00:00What your thoughts are about Pasta filling that leadership void and just his overall play this year, Razor?
00:06Oh, he's been incredible. Absolutely incredible. Last season, this season, what he's done on the ice, his growth off of the ice, leading this team, being a guy that is responsible for communicating after every single game, he's at his locker.
00:23He's the one that the press are talking to the most. He's the top five player in the world. That's what he is. He's proven that over the last couple of years, again, how much of his growth has come.
00:41He's literally got this team on his back. He does. He's so influential and so good. I know at times there's a way of looking at him in the Boston area, but league-wide, worldwide, the text messages that I get after a Bruins game on a nightly basis of how great 88 is, is a testament to his game and just how good he is.