Une acrobatie qui dérape plonge une pom-pom girl dans le coma. Elle se réveille prête à devenir la reine du bal de promo, son rêve de lycéenne… mais avec 20 ans de plus !
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00:00OK, here we go.
00:04When I was in high school, I had the perfect life.
00:09I was a ready cheer captain.
00:10I had the hot boyfriend.
00:13And all that was left was Prom Queen.
00:15Ah !
00:16Oh, my God !
00:23I think there's been a mistake
00:24and I've been put in the wrong room.
00:25Dr Johnson to the third floor. The cheerleader just woke up.
00:28I don't mean to be a bitch, but cheer captain.
00:31Cheer captain.
00:34Hello ?
00:35Ah !
00:39I didn't have the heart to change it.
00:41Madonna's now called Lady Gaga.
00:46Everybody else has got to go on and live their lives.
00:48And what, I'm supposed to just jump forward ?
00:50I mean, I just found out there is eight more Fast and Furious movies.
00:54I want to go back to school, finish my senior year.
00:59High school was just like yesterday for me.
01:02It will not be weird at all.
01:18Where do the popular kids sit ?
01:20We're all popular.
01:21There's only, like, three ways to become popular.
01:23To be a cheerleader.
01:24To work at Abercrombie.
01:25Or to let guys go in the back door.
01:27Oh, my God, I must be really popular then.
01:33All right, I think I've worked this thing out.
01:34You get followers by being somebody everybody likes.
01:37Hey, Steph.
01:38Holy shit.
01:39I'm doing a makeup tutorial.
01:40For who ? Batman villains ?
01:45Would it ever get exhausting trying to make everybody like you all the time ?
01:48I'm going to do something that I wish I'd had the confidence to do 20 years ago.
01:52Be my real self.
01:58You might lose prom queen twice.
02:01Don't go chasing waterfalls, Steph.
02:03Slut bag, possum pussy, rumple slut skin.
02:07What even is this squad ? Is there a cheer captain ?
02:10I am the cheer captain.
02:11I am the cheer captain.
02:13I am the cheer captain.
02:14Do you love it ?
02:15That is the most fucked up thing I've ever heard.
02:17Steph ?
02:24How dare you ? It is like Hogwarts with the magic.
02:27I had more fun going like this...
02:33... than this high school.