• 4 hours ago
Goldie. S01 E08


00:06Giant girl giant heart feels the feelings big and small finds the magic in it all
00:13Who you are
00:42No our creation
00:45It's missing
00:46Dr. Quapelton, are you telling me you believe the monster we created just got up and walked away
00:53That's exactly what I'm telling you
01:24Wow when those kids play pretend they get really into it
01:35Can't believe it exists the giant octopus
01:54We've got to get off this island immediately
01:57Oh, we have not yet collected what we came here for right the chalice of destiny. No
02:09What's that rumbling coming from the top of the mountain
02:25Goldie are you okay? Oh
02:33Thanks for making all our pretend play so fun Goldie see you here tomorrow for more sure tomorrow more of
02:45See you later Goldie. Hi guys
02:53I'm not having as much fun playing pretend as Petey and teeny are
02:58I just wish I didn't always have to be the giant monster or huge asteroid headed towards boysenburg
03:07Yeah, I know I'm good at it it's okay to do sometimes but I'd like a chance to be the hero for once I
03:14Know being this size makes me a great boulder, but there's more to me than just being a giant
03:19I wish teeny and Petey could see that
03:23You think I should just tell them
03:27Yeah, I guess you're right I
03:30Love playing pretend with Goldie. So so so much. He tell she's able to do it in a way. Nobody else does Oh
03:45Petey loves his comic book
03:52Think I have a better idea for how to make teeny and Petey see me as a hero
03:57Of course you to Romeo now first things first
04:29It's time
04:38Citizens put your worries away super Goldie is here to save the day
04:43Hey Goldie cool costume. Oh, I'm not Goldie
04:47I'm super Goldie, and this is my sidekick Romeo the Eagle and I'm here to save the day
04:55Whoa, awesome. I can't wait to see super Goldie in action
05:02A cat stuck in a tree
05:17No need to thank me little kitty, what are you doing?
05:21Puffy puff has been trying to get the courage to climb that tree for months. He just did it for the first time this morning
05:26Oh my gosh. I am so sorry. I thought he was trapped. I had no idea. It's okay. I got it. I got it
05:37Great now puppy pup is scared again
05:42So as it turns out now isn't the best time for you to watch me be heroic
05:47But keep your eyes peeled for me. Okay, super Goldie
06:04Don't worry, I'll make sure you get to your tuba lesson on time you should join too
06:25There we are on time for your tuba lesson safe and sound all thanks to super Goldie
06:35Whoa, I don't know if I can play my tuba like this. I'm okay
06:47Super Goldie is great with babies
07:20Citizens put your worries away super Goldie is here to save the day
07:34Teeny-peeny, did you see that? Oh, I did it
07:40Do you know what you've done you just ruined our best take but it looked like she was in trouble
07:47That was just a special effect. Didn't you notice the wires attached to her? Oh
07:56I'm so sorry. I was just trying to be a hero. Well, it didn't work
08:00But actually now that I think of it
08:02I have been looking for someone to play the giant creature who destroys the town in my next movie have your agent call me
08:22Guess PD and teeny were right. I'm not meant to be a hero. I should just come to terms with what I'm really meant to be
08:30Villain a boulder
08:33Giant failure
08:39Are you okay?
08:41Strange. Oh, I
08:43Okay, okay
08:45You don't seem okay Goldie. If something's wrong, you know, you can talk to us, right?
08:57When we play pretend I don't want to be the boulder or the monster the giant octopus you can walk on land
09:04You don't
09:05Know why didn't you tell us?
09:08Well, I was going to but then I heard you say you loved the way I played pretend
09:12I thought maybe if I showed you I could be a hero too. It'd change your mind
09:18Goldie we already think of you as a hero
09:22It's just pretend. I know but if it's just pretend why do I always have to pretend to be the same big old stuff?
09:32Goldie we're so sorry. I guess we were giving you those roles based on what you look like on the outside
09:38But it's nothing like what you are on the inside on the inside. You're the softest sweetest gentlest person
09:45You're our biggest hero
09:48Remember when you let mrs. Petunia move into your nest with you?
09:51Yeah, living with her was no easy feat and remember what a great exeter you were to that baby pegasus
10:03But you didn't give up on it you patiently waited for it to come out of hiding and then you reunited it with its mother
10:10You're a real-life hero Goldie
10:13But still we're sorry for making you the villain in every game of pretend
10:19Can we make it up to you? Yeah, let us please
10:25Really how I have an idea
10:33Thank goodness you're here super Goldie
10:35We need your help. There's a monster on the loose. Don't worry citizen Romeo the Eagle, and I are happy to help
10:47The famous super Goldie defender of the universe
10:52Defeater of all that is evil. Well, you will never catch me
10:57I am a monster created in the lab of a mad scientist
11:02Me and my sentient boulders sidekick will take over the world
11:14Romeo you stop the boulder. I'll stop the monster
11:29Mammoth friend
12:02Love you
12:07Do you mind being a little quieter? Yeah, we can't really hear the show
12:27Was just trying to enjoy the show I didn't mean to make it worse for everyone
12:37Why do my feelings have to be so big all the time
12:48What's happening
12:58You're as big as me I never met anyone my size before
13:05You heard me crying
13:10Was a show earlier, but I got so wrapped up while I was watching that I started to be a little bit loud
13:17Kind of too much for everyone and I had to run away because I felt so alone
13:30See me cry made you cry
13:35It's okay. Hey, we're not so different from each other are we can I give you a hug I
13:54Feel terrible that we made Goldie feel bad
13:58Oh, yeah, me too. Don't worry. Let's we explain ourselves. She'll understand that we didn't mean
14:09She's as big as Goldie
14:13But I'm glad you could help Goldie feel better
14:18Yeah, let's let Goldie have this moment with her new friend I can't wait to meet her
14:24Huh, I've never been hugged by someone big like me
14:28Hey, do you wanna go do something fun?
14:33Used to think I was the only one who felt like this until I met my ginormous woolly
14:40Mammoth sis came along and broke me from my funk
14:45You are my fuzzy twin
14:53My big old friend doing big things till the end
15:06Hey Goldie, we just wanted to say we're really sorry about earlier
15:10Oh, you mean when I ruined that puppet show for everyone?
15:15Goldie you didn't ruin anything if we can just explain
15:23Oh teeny Petey Romeo meet my new friend Wally
15:29Hi, I'm teeny and I'm Petey nice to meet you I
15:38Think that's mammoth for do you want a ride?
16:23I can't
16:46Since you're new to boysenberg, how about we show you some of our favorite things?
16:54You're gonna love the boysenberg petting zoo
17:04They're so cute I could cry
17:22Double rainbow
17:41Mean we opened the closet door. There was a ghost
17:51Petey that was so obvious. Where else would the ghost be? Yeah, I stink at being scary
17:59Willie are you?
18:17As if one giant wasn't enough
18:24Hey, Willie, I know this day has been really exciting for you. It's been exciting for me, too
18:30But um, sometimes you could stand to be a tiny bit
18:49Goldie what happened? Why was Willie so upset? I was just trying to stop her from making the same mistake. I made before
18:58Goldie that's what we've been trying to tell you. We've always liked you just the way you are
19:04Sure, we wanted you to be a little quieter at the puppet show, but not all the time
19:09You mean you don't mind the way Willie and I do everything in a big way, of course not Goldie. Oh
19:16Wow, I
19:18Have to go find Willie and tell her I'm sorry
19:21Hello, she isn't exactly hard to find
19:32That case we have a problem
19:47Can't do it. I thought we could use this tree as a bridge, but it's too heavy
19:52I don't know what I'm gonna do. Oh
19:55See here. I go again with the waterworks
20:04We keep trying to tell you we don't want you to this is one of the things we love about you
20:12You like when I cry?
20:14Well, yeah in a way it shows how much you care about us
20:19Boisenberg bully about everything
20:25You're right, okay, I'm gonna give this another try
20:49You guys wait here I need to go talk to Willie one giant to another
21:03I'm sorry about what happened earlier. I was wrong to ask you to change who you are. I
21:10Get it it's hard to have feelings that are this big it means we can get hurt really bad
21:18Yeah, but it also means we have giant hearts we really care about everyone who's important to us
21:27And we can do things that seem impossible
21:30like jump over a giant cliff or lift a humongous tree or
21:37Or put on a really great puppet show
21:43Oh, come on, let's get teeny and Petey
21:49Me too, but uh, where are we going?
21:57Now remember
22:48With the wind in our hair
22:50We can go anywhere we can imagine
22:55Can you imagine?
22:57Can you imagine?
22:59A world where anything can happen
23:03I can imagine it with you