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Hunter's IG: (@hunt_havens)
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00:00Good morning you guys, welcome back to another weekly vlog.
00:29Kicking it off on a Saturday actually, so I think we're going to get a full week out
00:34of this.
00:35I need a coffee so badly, I'm so mad I just ordered a new breeze because we just got home
00:40from St. Bart's.
00:41We haven't even been to the grocery store yet, it's been like a day and so I need to
00:46order like a little breakfast taco before I go work out and I ordered the most beautiful
00:52coffee from the taco shop and they forgot the coffee in the order and I tried to call
00:57and it says the number's disconnected because I'm like trying to call the driver like please
01:02I need that coffee so badly, I don't care what you've done to it, I need it.
01:08So now I'm stuck making one but I don't know how much milk we have left so that's why I'm
01:14fine making it.
01:15Anyways, so I'm going to make a coffee, Spanky is still sleeping which is a slight miracle
01:23so I'm like maybe go coffee, get some caffeine in and then I'm going to go wake him up because
01:28Hunter's at the gym and we're going to do a little old switcheroo in the parking lot.
01:31Yeah, I haven't been to the gym in a week but we did do like tennis and hiking and a
01:36little walking when we were in St. Bart's so I don't feel terrible but it's always a
01:41shock when you go back to Switcheroo on a Saturday because it's so intense but I'm just
01:46going to take it easy, take it slow.
01:53These glasses are from Amazon.
02:01I feel like just the little tweaks of the espresso class, like learning how to make
02:09espresso correctly just helped the coffee at home not taste burnt or sour or I just
02:17always felt like my espresso didn't taste balanced, like it would taste just shitty
02:21so so helpful if you just like, it was a really fun thing for us to do on Valentine's Day,
02:27highly recommend, like just look up your local coffee shop, I mean it costs like 100 bucks
02:31but I feel like it's so worth it to be able to know how to make the right espresso at
02:36home so then you, I feel like way less tempted to order coffees out because I know I can
02:41make a good tasting one at home.
02:43This morning was a little different because I thought I was in a hurry and thought Smokey
02:48was going to be awake and was rushing and I didn't know if we had enough milk so I just
02:52was like, I'm already ordering a taco, I'll just order a coffee but anyways I've been
02:56a lot better about making them at home so anyways I do my little sugar bun up and get
03:02in dress.
03:03We do a little bump date, not that you guys need one, we've seen lots of bump dates.
03:09I am 29 and a half weeks so 7 and a half months and here's our little bump, it's actually
03:18easier to see in leggings and everything because you can see it but I'm so happy I got a little
03:24bit of a tan in St. Bart's, I feel like for a pregnant girl that just literally boosted
03:29my confidence, I'm like, I'm set for the rest of pregnancy and the fact that I have a little
03:34bit of a tan now so I feel good, I'm very happy about that and I'm feeling pretty good
03:40actually with the pregnancy at this point, it's felt really long, I think just having
03:46a toddler and everything going through with my family, my dad being sick and building
03:52this cabin and I kind of covered that in the last video but just like a lot mentally going
03:57on and emotionally which, it's never a good time but it's just felt like another thing
04:03that's made me like fragile and like a little bit more emotional and tired and just like
04:09literally carrying like a weighted vest on you so but it's okay, it's still been beautiful
04:14and I'm just so grateful that my sickness is really only in the beginning of my pregnancy
04:20and both of them so far and then after like second trimester I'm smooth sailing so I'm
04:26just so thankful for that because I know a lot of people like deal with other stuff more
04:30in like second and third trimester and I always love the second and third because I
04:35feel like I can really enjoy it and like you know just enjoy being pregnant a little bit
04:41obviously I feel big and like a little heavy, it's hard moving around, my sleep is terrible
04:45but other than that like I can't really complain so I feel really grateful for that but pregnancy
04:53sickness at the beginning might take me out, it takes, that is the only reason I'm like
04:58do I want a third because I'm like I don't know if I can go through three months of sickness
05:01again, it is, oh my god you guys, you like literally feel like you're dying, it is, it's
05:07like being hungover for three months like viciously hungover, it is terrible and actually
05:13like I had a lot of empathy for my dad being sick with chemo or cancer and going through
05:20chemo because I was like I don't know but I feel like this is the closest thing it would
05:24feel like to being like sick in the hospital like or sick and nauseous just for extended
05:29periods of time and it really starts to like mess with your head so very hard but we got
05:36through and here we are and we're going to get a gorgeous little sugar plum baby out
05:40of it, so excited for number two, oh my god, it's going to be so cute, okay.
05:54All right y'all, workouts are complete and we're at the cabin today, at the cabin, we're
06:01going to sort through, there's so many fun updates, there's a lot of good updates but
06:06we're here, happy, we're here to sort through the wood that was delivered for the ceiling
06:12details in the living room, so I think we've showed y'all what that inspo is going to look
06:17like but we'll put a picture here on the screen of the inspo image of what the ceiling details
06:20are going to look like, obviously there's going to be beams but there's going to be
06:23reclaimed wood like tongue and groove in between the beams, so we had a whole shipment
06:28of wood delivered and we need to go through it to make sure it's in the right color palette,
06:33removing these bad boards, stuff like that, yeah with reclaimed wood you kind of have
06:37to be careful or it can look like cheesy, pinteresty coffee shop really quickly like
06:42there's a difference, we don't want it to look like ranchy, so as the designer you have
06:48to curate it a little bit deeper and give them like guidance on how you want to install
06:52it, and with reclaimed there's a lot of natural variation and that's why it's so beautiful
06:56but it has to be tailored a little bit so there's already like from you know water and
07:02aging there's tons of different tones so you have to kind of like curate it, yeah you want
07:06a little variation but you still want it to be sleek and intentional while looking like
07:12unintentional, anyways we're going to jump to it, he's coming, daddy's coming, so this
07:20is all the wood that's going to go on the ceiling and the living room in here and obviously
07:25it needs to go up before the rest of the beams go up so they're going to start the ceiling
07:30details on monday and then they'll hang the beams once the wood is installed, so anyways
07:36like we were talking about here is the wood and you can kind of see it's definitely been
07:40curated you have like a nice color palette going but there's definitely some like darker
07:44pieces in here which is ok but you just don't want to look like a checkerboard so we're
07:50moving the darker pieces over here, our powder bath actually we're using darker wood so we're
07:56just going through and organizing and seeing what we actually have to work with here and
08:01make sure we don't need to order any more but you can see it's been refined pretty well
08:09and there's a good like color palette going on
08:29what did you find? hmm? spray paint? you going to do some work? thanks baby, perfect
08:39yeah, we're going to leave the lid on okay, we've sorted through a lot of the wood here's some of the
08:47darker stuff but this is mostly the tone that we're going for is like here so we want to see
08:55how much dark wood there is because it's going to be mixed in but we don't want too much we
09:00got to see how much there is and there's just piles but this dark wood over here we're doing
09:05a pretty dark moody powder bath which is going to be really cool so these boards are a little
09:11bit wider they are 8 inches and Hunter is just carrying some of them in do you need another snack?
09:17let's see here in the powder bath those are our darker boards, we're doing like a dark moody like I feel
09:33like this is the most cabin that like the powder bath I feel like for a powder bath you can go fun
09:39people do like dark moody paints they do wallpapers they do crazy things so this is like our like
09:45cabin celebratory bathroom so I think it'll look really good so those are some of the boards you
09:52can see how like deep the wood is and if you want to feel like like a dark cave or whatever the
09:58sinks gonna be black marble it's gonna be really cool okay so some fun updates to show you guys a
10:03lot of the beams have gone up in all the rooms so first off we've got this room which is our tall
10:10vaulted room and look at those beams they look so pretty this is a bedroom slash study so it
10:17could be like an office it can be a bedroom whatever but the ceilings are really vaulted
10:21so I think it's kind of a nicer like studio or the woman that lived here previously this was
10:27like her painting studio so it just gives that energy but you can definitely use it as a bedroom
10:32if you want then there's Jack and Jill bathrooms here and we did vertical paneling behind which is
10:40gonna be painted white and the vanities will be here so this will be the shower and we've got the
10:47same thing over here which I love and this is another bedroom just a nice little small guy
10:54this room it's like one of my favorite rooms and this is this nice beautiful stone wall which I
11:02don't know if you guys have seen a ton of but fireplace behind there and this is a tongue and
11:07groove ceiling with beamwork and this is all gonna be painted white so love this ceiling detail the
11:15primary bedroom beams just went up and look how good oh my god they look so beautiful there's
11:23still one that needs to go right here they're almost done but Hunter and I are like this room
11:29looks so good it's just the vault height is really nice it's just a beautiful space and then the
11:36beams will continue under this little nook there's gonna be two that go right there so they got up
11:42with those into the bathroom we did tongue and groove in this hallway going from the bathroom
11:49to the closet which is like a nice little transition area it's gonna go all the way on
11:54the ceiling it'll be painted white and the paint color that we went with the white paint color we
12:02went with is alabaster by Sherwin-Williams so it's already on the ceiling you can't really tell but
12:09you can see the difference like it's creamy and kind of warm so that's the white paint that we'll
12:15be using throughout the home some fun updates upstairs they are doing some tongue and groove
12:22in the playroom so this entire ceiling will be tongue and groove all the way up all the way
12:28around it's gonna be really cute and lastly they've started tile works they started up here
12:35and I am obsessed you guys I have wanted pavers in a house for so long I've just dreamed of it
12:44I've pinned so many images of pavers on the ground and so happy with how it's looking we're doing
12:50pavers in a lot of the rooms a primary bathroom the mudroom the laundry room and here I think
12:59that's it but this color is like more of a latte color and then we're doing more of like a gray
13:04tone in the downstairs spaces and this also is the striped bathroom which I love I mean it's
13:12turning out so cute you can't really tell because it's not grouted yet and I feel like the mirror
13:19and the light fixtures are a little more like feminine they're like brass I think it'll balance
13:23it really nicely it's always hard to tell the tile work before the grout goes in it just looks
13:29different but I love the stripes and I think this will be like it's more like a kids upstairs room
13:36like off the playrooms I thought the stripes I think stripes are so classic and I'm obsessed
13:40with stripes and I just think it's gonna be so cute the way that it's turning out and it's still
13:46neutral it's not like wild like these are like earthy tones it's like a putty gray beige with
13:52like it's like a green taupe color so it's turning out really cute and it looks so good with the
13:58floors it's like a nice beige latte stone I love the tile work it's like my favorite part so this
14:09is the first bathroom that they've started and then they're gonna move to all the others later
14:14this week so primary will be really exciting to watch go down oh god did you eat all your
14:23yogurts okay I'll come get you be careful please no no no he's doing pretty good but
15:00all right you guys that's a wrap at the cabin for today we got through all the wood sorting
15:13you guys are not super interested in logistics but if you're an interior span you might eat
15:22so here is all the wood for the ceiling all pretty consistent color now that I see it this
15:30one's popping out to me a little bit but it's fine yeah yeah and that one I know it's nice
15:37to actually gonna see it on camera cuz you're like I can see a little bit better but nice like
15:42medium consistent yes like you don't want it all to be like this then it goes flat
15:51yeah no no exactly so it's like similar color palette range and they make each like ages a
16:02little bit differently like same type of wood but they're all gonna have a little slight
16:05variation and you want it to feel that way and so on camera it might look really varied
16:11looks pretty good actually yeah it looks like we're pretty happy with it and then over here
16:28is all the darker tone wood for the bathroom so hey buddy for the powder baths we have six inch
16:35boards and we have eight inch boards and we're gonna mix and we're gonna mix them on the ceiling
16:41and it has to be like yeah we're gonna provide some guidance there and by the way this is all
16:51going on this ceiling in here we're just referencing the ceilings the beams already up but
16:56they have to this wood has to be laid before the remaining beams go up but yep but
17:05in this room you're gonna have the wood details on the ceiling yeah and then last thing to note
17:09while we're sitting here because it's dark there's a couple times where I've showed this room they're
17:14like wow it's really dark in there the door is an all-glass door but because of that they want
17:20to protect it so they put it up right now yeah but this is like Florida ceiling glass so there's
17:25gonna be a lot of light that's coming in here yeah and then this will be beams too much yeah
17:32on the sides it's gonna be great good job okay let's get this kid home for a nap
17:40come on Spunky! our garage door is in but there's something on the outside so yeah
17:44they're gonna cover it in wood lastly here's all of the pavers
18:00that I was talking about for the mudroom the laundry room the primary bath all here and then
18:06this is our stone flooring for the stairwell we're going like a bigger scale yeah sorry this
18:13will be in the powder bath yep so bigger and then smaller for the other areas so pretty good morning
18:22you guys it is Monday I am getting ready to go see baby brother I have my close appointment to
18:30glucose test today which is not the funnest appointment because it's a lot of waiting but
18:38I'm gonna get it done and then we need to run over to the cabin we've got they started the tile work
18:45and I need to go over there and talk to him after my appointment so I'm just getting headed out the
18:54door oh my goodness I am tired today and I went to bed at like 10 what's like 30 just feeling
19:03sleepy pregnant sleepy other than that it's a beautiful Monday it's been so nice coming back
19:13from st. Bart's the it's like definitely spring here in Nashville it's like 50 degrees 50 40 I'm
19:21like that I can handle some days it's 60 just can't do that 30 degree months where it's like
19:29icy and snowy and gray it is so hard for me so I feel like we're in the clear we're in March I'm
19:35like it's giving me it's enough for me to hold on to and I'm just feeling really grateful for that
19:42so it's gonna be a really beautiful week we've got fun stuff going on and yeah okay so glucose
19:50so I have my little glucose thing and I forget what I need to do so okay instructions drink the
19:59glucose before you arrive in the parking garage okay drink it within five minutes when finished
20:08look at the time and market you'll need your blood drawn an hour after should I just drink it now so
20:15I can like get in there soon and we're gonna seize the day you guys busy Monday I'm happy to
20:24be busy I like it we had like such a fun weekend with smoky after being away for vacation I've got
20:32lots of good family time with him and he was just so cute we're at the cabin a lot it was super fun
20:40so anyways feeling bright and positive this Monday it's good vibes and hunters parents are
20:48actually coming into town this week to visit us which is very sweet of them and we are going down
20:56to South Hall which is like a farm resort here in the outskirts it's really cute we're gonna stay
21:07there for two days with them and bring smoke and just hang out you know go bop around it's like
21:14farmy vibes and it's a really pretty resort there's nothing cheers
21:2150 grams of sugar sorry a little later glucose test is done can't take any pictures or videos
21:46in my obese office even in the hospital I deliver at they're like no videos we like
21:50basically snuck it last time so we can get our vlog but they're really strict on videos and
21:56pictures so I couldn't bring a camera in but went to the cabin I checked on a couple things and now
22:02I'm ready to target target is over by our cabin I have to get a couple things toothpaste q-tips
22:09I need to get smoke a new toothbrush he is literally obsessed with toothbrushes you guys
22:15it's so funny you like brushing his teeth everything teeth toothbrushes toothpaste he
22:22loves it like he'll literally hold on a toothbrush for like an hour and just like suck on it he's
22:27obsessed so his toothbrushes all the ones that I've gotten him are like all frayed and they
22:32were like kind of like starter toothbrushes I need to get him a new one and just a couple of
22:39things so I'm gonna go in and do that I've also seen some like cute target hauls on tick floating
22:45around tick tocks I'm like me we'll glance at the clothing section that I need to be buying any
22:49clothing pregnant but you know I can't help myself it's just fun so let's do it I'll bring you in
22:55we'll do a little target run smoke is a pair of sunglasses at home and he loves them so I'm like
23:03new pair once that we have a pretty cute girly shake it in the green one size or my I love those
23:14let's get those I don't need anything like this but this is so cute it's like a sweatshirt bomber
23:20sweatshirt material oh I'm like tempted to buy it but I'm like bitch don't do it and then also
23:28this little pink sweat size very cute sweats and then there's a matching tea sweatshirt it's really
23:35cute also really into long shorts right now I saw these all over st. Bart's like all the European
23:44girls were wearing these so just FYI they're the vibe they're very cute I mean I know they've kind
23:50of been in for a while but it's like a long board short and they're really easy to style they're
23:56really cute so these look pretty good I can't wear anything high-rise right now so I can't buy
24:01those but trying not to buy like too much for after pregnancy I like to like shop more like
24:10in the moment depending on like what I'm actually wearing what I'm feeling just cuz like I get a lot
24:17of clothes for work so I'm always like rotating stuff so I was I just kind of like waiting more
24:23for in the moment but those are really cute and I bet they'll probably sell out so we'll go get
24:28them. I have a lot of cute denim. Cute t-shirts. Little seashells. That's pretty cute and I really like this one. I think I might get this one.
24:38The blue on this says Le Soleil. I just love that blue color. It's so pretty. This is something I can just
24:46easily wear after if it's like a t-shirt or like a sweatshirt I'm kind of fine buying it but
24:51pants are a little different. Gingham drawstring pants as an absolute yes. They're large which I can probably get away with right now but if I could get a medium that'd be awesome. I don't see, they were just in this random section though so let me see if I can find them. So so cute. I love a gingham right now. They're so cute and perfect.
25:15Okay there's also shorts. I found the medium and the pants but there's also shorts which next few months would be really cute.
25:23Okay this skirt is really cute. Kind of obsessed. Looks like vintage vibes. It's a medium. It's a stretchy waistband. I love this like length right now. I just think it's like 90s and cute so let's try that on.
25:40Oh yeah I saw these on TikTok. These are kind of cute. Little Gucci pants for going on spring break. Look at this. Look at this. It's a caprize. I don't know if I'm going to do that. I do like the gray color though but I don't know if I can pull caprize off.
25:57I might be pushing it pregnant. It could probably be a vibe but I don't know if I'm in that space for caprize right now.
26:05Now the things I actually came for. Q-tips. Boom baby. Kids toothbrushes. Tom's toothpaste. I wanted some Harry's refills for his eraser. Quick peruse at the home section.
26:23This basket is fun. Is it a planter basket? Let's see. It's just a scalloped edge basket. I just think it's a fun shape. What could I use that for? It's very cute. I don't know though.
26:39Okay last thing I think I'm going to get is some stickers because smoke is now in a sticker phase. So this is a sticker book. I don't know what the vibe is. If you're a toddler mom on stickers, like cheap stickers because they go through them so fast, this is a thousand stickers for $5. It's pretty good.
27:01I mean he does not care what they are. They're kind of girly but he just wants things to peel and like place on. It's more about the activity. So I'm going to go with this. We'll start there. That should get us by sometime. Thousand stickers.
27:17This is random but this is a very nice little long lumber pillow. There's like no tag on it. Literally at all. Wait here we go. It just says reusable cover. Let's see what's in it. Oh Casa Luna. That's pretty. That is a very good decorative pillow. It looks like Jenny Heen or something. It's so pretty.
27:42What's up you guys. Just got back from Whole Foods. Stocking up for the week. We need groceries badly. Hunter and I are really trying to reset on our guts right now because I feel like they're just kind of wrecked from vacation and like traveling and eating out a lot.
28:05So it was time to get lots of veggies, homemade food back in the mix. I took my seed on vacation but I'm still just like my stomach. Every time I travel it's just not the same. Like truly. I don't know. Just irregular patterns, everything. So I'm really trying to dial it in this week. Home cooked meals, consistent probiotic. You guys already know.
28:32We always have a code for our probiotic. It's JH25. If you want to try it out it's the best. And it's more of a long term play probiotic. I mean definitely helps on the daily just with regularity, your digestion, your immunity, skin health, gut health, all that stuff.
28:55But also has really good long term effects of healing your gut. So just helping you be a little bit more resilient to foods that you can eat and digest a little bit better. I always feel like it gets me back in the right place after traveling. I always take it while I'm traveling to kind of help combat the irregularity in my routine. And it's really amazing.
29:18We've taken it for like a couple of years now. I always take it while pregnant and breastfeeding. It's safe to take. I had to take an antibiotic during my last labor. So if you've taken antibiotics ever in your life, which a lot of us have, it's really great to get on a daily probiotic.
29:36If you've never gone through like a gut journey where you've tried to like heal your gut health, I definitely recommend taking seed for like a couple of months to try and like add good bacteria in there because you'd be surprised just based on the standard American diet and lifestyle of taking like antibiotics growing up how weak our guts actually are.
29:58And if you have any digestion or like bloating issues or irregularities with your bowel movements, those are all like signs of gut health. So I'm going to pay attention to you guys can always check out seed down below. Anyways, let's all of these groceries got like six bags.
30:15Lots to do. Yeah. Good morning, everyone. Happy, let's say Tuesday. Making some breakfast eggs. Mommy made us some coffees. These are cool glasses. Amazon was a nice one. They're like perfect size.
30:37Take credit. I got them from a girl on coffee. Tick tock. So they're sick though. We have a meeting this morning with our potential landscaper for the cabin. We talked a little bit about them when we were at the antique and garden show. We kind of showed you their booth and exhibit.
30:53Anyways, we have a meeting with them this morning. And when you're doing a full scoped project, like master plan, you have to pay for the master plan. And then from there, you decide if you want to move forward with the plan. So this is our second master plan to pay for. And it's the one we're most excited for. So fingers crossed on that.
31:13I think it's going to be good. We really like kind of eating the cost on whichever one we don't move forward with because you don't get that money back. So anyways, we have that meeting and my parents get in town tonight or this afternoon and staying down at South Hall. We should go do that little petting zoo thing or something. I think it was a pop up.
31:30But I'm going to walk. We need to find some stuff. There is not. South Hall is beautiful and it is a really cool hotel but it is kind of limited on what you can do. Especially this time of year when it is like a little chilly. When it is summer you can rent kayaks and paddle boards and go on the lake and all kinds of stuff. Anyways, that is an update. Sorry for rambling. Good morning.
31:54We just got re-ingested this morning and last time we met with this landscaper the whole time. Like, Julie was looking at me and she was like, you're so nasally. What's going on? She was like embarrassed of me in front of this landscaper. And here we are today again. You want some of this cottage cheese?
32:10There's not much left. I know. I mean, I would love some but I'm just trying to be nice. Yeah, I'm trying to be nice to you.
32:18Thanks, that's great. No, you're going to have more than me. You're going to have a baby.
32:23We've got smoky breakfast already. We've got sausage, eggs with cheese, yogurt with almond butter and a little fruit salad. We get the ciggies. There's a low sugar one and it's only two grams of sugar. I don't think that's going to focus but pretty good.
32:48You want to go see daddy? Daddy's downstairs. You want to go see him? We have breakfast ready for you.
32:56Kind sir, your breakfast awaits. Your gourmet chef has been cooking for you all morning. Come on, let's go. Okay, you bring that. Let's go. Bye. Okay, bye. See you later.
33:15Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Okay. Daddy's downstairs. Ready?
33:24We're starting the wood ceiling that we have been talking about for so long. The tongue and groove wood ceiling.
33:30But first we had to approve the wood, then we had to sort the wood, then we had to make sure we had all the enough wood. Like it's been so many steps to get to this moment. For about two weeks.
33:38But they're physically like nailing it up on the ceiling today so we're so excited to see it.
33:42We've been working on this tongue and groove literally. When did we have the first time meeting with them? I don't know. It's been a whole thing. It's been kind of stressful.
33:49But we're really excited for this piece of the project. That's why we're putting so much energy into it and effort and time and attention.
33:56And it's the center room, like the first room you walk into, so it has to be right. It does.
34:01And so we've been really specific about the tones and the organization and how it's laid out and all that kind of stuff.
34:07I think it comes. Oh, that's a level spreader maybe. Maybe it sends it that way. Yeah, through here maybe. And I don't know if. Nice.
34:17Windy today. It's so windy. We just had our landscape meeting up on the table out back and everything looks so good.
34:25But it was so windy, like all the papers were blown around. But it's like, how do you say like no to any of it?
34:31I'm like, I'll just work first round. We were kind of letting them know our budget over the past couple of weeks.
34:36And she was like, well, let's just like shoot for the stars and then y'all can like delete things to get in line with your budget.
34:41But you don't want to delete anything. But we'll probably have to refine it a little bit. Don't you think? Yeah, definitely. Dial it back.
34:48Dial it back. It's so beautiful. It's gorgeous. She is talented. She's super talented.
34:54Anywho, this is looking good. We are heading down to South Hall today like we told y'all.
35:00So we'll miss part of this, but we'll be coming back in a couple of days to check in on the progress. Hopefully they'll be finished.
35:06Is that one of the darker pieces? Yeah, that's like one of the darker rows.
35:14You'll kind of see like a dark row every once in a while, but we just didn't want to have like one dark row through the center.
35:20And it looked like stripey.
35:23We're like going to look at it when it's up and we're like, oh, it's so dark.
35:27But then once you take the boards off the front door, you're getting a whole wall of sunshine.
35:31And then you have light in here and like our own lighting lamps, the light fixtures, all that kind of stuff.
35:38But it doesn't feel too dark to me. Like it matches the beam color.
35:42And also any of the breakings, like you see over there how that final board is like a little darker.
35:49But the beams going to be on it and like the beams create a separation visually for your eyes.
35:54So you won't be able to tell.
35:56We're also coming back over here in about an hour or two with my parents because they're going to get into town.
36:02And they want to see the place before we head down to South Hall.
36:05So they'll probably have a few more rows done here in a little bit.
36:09Also, small update. After all the electrical was done, we added two more sconces here.
36:13And so they had to come in and break into the wall to create the electrical outlet for these two sconces.
36:19Last update. I don't think they were done with these beams yet in here.
36:24They had this beam to go and these two beams to add on our last update.
36:29So those are finished now.
36:31All these walls are going to be plaster and it looks really cool how these beams,
36:36they kind of cut a little niche in here where it looks like scribed to the fireplace.
36:43But you won't be able to tell when all the plaster is up.
36:46It'll look like the fireplace is built around the beams, which would be really cool.
36:49And Julia showed on Instagram. I'll put a picture here on the screen.
36:53But they added the light fixture hole to the beam, the center beam.
36:58And we'll have that, a couple of sconces in the sitting nook.
37:03But it's going to look so freaking good.
37:07Alright y'all, we're back from South Hall. We did that with my parents for two nights.
37:11It was just like a quick 48 hours.
37:13It was really nice to spend time with them.
37:15Let them hang out with Smokey, show them the cabin and whatnot.
37:18But we are back.
37:20And back in the routine, Julia and I just went to F45.
37:25She did the 4.30pm class. I did the 5.30pm class.
37:28We needed it.
37:29After hanging a couple of days off.
37:31You know when family or friends are in town and you're going to a lot of restaurants.
37:34And you're just eating breakfast, lunch and dinner out.
37:37I don't know. It just felt like...
37:39We felt slow.
37:41So we did a nice refresh. A little cardio.
37:44Do you hear it Smoke?
37:46Honk honk, honk honk.
37:50Every time a firetruck goes by, he runs to the window and he's like...
37:53Anyways, it was a good time with my family.
37:55And we're back. Worked out.
37:56Now we're making Le Bol.
37:58Salmon and rice and arugula and tomatoes.
38:00And parmesan.
38:02On the way back from South Hall.
38:04We stopped by the cabin just to see the progress.
38:06I would say they're probably 3 quarters of the way done.
38:09Maybe more than that.
38:11And then they'll do the beams after that.
38:13I imagine they'll do the beams tomorrow because they probably finished with that.
38:16We can't forget, we have to take the gas lanterns over there in the morning.
38:19First thing.
38:21They're going to be hanging the gas lanterns on the exterior.
38:23And there are a total of...
38:24There's 8 gas lanterns.
38:26And so it's going to be nice.
38:28Flicker from the street.
38:30It's going to be sweet when it's all done.
38:32So that'll be sweet.
38:34Those will be hung up.
38:36And then I guess the lighting fixtures will start arriving at some point, right?
38:38Yep, pretty soon.
38:40You like it?
38:42They should all be here within a month.
38:44You can just hang them up as you want to.
38:46We'll give you those updates as those take place.
38:48Anywho, it is coming along.
38:52It tastes great.
38:57Good morning you guys.
38:59It is Friday, end of the week.
39:02It is Friday today, I didn't realize.
39:04I know.
39:06Hunter and I are off to the cabin.
39:08We're dropping off some lights for the outside.
39:10All the gas lanterns.
39:12For our electricians today.
39:14And I'm just going to do a quick little loop around there.
39:16We're there basically every day as you guys can see in this vlog right now.
39:19It's actually interesting because sometimes I'm like, oh sorry we're in the way.
39:22But every time we're there they're like, oh I have a question for you.
39:25So it's helpful that we pop in.
39:27I think so too.
39:29And like might as well Hunter and I's style is, well Hunter's style is over communicate.
39:35And he has taught me that too.
39:37So now, and I'm not as good as you, but I'm learning.
39:40If you over communicate then there's no error from the communication.
39:45The error is from like someone actually making an error.
39:49And you're like, well I told you, you need to listen.
39:53So in this process specifically, when there's money involved, over communicate.
39:58And when you're paying money, make sure it's done right.
40:01And so we show up every day, especially now that the interior stuff is taking place.
40:06And it's like, no the tile's supposed to be laid this way.
40:09Here's the picture that you have.
40:11Here's the tile details.
40:13Here's the CAD drawing.
40:15You have all this stuff, do it right, here you go.
40:16So it's like popping in each day to catch like one, any errors.
40:19But be there to answer any questions that they might have that might not have been communicated.
40:22And even with things like laid out and clear, there's still things like where you're like,
40:26oh, they were like, I'm just going to do it this way.
40:28And you're like, no, no, no, no, no.
40:30So anyways, we're going to go reign in the subs.
40:33Even though our GC is so good.
40:35He's incredible.
40:37But we like to just hover.
40:39And like we like to see everything that's being done right now.
40:41Because there's like a new thing every week.
40:43I just lost my extension.
40:44Did you leave it?
40:50Let me open the garage.
40:56I don't think we showed this on the vlog yet, but we got a garage door.
40:58And it is a base.
41:00So it doesn't have the design on it because we're having our wood siding.
41:06Added to it in a chevron pattern.
41:10That we like.
41:11So they have the garage door and then they have the wood installed on it.
41:14And then they have to respring it based on the new weight of the garage.
41:20So they can't like, it doesn't work yet because they have to add the wood.
41:24All right.
41:26Here is our primary bath flooring going in doing the pavers again in here,
41:30but they're more of like a gray mixed palette, which I love.
41:35The ones that I showed upstairs are more of like a beige, but this is so pretty.
41:39And he's been working on this past few days.
41:42This is the one he drew the niche.
41:45It's just so big.
41:47I think it needs to be just like a little bit smaller.
41:49We had it at 30 inches and he thinks it should be 48.
41:52And I'm like, it looks a little big to me, but it might not be that big of a deal.
41:56Anyways, this is looking gorgeous.
41:58My dream floors.
42:00I'm so happy.
42:02They look really good, huh?
42:04He's so funny.
42:06He probably put that so that no one would have to walk on the.
42:08It's looking good.
42:10Yeah, it looks really good.
42:12He's kind of a perfectionist.
42:14You kind of have to be for tile dyeing.
42:16I like the, um.
42:18The mix.
42:20Yeah, the color variation.
42:22Me too.
42:23Kind of makes it.
42:25I know.
42:27See, that's what I'm saying.
42:29Like with the wood, I'm glad we had variation because if you go,
42:31you saw upstairs, it's just one color, how flat it is.
42:33But like, it's nice to have, like normally you'd probably pick out that stone,
42:35but like it ends up looking good in here.
42:37You should even see like a new build.
42:39That's what I feel like it is.
42:41Like you're in Europe.
42:43You're not getting a niche that big.
42:45Like I always try to bring it back to that, like more of a traditional.
42:47Cozy feeling.
42:51Why don't we tell them then just go back to 30.
42:53Well, 30 is you're knocking off nine inches from each side.
43:00It's plenty big.
43:02That's why I'm like, I'm confused.
43:04Why are you tripping?
43:0540, maybe.
43:09Losing four inches.
43:13I need to do a little bit more.
43:15I mean, it doesn't really matter at the end of the day,
43:17but I walk through every bathroom and I measured the freaking niches.
43:20And then it's like, why is every guy come through here
43:22trying to boss me around changing it?
43:24It's like, you're not the designer.
43:28It's annoying.
43:30Do you want to go 30 or 40?
43:32Cause now you're changing.
43:33I'm not trying to make him happy.
43:35I'll do 40.
43:37Then do it.
43:39I'll just do 40.
43:41So it doesn't, I'll be like, okay, well it's me in the middle.
43:4316 by 40.
43:47I'm worried about the bench situation.
43:49Cause he doesn't have a visual picture.
43:51He has the CAD, right?
43:53Yeah, but.
43:55Is it wrong?
43:57The CAD doesn't say, oh, it's a slap face and a slap seat.
43:59Like all that kind of stuff.
44:03I'll take the job.
44:33Good morning, guys.
44:35We, um, this is our tower.
44:37That's what he usually stands in when he eats his meals.
44:39And it converts down to a little table.
44:41So he's been obsessed.
44:43Oh my gosh.
44:45Oh my gosh.
44:47Oh my gosh.
44:49Oh my gosh.
44:51Oh my gosh.
44:53Oh my gosh.
44:55Oh my gosh.
44:57Oh my gosh.
44:59Oh my gosh.
45:01Oh my gosh.
45:03Oh my gosh.
45:05He really wants the camera.
45:07He's trying to.
45:11It's okay.
45:13Well, it's all right to be sad.
45:15It's okay.
45:17Um, anyways, he loves it.
45:19He's been like, we pulled it out the past three days and turned it into a table and he's obsessed.
45:24We went to this little play gym the other day and there was a table there and he wanted to sit in the chairs the whole time.
45:30In and out and in and out and in and out versus anything else there.
45:34So I was like, he's ready for a little table.
45:36So he's loving eating.
45:38He really likes it a lot.
45:40He loves it.
45:42He feels so big.
45:44We were trying to watch Mufasa last night and Julie and I were on the couch watching it and trying to get smoke over there, but he just wanted to sit right here.
45:48So cute.
45:50Saturday today and Hunter and I are taking a sourdough making class, which we're so excited about.
45:57It's out at the Tina Meadow.
45:58It's like this property out in Leapers Fork and they run classes and stuff and they have a really beautiful property.
46:05Um, so we have a sitter coming for Smokey so that we can go do that.
46:10And Hunter and I have talked about making sourdough for a while now.
46:13So we're excited to learn and hoping we can learn the basics.
46:17Learning how to make a starter.
46:18Um, all that stuff.
46:20Keep a starter.
46:22Keep a starter.
46:28Breakfast time for mom and dad.
46:30Smokey's eating some berries.
46:32Mommy made a little breakfast burrito.
46:34Eggs, Canadian bacon, cheese, avocado.
46:37Eggs, Canadian bacon, cheese, avocado.
46:40It's delicious.
46:42We've been kind of on a Canadian bacon kick.
46:44I know.
46:45It's really good at Whole Foods.
46:46Try it.
46:47It's delicious.
46:48Cook it like bacon.
46:49Alright y'all, we just pulled up to our sourdough class and we're ready.
46:54We're ready to learn to make sourdough.
46:55We're ready.
46:56We said if we don't leave this class with SDK, some sourdough knowledge, we'll be upset.
47:04I'm excited.
47:05We're stoked.
47:06Smokey was just going down for his nap.
47:07Do you think we actually make some sourdough here or do we just learn how to make the starter?
47:12I think it's like a, are we like taking notes here?
47:14It's like a classroom.
47:15I mean it's like three hours so I think it's going to be like educational is my guess.
47:19We're like learning every step of the process.
47:22It'll be awesome.
47:23Here is the property of Patina.
47:25It's so cute.
47:28That's where the class is and the shed.
47:30That's called the shed right there.
47:32And we're going in.
47:33Let's do it.
47:40Hunter is shaping our sourdough loaf.
47:42We learned a bunch of techniques yesterday.
47:45Cover it.
47:47And it goes in the fridge now?
47:48It goes in the fridge.
47:49Yeah, we took our sourdough class yesterday.
47:51Couldn't really film in there.
48:08What's up you guys?
48:09Good morning.
48:10We had a nice little morning.
48:13We went to the gym.
48:15Now we have a meeting here at the cabin here in about ten minutes.
48:17We're here early.
48:18So we're just sitting out front chilling.
48:21And we're coming up with like other mock-ups for some of the trim details in the house
48:27we've been like working on on our phones.
48:29It's coming together.
48:30A lot of, I feel like the decision fatigue is over kind of.
48:34Don't you feel like?
48:36But now it's just like.
48:38Executing and making sure that it's coming together the way you want it.
48:41And that you are.
48:44Standing by your decisions.
48:46Like it's easy to be talked out of something and sometimes it's like standing up for what
48:49you want.
48:50All that kind of stuff.
48:51And that's in like anything you're doing.
48:53I know.
48:54But we're starting to really learn like on the design side there are certain things where
48:58like certain trades will say like oh well that's not possible or like oh this is the
49:01way I normally do it.
49:02It's all possible.
49:03And you really have to like stand up and be like no this is what I want.
49:06This is how I want it.
49:07Please do it this way.
49:09And if there is some kind of technology that I don't know about like educate me.
49:14Let me know the details and then we can figure out how to go from there.
49:17Instead of just relying on like the way you typically do it.
49:19You know.
49:20At the same time you want to like put trust in your trade.
49:23But from a design standpoint you want to stand up for.
49:26What you want.
49:27What you want.
49:29Oh you should tell them about Ashley and Courtney.
49:32Oh I wanted to give a little shout out to our friends back in Texas.
49:36I know a lot of you guys are Texas folk and we used to live in Prosper Texas.
49:41It's like a DFW area.
49:43A lot of you guys probably live around there.
49:46And our friends opened a med spa probably like two years ago now and they just.
49:50In Prosper.
49:51It's called Perfectly Made and they.
49:55Our friend was a CRNA nurse.
49:57She's like one of the smartest people I know.
49:59And they opened a med spa with like literally everything you could imagine.
50:04Botox filler.
50:06They do hormone therapy.
50:11They do weight loss injections.
50:13They do tattoo removal.
50:16I mean I was like every service.
50:17All the skin treatments.
50:18Every service you would ever want at a med spa they have.
50:21And she's just like such a smart nurse that I'm like that's the place you would want to go.
50:26If you're like getting some shit done or like doing something with your body that's like medical.
50:31And she was the nurse that like worked with an anesthesiologist.
50:33So she went through like all the schooling and stuff like that where you have your anesthesiologist.
50:37And then you have the person that actually come and gives you the anesthesia.
50:41She was the person that would come give you the anesthesia.
50:43Anyways they just got awarded best med spa in the area.
50:47Like number one med spa.
50:49And so that's really exciting.
50:50We're really happy for them.
50:51And they're just so great at what they do.
50:52They're really good people.
50:53It took a leap of faith in like opening it up literally like a year and a half, two years ago.
50:56And they're killing it.
50:58They're doing really well.
50:59And yeah I don't know.
51:00It's great.
51:02And they're just really good people.
51:05They said if y'all go in and want a treatment, y'all can get $100 off of Botox or 30% off any other service.
51:12Just tell them that we sent you and they'll honor the discount.
51:16They weren't open when we lived there or else I would have gone.
51:18They were like brainstorming the idea at the time.
51:21So they've since opened since we've been in Nashville.
51:24But you guys check them out if you're in the area.
51:26I think we vlogged at their house a couple times back in the day.
51:29Did we?
51:30They have like a big farm and like longhorns and stuff.
51:32Did we ever show that?
51:34I thought we did.
51:35I don't know.
51:36I'm pretty sure we did.
51:38We'll leave them linked down below.
51:39It's called Perfectly Made.
51:40If you guys are in there.
51:42We'll leave all the information down below.
51:44Really great people.
51:45Check them out.
51:46Perfectly Made in Prosper.
51:47Number one med spa in the area.
51:49Anywho guys.
51:50They've pretty much wrapped up the ceiling details in the living room.
51:56But one of the things we were working on here in the car is our powder bath.
52:00I think we showed that we're using a lot of the dark wood in the powder bath.
52:05Tongue and groove.
52:06Like the whole room's gonna be dark tongue and groove woods all around the wall and the
52:11We're maybe worried it's gonna be a bit too dark.
52:13And we're using the dark wood.
52:15That's the look we wanted to go for.
52:16But like Julia said with it being all covered in wood and like just like dim lighting in
52:20there we're afraid it's a little too dark.
52:22So we're brainstorming other ideas where we might start it.
52:26Imagine like a Wayne's coat like in like a bedroom or something like that.
52:30We're thinking about doing like a Wayne's coat siding in a way that goes pretty high
52:37With like a foot gap at the top.
52:38And since that hallway going to the bathroom will be plaster we should just do plaster
52:43around the top.
52:45And then the ceiling.
52:47And that might lighten it up just a little bit.
52:48We're also trying to do a Wayne's coat in one of the guest bedrooms.
52:51It's a smaller bedroom.
52:53But we're wanting to do a Wayne's coat in there.
52:55And like if we were to be living here it would probably be where we would make a nursery
52:58or something like that.
52:59It's the smallest bedroom in the house.
53:02And so we want to measure it as if someone would use it as a nursery.
53:06Or a kids room.
53:07It's like a smaller room.
53:08The Wayne's coat would be high enough where it sits behind like a bed or a crib or something
53:13like that.
53:14Okay so we're in the bathroom.
53:15It's pretty dark.
53:16Can you hear the powder bath?
53:17Actually getting pretty good light right now.
53:19Can you see the light?
53:21It's pretty dark in here.
53:24You can see how dark the wood is.
53:38I think it needs to be a little bit more than one foot.
53:43I'm thinking even like.
53:4716 is kind of looking good to me.
53:49I don't want to look too dinky.
53:51I think it needs to be like 16 inches higher at least.
53:5514 is too small to me.
53:57Let's call it 16.
54:01And we're going to do it all the way around?
54:03Should we mark it with a pencil?
54:04So no.
54:05We just want 16.
54:06So wood's going to go up to 16.
54:09And then we'll have a piece of trim all the way around.
54:13And then plaster and plaster.
54:16Hanging the beams today on the wood ceiling.
54:19Looks so good.
54:20They already have two up.
54:21This is how they do it.
54:22They raise it up.
54:26On this machine.
54:40Case opening is all sealed in with the beams.
54:43It looks so pretty.
54:45We originally weren't going to do that but I'm really glad we did now.
54:49The more the better.
54:51The more layers.
54:52I'm learning.
54:53Just better and better and better.
54:54It looks so good.
54:56First sourdough is made.
54:57And it looks delicious.
54:58We've had it cooling for like an hour outside on the table.
55:02On the counter.
55:03I'm going to just put it back in here now that this has cooled down a little bit.
55:08But it is perfect.
55:11At least on the outside.
55:13Everything he told us on the outside is looking great.
55:15But we'll have to cut into it later.
55:17When we go to our friend's house to see how it turned out.
55:21You excited to try our sourdough?
55:26Now we're over here tracing hands and feet.
55:31Is that your foot?
55:32Say my toes.
55:34Let's see your feet, Smokey.
55:38You want to do a different color?
55:44You want daddy's hand?
55:49Here, why don't you get this one.
55:52That's my left hand, so it's not good.