• 21 hours ago
We're back in #minecraft Cherry Island! This episode is exciting because you, the viewers, get to decide what we do in our world!

Fan Laws:
1.⁠ ⁠No Mining Diamonds.
2. No Breaking Cherry Trees.
3. No Killing Pets.
4. No Stealing From Shops.
00:00Well, let's just see where they are.
00:02Oh, uh...
00:04Yeah, right.
00:05Let's just see that for a little bit.
00:08Ah! A message!
00:09Welcome everyone to Cherry Island!
00:11Come find me in the Cherry Forest!
00:14Hey guys!
00:16Aw, lovely to see you guys!
00:18Quick question!
00:19Where's my horse?
00:20What do you mean?
00:21I don't know, what do you mean?
00:22Where's my horse?
00:23What do you mean, where's your horse?
00:24What do you mean, where's your horse?
00:25Have you noticed?
00:26This place looks a bit different.
00:28Why does it look so different?
00:30It does look different, right?
00:32Did you do it?
00:34Does it not look different?
00:35I didn't do it!
00:36It looks way better, dude!
00:37Everything looks a lot nicer!
00:39What do you mean you made...
00:40The well's the same.
00:41And also...
00:42What's all of this?
00:43There's like a...
00:44There's like a map.
00:45There's a map.
00:46And then there's two circles.
00:48Let's go see...
00:49What's this Rishi stone?
00:50I think we need to go see Rishi, okay?
00:52I don't know...
00:53Yeah, we might have to.
00:55Josh, do you know where Finn lives?
00:56Because I wasn't able to find it.
00:58I know about this thing here.
01:00I'm just going to put my...
01:01What is supposed to be in this?
01:02My horse.
01:03So where is it?
01:04Well, if Josh knows about it,
01:05he probably took it, you idiot.
01:07I might have left the door open.
01:08Alright, come on, guys.
01:09You are annoying, Josh!
01:10What's your horse's name?
01:12It's Horsie.
01:18Let's just go to the meeting point.
01:20I don't know where it is.
01:24Hey, that's my horse!
01:25That's my horse!
01:26Well, I have to get here somehow, dude.
01:28Guys, look at this place.
01:30This is sexy.
01:32You made a circle out of flowers for me?
01:35Oh, Horsie!
01:37I see your horse!
01:38Yeah, just wait until he's reunited.
01:40I'll wait until he's back, yeah.
01:41Yeah, it's probably best.
01:43There he is.
01:46Let's start things off with a reward
01:48for your hard work defeating the Wither.
01:52Okay, let's spread out.
01:53We did good.
01:5430 diamonds!
01:55Let's go!
01:5630 diamonds!
01:58Wait, I need to do something.
02:00Diamond me up right now, please.
02:02Yeah, let's go.
02:04Yeah, Rishi, thank you.
02:06Alright, Craner, that'll be 75%.
02:08I need you to pull out a calculator real quick if you can
02:11and figure out how much 75%...
02:13You can figure it out, Craner.
02:14It's 25.
02:15Oh, Rishi, wait.
02:16It's not 25.
02:17I got 29 diamonds.
02:19He's lying, Rishi.
02:21I'm joking.
02:22Come on, give it.
02:23Alright, for context, anyone who's watching,
02:25Craner, I hooked him up.
02:27Can you do the math real quick, Rishi, please?
02:28He owes me diamonds.
02:29Please, Rishi, please.
02:31Craner, just give me my diamonds.
02:3375% off.
02:34So 50% would be...
02:36That would be 15.
02:38So 75% would probably be like 20 diamonds.
02:41No, are you kidding me?
02:43I am googling it right now.
02:45It's 22.5, which means you will...
02:4823, yeah, round up.
02:50Everyone knows 5 rounds up.
02:51Wait, wait, wait.
02:52Before I give you the diamonds,
02:53can I get Humpy back?
02:54Because you currently have him.
02:56Well, he's at my place.
02:57We can get him later.
02:58How much does he cost, though?
02:59Well, I just have to...
03:00It's collateral.
03:01Can we, guys?
03:02Rishi's going to get upset.
03:03Can you just give me the diamonds?
03:041, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23!
03:10Hey, Rishi.
03:12Good doing business with you, buddy.
03:13Okay, good with you as well.
03:16What's next, Rishi?
03:17Go ahead, Rishi.
03:18Oh, I hear a cat.
03:19Next up, I have a special...
03:21Are we getting married?
03:22Is that what this video is about?
03:23Next up, I have a special announcement.
03:24Wait, does that cat sound like it's underground?
03:26No, I hear it.
03:27There's a fox over there!
03:29Oh, my God!
03:30Hang on, hang on, guys.
03:31I want the fox!
03:32No, you just skate off.
03:34This episode has been completely directed by the viewers.
03:37Oh, no.
03:38Wait, what does that mean, then?
03:40Well, I'm sure he's going to explain
03:41if we don't get distracted by foxes.
03:43First, they wanted us to clean up Cherry Island
03:45and build a new meeting spot,
03:47both of which you've probably noticed by now.
03:50So that's what happened down in Cherry Village.
03:53Wait, wait.
03:54Does that mean Rishi didn't trust us cleaning up,
03:56so he did it for the viewers?
03:58Probably is what that meant.
03:59Yeah, look, he loves to clean up jobs.
04:02Next, each of you must build a shop,
04:04but there's a catch.
04:05You'll need a permit.
04:07Don't tell me I need to buy the permit with 30 diamonds.
04:10Don't tell me a permit costs 30 diamonds!
04:13What is this?
04:14Click the dispenser...
04:15Click the dispenser to find out which permit you'll get.
04:21I got purple.
04:22Oh, I got yellow.
04:23So that means...
04:25Oh, this is purple.
04:27Why did he get purple?
04:28What does that mean?
04:31They want me to...
04:32Oh, I think he means that we take the permit that's over here.
04:37Guys, it could have been any of the colours that popped out.
04:40Look inside, look inside.
04:43Wait, that's kind of lucky that you both got the...
04:45I got purple.
04:46That is really lucky.
04:47I got the yellow one.
04:48I don't have a book anymore.
04:49Do you have a book?
04:50What did you do to the book?
04:51Is it in your inventory?
04:52No, Rishi took the book.
04:53I'm looking at my inventory right now.
04:54Why are you always making trouble, Finn?
04:57Oh, wait.
05:00Rishi did have it, liar.
05:01Oh, there you go.
05:02Okay, so we all got a star permit now.
05:05A stone permit.
05:07Should we read it?
05:08Okay, open it up.
05:09So, official Cherry Island trade permit.
05:12Issued by the authority of Abin Rishi.
05:15Permit holder, legal purchaser, expires never.
05:19This document grants the bearer the legal right to engage in the collection and trade of the following items within the lands of Cherry Island.
05:27I got wood.
05:28I can sell stone.
05:29All permit-related trade must be conducted at the market street.
05:33Whoa, I can sell stone.
05:35This permit is subject to inspection at any time.
05:37Whoa, whoa, whoa, guys.
05:39I can make money on stone, dude.
05:42Hang on, guys.
05:43I just realized something, though.
05:44This says the collection.
05:48What do you mean?
05:49So, like, only people with the permit can collect that thing?
05:52Whoa, wait, wait, wait, wait.
05:53So, I'm the only one that can get stone?
05:55And I can only get wood?
05:57Jesus Christ!
05:58And I can only get iron?
05:59I'm gonna be so rich.
06:00To support your new shops, I'm also adding a new law.
06:03What is it?
06:05No stealing from within the stalls.
06:06Wait, oh.
06:07Was that?
06:09What was that for, then?
06:10Oh, no.
06:11The stalls.
06:12He doesn't mean your dumb horse stalls.
06:14He means, obviously, the shop stalls.
06:17Finn again.
06:18If I'm the only one that can get stone from now on, I want to confiscate every stone that
06:22Josh and Finn has, and they should do the same with the things that I have.
06:26No, no, no, no.
06:27That's not how it works.
06:30He's saying yes.
06:31So, all your stone belongs to me, and all my wood to you.
06:34We'll handle it after the meeting.
06:36I'm gonna go through your chest.
06:37There you go.
06:38Finally, your last task chosen by the viewers.
06:41Find the warden and explore the deep-
06:46Is that hard?
06:47Guys, who is this?
06:48A prison warden?
06:49Well, I mean, look at you, Finn.
06:50You're not gonna survive very long.
06:52If Josh gives me my armor back, I might.
06:54I guess I can sell it to you.
06:57This is interesting.
06:58You see this, guys?
06:59You see what I'm holding?
07:00It's so hard.
07:01You see what I'm holding?
07:02I'm good, bro.
07:03I don't need it.
07:04You can't get it.
07:05You can't get it.
07:06It means that I get all of your weapons,
07:07because you used sticks, which is wood.
07:10So, you're gonna give me all your-
07:11Yeah, but how does that work?
07:12He's not lying.
07:13No, Rishi, that's not-
07:14But then they're made of iron.
07:16Rishi, this is gonna go chaos.
07:18See what's going on.
07:19Oh, no!
07:21Okay, okay.
07:22I'm gonna-
07:23Let's sort it out between us.
07:24Maybe the whole armor thing-
07:25I've got an idea.
07:26I've got a suggestion.
07:27I've got a suggestion.
07:30Why don't we just-
07:31Like, we can agree to just go from here, right?
07:33I'll give you guys back your armor.
07:36Good idea.
07:37Good idea.
07:38Otherwise, it's gonna get messy, otherwise.
07:39We can be adults.
07:40We can be adults.
07:41But, but, but, but, but, but, but-
07:42I'm allowed to purchase wood from Finn
07:43and make a pickaxe, right?
07:45Yeah, yeah.
07:46That's the whole point.
07:47Anything going forward, wood-related,
07:48you have to buy from me, yeah.
07:50Yeah, yeah.
07:51And I wanna go through both of your chests,
07:52and you're gonna give me all the stone you have, okay?
07:55We just said-
07:57I get it.
07:58I get it now, yeah.
07:59Guys, we need to go set up our market stools, then.
08:02Let's go to sleep first.
08:03Let's go to sleep first.
08:04Let's go to sleep first.
08:05You guys wanna cuddle in the village?
08:06I'm gonna go back to my home.
08:07I'll see you in a bit.
08:08Can I just sleep at yours, Finn, if it's close?
08:09Yeah, I'll just sleep at yours, Finn.
08:10Well, it's kind of a-
08:11I really wanna find out where your house is.
08:12He's being weird.
08:13He's being weird.
08:14It's kind of a secret, but-
08:15I've been looking for his house, like,
08:16the entire last time I was on this server,
08:17and I couldn't find it.
08:18I can't lie.
08:19It's a-
08:20Oh, my God!
08:21Okay, all right.
08:22So, you have a house here?
08:23All right, follow me!
08:24Wait, what?
08:25Why is he following me?
08:27Welcome to my humble abode, everyone!
08:28Wow, it sure is humble.
08:29This is my new home!
08:30What is this?
08:31Boys, if you hashtag find this,
08:32do not enter or you will be cursed.
08:33Yeah, but I will lift the curse.
08:34I will lift the curse.
08:35Jesus Christ, it is very humble, isn't it?
08:36This is my new home.
08:37There he is!
08:38I was looking for-
08:56Wait, this was the cat I heard above the ground!
09:00Oh, my God!
09:01Yeah, this is-
09:02Hang on, is this like right under?
09:04Yeah, a little bit.
09:06What a nice place you have, Finn!
09:08Wait, can I just-
09:09I want to see what's-
09:10Wait, hang on.
09:11How do I get up there?
09:12Where actually abouts is this?
09:14Oh, my!
09:15It's right in the middle!
09:16Finn, I can't-
09:17I can't do this to you, dude.
09:20Sorry, I stole-
09:22I stole diamonds from you.
09:23Oh, bro!
09:24Thank you for being honest.
09:25Thank you for being honest.
09:26Right, I got an idea, guys, okay?
09:28Just bear with me.
09:29Bear with me.
09:31You're gonna love this.
09:32I don't know why that looks so funny.
09:33You're gonna love this.
09:34Dude, you're laying down in your bed!
09:38I'm gonna sleep.
09:39Guys, come out here!
09:42Let's go!
09:43Let's all get naked!
09:44This reminds me of that one time in Berlin.
09:46Yeah, what?
09:48Hang on, so I want to actually figure out what's going-
09:51So, wait-
09:52This is my stall.
09:53And I'm guessing-
09:54This is mine here.
09:55Wait, let me read this again.
09:56So, I don't-
09:57Oh, there's a map!
09:58Oh, there's a map!
09:59Oh, okay.
10:00Wait, where's Karina going?
10:02Bro, why does this literally never grow out, dude?
10:05What is happening?
10:06Because we're not logged into the server all the time!
10:09But this is why we don't have food!
10:11Wait, hang on, this looks different.
10:13I think Rishi might have upgraded it.
10:15Whoa, look at the portal!
10:17Cherry Island Museum.
10:23Why is it rough?
10:24Karina's mom?
10:25Look, I've got three things.
10:27Dude, the creaking axe.
10:28I would definitely suggest you don't do that.
10:30If Rishi built this-
10:31The first diamond!
10:32Hey, Karina's mom is here!
10:35Maybe we can put, like, my purple undies on there as well.
10:39Oh, you're messing with that.
10:41You really like to, like, press Rishi, huh?
10:43I'm not pressing Rishi, I'm annoying the viewers.
10:45Alright, so how does this work?
10:47Rishi's stall.
10:48There we go.
10:49It's not done yet.
10:50Wait, guys.
10:53Oh, wait.
10:54We're doing puzzle.
10:55Hang on, guys.
10:56Can we just-
10:57So, Rishi's-
10:58There's a nametag permit here.
10:59Place diamond, one name for one diamond.
11:01Take four-
11:02Oh, he sells nametags?
11:03That's pretty cool.
11:04Who wants to buy a nametag?
11:06Wait, that reminds me, Josh.
11:07I still need to get Hubby back.
11:09Yeah, yeah, I mean, I literally-
11:11We can go there in a second.
11:12Should we build our stalls, guys?
11:14Wait, hang on, guys.
11:17Someone want to buy something real quick?
11:19Buy a nametag, buy a nametag.
11:21Well, I haven't got any diamonds on me.
11:23Alright, never mind then.
11:24That's fine.
11:25No, no, no, no.
11:26I'll buy one, I'll buy one.
11:27Yeah, buy a nametag.
11:28So, I put one in this chest.
11:34Oh, my God.
11:36Are you kidding me?
11:37Did that just get burned?
11:38It burns in love.
11:39Are you kidding me?
11:40Wait, but now I think you can take a nametag.
11:42You can give it to me right now.
11:44Because Rishi watches the videos,
11:46he doesn't care about the diamonds.
11:48He just wants to make sure that they're used.
11:50I'm just building my stall, dude.
11:53Well, I need to go and get resources to build.
11:55Do you want to come back with me
11:56and then you can get Humpy, Crainer?
11:57Maybe just go to sleep here
11:59and then meet me over there.
12:00What is happening?
12:05Why is my camel dangling?
12:07Where have you hung Humpy?
12:09Why is my camel dangling?
12:12You killed Humpy.
12:14Jesus Christ.
12:15No, I haven't.
12:16Can you ride him?
12:17There you go.
12:19Give me back Humpy, dude.
12:21Go sleep and I'll see you in a second.
12:23So he's mine now, right?
12:25Wait, let me just ask you.
12:26Let me just check something.
12:31Don't touch Yutma.
12:33I just had to make sure he didn't do like a 360 switcheroo.
12:38What's this?
12:39This is my new house.
12:41Wait, do you have a bed for all of us?
12:43No, I don't.
12:44Hey, you can't just walk in here.
12:48Look at what he's been up to, my guy.
12:50Wait, he says he doesn't have enough beds,
12:52but I'm sure we can find some more.
12:54Hey, get out, both of you.
12:55Just get out.
12:56Yo, that's a lot of stuff.
13:01All right, I think I'm...
13:04I think I like...
13:05Hey, you guys can't copy my style, okay?
13:07Finn, are you trying to cause problems?
13:11This is the leftover cherry wood I bought.
13:15Step one, place one diamond in this chest.
13:17Step two, take 16 iron ingots.
13:22Well, you don't have any.
13:23I need to go get the iron, but...
13:24Wait, so who do I talk to if I need the chest and signs?
13:28Crap, that's Finn.
13:29That's me, baby.
13:30That's me.
13:31All right, I'm going to go get my product real quick.
13:34I'll go get the wood in my chest.
13:35I still have wood in my chest.
13:36And maybe we just sleep again when you get back, okay?
13:38Ah, stop being such a sleepy...
13:40Maybe we can sleep again.
13:41Finn, stop singing.
13:44Sleep, idiot.
13:45I'm not even back yet.
13:46This guy is so demanding.
13:48Wait, so are we done?
13:50By the way, do you want to take me up on my offer?
13:52I don't.
13:53I can't keep spending diamonds today, Josh.
13:55I got to be honest.
13:56I don't know.
13:57It's a good deal.
13:58It's actually a limited time deal.
13:59Six iron!
14:01Now, I will say that is all of the iron on the island at the moment.
14:04Well, I'm not getting it, Josh.
14:06This time, I'm saying no, okay?
14:08Okay, that's fine.
14:09But maybe Finn is interested.
14:11Hold on, hold on.
14:12Where's the crafting table gone?
14:14Put that back down.
14:15Oh, that was mine.
14:16Can I borrow it, please?
14:20Alright, you know what?
14:21Screw the pair of you.
14:22So this is...
14:23Wait, this is...
14:25Here we go.
14:26One diamond.
14:27Is this your shop?
14:28Place in chest.
14:31Why is he not writing it like we did?
14:33You get...
14:34Yeah, he does his own thing.
14:37Two stacks.
14:38Does Finn know how long it takes to get two stacks of wood?
14:41Easy for me, mate.
14:42So one diamond, you get two stacks.
14:44Can I buy two stacks then?
14:45I don't currently have two stacks.
14:49The days just don't last.
14:51Where is Finn?
14:52I'm here.
14:53I'm eating chicken.
14:54Guys, I need to go and drop my stuff off.
14:57We need to seriously get towards the warden, guys.
15:00So let's sleep and do that.
15:16This is almost freaking passed out.
15:19Stay back.
15:20You can wait with everyone else.
15:23I'm currently cooking up, my boy.
15:25Attack him, Borg. Attack him.
15:26Should I maybe kill this guy?
15:28Because he's kind of like the fake...
15:31I don't like his dog.
15:33Are you coming out, Josh?
15:35Why are you getting your sword out?
15:37I'm gonna.
15:38Yeah, because that's what I wanted to do.
15:40But I'm waiting for Josh to get out.
15:42What kind of name is Yutmar, anyway?
15:44It's be backwards, dude.
15:46This sounds stupid.
15:47But he's like...
15:48He kind of doesn't need to be here, you know?
15:51It's a good offer.
15:52Yeah, let me punch this.
15:53No, just wait. Just wait.
15:54Just wait a little bit.
15:55I need Josh to see it.
15:57Yeah, because Borg was attacking me.
15:59I want to punch him.
16:00Three, two...
16:03Get rid of the fake camel!
16:09You're pretty stupid.
16:12I'm gonna be honest.
16:13I just came out to put a saddle on my pet.
16:15That's not a pet!
16:17Oh, dude.
16:19I'm the only one with a camel pet!
16:23I had a pet, so...
16:25Oh, for God's sake.
16:27You two are the worst people in the world.
16:29All I'm saying is that he, Yutmar,
16:33was absolutely my pet, Craner.
16:35I don't believe that for one bit.
16:37You made Yutmar just to make fun of Hubby.
16:39He's not a real pet.
16:40And I think Rishi will side with me
16:42that he was a disgrace.
16:44All right, should we head out now?
16:46Yeah, I mean, we can...
16:47Hang on.
16:48Guys, let me just put my saddle away
16:49because I was going to saddle my pet up.
16:51But never mind.
16:53Hey, it's getting pretty slaty and dark down here.
16:56What does slaty mean?
16:58Like, slaty?
16:59I don't get it.
17:00Deep slate.
17:01Deep slate?
17:02By the way, if anyone sees any lapis,
17:04definitely pick it up.
17:05Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, for my enchantment.
17:07Ooh, lapis.
17:08Well, yeah, we all enchant, Craner, okay?
17:10Well, I'm just going to borrow yours.
17:12What level are you guys?
17:15Whoa, twinsies!
17:17We're both of legal age, Josh.
17:19Okay, that's...
17:20For drinking, he means.
17:23Ooh, more lapis!
17:25We haven't been anywhere near it yet, Josh.
17:27We literally... I don't...
17:29Josh, can you please tell us
17:30if we're close or not?
17:32I feel like it was a...
17:34Broski needs help over here.
17:36Look at it this way.
17:38If it was down this cave,
17:40then it's going to be somewhere.
17:42I thought you were going to make it explode on it like I did.
17:45I would never do such a thing.
17:46I thought you were going to be a bad boy.
17:49Guys, come here.
17:52Why are you summoning me?
17:53Come here.
17:54Go down.
17:55Oh, that's...
17:56No, don't go down.
17:57Easy, easy, easy.
17:58Don't hit it.
17:59Oh, my word.
18:00What's down there?
18:01Is that the deep dark...
18:02That's the deep dark down there.
18:03Why is that...
18:04Don't hit me off, Craner.
18:05There's a bunch of loot.
18:06Is there a safer...
18:07We need to find a safer route, though.
18:09Wait, wait, wait, wait.
18:10I can do something.
18:11We can travel down this.
18:12You got water?
18:13How can we travel down lava, Finn?
18:15Oh, this goes a bit lower.
18:17You idiot.
18:18I'm only joking.
18:19I love you, really.
18:21I do love you, too, Finn,
18:22but you are an idiot, a massive idiot.
18:23Oh, there it is.
18:24Holy crap.
18:25This is cool.
18:26Wait, what is that?
18:27Does nobody have water?
18:28Let me...
18:31How does that help anyone, Finn?
18:33Okay, I think we need to go to that other one
18:35and jump into the water.
18:37I think it's good.
18:38I think if we go back a bit, we can do it.
18:40Oh, yeah, for sure.
18:41All right, ready?
18:44Best of luck, y'all.
18:45Oh, dude.
18:46Let us know how it goes, Craner.
18:48Yeah, bye.
18:51I'm here.
18:52I'm good.
18:53I'm going.
18:57Finn, Finn, Finn, Finn.
18:59I made it.
19:00Oh, Tom.
19:01Shut up.
19:02Oi, seriously?
19:03The deep dark, if we make too much noise,
19:06the warden comes out and kills us.
19:08Who's the warden?
19:11The warden.
19:12Who's doing an audit?
19:13When you say noise, do you mean vocally or...
19:16There are little things on the ground that can detect us, okay?
19:21Avoid those.
19:22Like tentacles?
19:23Kind of, yeah.
19:25What was that noise?
19:26That sounded bad.
19:27Did you just touch it on...
19:28Did you just touch it on purpose, Finn?
19:30Oh, God.
19:31Oh, my God.
19:32Why has it gone dark?
19:33I told you.
19:34Stay away from me, both of you.
19:35No, that was Finn.
19:36Finn did that.
19:37No, I didn't do anything on purpose, bro.
19:39No, I'm serious.
19:40You guys leave me alone.
19:41Okay, no one go near me.
19:42Stop, Craner.
19:43There's one here.
19:45Oh, my God.
19:46You're such an idiot.
19:47I'm taking some of these lanterns.
19:48These are cool.
19:50You are going to get us killed, Craner.
19:51I swear.
19:52You are going to get us killed.
19:53I got an interesting pair of diamond leggings.
19:56Diamond leggings?
19:57You found a chest?
19:59I mean, Craner just found one as well.
20:00How was it, Craner?
20:02Not very good.
20:03Yo, what's up, Wad?
20:04Wait, guys.
20:05Does anyone want to buy some diamond leggings?
20:07What's an echo shard?
20:08Whoa, really?
20:09Where did you get that?
20:10Well, you've got leggings, so...
20:12Where did you get them?
20:13In a chest.
20:14See, that's what I'm talking about, Josh.
20:16You always get the best chests.
20:17Finn, do you want to buy these leggings?
20:19What's an echo shard?
20:20I'm taking it.
20:22I don't really remember.
20:23Where do we go?
20:25Do you want the leggings or not?
20:27Yeah, yeah, yeah.
20:29I don't have any money on me right now.
20:31You know what?
20:32You just take them, okay?
20:34Just an old Craner on an adventure.
20:39Oh, dude.
20:40Oh, thank you, my guy.
20:44I think that was me.
20:46Wait, why does it say curse?
20:48I don't think it matters.
20:49However, I don't...
20:51Oh, my God.
20:52Oh, my God.
20:53What was that?
20:54I think that was me.
20:56Perhaps me.
20:59I'm building up.
21:00Okay, okay.
21:01So those leggings, by the way, I...
21:03Did you put them on?
21:05Why are they cursed?
21:06He's right there.
21:07That was me, dude.
21:09Bro, if I put these on and something happens to me,
21:11I'm going to be very annoyed.
21:12I think you're okay.
21:14No, they're stuck.
21:16Yeah, I didn't.
21:17Sorry about that.
21:18Josh and Finn!
21:20I think it's...
21:21Oh, wait.
21:22I see Craner up in the sky.
21:24Yeah, I set off the water.
21:26Are you okay, bro?
21:28I'm okay.
21:29I built up and I think it really helped me.
21:33Oh, my God.
21:36Oh, my God.
21:40Oh, my God.
21:43I am staying away from that.
21:48I'm back up.
21:51Finn, you know, you brought that on yourself.
21:59Oh, my God!
22:02Run as fast as you can.
22:04Finn, you're going directly up to his sensors.
22:11Oh, my God.
22:12I am actually pulling myself right now.
22:14He's in the lava.
22:15Dude, when Finn had to run away from the water,
22:18he decides to go directly into his antenna hut, dude.
22:22The water is like in the lava, though.
22:24I mean, I'm just kind of...
22:25Oh, you see my little tunnel up here, Finn, above you?
22:28It's pitch black up there, bro.
22:30Yeah, it's so dark.
22:31Yeah, so the water is kind of just like twisting around over there, Josh.
22:35Does that mean I can run?
22:36Yeah, I don't really know.
22:37I mean, it might despawn and then come back out, so...
22:41Did you get my good loot, Josh?
22:43No, I got some leggings, but they're not amazing.
22:45Now, I do think it might despawn, so just...
22:48I mean, if you guys just stop setting off the sensors...
22:53Oh, no.
22:55I might have accidentally set a sensor off.
22:59Yeah, you get a lot of XP from breaking these blocks.
23:02Do you?
23:04Oh, that scared me.
23:09Bad, bad, bad, bad.
23:11Not good, not good, not good.
23:14Okay, Finn, there's another chest over here,
23:16but it's got a lot more around it.
23:19Not good, not good, not good.
23:22If you put a light down, that's sound, just so you know.
23:25Oh, really?
23:28Guys, watch your coordinates.
23:31Do I destroy these things?
23:33I don't know.
23:34I should have probably looked this up.
23:36I told you.
23:37I literally told you.
23:38Open the chest, open the chest, open the chest.
23:39You made noise.
23:40Just open the chest.
23:41Oh, dude.
23:44Okay, I'm running for it.
23:45I'm running for it.
23:47Okay, I'll take corner accords.
23:50Yeah, get him to run into the thingymajig.
23:55He's right below you, Finn.
23:58He can't do anything because I'm high.
24:02Famous last words, run!
24:09The famous last words go crazy.
24:12They're crazy.
24:19Did you manage to loot that chest?
24:21What chest?
24:22Okay, never mind.
24:23Josh, what do we do about Finn?
24:25Oh, my God.
24:26I think he's right below me.
24:27We have to get his stuff.
24:42Oh, my God.
24:44Oh, no.
24:45I'm the only one here right now.
24:48Guys, what do I do?
24:50Yo, what's up, my guy?
24:53Bro, what happened?
24:56Well, I thought I was out of reach, and then he hit me with his blue thing, and then I fell and took full damage.
25:04Oh, God, there's literally a world looking at me.
25:09I'm dead.
25:10I'm so done.
25:11I'm so done.
25:12I'm so done.
25:13Okay, I think we're going to have to get the coordinates and travel there quickly.
25:16I don't.
25:17I honestly, I don't even know how we would possibly get to him.
25:20I'm so done.
25:21I'm so done.
25:22I'm so dead.
25:23I'm so dead.
25:24I'm so done.
25:29Oh, bro.
25:36All right.
25:38He was obliterated by a sonically charged Shriek.
25:41Oh, no, dude.
25:47Oh, bro.
25:49What happened?
25:50We all lost everything, guys.
25:53You were obliterated.
25:54Dude, I was going to try, bro, but then I looked to my right, and I saw the warden, and he just started obliterating me, dude.
26:06Now I don't even have any diamonds or anything.
26:08That was all of my diamonds.
26:11We can't do anything, guys.
26:13Did you hold?
26:15Did you have the diamonds in your inventory?
26:20Are you stupid?
26:21I've lost everything.
26:23There's no chance we're getting back to that.
26:25We were mining for like 30, 40 minutes.
26:27I know.
26:28It's done, Crainer.
26:29You've just lost 30 diamonds.
26:30Well done.
26:31Guys, the viewers basically just got us killed and lost all of our stuff.
26:35Well done.
26:36Get somebody.
26:37Get somebody.
26:38Well done.
26:39Can you guys start buying some cobblestone, please?
26:41Oh, my God.
26:42Can I have a hug?
26:45Thank you, bro.
26:47All right.
26:48I'm just going to go.
26:49I'm going to go.
