.
11:51Dead? What do you mean he's dead?
11:53Dead. It means dead, Nathan. He's gone. More importantly, so's Dina.
11:58We're in the clear.
12:00How did this happen?
12:02I don't know. I'd say the gods smiled on us, but that's more your thing.
12:07The underwriter's here.
12:08Great. All right, Nathan, I gotta go.
12:11Wait. Wait. I'm sure this is over.
12:14Okay, we're not gonna talk about what you did or what I did ever again. It's over.
12:19It's over.
12:24You remember Aaron, my lawyer?
12:26Of course.
12:27Taj, my head of IT?
12:28I was just quizzing him on your latest website security plan, which is lacking.
12:32You need to beef it up before our bank could finalize your IPO.
12:35Your business runs on the promise of total privacy. Its value depends on it.
12:39Trust me. At my company, the digital lipstick on your collar stays a secret. We've never had a breach.
12:46I want a third-party security assessment, because right now I'm not comfortable.
12:49And until I'm comfortable, we're not doing this deal.
12:56So we were able to trace Mackey's movements before he killed himself.
12:59Seems after he got his emergency call, he met with the trial coordinator, begged her to move Dina's impaired driving case to his court.
13:06So he could put her in jail or ruin her favor.
13:08No, the latter. We think it was blackmail.
13:10How could Dina have dirt on a person like Mackey? He does every NGO and charity event from A to Z.
13:15Well, it turns out he also does a little triple X.
13:24Oh, hey. These are some career-ruining nudes. Where'd you find them?
13:29Off his smashed laptop here. It seems our good Justice Mackey was cheating on his wife.
13:35These photos were sent via DM to women on Scarlet Riley.
13:39Ah, the dating app for cheaters.
13:41Yeah, Mackey was using it to have multiple affairs.
13:44We think Dina told Mackey to take her case and acquit her of the charge or all this would come out.
13:48But Mackey didn't get the case. So he killed himself before someone killed his blackmailer.
13:53How'd Dina know about any of this in the first place? Did she go on a date with Mackey?
13:57No, we checked her devices. Dina wasn't on the Scarlet Riley app.
14:00But she doesn't need to have been on the app to have seen the photos. Wasn't she an ethical hacker?
14:04Or an unethical one, too.
14:07Maybe. But if Dina hacked the judge, she didn't use her own laptop.
14:11We need to look at her work computer.
14:15Dina was definitely up to something.
14:18This icon here means she's running a virtual machine on his desktop.
14:21Got a hidden profile.
14:23Yeah. Hackers use it to hide their activity. It has its own operating system, email.
14:30Ransom note.
14:33But it's not addressed to Mackey. It's to Ellen Stewart.
14:35I found lipstick on 35 million callers. You have one week to shut down or I'll release all your user info to the world.
14:43Dina was blackmailing the CEO of Scarlet Riley.
14:45The deadline's for 5 p.m. today.
14:48But if there's no Dina, there's no deadline.
14:58Dina Batesh got the real names and sexual proclivities of 35 million users.
15:03Well, hats off to her for executing the most salacious crime of my career.
15:07How the hell did she manage that?
15:09Well, she's good at her job.
15:11She found a backdoor using a zero-day exploit, cracked a password,
15:14then stole 100 gigabytes of raw user data and locked it up on the dark web.
15:18It's fully key encrypted. No one can access it.
15:20Why'd she steal all that information if she wasn't asking for money?
15:23She didn't want money. She wanted to shut the company down.
15:27She'd tank it herself by releasing the names.
15:29Because why? She hated adulterers?
15:32She wanted to stick it to Ellen Stewart.
15:34I saw her on TV last week. Scarlet Riley's about to go public.
15:37Ellen's gonna make millions.
15:39Which would give her strong motive to find the hacker and neutralize the threat to her business.
15:43But how would Ellen know Dina was responsible?
15:47Let's go ask her.
15:51Dina Batesh. Yes, she tried to ruin my business.
15:55My life. We saw the ransom note.
15:58It was sent to you by a hacktivist.
16:00How'd you figure out it was Dina?
16:02She's no Edward Snowden.
16:04Took a couple of days, but she left an IP trace when a tech guy found her.
16:07That's interesting, because you also left a trace.
16:10And, um, would you look at that? Here we are finding you.
16:13Justice Simon Mackey wrote down her name.
16:16He's, uh, one of your users. You knew you'd been hacked.
16:19Figured out it was Dina and that she had an upcoming trial.
16:22So you called him, but, uh, he couldn't get the case.
16:25And convinced that he couldn't stop Dina from ruining his life, Mackey killed himself.
16:29Which is too bad. Because if he'd waited one more day,
16:32someone killed Dina before she could spill 35 million dirty little secrets.
16:37Miss Stewart, where were you on Monday at 1 p.m.?
16:42Oh, wait.
16:44You think that someone is me.
16:47I didn't kill anyone.
16:49Please answer the question.
16:51I was at the Clio Club.
16:53We were having a party for my IPO.
16:55Everyone was there.
16:57My tech guy, Taj. My lawyer, Aaron.
17:00Half the staff.
17:02Do you admit that you told Justice Mackey about the hack?
17:04I do not.
17:06I didn't tell Mackey or any of my clients about the hack, or that Dina was the hacker.
17:11No, discretion is the heartbeat of my business.
17:14No, of course, it's why your business exists.
17:16To keep a fair secret.
17:19Look, you know, I wish things were different.
17:23I'm grateful for the success that I've had,
17:25but it doesn't make up for the fact that society bears so much shame.
17:30Wrestling with monogamy doesn't make you a sociopath.
17:33It makes you human.
17:35Why didn't you report the hack?
17:36You could have asked for help from the police.
17:38That's what they do. They arrest people.
17:40She committed a serious crime.
17:42Right. Then word of the breach gets out, and my IPO is destroyed.
17:45Speaking of which, I have a meeting, so if you have any other questions,
17:49you can talk to my lawyer.
17:51Aaron, can you come in here?
17:54That wedding band, is it real, or just for show?
17:59All I know is that when I wear it, even more people hit on me.
18:02Always want what you can't have.
18:09Yes, we kept the hack and the hacker's identity a secret.
18:13No one outside the inner circle knew.
18:15Well, someone got to Dina.
18:16And if it wasn't someone at Scarlett Riley, then it was someone Ellen told.
18:19So, who'd she spill to? A special client? A friend?
18:22Oh, come on, Aaron. Help us solve a murder.
18:25I don't know, and even if I did, I couldn't give you our clients' names.
18:28That would be a violation of their privacy.
18:30That's quite a lot of loyalty for a business based on betrayal.
18:35That's catchy. Good luck with your investigation, detectives.
18:42Now, why involve Justice Mackey at all?
18:45Ellen's raking in the cash. Why not pay Dina off?
18:48Well, what's the first thing an underwriter does when they assess an IPO?
18:52Due diligence. Check the company's financial health, look under the hood.
18:55Hmm. It's all if Ellen's money's under scrutiny.
18:58Then maybe she found a way to bribe Dina off the books?
19:01Who is Dina Batesh, and why did you send her this money?
19:08Uh, this is just a mistake.
19:11Did you think I wouldn't notice this? What is this for?
19:14She's a hacker. She's trying to blackmail Ellen.
19:17Trying to ruin her business.
19:19Right. Ellen, of course.
19:21What? She's my oldest friend. She was in need.
19:23Yeah, of bribe money to keep her disgusting website open?
19:27You know that Ellen's problems are not our responsibility.
19:30Why are you helping her?
19:32Because that's what we do. We help people.
19:35What are you not telling me?
19:37I just got Dina's banking records.
19:40The day before she died, she declined a wire transfer for $500,000.
19:44Who turns down $500,000?
19:46Someone who hates adultery more than they love money.
19:48The transfer's from a numbered company.
19:51Okay, which is owned by...
19:54a Nathan Renslow.
19:56Why is that name familiar?
19:58Give me a second. Here you go.
20:01Good you might remember him better as...
20:04Pastor Nate from Evolution Church.
20:07Charismatic leader, hype priest, impossible Scarlet Riley user.
20:10Didn't know you two were so into hipster mass.
20:12I'm not. It's hard to forget a man of the cloth who wears that much leather.
20:20Ellen Stewart. I know she is. Everyone does.
20:23But you're old friends. You met at the Hard House Debate Club.
20:26It's the perfect jumping-off point for anyone interested in a successful career as an orator.
20:32That was a long time ago.
20:34We don't have much in common anymore.
20:36Except for Scarlet Riley.
20:40Sorry, I'm a happily married man.
20:42Who sent $500,000 to the woman who hacked that site and threatened to expose all of its users.
20:48I sent that money because Ellen asked me to.
20:50Not because I used the site. I was just trying to help a friend.
20:53I'm sorry. Do I have idiot written on my forehead?
21:03All right, look.
21:06Couple months ago, my wife Roxanne and I were going through some stuff.
21:10Ellen told me the site was safe and I believed her.
21:12That's on me. I only wanted a few coffee dates.
21:15Totally chased. I didn't sleep with anyone and I told my wife everything and she's forgiven me.
21:20That's very big of her, but I'm not so sure your congregation would be so accommodating.
21:24Because if you're on the list, you're on the list.
21:28Which is exactly why I sent Dina the cash.
21:31Tried to get her to drop everything, but she didn't want my money.
21:33So what'd you do when she rejected you?
21:35Nothing. Told Ellen. She said she had another plan.
21:39Where were you on Monday at 1pm?
21:42Nathan? Love? Is everything okay?
21:44Yeah, of course. Roxanne, where was I Monday at 1pm?
21:47Hosting a lunch hour of power with me. It's our prayer group.
21:56Lunch hour of power? Killing me sounds more like an 80s exercise class.
22:01Even if Nathan's alibi does check out, it's not a total wash.
22:04Yeah, because he admitted that Ellen told him that Dina was the hacker.
22:07Yeah, which gives us enough to get our production order for the Scarlet Riley user list.
22:10Oh, great. So we've only narrowed it down to, what, 35 million suspects?
22:20Well, I have never been so excited to look at a grey database of names.
22:23Well, don't get too pumped, Frankie.
22:25The production order that Justice Garber signed stipulates you can only look at ten names from the Scarlet Riley users list.
22:31Sounds like a challenge. Twenty questions, the infidelity edition.
22:35I know there's only ten questions, Forrester. Just humor my analogy.
22:39Okay, but would anyone really know if we looked at, say, eleven?
22:43Unfortunately, the search is tracked by an FTK. It's a forensic toolkit. It's like a digital audit.
22:48There it is. So don't waste one on your ex-boyfriend.
22:53Ten. Ten. Good luck.
22:56Well, I've taken the liberty of looking up the obvious. Ellen, Aaron, and Taj all have profiles.
23:01Justice Mackey is bigman underscore x74, and Nathan is jesussavesu33.
23:08Oof. I wonder if that's why he only had a few chaste coffee dates.
23:12So who else have we met that might be a Scarlet Riley user?
23:15All right, five down, five to go. And we can search up anyone.
23:19By name and email.
23:20I think we should start with anyone associated with the case.
23:22So how about husbands, wives, partners?
23:26Kay Mackey, the judge's wife.
23:33She's not on here.
23:35Okay, Frankie, roll the dice. See if you can do better.
23:38Okay, come on, lucky number seven.
23:41Um, Russ? Bennett? Josie's husband?
23:46Nope. Three wishes left.
23:48Okay, think, think, think, think.
23:51Roxanne, the preacher's wife.
23:52No. Negative.
23:57Hold your horses, right? There's only two shots left.
24:03Let's go back. Josie, Dina's best friend. Josie Bennett.
24:12We have a match.
24:14Josie Bennett, lady love, 1987.
24:18I'll be damned.
24:23Yes, I knew about the hack.
24:26I should have told you guys, but I was scared.
24:29Scared of what?
24:31What Dina did was illegal, and she did it for me.
24:35So you were looking for something. Someone.
24:38Yeah, a guy I met on the site.
24:41She just wanted to help me find his real name.
24:45I'm gonna take this. Excuse me.
24:56Josie, what happened?
25:01About a month ago, Russ and I were having problems.
25:05And I was so sick of being mommy all the time.
25:08So I signed up onto the site.
25:11It's stupid. I know.
25:13Yeah, it's not stupid.
25:16No, I... I get it.
25:21I do.
25:25Josie, can you tell me about this guy you met on the site?
25:29His screen name is Don1423.
25:34Yeah, he was charming.
25:37Made me feel different.
25:41He wanted to meet.
25:44Suggested we do this thing.
25:46It's called Door the Jar.
25:49I've heard of it.
25:51It's where you unlock the door, you wait blindfolded, and you...
25:57I thought it would be exciting, but...
26:03I rented an Airbnb because he asked me to.
26:07When he showed up, it... it was too weird.
26:12You know, I wanted to see him, so I tried to take the blindfold off.
26:16And... he didn't like that?
26:22He pinned me down.
26:25I couldn't move. I couldn't see. I couldn't breathe.
26:31And he raped me.
26:37And then he left.
26:40And he blocked me on the app.
26:43All of our messages were just gone.
26:47And I reported him to Scarlett Riley, but they didn't respond.
26:51Did you tell the police?
26:53What was I supposed to say? I mean, I don't even know his real name.
26:57But I know he has done this to other people.
27:00Sorry, how?
27:01Before I told Dina, I was desperate to find him.
27:04I posted about him online in a forum about bad dates.
27:07To warn people.
27:09This person, Fiona, she reached out and said that he did the exact same thing to her.
27:13She went to the cops, but they said she didn't have enough for an investigation.
27:17No name, no face.
27:18No case.
27:20I told Dina, and she said that she could hack the site and find his name.
27:26It took a few days, but...
27:29She got him.
27:32That's why she wanted to meet.
27:34So she could tell you who he was.
27:38In person.
27:41I'm sorry.
27:43She was my best friend, and she got him.
27:46Because of me.
27:50I have no idea who Don Juan 423 is or why he's not on the list that was sent to you.
27:56There, I just looked. He's not in my system either, so I'm sorry you've been misinformed.
28:01Don Juan 423 doesn't exist.
28:03Or you got rid of him after the hack.
28:06Because he's a... he's a rapist, he's a murderer.
28:09I have never heard a single assault allegation against any of my users.
28:13Well, then you haven't been paying attention.
28:15One victim definitely sent them.
28:17Josie Bennett. These are her emails.
28:21I've never seen these.
28:23Maybe you've seen this one. It's a second victim who reported it to the police.
28:27There's a predator in your midst. Perhaps we should warn your users?
28:32Hm. Do not do that.
28:35Okay? I'm telling you, this is a mistake.
28:38It's literally impossible for Don Juan 423 to have existed and...
28:43Now be gone.
28:44How so?
28:46Because we made it impossible.
28:49Once you make a profile on Scarlett Riley, it can never truly be deleted.
28:54It's how I retain 35 million users.
28:57That's rich.
28:59So you're telling me that, um, you don't want to be in a relationship,
29:03but you made it so that no one can ever...
29:07You're telling me that, um, you don't want to be in a relationship,
29:10but you made it so that no one can ever leave you.
29:14And you overvalued your business in the process.
29:16I call that a win-win.
29:17You know, it still looks good on paper, okay? And that's all that matters.
29:20I'm telling you the truth. Don Juan 423 doesn't exist.
29:23Yeah, but you've already lied to us once.
29:25So I'm thinking you should probably just disclose this guy's real name,
29:28because, uh, if you don't, we might, um, we might have to go wide with this.
29:32Yeah, I'd put on my mirror face, hold a press conference, ask for the public's help
29:36in finding this elusive creep.
29:40There is one way that a user could seem to disappear from the platform,
29:44but it can only be authorized by Taj in the tech department.
29:50Change the user handle.
29:53Look, I didn't change any user handle.
29:56Ellen can blame me all she wants for that hack,
29:58but I'm not responsible or involved in some murder or a cover-up.
30:03Look, I really need to get back to work.
30:08Well, if it wasn't you, then it was someone else.
30:11So what do you think, Taj? Was it, uh, one of you guys?
30:13You two. Out.
30:17No. No one does anything on the user database unless I authorize it.
30:21So somebody came in here while you weren't around.
30:24Look, I'm barely keeping my job here.
30:26Yeah, but, um, we're talking about homicide here.
30:28And sexual assault.
30:33The other day when you two showed up,
30:37someone used my credentials to get in the database.
30:40And no doubt you looked up those key card logs, lickety-split,
30:43to find out who was lurking around your terminal.
30:48This is the part where you go on.
30:52It was Aaron.
30:54Ellen's lawyer.
30:56And how did he get your password?
31:00I, uh, I gave it to him.
31:03When he wanted to give her some sensitive e-mails
31:05before the underwriter came in and took a look at our security system.
31:08E-mails he didn't think I knew about.
31:12E-mails about sexual assault?
31:19And that's why I decided to switch jobs.
31:23Everything had just become so heavy.
31:29I had become numb to the, to the violence,
31:33to the assaults, to the blood.
31:37There was always so much blood.
31:40Couldn't stand the sight of it.
31:44Got harder and harder to feel anything anymore.
31:48Being here is the, is the only thing that really helps.
31:53That was really brave, Aaron.
31:56Um, I might suggest that we focus on turning your complaint into a prayer?
32:02A complaint can be a prayer, Roxanne.
32:05What's more emotional, genuine, real than when you feel like you've been wronged?
32:10When you wonder, God, why have you put me here?
32:13But he hasn't put you anywhere where you can't come back from.
32:17God wants to forgive.
32:20And so should we.
32:24All right, guys. That's all for today. Have a great week.
32:31We carry each other's burdens.
32:34I just think he may need more help than we can give him.
32:37Then I will carry his weight.
32:40And as it breaks me down,
32:43I will lean on you.
32:47We might bend, but we're not gonna break.
32:50You're my strength, Roxanne.
32:53You carry all of us.
33:21So, he blocks the women he rapes,
33:24deletes the evidence, and then blocks us, too.
33:27This guy is a corporate lawyer at Scarlet Raleigh.
33:29How does he know how to do a subclavian thrust?
33:32Well, he doesn't know how to do it well, but he learned it from someone who did.
33:37So, Aaron, why'd you go corporate, huh?
33:40Better money, change of pace?
33:43I was sick of dealing with murderers.
33:46Oh, like this one?
33:49You defended an ex-military man who stabbed his wife in the neck
33:52using a method called the subclavian thrust.
33:55You're familiar with it.
33:58I'm not.
34:00You're not?
34:03There's a method called the subclavian thrust.
34:06You're familiar with it.
34:08Am I?
34:10I should hope so.
34:12You spent three days in an Ottawa court cross-examining an expert about it.
34:14You don't remember?
34:17Do you remember all of your cases, Detective Graff?
34:20Only the ones that keep me up at night.
34:23Why are you asking me all about this?
34:26Because Dina Batesh was killed by the same method.
34:29So, you had the means, the motive...
34:32I was with Alan.
34:34Right, at the Clio Club.
34:36Yeah, well, everyone and their mother was at the Clio Club,
34:38but can any of them vouch for your whereabouts at all times?
34:40Quick trip down to the drugstore, do the job.
34:43You're back in 15, drinking your second martini.
34:46Dina's gone and your secret's safe.
34:48What secret?
34:50That you're Don Juan 423.
34:52And that you changed your handle to cover up any involvement
34:54in at least two sexual assaults and a homicide.
34:57Look, we have the key card records, Aaron.
34:59We know you were in the tech room.
35:03Okay, this is not what you think.
35:06Then what should we think?
35:07Because I'm thinking right now,
35:09we've got enough to charge you with murder.
35:11Get up, we're taking you to home.
35:13No, no, I did not do this.
35:15Okay, just stop, okay?
35:16I changed the handle, yes.
35:18To what?
35:19I changed Don Juan 423 to Jesus Saves You 33.
35:27Nathan Renslow is Don Juan 423?
35:31Did he ask you to change that handle?
35:33I offered.
35:34Nathan is a good man.
35:36This woman, Josie, was slandering him.
35:38He had never even met her.
35:40There was no record of any contact.
35:41But the subclavian thrust,
35:43did you tell Nathan about this crime specifically?
35:50You know what son did, right?
35:53There's no proof Nathan was ever even in the path
35:56at the same time as Dina.
35:57Well, that's why we need to charge him on the rapes.
35:59Bring him in, get a murder confession.
36:01And if you don't get a confession, then what?
36:06I can't even successfully prosecute Nathan for those rapes.
36:10There's barely any evidence.
36:11Neither woman saw his face.
36:13No digital trail.
36:14They don't even know his real name.
36:16Yeah, that's why he killed Dina,
36:18so no one would find out his real name.
36:20Doesn't matter.
36:21You're hoping an assault will crack this open.
36:25What if it doesn't?
36:28Any lawyer worth his salt will tell Nathan
36:30he's going to walk on those rape charges
36:32and then where will you be?
36:36And he'll know our play.
36:38Know we got nothing.
36:40And there's no justice for Dina.
36:43Fine, you're right.
36:46That's surprisingly refreshing.
36:52Well, it's more of a yes and, Theo.
36:55Yes, you're right, and there is something we can do.
36:57If Nathan killed Dina to protect his reputation,
37:01his ministry, his congregants,
37:02then he would have needed somebody's help to cover it up
37:04because he is not the Holy Spirit
37:06and cannot be everywhere at once.
37:08If you can break that alibi,
37:10you might have yourself a murder case.
37:14Want to go crash the service?
37:16Take me to church.
37:17Ain't that temptation you feel inside?
37:20Don't demonize it.
37:22That's just your energy trying to go somewhere,
37:24trying to move you,
37:25trying to bring you closer to God.
37:27See, you need to take that energy,
37:30harness it,
37:31make it work for you.
37:33Ask Jesus to help you channel it,
37:35direct it,
37:36create an intention.
37:38Intention puts us on the path to prosperity.
37:43And I know what you're thinking.
37:44You're thinking, Pastor Nick,
37:45how do I know which way to go on the path?
37:47You don't, but God does and he will show you.
37:50Take a leap of faith and follow him.
37:53Now is the time!
38:14Pastor Nate.
38:16I need a minute, okay?
38:17You come back any time.
38:18Door's always open.
38:19Oh, I thought it was a jar.
38:24What is that, a riddle?
38:28One is a door, not a door.
38:30No, my partner's referencing a crime you committed,
38:33the one you killed Dina Batesh to cover up.
38:36I already told you I offered Dina the money.
38:38She didn't want it.
38:39Nathan, what was that?
38:40You can't just leave the stage.
38:41They don't want to see me.
38:42They want to see you.
38:44Go, I'll take care of this.
38:45Honey, it's okay.
38:46Just hold down the fort a while longer.
38:48Play one of your little songs or something.
38:49Sorry, little songs?
38:51No, it's fine.
38:52It's nothing compared to what Nathan does for the church.
38:56Is that why you lied for him, Roxanne?
38:59You see, we interviewed a few of the people
39:01who went to your lunch hour of power,
39:04the ones who saw you at 1 p.m. on the day that Dina died.
39:09Strange, though.
39:11They all have the exact same story.
39:14No variation.
39:16It was almost like somebody had told them what to say.
39:21Look, I know about the scandal, okay, and the bribe money,
39:25and Nathan is not a cheater.
39:28No, he's a rapist.
39:33What, did you forget about the women that you blindfolded
39:36and assaulted, the ones that you met on Scarlett Riley?
39:39You see, that's part of his M.O.
39:41He likes to do what he wants without being seen.
39:44He wants his victims to be willfully blind.
39:47Does that sound familiar?
39:49No, you said you went on a few coffee dates.
39:51I mean, he didn't sleep with anyone.
39:53That's not... that's not cheating.
39:58You know I love you, right?
40:02Why is she saying you raped a woman?
40:04I didn't.
40:05No, he raped two.
40:06Stop saying rape. It wasn't rape!
40:09It was consensual.
40:11They invited me in. They said yes.
40:15I just need a little release.
40:17That's what Alan cites for.
40:19Just take the pressure off.
40:20Help me keep the promise I made to this church.
40:23What about the promise you made to me?
40:25What about the promise I make to every single person that walks through that door?
40:28You want me to fail them because you can't understand my needs?
40:33I live in a pressure cooker here.
40:35I have to be everything, everyone, and a saint on top of it all.
40:44Roxanne, those women, they meant nothing.
40:46I did it to try to keep our marriage intact.
40:48And our marriage is the bedrock of this church.
40:51I did it for you.
40:54For us.
40:55For me.
40:56You hurt them? For me?
40:58I didn't hurt them.
41:00They broke the deal when they tried to take the blindfold off, not me.
41:03I didn't. How could I have hurt them?
41:04They were fine when I left them.
41:05That woman out there, she's fine.
41:07She's fine.
41:12It meant nothing.
41:14It doesn't feel like nothing, does it, Roxanne?
41:18I mean, it burns when someone betrays you.
41:20It cuts deep.
41:22Especially when it's someone you've built a life with.
41:24A career, a calling.
41:27I stand before you humbly.
41:28I get why you covered for him.
41:30You want to believe he's a good man.
41:32And I think, deep down, you fear that you'd be lost without him.
41:36But that's not true.
41:37I stand before you humbly, acknowledging my need for salvation.
41:39You can move on from this.
41:40You can find somebody who actually loves you.
41:42Somebody who's not raping women they met on an app and lying about it.
41:46Somebody who didn't kill Dina Batesh to cover up his sins.
41:49Will you just shut up?
41:55Roxanne, by covering for your husband, you are denying three women justice.
42:01Josie, Fiona, those were the women that he met and assaulted.
42:05And Dina, who hacked the site.
42:07You said you knew about the bribe.
42:09After Dina rejected the money, your husband killed her before she could expose him.
42:13He's been lying to you.
42:14Your marriage is broken, but do not let him take you down, too.
42:18We will never break, Roxanne. Remember?
42:27I'll remember what we built.
42:36He got here at two.
42:40And he begged me not to tell anyone because he said that I'd ruin what we built.
42:54I stand before you humbly, acknowledging my need for redemption and salvation.
43:03We're with you, Pastor.
43:04We'll pray for you.
43:08Pray, pray, Pastor.
43:09May the Lord be with you, Pastor.
43:15So much for for better or for worse.
43:18If that's what love is, she's better off on her own.