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00:00What's good JD Fam! Welcome back to another lit video
00:03You dig, dig, dig. If it's your first time ever watching our channel, make sure you press that subscribe button right now
00:10We are in drumroll Tacoma, Washington
00:14Julie's hometown. It's my hometown. I'm from Tacoma, Washington if you guys don't know
00:19You should know by now, but I'm from Tacoma, Washington
00:22We just got in yesterday
00:23Yeah, we're just visiting family
00:25Kind of just out here just it's like a little vacation for us
00:28We were supposed to go to Hawaii with my family, but Koaw is on spring break right now
00:34And they're going next week when he gets off of spring break
00:37So we decided instead of going to Hawaii with them just come out here visit them visit family just eat some good food
00:43Yeah, Koaw loves hanging out with them. So he's already with them. He spent the night with them having a good old time
00:49So we get our little alone time and what are we gonna do with that right now, babe?
00:52Well, we're about to go to the gym first things first
00:55Me and Destiny have been on our stuff trying to you know, just be healthy and in a positive mindset at all times
01:01So about to start our morning off with a workout. It's Saturday. We got a lot of steps today
01:06We're gonna go watch the UFC. We're actually gonna go hang out with my mom and them
01:10We don't know what we're doing
01:11But that's what we're doing. We just honestly just going day by day. We're gonna go try a good coffee shop
01:17Yeah, we're about to go try it because i'm into coffee now, so i'm about to we're definitely about to try some coffee
01:21Gotta go hit that nino because you know, it's that time if you ain't in the discord i'm telling y'all right now, bro
01:27We running up a bag
01:29It's ufc today. I hope y'all you know what i'm saying. It ain't nothing to play with
01:32Okay, so we worked out and we came down to come get some coffee
01:36I got a creme brulee latte
01:39Very good, and then I got some avocado toast julius is back there because we rented a turro
01:44And we came in the car this morning and actually there was some in here yesterday too
01:47But there's little ants that we're finding in here
01:52Now i'm like super itchy. It's I know it's all in my head, but
01:56I don't know. I can't get that itch out of my head now
01:58So we're gonna go um, probably take the car to get vacuumed and then go on about our day
02:03This is my avocado toast that I got
02:08Good morning
02:11It's a new day and we have lots of plans
02:13I gotta stop by that nino thing last night for four biggities. I gotta keep it going baby
02:19Stop by the nino and then we're doing something fun for all of us, especially for coco
02:24We are going on a nice little family hike like alongside the water
02:28We did this one time when we came and koa loved it, but he was smaller back then
02:32So now he's really gonna love it and he's back with us as you can hear
02:36Here he is
02:38Oh, he's gone
02:41He's so happy you're having fun lovey these two are so cute they always just look like twins from behind
02:49Come on
02:51Whoa, there you go. Coco. Good job. Thank you
03:02Handsome well done don't go out
03:05Go down
03:06Oh, that's the wrong one. Look at how cute my baby is
03:10And we got him some rain boots. They're still in the car
03:12But he's gonna put the rain boots on for the hike first stop down. We got our coffee and oh my gosh
03:17We came at the perfect time because when I went in there
03:20There was literally nobody in there and then right after I finished ordering a huge group of people came
03:26I think they were like running a 5k or something because there's like literally hundreds of people there now
03:32Yeah, it's sunday. I think it's like sunday run day or something. That's what they call it out here
03:36Oh, really?
03:37It's sunday run day and then everybody like goes to the waterfront
03:40They had something something active going on though that we were not a part of I kind of felt like hey
03:45They're over here running and then getting their coffee. We're about to go on a hike though. We're good. True. We are
03:50Coco got a smoothie back there enjoying that julia scott. What'd you get babe? I got a white, uh, ice white mocha
03:59All right, y'all so we in my neck of the woods right here
04:01Well, this is where I would come like on a nice sunny day come down here
04:06Enjoy the vibes no day nice sunny day. Sometimes people will come over here and barbecue right there
04:13People play football play catch with the football over here
04:16Some people swim now. This is called owens beach. So we're at owens beach right now a long time ago
04:22It looked a lot differently than this, but they like upgraded it a lot. They put like a little slide right there. They added that thing
04:30Everything it's nice right here though
04:32And then you can walk all the way like you can keep going just walk for but the views out here in washington
04:39I feel like they're yeah, they're like unbeatable
04:42It's not like views as if you're like in miami and you got like penthouse vibes and stuff like that
04:48It's nature like you're getting straight nature straight beauty straight trees birds yesterday. We were in hoodsport, washington
04:56Oh, they're getting in the water over there. They're doing a polar plunge
05:01Yeah, I would never be able to polar plunge see me you get it babe
05:05I've done the polar plunge a long time ago. You see this thing out here in december
05:08It was called the polar plunge and you go to the dock and everybody does I think it was like on the
05:13First of december and you go out there and you just jump into the water
05:17freezing cold
05:19That's just what it is what we do out here. Nobody freaking got frostbite. I mean some people probably got frostbite
05:25But me, you know, i'm a real savage all these things right here. There's like little trails up here
05:30So like if you we would just walk on this whole path and we would go far back there
05:35And then we would climb up these trails and just try to figure out different little trails different passages to go through
05:42This high all the way up to where we are now. Yeah, most definitely comes up. Yeah, the tide will come up right here
05:47Yeah, see this is like a low tide
05:49You can tell when the tide's coming up though because you can like literally see
05:54The water like right now you can see the water like it looks like we're moving with the water, right?
05:58Yeah, so that means the tide's coming in so you got to be careful. So the water is way down there. Oh, I see it
06:04Yeah, it is coming up. So the water is way down there
06:08On our way back. I guarantee you the water is going to be probably
06:12Close. Yeah close to
06:14Close to like right there that that brown wooden thing right there. It's probably going to be close to that
06:20Because look I think last time we came the tide did start getting high on the way back
06:24We had to hurry back told y'all look
06:26Look warning beach walkers
06:28Maybe stranded at high tide. I'm telling y'all share the shore do not disturb
06:34There'd be sea lions and a whole lot of stuff up in here
06:37Good cocoa. He's enjoying this stuff
06:42My boy loves the nature though if you guys don't know koa
06:45His favorite thing in the world is just being outside and exploring nature
06:50Like he's just looking at the water. He just likes to
06:53Explore stop somewhere to view take the moment in. Oh, you're about to fall. Oh my gosh. Oh told you it's okay though
07:00You okay? Good job. Come on. Come on, bubba. You need help
07:04I got your help. Oh, you're okay. You're okay. Let's go. Come on, baby. Come on
07:17All right, y'all can you guys see this view though you guys see the mountain in the back
07:21Look at the mountain behind destiny
07:24Wow amazing. Oh, yeah, I see that mountain. This is an amazing shot
07:29There's snow up there right now, babe. I know we should go snowboarding. Did you ever go snowboarding up there?
07:33I did go snowboarding. You can't go to the water. There you go. Come on. You wanna go to the water?
07:37We can walk over there. It's gonna stop right here. We're gonna have to walk on the water. So
07:43Yes, so that's one big thing about washington is we don't have the sand beaches like
07:48Our beaches are not the beaches that you're gonna go to in miami and stuff like
07:51Our beaches are the beaches that you might not get in the water if you don't like cold water, bro
07:56Now we're walking on the actual beach
07:59This is so beautiful though. You guys look at this. We got the ocean on one side
08:04nature on one side
08:08So gorgeous, that's a good throw baby good throw it higher
08:14Good one good one. That was a good throw good one again
08:22This is literally koa's exact vibe. Oh my god, he loves this stuff. This is his thing. He loves nature being outside. He don't care if he's cold
08:32Is that cool baby
08:35You're having so much fun. Throw the rock throw it and mama could throw in tulips
08:39Throw the rock throw it and mama could throw in tulips
08:51Did I do it it did a little skip just try again
08:57No, yeah, that wasn't okay again again ready
09:06You try that one didn't know I could skip for sure
09:10No, how do you do it? So we got this big cement slide right here
09:15This is owens beach right here. This is like the history of it
09:19This is what it used to look like and I think it's the 30s
09:22It was popping out here. This was where it was at. You know what i'm saying?
09:26I'm, not gonna read all this but if you guys want to you guys can look baby's going down. He's going down. He's going down
09:32Going down
09:39That was a nice little little run there buddy, okay, come on here bro go again
09:48That fun baby go again. All right y'all so they're in the water right now, I think they're just doing some snorkeling
09:56That was a fast one, but they're over there doing some snorkeling
09:59Honestly, it's extremely cold to do some snorkeling
10:04Yeah insane the water is way too cold, all right, okay i'll do it though
10:09All right, you guys oh
10:12We got our favorite sandwich place msm deli every time we come to washington we always
10:19Have to come here
10:20We only got a couple days left out here
10:27As a kid I grew up eating these sandwiches so like when I go to sandwich spots
10:32It's like I have a big expectation on how a sandwich should taste, you know
10:37And like msm from the outside it does not look like anything special it looks like
10:41Kind of like rundown little hole in the wall, but their sandwiches are so freaking good. But look at how huge they are
10:47This is a nine inch
10:49This is like ridiculous. What size would you say this is going on right there though? I ain't playing around
10:55I'm on snap guys. I told you we're on snap 24 seven
10:59You guys better follow us on snap, but we're on snap
11:02Way more than anything it's like the most active we've ever been on any platform in our entire
11:10Cheers, babe. Damn. That's you got the biggest bite. Why is mine so big? Is it does my bread look bigger than yours?
11:26They got perfect ratios
11:28Perfect not too much meat pause and soft bread
11:33We got turkey provolone with mayo mustard lettuce
11:37Onion, well, they didn't put the tomato on mine probably because I said no tomato
11:42And then sprouts sorry about the snoring y'all
11:45Cole is back there. I know he sounds like a grown man, but he's sick right now. He has like
11:50His whole nose. Everything is congested. So that's why he's snoring if you live in washington
11:55You guys gotta try msn, this is how well my husband knows me
11:59Always gets me a coke zero. Yeah, like that sneeze like even though she's my wife
12:04She's also my best friend. Like I know her like the back of my hand like
12:08If i'm going to get some food, I know exactly what she's gonna want
12:11We gotta tell you guys some funny not even now. It's funny because we're past it
12:16But babe, you gotta tell them the story about what just happened. We had literally the craziest
12:22Like parenting scare that we've ever had not scared but like so bad for me
12:27Basically, not for me. Cole is like very smart and like but at the same time this is like
12:32Kind of crazy because this is the first time that something ever happened, but basically cola in our hotel
12:37He basically knows and he's obsessed with taking the elevator. Yeah, like he's obsessed with it
12:41So the other day we're playing like kind of tag and i'm like, you know
12:45Our hotel room is kind of far away from the elevator or whatever
12:47So i'm hiding around all these walls and like popping out scaring him every time he's running and stuff
12:52So I let him run in front of me
12:53You know i'm saying like chasing him like he's laughing and stuff like that and he runs and he's probably
12:59I'll say like not too far ahead of me like I can still see him but there's like a lot of turns
13:04Yeah, but there's a lot of turns so he turned and I wasn't at the turn yet
13:08And I was smashing I was running because I was chasing him like laughing whatever and I can hear him laughing at the same time
13:13So he turns and he hits the elevator button the elevator opened right away because the elevator was already on our floor
13:21But before he hit the elevator button, he hit the emergency button
13:26By the time I had already ran over there i'm running over there
13:29I'm thinking that like i'm about to pop up and scare him. All I hear is sir. Is everything okay? Is everything okay?
13:34i'm like what i'm like
13:37Hold on cold press that and he pressed that and he's in the elevator
13:41Bro, this dude pressed the elevator went in the elevator and went down by him down you guys right into the lobby by himself, bro
13:49And we like we were obviously like right behind him on the other side of the elevator
13:53So like one opened and the other one opened like right after but it was still like this dude
13:59It's crazy because he's growing so much that he's just like starting to
14:03Like think he can do stuff on his own and stuff like that, but he can't so now that that happened
14:08It's kind of like a learning lesson from him
14:10For him now, he won't go in the elevator before us. He waits till we get on
14:14Yeah, and that was a learning lesson for me now
14:16I know don't let him run in front of me and like we can't play that game no more because he's too old and he
14:21You know i'm saying he pressed that button. He went down there
14:24I didn't even get to talk to the emergency lady. She probably saw something was going on. Cole was downstairs and it was
14:31For me it was scary though because I had like went back to the room because I forgot something in there
14:35So I went back to the room so I was still even a little bit behind them
14:39And so that's why julius was also kind of like play with him distract him and like wait for me to stall time
14:45So I get over by the elevator and it's just pure chaos
14:48Like julius is literally on the phone with freaking 9-1-1 on the speaker
14:52And then i'm like, where's koa? He said koa went in the elevator. I'm like i'm thinking he's kidding
14:55I'm like, no, he didn't like
14:58I swear he went down by himself. I'm like, no, he didn't but the other one was opening right then and there so
15:04When I got there the other one was already open but and it was filled with people so they're probably like
15:09These people are like what's going on?
15:12We go down and then I guess a lady was waiting down there in the lobby to take the elevator herself
15:18So I just keep pictures like this lady just sitting there waiting for her elevator
15:22The door opens and it's just a little three-year-old in there by himself. She was probably like
15:27So confused but good thing she was right there waiting. So she just walked out right there
15:31She just kind of started walking him over to the front desk and then we got down we just like grabbed him and then
15:37We just like went in the car because I was like, oh my gosh
15:40This is just pure chaos. And then when we were talking about it, wasn't he laughing about the story, babe?
15:45Like he thought it was so funny that he did that
15:47But now he learned his lesson because he will not get on without us anymore so far
15:52We're enjoying our stay i'm not gonna lie for me
15:56I don't know if it's just me or if it's everybody but I kind of get out into that burnt out stage to where it's like
16:02It's fun traveling and you know being home and stuff like that
16:06But I just kind of you get homesick quick
16:09Yeah, I get homesick quick and I just like to be in my own stuff
16:13Like I like to drive my own car be my own car. I like to sleep in my own bed
16:18You know i'm saying shower in my own shower not live out of suitcases
16:21Yeah, not live out of suitcase because I ain't gonna lie pack the wrong boxes. I have no boxes
16:25I have to go to target today or else I won't have any boxes to wear and then it is fun
16:30Um being out here like doing things every day, but you do get tired and then koa
16:33He does not like being cooped up in that hotel room. It's too small for him
16:37So we have to like constantly be finding things for him to do or taking him outside to play
16:42It also has been raining a lot. So we haven't been able to like be outside as much
16:47But koa's still been having a good time. I went and got on a scooter today for sure
16:50No koa's been having a good time. It's it's been fun out here
16:53Like I said, we every time we come out here we have fun
16:55but you know i'm saying like it's crazy because
16:58A while ago like a couple months ago. We were like, hmm, maybe we might you know move back to this area
17:03So not to coma but like seattle bellevue area or something like that and like now that we're here
17:09Yeah, now that we're here
17:11Yeah, this is kind of more of like a obviously i'm from here and i'm born and raised here
17:15But this is like more of a place. I feel like now that i'm out of here
17:20This is more of a place to come visit friends family and stuff like that, you know
17:24It's cool to come visit for five to seven days and get all the food that I grew up eating and everything
17:30But living here you get tired of it
17:31Yeah living here you get tired tired of it and I like just being able to come visit, you know
17:38You know, I mean like I feel like I already lived here for a good amount of time
17:43I feel like maybe when I get older retire and we just want to like
17:47Be you know slow motion and it's kind of slower
17:51You'd probably never actually want to live here. Yeah, I probably never live out here again
17:54But it's such a west coast guy, even though this is west coast, but like this is like pacific northwest
17:59So this is different. Yeah, it's a little bit different, but i'm i'm definitely like a west coast like I love cali
18:05I love arizona cali. I like those type of vibes with the you know, palm trees wide roads
18:12A lot of stuff to do a lot of stuff to do out here
18:14There's not that much to do but it's like more outdoorsy stuff
18:17So it's hard to do when it's raining and then like california and arizona
18:21They both have all like the trendy spots not that we do a lot of like of the trendy stuff
18:25But it's still nice to have that option
18:26Like if you want to go try like a cool spot that you see on tiktok, you're not gonna find that out here sometimes
18:34Really? Yeah, seattle, but we'd never stay in seattle
18:37One thing we also found out is our hotel has a pool and it's heated so we're gonna be up in there soon tonight
18:43But we're about to finish eating this food y'all. This thing is
18:47We're not gonna be able to finish our food
18:49So we're gonna definitely have to take some home
18:51But we're just about to relax chill. Chloe's sick and here we're gonna figure some other stuff that we're gonna do later on
18:56All right, you guys that is it for this video. We are on our last day here in washington
19:01We're ready to get home julius ended up getting really sick as well
19:04So he's like literally out of commission like he has like full body chills and sore and just feels like crap
19:11I have like a super sore throat right here. So I know i'm getting sick, too
19:14It's like super tender right here and then koa coming down on his last few days of being sick
19:19So he's probably gonna be better soon if he's not already, but now mom and dad are barely getting it
19:24I'm, still cool, but julius he's he's going through it bad. So we are definitely ready to hit the road
19:30It has been nice while lasted I think for the rest of the day, we're just gonna rest
19:34We're also gonna take koa down to ride his scooter
19:37He loves riding his little scooter that we got him and then just try to pack up for tomorrow
19:41So I hope you guys enjoyed this video. We love you so much, and we will see you back home in texas
