Clifford Winston, Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution, joined "Forbes Newsroom" to discuss President Donald Trump's tariffs.
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00:00And I think from what you're saying when you're trying to solve a problem if you see that it's not that's not the correct way
00:06To solve it if you're seeing roadblocks if you're seeing it's not working people usually course-correct
00:12Markets don't like tariffs
00:15Economists don't like tariffs even some Republicans. I've talked to don't like tariffs tariffs are widely
00:22Dis our people Americans widely disapprove of tariffs according to polls. So why double down why triple down?
00:30What do you think the endgame is here?
00:34The whole problem is
00:36If someone were to give a rational response
00:41To why they are not pursuing a rational policy. That would be one thing
00:46But that is not what the president is doing as you say, he's just doubling down
00:52So it's hard to sort of Sane wash him and say he's doing something rational
00:57He's not you know from here then the discussion is I have no idea what he's doing and why he's doing it
01:04You know in theory, right? He will go on record as saying
01:09I'm putting it I'm
01:12Having Pat installing tariffs setting tariffs to increase employment
01:17protect industries and
01:20promote job growth
01:22Effectively, what they're doing is reducing competition. Okay
01:26If you really believe that then he could sort of say, okay, and this is the best way to promote jobs
01:32But of course it isn't right. There are many other better ways of
01:38Promoting jobs without hurting consumers because tariffs are gonna raise prices for consumers
01:43And so that's gonna hurt them. Can we do something to promote jobs?
01:49Without hurting consumers. Well, there is an answer to that question
01:52Something like the investment tax credit, right if you want to promote jobs that why don't you?
02:00industry to expand output
02:04Reducing their costs and investments by giving them a tax credit. They'll then hire more workers
02:10You don't have to then raise prices in front of you
02:13For consumers you achieve what you want at much lower cost
02:18Without hurting consumers. That's a rational thing to do, but we can't even engage in a discussion about this
02:26That is what's so frightening, right?
02:28I mean
02:28He's just wedded to tariffs and he's gonna ignore alternatives and I think he'll also ignore what the effects are which are not gonna
02:36Be good