• la semaine dernière
L'histoire vraie et inédite de la plus grande escroquerie de l'histoire de la musique - Milli Vanilli. De son ascension fulgurante à sa chute publique, ce documentaire captivant retrace les circonstances inédites entourant le tristement célèbre duo pop et son scandale de lip-syncing des années 1990.


00:00Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
00:31Money, money, money makes the world go round.
00:35This is run like a tight military operation.
00:37It's on a need-to-know basis.
00:39I ain't keeping my mouth shut. Nobody.
00:43They don't want us to sing.
00:45This is weird. We don't want to live singing.
00:47Someone had to have known this was going on.
00:50We were seduced. We were abused.
00:53And we're happy that it's over.
00:58There's no real crime here.
00:59But it costs a life.
01:04You get something, but you make a pact with the devil.
01:11There is not another story like this in music history.
