• 20 hours ago
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Welcome back to the official reverse Michael Myers custom game!!!! Today is Team YouTubers vs the undefeated console trick finding clan Mousketeers! Whoever knifes the entire other team in their hiding spots first wins :D

P.S. Everyone in this video did this to help me create an awesome video so please check them out below!
YouTuber Team:

Console Clan Mousketeers:

@SwagMeal (Editor)

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♦Ubisoft Store Creator Code (use code 'BRAH')
♦Gorilla Mind (use code 'BRAH'): https://gorillamind.com/Brah
♦Turtle Beach (use code 'BRAH'): https://turtlebeach.gg/Brah
♦ Music
All music is provided by Epidemic Sound → https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/5v3lht/
♦ BUSINESS INQUIRIES → thecoconutbrah@gmail.com
1.77M subs
00:00I brought back the undefeated console trick finding clan Mouseketeers to go up against
00:04my PC stack with myself, NoLimit, VarsityGaming, Priest, and Dangleberries. I've never lost a best
00:11of three in hide and seek yet and neither has their clan, so one of us is going to be taking
00:15their very first L today. So comment down below, let me know who you think is going to take the
00:19dub. Rules are simple. First to find a knife, the entire other team first wins. No gadgets
00:24are allowed unless it's something all players can use. No glitches are allowed. Player outlines are
00:28off and each team can take as long as they want to hide, but if you do take a long time,
00:32it's going to take away from your total potential time score. So let's get into it.
00:58What the fuck? No, you go. Okay, everybody good. Three, two, one. Go, go, go. We're outside,
01:06Varsity. Let's go. Ski. You start southeast, go northeast. I'll go southwest to southeast.
01:13There's a drone in stables. He's probably behind the stable wall.
01:18There's like three of them. I found two of them.
01:21What the fuck? I found two of them. Varsity, there's two of them up there. How do we get
01:28up there? How do we get up there? Yeah, get on my shoulders. Get on my shoulders. Okay,
01:31it's got it. No, no. I bet they shimmy along the wall, bro. They shimmy along the wall.
01:35Why did you guys do that that fast? Did they do the rock spot or no?
01:38I also have the rock in my chat. Yo, Dwayne Johnson, thank you for the 10 gift. Yo,
01:42they got in the room spot right here. They're in the center.
01:44Yo, shout out to the rock clan. Exclamation Charmin chat, bro.
01:47Wait, what? Yo, yo, yo, yo. Someone got on my drone, but he just he just vaulted onto this
01:52from the coconut. I made you do that. We actually just found that out earlier that
01:56you can actually do. That's so freaky. That might only be a PC thing.
02:04Now we're two down, but we still have to find three of the best console trick finders in the
02:09game, and at least two of them are in these absolutely ridiculous spots. And so while we
02:15try to get to them, I'm going to tell you about the sponsor of this video, War Thunder. War
02:18Thunder is the epic military action game that features land, sea and air vehicles across an
02:23entire century. It's available on PC, PlayStation and Xbox, and it's free to play. So yeah, it's
02:28even easier to get into than any of the hiding spots you're going to see in this video. Whether
02:32you're a fan of military vehicles, technologies or insane graphics, War Thunder does it all while
02:37capturing the scale and feel of battles using real military equipment. They're each distinct
02:41in battle with unique features such as guided missiles, protection systems, smokes, night vision
02:45and so much more. The details are insane. War Thunder even has its own damage model, so there's
02:49no need for health bars because every hit you have on an enemy has an effect. If you hit a plane's
02:54fuel tank, it's going to ignite. All vehicles can be upgraded and improved with modules, huge
02:58amounts of visual customization options and freedom to play how you want. The recent update
03:02Storm Warning added even more details with ray tracing to give realistic shadows, lightings and
03:07reflections, plus new advanced vehicles like the Eurofighter Typhoon and Raphael Jets and so many
03:12more that you can test out on their new map Attica and it's now optimized and enhanced for the PS5 Pro.
03:18Download War Thunder using my link in the description because it is free to play and
03:22there's a special bonus for new players and those who haven't played for six months or more. You're
03:26going to get a hundred thousand silver lions, a special decorator and so much more. You can also
03:30try War Thunder Mobile, a free to play multiplayer action game that's available on iOS and Android.
03:36uh yeah dude my main concern right now is the south gate line you should start working start
03:41working and start working yeah let's do the searching wait what's weird though is okay
03:45like i know how to do the west gate part i don't know how you got on the east side though like that
03:50makes no sense that means there's a line from over here somewhere i've i've genuinely never
03:55seen this east one the ash is on that's pretty cool who's the last one we're looking for sir
03:59choke uh if i'm near you choke can you start giggling oh no promises i'm totally outside
04:08breathe out speed up go fast slow down he's hitting the box he's trying to get the rig oh
04:16i don't see anybody in the stable i have scanned like all the rooftops and i do not see
04:22the third person i don't know if he's inside or not i'm going around but
04:26making me use my brain and i don't like it it's hello coconut you got it no yeah i was gonna say
04:32i need someone to stand here but oh my god no everybody everybody's working on something good
04:37so where do you need me to stand mr coconut you're gonna be here and then like inch a little
04:40bit away from the truck okay i got you oh wait did you get on the truck before i did yeah but
04:46i don't know how to uh get that specific vault prompt onto the other pillar wait were any of
04:51them osa it was ash and iq over there right from crack okay let's switch let's switch okay no i mean
04:58when you get when you get up there the vault is gonna be towards like the middle right like about
05:03here i don't know alan what are you thinking about that like that uh east line over there
05:12there's like a weird like elevation thing with the car
05:16he says he did do it so well but maybe it's easier with two guys yeah there's like a way
05:20to elevate onto the truck but i don't know if it's too far away to get along the wall
05:31okay we are at nine minutes and 50 seconds okay so in 10 seconds people are going to reveal if
05:36they're inside or outside we're all outside god damn it i have combed through everything
05:44struggling with this shit no no no it's hard it's hard like i don't know if they have a
05:49different way of standing i'm assuming they have a better way of standing like more efficient than
05:54how i am well we weren't lying about him doing it solo like he actually did it so
05:59the truck the black truck solo yeah i did what you're doing i did myself so
06:03that's crazy i thought you were talking about the east line
06:08we're not gonna be able to find the vault in time yeah like we're not gonna be able
06:12to find the third person in time yeah it was a third person we're still looking you guys hidden
06:17what was it 250 it's ridiculous i think we were ready by what was it 27 45
06:29chef green appreciates you for the 800 bits
06:37when we saw priest was joining we were we were terrified i thought we were going to
06:41get found like really fast
06:45lagging bro like you need three kibos and a montana also to get to the roof
06:53it's only a triple vault good on the roof let me give this one more shot and then you gotta
06:57send me the uh no way there's a vault prompt on this truck that we don't know about right
07:04like each time i go up do i have to freaking go do the mid-air again dude yeah unfortunately
07:10because you're in the float position every time there's no way there's a ball prompt i'm not
07:13jacking it you're not jacking it all right so in 10 seconds you're gonna dump a mag everybody
07:18yeah can someone sneeze or something we should now yep all right
07:28okay that shot came from like west southwest
07:32i did not hear anything west you guys hear something west
07:35that's what me and coconut heard bro we already combed the west i'm not believing it i think
07:41i'm gonna need another shot just to confirm is he on the green roof right now like green hallway roof
07:48yeah he could be he's on emerald plains for sure somewhere is he on the map
07:55what what is wrong oh he got the ball
07:59okay go over there try see if you can mid-air no there's no way dude
08:08yo wait no wait wait no like just let's look around let's look around look at me it's all
08:12about the power of friendship you got this bro okay like let's let's think about this we need to
08:18we have time so we have 10 minutes left okay we have time we know where one is we know where ash
08:24is it has to do with something with the east line dude from up here there's absolutely no way okay
08:29well on that black truck down there if you go between the bush and the truck it elevates you
08:33up almost onto the truck now that maybe there's a better technique to getting on it but i feel
08:36like if you get on that truck you think you can human pinch maybe you can human pinch on the truck
08:41and then you walk the east wall but where the fuck did you hear the other shot all right yeah i want
08:46to go because if you guys can't find them like i didn't even hear choke shoot no i didn't either
08:52well i wouldn't i wouldn't get the all you gotta do is mack be across oh i wouldn't get the mid-air
08:56there you gotta hit the double mac right now all right yeah yeah this looks like a this looks like
09:01a potential pinch here there you go yeah just keep just keep going he's probably on this thing
09:07right here i looked up there from green hall i got up there okay he's like behind this tree or
09:12some shit that's what it is like he's in the rock somehow he's actually out of the map how
09:17simple parkour line you should know he's outside the map yeah i literally hear him right oh i
09:24didn't know we're playing hide and seek outside of mo planes that's where i'm hearing that's where
09:29i heard the bullets and him moving wait oh i thought you actually saw him we're going off a
09:33chair who is a nitro so okay hold on hold on i will i will say something
09:40i will say something you guys have looked at him like 16 times
09:48don't shoot don't shoot you guys have been one meter like in between him you guys have
09:52been like one meter beside him like five times you're gonna cry when you see where you where he
10:16i never even went west bro who needs the osu! shield i i do uh no limit line okay
10:23what do you need a second uh hold on
10:34it's rubber banding me bro no this game is not fucking with me right now i'm not gonna lie
10:38i'm gonna go put a fake osu! somewhere yeah for sure for sure
10:43good dang it was just like me i'm gonna be hiding in a bush
10:46what's your way
11:05so much so i can get the spot i think i'm comfortable if i'm fucking up this much early
11:10they will be all right
11:28all right i have to go hide you're on your own last shot last shot i think i got this
11:33you got this bro nope i fucked up i fucked up
11:44all right go ahead and drag go ahead and drag i had the spot too
11:51there's a there's a corner spot and i had to abandon i had to abandon
11:56me all right all right good luck good luck good luck vigil staring at me
12:05that was literally a public challenge bro oh
12:10you just gotta do a crouch mid-air from here i'm not gonna figure that one out 100
12:15i think they just placed that one as a bait maybe it is maybe it isn't
12:20sir how do you do this without rubber banding
12:22i'm not allowed to break the the thing on the back of the golf
12:24oh you guys do a lot of crouch mid-airs on console like with the ammo this has definitely got me on
12:32lock there we go and i'm dead uh crouch mid-airs i don't even know if you can can you where's the
12:40osu! shield i do already get that guy
12:42um no i got someone in the bush over here there's an osu! shield on the wall
12:46why don't you go inside sir how do you do this golf cart without rubber banding
12:50oh do you want to swap places you only rubber be on the main floor every single time you do it
12:56you're gonna you know you have to get the railer left go go go help every time no no he's got this
13:02i trust him he's gonna do it every time i bet i bet i bet i bet i bet i bet i bet i bet i bet i
13:08go help every time no no he's got this i trust him he's gonna do it every time
13:14is he on the golf cart all right he's on the you know the canvas thing the umbrella
13:18if this turns out to be impossible on console then we can no no no that's fine that's fine
13:23they don't know about the osu! shield though and as soon as they break everyone
13:27we actually that's actually crazy that's crazy how'd you do without rubber banding
13:32when you guys don't check this out
13:44this is where we make the comeback just like our scrims and we scrimmed with all five of us
13:48together i'm not gonna lie i don't have a single spot for this map i can give you some spots but
13:53i think that they're gonna instantly knife you regardless there's a funny one you know that
13:57car that's on fire you can prone in that smoke that's pretty funny depending on their brightness
14:01though they can see you pretty easy i'll try it i'll try it but we never know they're gonna
14:06throw some wild cards in there i mean realistically there's just one area that you get into is the only
14:10chance we have like i'm just i'm gonna be i'm gonna be fucked up if they just get to all of
14:14our spots super fast i don't know i like i don't have with the chocolate i have like two spots maybe
14:33are they gonna figure it out quickly
14:46that is disgusting
14:57talking about this is disgusting i don't know what's going on with this midair
15:00i'm dying so fast bro i this fire the smoke is so i'm i'm planking on it i'm not even hidden
15:17i guess that's better what's going on with this midair i can't hit this midair
15:21i'm so obvious great spot man i i'm out i'm out of here
15:26oh no honestly that might have worked
15:37i got nothing
15:47no we don't
15:54i don't know what's going on with this midair this is really weird dude okay okay
16:03there we go there you go there you go champ surely surely they don't look at me did i just
16:10teleport off yeah i'm not getting the vault from on the white truck right now because my pc is
16:14shitting the bed and i can't get the frames i can't believe i rubberbanded off dude i managed
16:20to make my legs pancakes so this is this is the tech pancake pancake legs tech sorry man
16:28fuck man honestly maybe maybe this spot is good enough if i don't hit it by 26 what do you think
16:35i think we just try and take what we can maybe oh shit i lost it
16:40okay uh 25 35
16:50unless you want to rehost and let us hide again i don't know about that
16:55breathe in breathe out shake it up speed up go fast slow down oh he's walked past them oh my god
17:04why are we searching the same floor they're crazy
17:10people think africa is not possible on console this guy just hit it first try i found one over
17:17here by the way someone's about to be dead i can't prone i can't prone across
17:35all right priest it's you and me priest they have no idea there's just no one in here
17:44oh i found somebody oh it's all you chris it's all you chris it's me against the world
17:52you checked under all these vans wait did we check did we check the uh double double check
17:57them all of them but i'm not sure so just double check they underestimated me no your spot's crazy
18:07there's a gun there
18:09little bit
18:16how are you hitting these parkours on 120 frames dude
18:22i messed up dude i teleported off of my first spot
18:26how are they hitting that on 120 frames that makes no sense i literally couldn't get the
18:31ball problem like my frames they're cheating what is this bro these guys are actual demons bro
18:40we didn't have no we had no time when i got in the spot and then it rubber banded me well i got
18:44the midair and then the midair rubber banded me they're probably gonna do the that extension huh
18:50on that since they can hit that parkour line they're probably gonna do that extension for sure
18:55yeah i'll go try not to mess it up
19:00okay it's a pp oh they're done no you forgot the details
19:09and because they can hide as long as they want obviously until like three minutes
19:12these guys are probably gonna be doing the most the most shit yeah i mean essentially
19:17they have until four minutes left to hide if they wanted to you guys still have 20 minutes
19:23to hide if you want don't beat me out with the drone i'm going upstairs to see it
19:32all right wait this window is broken in tellers did they enter from from here
19:39oh crap they did one of the osu! shits are they on that damn shelf
19:46this might take us a little bit longer than three minutes guys
19:49i was i broke that box i broke that box here i'll get down i broke that box what
20:02yo there's no you can hit it when the box is broken
20:19all right he fell down well i was gonna get killed either way he's literally yeah he's got
20:23it anyway so yeah i thought you couldn't do it without that box here well i can't do it without
20:29the box i'm fat i'm one feet i didn't even know you could do the run on the side of the house
20:40priest we're so good
20:41we'll look we'll look priest and varsity are carrying right now
20:46they always are we say last two alive first to get killed
21:01nah this i'm not gonna like this one do we already know where the last two are
21:04we know where one is right i'm assuming one is on this line up here oh so you we
21:09know the last two are we know where one is do i take the chance so what's the trick to not get
21:14rubber band off this shit dude are we sure someone's over there i'm pretty sure they seem
21:21they seem like crazy like that wait can you stand right here well we're a little bit six
21:27and a half minutes aside i was trying to see if it would like stop me yeah i was i was fumbling
21:32on that vault so hard is it like maybe it's a sudden maybe maybe if you uh go on
21:59i feel like it has something to do with like trying to run into this pole right here
22:02for the second time stop it's annoying so he is down here i can drop and knife him i'm gonna be
22:10stuck after though so what are you guys thinking teach me how to get up there oh hello no way you
22:16can knife him today i can shoot him let me look let me look you see him you see him yeah he's on
22:22this ping right here dead dead make sure that there's nobody else got me in there so we have
22:28the last two people right yep yeah oh yeah nevermind i didn't realize everybody take me let
22:32me do it let me do it yeah i'll do it i'll do it i'll do it no i'll do it you know what i i think
22:38that maybe it's better if we brainstorm the other one and i just kill him do it my captain my
22:44captain all right wait wait there's gotta be way there's gotta be a way hey don't look at me real
22:59goodbye i'll kill you he's spectating
23:03yeah and it teaches teaches how to do whatever they're doing i feel like maybe somebody stands
23:08on the northwest and it's a human vault extension from the south to the north and you're not going
23:12over the half wall watch this guys watch this guys come here ash come here come come come come
23:22come come oh ash you wanna you wanna you want a dollar you want a cookie don't you want this
23:29don't you want this yeah you guys have officially won border at this time we are down to play canal
23:35if you guys want to i want to i want to show off our canal spots i think canal could arguably be
23:43our best map yeah i think canal is better than our ammo plane spots no shot bro it's like only
23:49three good spots but it sucks it's it sucks until it sucks until we found we found until you bust
23:55hmm oh yeah
24:11yeah if someone just gets me up i'm literally it's only gonna take
24:14me two seconds to get there and i'm probably gonna get down straight away
24:17look what you've done
24:23this is such a hard one to get they might be trying to do this one too
24:29imagine you get it first try it
24:36can you get up here
24:41okay here we go this is such a hard one to get they might be trying to do this one too
24:47oh no you didn't even go around no are you able to grab
25:06i got stuck on the vent
25:18it's just too hard
25:21our gucci that one's just too hard to do it's just too hard
25:29oh no i got stuck oh my god there's a blood trail
25:36they're like oh someone fell here
25:48all right let's see it
25:56okay um go ahead and drag please oh wait sorry is everybody good uh not yet
26:02take your time alan take your time we're not no limits spot is
26:06it takes a sacrifice unless they know how to do the cancel things
26:10somebody's gonna die doing that they have to okay i went to spectate you i was like what
26:16what are you doing there and then i look up and i saw him oh yeah no no limit spot is way
26:22so i can get up there but i think for the safety of just getting this going
26:27i'm just gonna go on this all right at 22 25 we're gonna go
26:38the only way they can get me is if they repel
26:40they can get me all on the roof we're all just cheating and repelled
26:54this guy thinks we're hiding in bushes breeze that's crazy
26:56how dare you disrespect me like that
27:07they don't know that i'm inside i think the lineup is is right right there
27:14oh hey let's go more time i'm about to get one definitely coconut up there isn't it
27:21oh let me get off games that knife was from no 20 miles
27:39who wins one pulse or one floor is drone
27:43oh that's a floor that's why i'm pro
27:53all right i delayed them by three seconds nice nice
27:58we're almost to two minutes guys we're almost to two minutes
28:01do you see them two minutes guys do you see them do you know where they are
28:09brother there's another one on the roof yeah you gotta make a decision right now
28:15no you know you want to get down over here right you know you want to get in the light
28:24you're not gonna die you're not gonna die you're not gonna die
28:30fine i'll do the roof first
28:35why would you do the roof first why i have to get on that's crazy that is crazy all right
28:41new record though new pr we're at three minutes and five seconds we did it yes we beat our
28:48let's go let's see if i got it in me
28:57you got this no pressure no pressure you got this i believe
29:01oh god oh god you got this i i believe in you i'm here with you i'm here with you look with
29:09me and my way don't jump this yeah i don't want to body block you okay now you're good okay you
29:13got this oh brother i wouldn't trust that oh brother this guy thinks ah you got it
29:36and go that was that was the bait that was the bait there's somebody waiting for us to go outside
29:41guys okay they didn't fall back wait what i hear someone
29:48what's moving no one's moving it's against the rules okay he's on the party maybe don't get too
30:02oh what are the odds someone's in the tunnel that's where i was gonna hide if i uh didn't
30:06have a spot chris i don't know if i trust your ability to check it you don't literally a hallway
30:13it's a fucking hallway i don't trust you to walk down that hallway are we just missing
30:18one are we found two and there's one i got one more to party one light we're missing one
30:23i'm a song stuck in my head fuck you ever said that just now it's priest
30:41that's what they think
30:52i'm checking right now
30:57me baby on the other side if you want to raise me uh somebody you guys might lose i'm coming i'm
31:02coming i'm coming i'm coming to raise we might lose because one of our spots got cooked i mean
31:07that's that's not i found the last one oh yeah over here oh no i explained what happened real
31:15quick can i can i explain what happened so you're not supposed to build the knife me from the bottom
31:20or like i rubber banded down like i've never seen this happen before this spot the game
31:27last guy ping for where you're going to be on top of the little pole is that yeah i was going to be
31:32on the thing so you went both to knife me but literally a one in a million rubber band like i
31:36accidentally got put like under it so far see we get up here our own way okay i'm on my way i'm on
31:42my way you guys should try and actually get into his spot rather than just knifing his toes
31:48ah that was so sad no no not the competitive way oh we got him okay
32:02we won a map baby we're so much better good game you guys you guys are mad impressive for doing
32:12all of that on console yeah i give you guys mad props like yeah it's a lot of fun yeah
32:18truly impressive
