• 7 hours ago
Flavor Flav says it was a thrill to be on "The Masked Singer" ... but, he thinks the show's producers gave him up too early -- and, he had at least one song he really wanted to do.


00:00You know, tonight you were unveiled on the Masked Singer.
00:04I heard.
00:05You heard.
00:06How was that experience for you?
00:07Yo, man, it was great.
00:08It was great.
00:09I got to knock something off my bucket list, because I always wanted to do that, man.
00:13You know what I'm saying?
00:14It's been on my bucket list for the longest, and I finally got to do it, and you know what?
00:19I don't care what nobody say, I did good.
00:23Even though they gave me away, clues was too easy.
00:26You think the clues were too easy?
00:28It was way too easy, bro.
00:29Word up, man.
00:30Come on.
00:31You know what I'm saying?
00:32The clues that they was giving out, you know what I'm saying?
00:36I mean, hey, listen, check this out.
00:39I had a ball.
00:40You know what I'm saying?
00:41Not only that, but I got to share the stage with my boy Nick Cannon, so.
00:44And would you do it again?
00:46Would you do it again?
00:47Hell to the yeah.
00:48What was your favorite song you got to sing?
00:49Was it Bad Blood?
00:50I heard you're a big Taylor fan.
00:51Yo, come on.
00:52You know that, man.
00:53You know I'm King Swifty.
00:55in the building, you know what I'm saying?
00:56You know, Bad Blood was my favorite song that I did on the show.
01:05But I surprised myself by doing Cleaning Up the Town, the Ghostbusters song.
01:08Was there a song you wanted to do that you were going to do in the coming episodes, that
01:11you, you know, before you got eliminated or?
01:16Yeah, but I don't even want to talk about it because it's irrelevant now because I didn't
01:21get to do it.
01:22I think that, I think that, I think Mad Singer could've let me last a little longer.
01:26Now you said this was on your bucket list.
01:28What's another thing that's on your bucket list? What you want to do next?
01:31What I want to do next?
01:34The Flavor Flav show.
01:36Alright, I love it.
01:37And guess what? It's going to be coming soon.
01:39Okay. We doing another Flavor Flav?
01:41We doing another show?
01:42Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm doing another show.
01:44I got another reality show coming right now though.
01:46It's called Old School.
01:48You know what I'm saying?
01:49And Old School is about Flavor Flav going back to high school and getting his diploma.
01:55Cause I don't have my high school diploma, you know what I mean?
01:57So, you know, I'm doing this show just to show a lot of people my age
02:02that it's never too late to go back to get your diploma.
02:05But then also it's a message to the kids that while you're in school right now,
02:10get that piece of paper while you can
02:12because you're going to have a hard time going through life without it.
02:15You know what I'm saying?
02:17And you might not make it back like me to get it.
02:19You feel me?
02:20So that's what the show is all about.
02:22You know what I'm saying?
02:23And after that we're going to work on the Flavor Flav show.
02:26We got a solo album coming at y'all right now.
02:28You know what I'm saying?
02:29Also me and my incredible partner Chuck D,
02:33we recorded some new Public Enemy stuff.
02:35We got some new Public Enemy stuff coming at y'all
02:38cause we going on tour with Guns N' Roses this summer.
