Here is everything you need to know about Rainbow Six Siege X like the new environmental map destruction, upgraded graphics, 6v6 pvp game mode dual front, interactive environments, weapon inspect, new skins, new anti cheat, new free to play, release date and more!
0:00 Intro
0:53 New Era
1:19 Visual Enhancements
2:34 Environmental Destruction
5:08 Rappel Sprinting
5:34 Dual Front
7:04 Audio Overhaul
7:52 Communication Wheel
8:22 Pick & Ban Rework
9:07 Weapon Inspect
9:25 Player Protection
10:29 New Player Onboarding
10:52 Veteran Rewards
11:14 Free To Play
Special thank you to Ubisoft for giving me early access to play Siege X.
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1.77M subs
0:00 Intro
0:53 New Era
1:19 Visual Enhancements
2:34 Environmental Destruction
5:08 Rappel Sprinting
5:34 Dual Front
7:04 Audio Overhaul
7:52 Communication Wheel
8:22 Pick & Ban Rework
9:07 Weapon Inspect
9:25 Player Protection
10:29 New Player Onboarding
10:52 Veteran Rewards
11:14 Free To Play
Special thank you to Ubisoft for giving me early access to play Siege X.
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♦Turtle Beach (use code 'BRAH'):
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All music is provided by Epidemic Sound →
1.77M subs
00:00What is up, bros?
00:01So I got to play Siege X early, and I'm going to cover all of the content coming, like the
00:05modernized maps that have new environmental destruction, like fire extinguishers, pipes
00:09that you can pop holes in and cause to explode, and even interactive metal detectors.
00:13I'm going to be going over the new permanent 6v6 game mode that has its own exclusive map
00:17and gameplay, such as mixing attackers and defender abilities.
00:21They have a new overhauled audio system, improved repel controls that allows you to sprint on
00:26freaking walls and jump around corners.
00:28There's new skin updates, new skin drops, and new weapon inspect, plus a ton more of
00:32new Siege X stuff.
00:33So let's get into it, starting with the new environmental visuals and new destruction
00:37in the maps.
00:38As you can guess, there's quite a lot to cover, so I'm actually going to be leaving timestamps
00:42down below just in case you want to watch just a specific category and then come back
00:46to the video later on.
00:47I'll have that laid out, so if you want to watch just like the 6v6 game mode or modernized
00:51maps, that's going to be down below.
00:53So Siege has been out for 10 years now, and it has truly established itself as a reference
00:58for a tactical PvP shooter, and Ubisoft is fully aware of this, and they are going to
01:03be going absolutely ham in order to keep this game going.
01:06So in June of this year, 2025, the game is entering its new era with Siege X, which Ubisoft
01:13describes as the biggest and most transformative evolution in its history, and from what I've
01:18seen so far, it's true.
01:20Siege X is bringing new visual enhancements to Siege maps, with everything from new lighting,
01:24yes, I'm already plotting entirely new hiding spots, new 4k textures, and even new shadows
01:30on maps and on your operator model live as you play.
01:35In the current build, if you don't use your shadow settings on at least medium, you should
01:39because it allows you to see other players' shadows, but it still doesn't allow you to
01:43see your own.
01:44I noticed while playing that I could actually see my own shadow in Siege X.
01:47It's a big deal, because one of the metas in current R6 is to make sure you have those
01:51shadow settings on medium to allow you to see certain areas that could allow you to
01:55pre-fire certain spots early.
01:57Being able to see your own shadows is not only going to help us be aware of those spots
02:01that we know about, but also discover new areas for shadow strats and overall deepen
02:06the way that we place certain spots.
02:08While we weren't able to record our own footage while playtesting, in the video pack that
02:12Ubisoft gave me, I found this spot here and then I jumped on the current Siege version
02:16to show you this comparison.
02:18When Siege X launches, there's going to be 5 modernized maps to start, and if you didn't
02:22figure this out already, on the current build, there are certain maps that have X's all over
02:28It's going to be Chalet, Bank, Cafe, Clubhouse, and Border.
02:31And after that, each season is going to introduce 3 more.
02:35Getting into the first destructible environmental item is going to be fire extinguishers, and
02:39not only are they going to pop when you shoot, which provides a smoke-like cover, but if
02:44you time destroying them when an operator is next to them, they also get a new type
02:48of stun effect, which is almost like a new pre-placed trap around maps for both sides
02:53to use.
02:54This can get crazy in depth because ops like Glaz and Warden still apply to these where
02:59they will be able to see through it, so it actually adds so many different scenarios
03:03and possibilities that you can get yourself into.
03:05You will be able to destroy these on both sides, such as having a maestro cam, or you
03:10can send a twitch drone in early and take them out.
03:13I really do look at it like it's pre-placed utility, but for both sides to have opportunities
03:18to use.
03:19If you find an opening, you could theoretically shoot a fire extinguisher to stun a defender
03:24and use it to get the opening pick.
03:26The defenders are going to have to actually pick and choose where they are anchoring,
03:30or maybe they're going to want to clear that in the prep phase.
03:32There's so many ways to go about it.
03:34But yeah, that's just the explanation for the first environmental addition.
03:38We still have metal detectors and pipes to get into.
03:41Metal detectors are now fully destructible, so when you're attacking or flanking, you're
03:45not going to be spammed by them and get your position given away.
03:49You can destroy them in all the usual ways, so that may be loud and the other team may
03:53assume that you are there if they hear you break them, but I'm kind of thinking that
03:58destroying them will be pretty standard among ranked as you attack.
04:02So you are going to also need to be careful because that could give an opportunity to
04:05defenders to hit better flanks without attackers knowing about it.
04:09In Siege X, you're also going to find destructible pipes that have multiple layers to them.
04:14If you shoot them once, it's going to pop a hole and a fire is going to start.
04:19Once it's popped, you can kind of look at it as like it started a countdown because
04:23if it's left alone, it's going to slowly drain and then it's eventually going to pop into
04:27a fire all over the floor as if it was like a Goyo canister, a Capitao firebolt, or even
04:32a launcher from Tachanka.
04:34The other option with pipes would be to mag dump them and it causes it to pop it faster
04:39to get fire everywhere quicker.
04:41You could use this if the round is coming to an end and you want to just spread it out
04:45to stop the push from a certain area or if you saw multiple people in the same area and
04:49you didn't want to shoot them, you could theoretically have a chance to get a really funny kill by
04:53popping a pipe quickly and getting multiple kills.
04:56I feel this has potential to slow attacks down quite a bit because that pipe sequence
05:01can last for a pretty good amount of time.
05:03So just popping it once and leaving it to slow drain before the explosion is going to
05:07create a lot of different standoffs.
05:09New immersive rappel navigation is being added that's way more fluid and it's an improved
05:14system from the one before.
05:16Better controls like running horizontally or even jumping around building corners makes
05:20navigating way less awkward and honestly it just feels so nice versus the slowed system
05:25that we have now.
05:26Want to check a window on bank that's on one side of the wall and then four seconds later
05:30check the window that's completely on the other side of the wall?
05:33That's going to be no problem in Siege X.
05:35One of the biggest updates with Siege X is Duel Front.
05:38Duel Front is the new permanent 6v6 game mode that has an exclusive map and gameplay that
05:43mixes attackers and defenders on the same team.
05:46The main objective is to secure three enemy sectors while defending yours across a new
05:51map that was designed specifically for this Duel Front game mode.
05:55In Duel Front you are going to start by picking from a curated roster of 35 operators.
06:00You are going to be able to mix and match defenders and attackers how you like so you
06:04are going to be able to get really creative with this because we're going to be able to
06:06have ability interactions on the same team that we've never been able to do before.
06:11I see Duel Front as a great way to finally convince that friend to play Siege who's been
06:15refusing to play it for years because it looks way too hard.
06:19It's not as intimidating to join and this game mode is very easy to get into so it creates
06:23a much smaller step if they're going to be coming from other FPS games but they didn't
06:28want to bite off the chunk of just jumping into like Siege Standard or Ranked.
06:31They're not going to have to worry about getting yelled at for standing in the wrong spot.
06:35It's a way more approachable game mode for new and veteran players but it also stays
06:40true to that like tactical gameplay that we expect from Siege and Ubisoft did also mention
06:45that Duel Front is going to be available for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X or S so you are
06:51going to need to have one of those systems in order to play it.
06:54They also said that Duel Front is set to receive regular updates from the selection of operators
06:59that are going to be rotating twice a season and dynamic objectives that are going to be
07:04changing each season as well.
07:06A total overhaul to Siege's audio is going to be coming with Siege X and Ubisoft explains
07:11it to where it includes a rework of audio propagation and reverberation which means
07:16the audio in Siege X will now sound even closer to real life to enable players to gather critical
07:22intel through audio cues and pinpoint locations even to the type of room where the enemy players
07:28are situated on.
07:30Them saying something like you're going to be able to tell the type of room the enemies
07:33are in is super interesting to me.
07:35I haven't tested it enough to make the call for myself but to me that just sounds like
07:39maybe we'll be able to tell if people are in different types of rooms with different
07:43floors such as tile versus wood.
07:45I'm not 100% sure on that but I'm excited to do some more testing and figure out exactly
07:49how this new sound system is going to work.
07:52Some interesting quality of life changes are coming with a new communication wheel that's
07:55going to be released that allows us to communicate callouts non-verbally such as maybe you need
08:00help or thanking other players, telling teammates that a room is cleared or maybe you're watching
08:06a certain flank.
08:07You can call out where enemies are and there's going to be a few other options.
08:10Siege communication obviously is very important and that's why one of the reasons the best
08:15way to rank up is to simply play in a 5 stack so I'm going to be curious to see if this
08:19bridges the gap a little bit and how this is going to be used in live games.
08:23New features like the pick and ban rework are going to make Siege feel even more different
08:27because in Siege X each round you are going to have a pick and ban phase.
08:31There's not going to be one long drawn out phone phase of pick and banning but instead
08:37if you're defending each round you are going to choose your site and then you're going
08:40to choose an operator on the opposite team to ban.
08:43This is going to repeat each round so for example if you want to just ban like a Jackal
08:47when you defend upstairs but then a Blitz when you're basement you're going to be able
08:51to do that.
08:52It might seem like it's adding time but it does feel pretty seamless and I'm curious
08:55to see how it's going to play out to affect each site and site combos.
08:59Another plus is that if you have a favorite op that just continuously keeps getting banned
09:04there is a chance that it's not going to be banned the entire game and you'll be able
09:07to play them later on.
09:09Siege is going to be getting a weapon inspect feature so you can finally flex on your friends
09:13with your newest black ice skin that they've been trying to get for the last 17 seasons
09:17and I guarantee you that you are going to get sick of all of the different weapon inspect
09:21thumbnails that you are about to be flooded with this year from your favorite YouTubers.
09:25I'm going to probably be doing some too.
09:26Updates to player protection are coming where Ubisoft aims to offer the best, safest, and
09:31fairest gameplay experience.
09:32They said in Siege X they're increasing their efforts to combat cheating and toxicity and
09:37launching their most advanced anti-cheat initiative, R6 Shield Guard that unifies all of their
09:42existing systems and introduces powerful new tools to safeguard the game.
09:46These features include live security updates that occur without the need for scheduled
09:51maintenance which makes making cheats way more difficult, it has an updated reputation
09:55system that can impact access to certain playlists such as if you hit dishonorable because you
10:00are just a menace to society, you might be timed out from ranked.
10:04This always reminds me of that Black Mirror episode where every human has that like social
10:08credit score so it makes me pretty curious to see how it's going to play out but on the
10:12opposite side of the spectrum there also will be rewards such as player cards and skins
10:17for being an esteemed player and we got a short glimpse at some of them here.
10:21Ubisoft is going to be working on all of that and will still have ongoing development and
10:25new features while still doing updates to the existing features.
10:29Siege X is improving the experience of new players with a revamped onboarding journey
10:34that's designed to build skills and game intel with tutorials and field training to get basics
10:38down before jumping into matches and getting yelled at for reinforcing the wrong wall.
10:42And like I did mention earlier, I feel like Dual Framing is going to be a great gateway
10:46into Siege because it's not as punishing to play as something like real ranked matches
10:50where one mistake has so much on the line.
10:53It's not all just love for new players though because exclusive rewards for veterans are
10:57also coming such as something called the Coveted Ice 2015, the Decontaminated 2017 Headgear,
11:04the Sleep Tight Cali Skin, and more.
11:06I don't have full details as far as how to get these and how they'll be distributed but
11:11I'm assuming it's going to take your account age and when you started playing into account.
11:15And finally, Siege is going free to play!
11:18New players that join after year 10 season 2 will have free access to 26 operators to
11:23choose from and they will be able to play standard, quick play, and dual front.
11:27Basically they can do everything but ranked.
11:29Free to play players can also unlock more operators as they progress and if they do
11:34decide to, they can upgrade to premium that will allow you to unlock ranked once you hit
11:39level 50 and it would give you immediate access to more operators.
11:43The Elite Edition comes with 40 operators and the Ultimate Edition would come with all
11:47operators to date.
11:49All of this is set for June 2025 where Siege will enter it's new era with Siege X and I
11:55couldn't be more excited about this.
11:56I'm curious to hear your thoughts though so be sure to comment down below and let me know.
12:00That's about it though so I will see you all very soon.
12:02Be sure to subscribe if you enjoyed this video.
12:04I have a ton of new Siege X content coming out.
12:06I love you all.