Andy Kaufman était un comédien pas comme les autres. Son approche originale de la comédie a fasciné l'acteur Jim Carrey. Quand il a obtenu le rôle où il interprète son idole, il semblait que la magie d'Andy était passée à Jim. Retour dans les coulisses du film "Man on the Moon" avec la performance de Jim Carrey dans le rôle d'Andy Kaufman, montre toutes les réflexions de Jim pendant le tournage.
00:00So, Jim, how would you start this movie?
00:07Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, my name is Jim Carrey and how are you this evening?
00:12Finding out you have something special and it gets a reaction, that's how I got attention and love.
00:24Andy Kaufman came in to turn reality on its head and not stop when the cameras stopped.
00:31Andy Kaufman cared less about making his audience laugh than keeping them confused.
00:36He blew my mind.
00:39When I heard I had the part, I was looking at the ocean and that's the moment when Andy came back to make his movie.
00:48What happened after was out of my control.
00:51Andy, that's enough. Perfect.
00:53I don't like it. I want to do one more.
00:57Andy felt it was necessary to stay in the character.
01:00He's exactly the way Andy was.
01:02It's totally surreal.
01:05And this crazy melodrama started happening all over the place.
01:12Jimmy said they came down hard. Who's they?
01:16Universal didn't want the footage we took behind the scenes to surface so that people wouldn't think I was an asshole.
01:23Andy, you have to give me a chance to make a movie.
01:25I don't need to make a movie, I don't need to make a movie.
01:27I was thinking, how far should I take this?
01:37How far would Andy take it?
01:41You're going to have people that are going to sue this production for mental stress.
01:46When the movie was over, I couldn't remember who I was anymore.
01:50So you step through the door not knowing what's on the other side.
01:54What's on the other side is everything.
02:04I know them as well as I can know them.
02:06But who do you know, even when they're right in front of you?
02:15To be continued...