• 7 hours ago
thank you guys so much for all the love and support, hope you enjoyed! ❤️

Valentina (​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠@basicvalentina)

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/valentinadamas?igsh=MWE0ejV0ZHZjemwzYQ==
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@basicvalentina?lang=en
YouTube: ​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠@basicvalentina

Jayco (​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠@Jaycoset)

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TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jaycoset?lang=en
YouTube: ​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠@Jaycoset


00:00Can I have your autograph?
00:02Me too!
00:04Oh my god!
00:06He's here!
00:08Show him baby!
00:10It's your favorite uncle!
00:12Say Santi!
00:14You sound different, you sound like a mom already!
00:16Oh my god!
00:18I'm going to be an athletic dancer
00:22My first uncle
00:24You're so beautiful!
00:26You're a grandma!
00:32You're the cutest thing that could happen to me
00:36He looks like Alejandro!
00:40He's going to be big!
00:42You're so beautiful!
00:50Your grandparents Mateo!
00:52So cute!
00:54Open your eyes!
00:58Mateo you have to see your grandma!
01:00Where's your grandma?
01:02You're so beautiful!
01:04You're going to grow up!
01:06You're going to ride a horse
01:08You're going to ride a horse
01:10You're going to ride a horse
01:12You're going to ride a horse
01:16I'm proud of you baby!
01:18I did it!
01:22Did you do it?
01:38Look at your granddaughter!
01:42Look at your granddaughter!
01:44There's my grandchild!
01:48We're here but we're so happy!
01:50Of course!
01:52God bless you!
01:54God bless your baby!
01:56Thank you grandma!
01:58Thank you so much!
02:00I finally have the baby!
02:02I can finally rest a little bit
02:04Yes grandma!
02:06You're an angel!
02:12You're so fat!
02:14Oh my god!
02:16You're so beautiful!
02:18You're so beautiful!
02:20He weighs 8.5 pounds!
02:22Can you imagine that?
02:24You're so beautiful!
02:26You're so beautiful!
02:28Yes grandma!
02:30You're so beautiful!
02:32I think that's Jacob
02:34Congratulations son!
02:36Thank you dad!
02:38I present to you the most powerful warrior in the world!
02:40You're a great warrior!
02:42Congratulations Valentina!
02:44Thank you so much!
02:46When you hear the prayers
02:48I was praying
02:50asking God to give you strength
02:52to give you the patience
02:54to give you the patience
02:56and especially to give you birth
02:58strong, healthy, and with a heart
03:00passionate for God's work
03:02Thank you God!
03:04Do you want to see it?
03:06Yes, put it on
03:08I want to see it!
03:10I'll put it on
03:12It came out to Valentina
03:14But he does have hair, look.
03:20Look at what Mateo is listening to because he is laughing.
03:22How beautiful, genius.
03:24Oh look at him.
03:26He smiled.
03:28Mateo looks like his grandfather.
03:30How beautiful.
03:32To me, to me.
03:34The same nose as mine, look.
03:36Look, you're going to have to change glasses, Mr. Reiva.
03:38I'm going to change my glasses.
03:40I'm going to change my glasses.
03:42You're going to have to change your glasses, Mr. Reiva.
03:46Everything went really well, thank you.
03:48Thank you, dad.
03:56He's mad, ma'am.
03:58Don't teach me that baby.
04:00Bring him here, I'm going to take him too.
04:12Oh my God, this doesn't look real.
04:14Is he okay?
04:16That's your nephew.
04:26Do you want to look at him?
04:28No, this is scary.
04:30He looks too fragile.
04:32I feel like if I touch him, he's going to break apart.
04:34Put your arms like this in this position.
04:36Put his head right there.
04:42This is a real baby.
04:46This is not just a baby.
04:48This is your nephew.
04:50This is your uncle.
04:52This is your son.
04:54You have a son.
04:56This is crazy.
04:58Why is he half asleep and half awake?
05:00Yes, he's always doing that.
05:02Which one are you?
05:04In short,
05:06in short,
05:08you can understand.
05:10We did the shocking thing and that was a contraction.
05:12Why is he making that face?
05:16He's worrying me a little bit.
05:20Basically, I was feeling those pains for 52 hours straight.
05:22What kept you going?
05:24The fact that I had to give birth.
05:26I had no choice.
05:28I had to do it.
05:30What's this baby when he's awake?
05:32Right now he's a newborn.
05:34All they do is eat and sleep.
05:36Give me a couple of side eyes right now.
05:38It's crazy how this little kid is going to grow up,
05:40walk one day,
05:42have a job one day.
05:44One day he's going to be like,
05:46I got to clock in.
05:48I got to pay rent.
05:50He's going to be worried about bills.
05:52He's going to be stressed.
05:54He's not worried about nothing though.
05:56It's just the start, buddy.
05:58You don't know what you got yourself into.
06:02Don't worry.
06:04Uncle Ray got your back.
06:06We'll see you, bro.
06:08We're actually going to go on a date.
06:10Let's go, babe.
06:12When are you going to choose Ray to babysit?
06:14When Matthew's like 15?
06:18He's stinking right now.
06:20Either that or he's pinching his nose because you stink.
06:22He's like,
06:26my uncle stinks.
06:28That's what he's looking like.
06:30He's looking like this.
06:32He's got spasms.
06:34I'll be having those too, man.
06:36He's going to be just like me.
06:38What's the Hunterian in him, man?
06:40He's going to be athletic,
06:42a dancer, 5'3".
06:46What's going on, guys?
06:48Welcome back to...
06:50Oh, no.
06:52Everybody, wait.
07:00I need to hold him now.
07:02I'm getting a little tired.
07:04My first uncle shift is over.
07:06Baby, what is he doing with those lips?
07:10We're calling Santi. Hopefully, he answers.
07:12Oh, no.
07:16Stop, bro.
07:18She did it, bro.
07:20She did it.
07:28Oh, thank you, bro.
07:3056 hours she was a neighbor, bro.
07:34I wanted to die, Santi.
07:36I'm telling you, I wanted to just end it all.
07:38I was so out of it.
07:40Are you okay?
07:42I'm going to show you him right now.
07:44I want you to understand how crazy it is.
07:48In two terms, basically, Valentina
07:50was feeling the pain of somebody
07:52stabbing her stomach every 4 minutes,
07:54sometimes every 2 minutes, every 1 minute
07:56for 56 hours straight,
07:58non-stop, with no sleep.
08:02Yes, bro. Start doing it.
08:04Bro, for real. I have so much respect
08:06for her now.
08:08I don't think I'll do this again.
08:10I think we're going to start adopting, but thank you.
08:12I would too, bro. That sounds horrible,
08:14but a blessing because Matthew's okay.
08:16I'm glad.
08:18Yes, yes, yes.
08:20Me, your uncle, Santi, Matthew.
08:26This is my baby, bro.
08:30That's my baby.
08:32Oh, he opened his eyes.
08:38That's your uncle Santi.
08:42The first word?
08:44That's crazy.
08:50Thank you, bro.
08:52Thank you for praying for us. That means a lot, right?
09:10She did it.
09:12Thank you. Yeah, I did it.
09:16My gosh.
09:18Don't cry.
09:26Thank you, guys.
09:28Thank you, guys.
09:34Yeah, it's crazy.
09:36All right. We love you.
09:38I did it, bro.
09:40I did it, bro.
09:42I pushed them out.
09:46I did it.
09:48Yes, dude.
09:50I'm about to cry. There's no way.
09:52Oh, bro.
09:54We're going to show you the baby. Are you ready?
09:56No way, dude.
09:58I'm already crying, bro.
10:00Stop it.
10:02Bro, I'm so...
10:04Oh, my gosh.
10:06There's no way.
10:08That's my son, bro.
10:14Bro, Valentina did such a good job.
10:16Thank you, bro.
10:18Oh, my gosh.
10:20No way.
10:22Valentina did an amazing job, bro.
10:24I'm so happy for you.
10:26Thank you, bro. It was the hardest thing I've ever done in my freaking life.
10:28And then, yeah, he came out.
10:30Can you see Matthew?
10:32Yes, of course.
10:34He's here.
10:36Show him, baby.
10:42Me, Pablo, and Yeti.
10:44Oh, my gosh.
10:48There's no way.
10:52Our dad, boys.
10:54So crazy.
10:56Congratulations. That's awesome.
10:58Yeah, thank you, guys.
11:00When was he born?
11:02It was crazy.
11:04Yeah, bro.
11:08Literally, yes.
11:10That's the perfect way to describe it, bro.
11:14Oh, my gosh.
11:20Thank you, bro.
11:22Bro, we're so happy already.
11:24We still can't believe this is our son, bro.
11:28It's like an actual person we've been waiting for.
11:30It's not just...
11:32I know it's going to be a while
11:34until I get to meet him and touch him and everything,
11:36but I can't wait.
11:38We're excited for that.
11:40We can't just keep him to ourselves.
11:42We're so excited.
11:44This shit was so amazing.
11:46I was just thinking about you.
11:48I was just thinking about you.
11:50Val could really be giving birth right now.
11:52We don't even know it.
11:54She was.
11:56Yeah, we wanted to surprise you guys.
11:58We'll see you soon, bro.
12:02Calling Hosey.
12:04If he responds, it'll be a miracle.
12:06No Hosey answer.
12:08Sorry, but we can't get to see
12:10the Hosey nonchalant reaction.
12:12He probably would've been like,
12:14Oh, that's cool, bro.
12:16That's crazy.
12:20What's up?
12:22Let me see you, bro.
12:24Wait, first say what's up to Valentino.
12:26We did it, bro.
12:28Well, I did it, but we made him together.
12:30I did it, bro.
12:32I pushed him off.
12:34How does it feel?
12:38We look at him and we're really responsible for this child.
12:40He is our responsibility.
12:42Hey, Perla.
12:44Valentino did an amazing job.
12:46No way.
12:48Yes, I did it.
12:50Yes, we're gonna show you guys.
12:52Matthew, meet your uncle and aunt,
12:56Oh my God, he's so cute.
12:58That's our baby.
13:00He's so tiny, bro.
13:04Thank you, guys.
13:06That's so nice, bro.
13:08Congrats, guys.
13:10Thank you, guys.
13:12He looks so cute.
13:14I love you guys, man.
13:16We just wanted to let you know that he's here and healthy.
13:18Can I get a little Hosey nonchalant reaction?
13:20I love you, Hosey.
13:22Take care, bro.
13:24Love you too, bro.
13:26That's crazy.
13:28Congrats again, bro.
13:30Thank you, bro.
13:32That means a lot.
13:34Appreciate it.
13:36Thank you, bro.
13:38Appreciate it.
13:40We got a little Hosey speech.
13:42Oh my God.
13:44Cute little baby.
13:46Congrats, bro.
13:48Congrats, bro.
13:52This is so crazy.
13:54I don't even know
13:56what to say, bro.
13:58I don't even know what to say, bro.
14:00My heart is literally pounding, bro.
14:02Oh my God, bro.
14:04That's insane, bro.
14:06Isn't it crazy that Jacob's a dad?
14:08Jacob, he's a dad.
14:10Bro, yes.
14:12Both of you are parents, bro.
14:14That's the crazy part.
14:16Jacob's crazy.
14:18The fact that he's responsible for a child
14:20is crazy.
14:22That's a huge blessing.
14:24Congrats to the both of y'all.
14:26That's insane.
14:28Thank you, Kev.
14:30Bro, congratulations
14:32to the both of y'all, bro.
14:34Thank you, Kev.
14:36If you ever need anything,
14:38don't hesitate to call.
14:40Congrats to the both of y'all.
14:42I love you guys a lot.
14:44Love you, Kev.
14:46You always have a friend in us.
14:48We're here for you.
14:50Damn, bro. That's crazy.
14:52When did you have it?
14:54Almost two weeks ago.
14:56Tomorrow will be two weeks.
14:58That's crazy.
15:00His name is Matthew?
15:04That's crazy.
15:06Matthew Damas.
15:08Love you, Kev.
15:10Love y'all too. God bless.
15:12Once again, bro, anything you need,
15:14let us know. Don't hesitate to reach out.
15:16Of course. Thank you guys so much.
15:18Hope y'all have a good rest of y'all day.
15:20You too, Kev.
15:28My friend be busy.
15:30Hello, girly.
15:32Hello. Wait, why can't I see you?
15:36I'm going to wait until you can see me.
15:38I'm not ready.
15:40Can you see me now?
15:42You sound different. You sound like a mom already.
15:44Yes, I think you do.
15:46Obviously, you know I gave birth.
15:48I just want to show you
15:50your little nephew.
15:52I'm going to cry.
16:00I love you.
16:02I love you.
16:04I love you.
16:06Hi, baby.
16:08He doesn't
16:10like my voice.
16:12Do you remember?
16:14I spoke to your mom's belly first moment.
16:16Hi, buddy.
16:18I just thank God because he's been
16:20so faithful.
16:22He's just a testament of that.
16:24I'm so proud of you.
16:26I can't contain how I feel
16:28and how proud I am of you
16:30and the woman that you are and how strong you are
16:32and how brave you've been.
16:34I'm so proud of you and I love you so much.
16:36I love you so much.
16:40Were you sleeping already?
16:42Yes, because I worked.
16:44Do you want us to call you back later, like tomorrow?
16:46No, I need to see my nephew.
16:48What are you talking about?
16:50I need to see that kid.
16:54First, get the crust out of your eyes.
16:56Oh, I thought that's what you showed me.
16:58I was like, what the heck? I want to see him.
17:00Okay, look.
17:04He looks just like Jacob.
17:06No, that's his twin.
17:08Show me more. What the heck?
17:10Give me a second only.
17:12A second only?
17:14He looks just like Jacob.
17:16What the heck? He doesn't look like an alien.
17:18I don't know.
17:20Yes, dude.
17:22You're so real for that.
17:24No, because you're usually ugly as hell.
17:26No, but congratulations.
17:28I'm really proud of you.
17:30I can't wait to hold that little boy.
17:34Bella's asleep right now, huh? We should probably call her tomorrow.
17:36How's Jacob? Amazing.
17:38I'm a dad. Congratulations.
17:40Thank you. I'm so happy for you guys.
17:42You took it like a champ out.
17:44Thank God everything came out great. I'm so happy.
17:46Thank you, Xander.
17:48I was tutoring, and I saw that message.
17:50I was like, wait, what?
17:52I saw Matthew, and I was like, what the heck?
17:54There's a little kid right in front of me,
17:56and I was smiling.
17:58Sir, why are you smiling?
18:00When Liz had Bella,
18:02she looked like
18:06That's why I was like,
18:08I hope he didn't suck
18:10everything out of her.
18:12But no, you look like you're just holding another baby.
18:14Aww, we love you, Xander.
18:20You saw a baby die, too?
18:24Oh, my God.
18:28He's so cute.
18:32Oh, my God.
18:34Baby Matthew.
18:36He's so cute, huh, Bella?
18:38Is he really tiny?
18:42But he's sleeping right now.
18:44He's so cute. Yes, he's super cute.
18:46I've taken so many pictures, so I'm going to send them to you
18:48whenever we're done FaceTiming so you can see
18:50more of his face. Can I say a prayer
18:52for you guys?
18:54Why are you the sweetest, most
18:56precious girl in the entire world?
18:58I just want to say a prayer for you
19:00and you can have a good time with your
19:02baby, baby Matthew.
19:04Yes, Bella, please pray.
19:06We would love that. You ready? Yes.
19:08Ready? Okay.
19:10Jesus, please be kind
19:12and be patient with this baby.
19:14I love you very much
19:16and please give me more blessings.
19:18Baby Matthew,
19:20be kind and be cool.
19:22Let's have good babies
19:24and have a good time.
19:30Amen. Thank you, Bella.
19:34You're so precious.
19:36I literally cannot with you. Whenever we have a daughter,
19:38I hope that she's you in a child.
19:40Oh, baby Matthew.
19:42I can't wait to see you.
19:44I'm calling my best friend, Alize.
19:50Are you ready?
19:52I can't wait because I already want to cry.
19:54Me too. Okay, ready?
19:56Three, two...
20:06Adrian, look.
20:08It's a baby.
20:10Baby Matthew.
20:12Thank God we're here.
20:14Now we have him and it was all worth it.
20:16Oh my goodness.
20:18He's so adorable.
20:20I think I'm going to have another baby mom.
20:22Girl, no. Bye.
20:24Dude, I can't believe I'm a mom like you.
20:26Like, I'm literally a mom like you.
20:28I know.
20:30You're literally holding a whole baby in your hands right now.
20:32I think he looks like Jacob, bro.
20:34I'm not even going to lie.
20:36Dude, that's Jacob's nose.
20:38My parents, they're like, he looks like me.
20:40Jacob's dad, we called him earlier.
20:42He looks exactly like me.
20:44All the grandparents want to look like him.
20:46They want him to be their twin so bad.
20:48He definitely looks like me.
20:50Just look at his nose.
20:52My dad said the same thing and I'm like,
20:54y'all can't all look like him.
20:56I'm going to call my best friend, Alex.
20:58He's going to be so excited.
21:00You know what time it is.
21:02I'm so happy for you guys.
21:04Thank you, bro.
21:06You a champ, girl. I heard you at Chihuahua.
21:08You ready to see him?
21:10Yes, I am.
21:12They got real with you.
21:14Yeah, bro.
21:16I'm still in shock.
21:18Still hasn't fully hit me that he's our baby.
21:20I'm so happy, bro.
21:22I'm so happy for you guys.
21:24Thank you, bro.
21:26Thank you for your prayers.
21:28I know you guys were praying for us.
21:30100%, bro.
21:32Thank you for calling me.
21:34I love you guys.
21:36Y'all stay safe.
21:38Take it easy, man.
21:40Matthew, are you enjoying
21:42meeting all these people?
21:44Or do you not care?
21:46What do you have to say about this?
21:48Our precious little boy.
21:50So cute and handsome.
21:56His little guns are so cute.
22:00Hey, what are you doing?
22:02Where are you? I want to see you.
22:04Right here.
22:06What are you doing? Is he here?
22:08Oh, my goodness.
22:10I'm super excited to see that big old boy.
22:14Oh, my God.
22:16He looks like
22:18Jacob and Jose.
22:22Boy, that boy looks like boy damn
22:24Daniel with the white van.
22:26Is he smiling?
22:30Making him laugh.
22:32This is like our baby.
22:34Girl, this is our baby.
22:36I'm super excited.
22:46I feel like
22:48it's not going to hit me until he's at home
22:50with us. Right now, for some reason,
22:52it just feels like we're taking care of
22:54somebody's baby.
22:58Jacob got to deliver
23:00the baby, but he did it himself.
23:02I saw the
23:04whole thing.
23:08I'm in middle school.
23:18I'm the number one call. I'm the godfather.
23:20I'm the fairy godmother. I'm everything.
23:22I'm one call away. I got a gene. I'm ready to come.
23:24I need some pampers. I need some wipes. I need some diapers.
23:26I need some change. I need some formula.
23:28Whatever y'all need. I got some fake wipes. I got everything.
23:30I'm going to see y'all later.
23:32I'm excited.
23:34Alright, we love you, Arringtini. Have a good night.
23:36I love you guys more.
23:38Did he like Arrington or was he a lot?
23:40He's like, is this really what I'm going to have to
23:42go home to?
23:44Oh my god, baby. I knew it.
23:46Oh my god.
23:48I'm starving right now.
23:50Oh my god.
23:52I'm going to cry right now.
23:54Oh my god. He's so cute. He's so big.
23:58When you didn't have your notification,
24:00she's had the baby. And then I went to your Instagram
24:02and I was like, when was the last time
24:04she's had the baby?
24:06Isn't it crazy? Just a few years ago, we were crazy.
24:08I'm so happy for you.
24:10But yeah, I just wanted to show you the baby
24:12and you know, I love you always
24:14and you're going to be my friend forever.
24:16I needed to show you the baby.
24:24Oh my god, stop.
24:30You definitely caught me by surprise. Congratulations.
24:32Oh my god.
24:34He's so cute.
24:36He has the cheeks like
24:38on the ultrasound. Stop.
24:40Guys, congratulations.
24:44It's beautiful, truly a gift from God and
24:46I just want both of you to know that I've been heavily
24:48praying for like, I prayed for your birth
24:50girl, like you have no idea.
24:52I was like, Jesus, you will give her
24:54the strength she needs and I am glad he did.
24:56Audrey said he looks like you.
24:58He's still so little so we have to still see.
25:00I know. They change so fast.
25:02I hope Jacob's not around
25:04but I hope he looks like you.
25:06No, they can't.
25:08I'm just kidding.
25:10I'll continue praying for you guys.
25:12You have no idea how much that means to me, for real. I love you so much.
25:14I love you guys.
25:16I prayed for that baby since before, okay?
25:18Matthew, me and you, we like this.
25:20Literally, for real.
25:22Bye, Audrey.
25:28Oh my God!
25:30Oh my God, is this Matthew?
25:38Come on!
25:40I gave birth
25:42last Tuesday.
25:46Hey, babe.
25:48It's me.
25:50Shh, shh, shh.
25:52You have a baby.
25:54Oh, I'm so excited.
25:56Oh my God.
26:08Yeah, dude.
26:10I'm a whole mom.
26:24How you doing, bro?
26:26I'm getting a tan.
26:28Really, bro?
26:30I was just waiting, bro.
26:32I don't see you making any videos no more.
26:34I was looking at the comments.
26:36I was just waiting for you.
26:38And then when you called,
26:40you're a natural daddy now.
26:42You're a natural daddy.
26:44You know what to call me now.
26:46Thank you, bro.
26:50Oh, who is that?
26:54Oh my God, he's so cute.
26:56That is awesome.
26:58He's been here for two weeks.
27:00Yeah, I kind of figured.
27:02I have your location, bro.
27:04I've seen you at the hospital.
27:06It's happening, bro.
27:08You'll be stalking my location?
27:10Yeah, a little bit, bro.
27:12I'm over here trying to surprise you.
27:14You already knew the date time.
27:16I just wanted you to meet your nephew.
27:18That's awesome, bro.
27:20I didn't know you called me.
27:22Oh, sh**.
27:24Is that thing real?
27:26Congrats, brother.
27:28Congrats, bro.
27:30Damn, I'm cussing like a motherf***er.
27:34Dude, good job.
27:36That's all me, bro.
27:38Does he have your dumbo ears?
27:40Thankfully, brother.
27:42When did that happen?
27:44Two weeks ago.
27:46What? Are you hiding that thing?
27:48Congrats, bro.
27:52Just wanted you to meet him, bro.
27:54I'll see him soon.
27:56Alright, John. Take it easy, brother.
27:58Oh, I thought they were watching.
28:00He's hungry.
28:02He's hungry.
28:04Look, look, look.
28:06Let me hold your hand.
28:10These are the devices I have here.
28:12He's so cute.
28:14There he is.
28:16There he is.
28:20I knew it.
28:22My macho.
28:24Macho look.
28:26Bro, he looks fake, bro.
28:28That's crazy.
28:30He just got done sipping on that gaga, you know?
28:32He's snoozing?
28:34He's cute, bro.
28:40Congrats, guys.
28:42He looks like a dumbass.
28:44What does he look like?
28:46Congrats again. Super happy for you.
28:48Thank you, guys.
28:52We'll hit you up for his haircut.
28:54Yes, actually.
28:56His first buzz cut.
29:00Alright, later, guys.
29:02Bye, guys.
29:06Oh my goodness. Look at that little chubby face.
29:14I wanted to call you guys,
29:16but we'll just call Benny, too.
29:18Oh my gosh.
29:20Oh my goodness.
29:22Look at Matthew.
29:24Look, Victory.
29:26That's my baby.
29:28She's so cute.
29:30You did amazing, though.
29:32I'm so proud of you.
29:36Oh my gosh.
29:38She's beautiful.
29:40Victory looks so cute.
29:42Oh my gosh.
29:44I can't believe he's here.
29:46Oh, Jacob.
29:48Oh my gosh.
29:50I'm on the road,
29:52so it doesn't show my face.
29:56I'm about to pull over right now.
29:58Oh my gosh.
30:02It looks perfect.
30:04I'll show you.
30:06He's sleeping.
30:10My love,
30:12you look a lot like your mom.
30:14I love you.
30:16You're so cute.
30:18He smiled a little.
30:20My love, I love you.
30:22You're so precious.
30:24Oh my gosh.
30:26He has a hug.
30:28Congratulations, Jacob.
30:36Hello, cousin.
30:38Hello, Jacob.
30:40Hello, cousin.
30:44Hello, cousin.
30:46Hello, cousin.
30:48Oh my gosh.
30:50I missed you so much.
30:52You look beautiful.
30:54Congratulations, cousin.
30:58God bless you.
31:02We love you so much.
31:08We love you.
31:10Oh my gosh.
31:12Oh my gosh.
31:14He's so perfect.
31:16Oh my gosh.
31:18He was born on the 28th.
31:20When you texted me on the 29th,
31:22he was literally born the day before.
31:24He looks a lot like you.
31:26You think so?
31:28My love, do you see that?
31:32I'm so happy right now.
31:34I'm crying.
31:36I'm crying.
31:40I know.
31:42He's beautiful.
31:44Oh my gosh.
31:48Thank you so much, guys.
31:50Oh my gosh.
31:52He's beautiful.
31:56Oh my goodness.
31:58He's so cute.
32:00Who do you think he looks like more?
32:02You or Jacob?
32:04I don't know.
32:06He was 8.5 pounds.
32:08That's a big baby.
32:14He looks so cute.
32:16Baby Matthew.
32:18Oh my gosh. He's so cute. He's big.
32:20When was he born?
32:22Two weeks ago.
32:24I knew it. You haven't been posting.
32:26I know.
32:28I was like, oh, Valentina hasn't posted with her baby born yet.
32:30I was like, oh my gosh.
32:32I'm so happy for you guys.
32:34He's adorable.
32:36I love you guys.
32:38Oh my gosh.
32:42Oh my gosh.
32:44There's Matthew.
32:48Hi, Matthew.
32:52Oh my goodness.
32:54Are you with Valeria?
32:56Yeah, she's here.
33:02Oh my gosh.
33:04Look at him.
33:10Oh my gosh. Congratulations.
33:12I'm a mommy.
33:14You're a mommy?
33:18These are my parents' pastors from their church.
33:20And we're really close to them.
33:22Really close.
33:24They were praying for us the whole pregnancy.
33:28Oh my gosh.
33:32This is Matthew.
33:34Welcome, Matthew.
33:36These are my grandfather's socks.
33:40You're beautiful, Matthew.
33:42You're perfect.
33:46Okay, ready?
33:48Okay, look.
33:50Oh my gosh.
33:52Oh my gosh.
33:54Oh my gosh.
33:58He's chunky.
34:00Yes, he really is.
34:04Thank you, guys.
34:06Adorable. You did it, mama.
34:08I know. I started crying so much.
34:10Wait, I'm getting emotional right now.
34:12Full circle moment.
34:14You guys are all my teachers and stuff.
34:16This is crazy.
34:18Thank you, guys.
34:20Why are you crying?
34:22I'm not crying.
34:24She's finding her tears to not come out.
34:26Because I don't want to cry right now.
34:28She's finding her tears, guys.
34:30No, I'm not going to cry.
34:32They're going to worry, that's why I'm like, I don't want to cry.
34:34Explain what's going through your mind.
34:40That's your tactic?
34:42To not cry?
34:44Just pull your eyes.
34:46I just love you,
34:48and I appreciate you.
34:50You're a rock star.
34:52I have so much admiration towards you.
34:54You know how people get push presents and stuff?
34:56This is the best push present ever.
34:58You have no idea.
35:00You taking care of him and just letting me rest.
35:02Man, I want to cry more.
35:04It's burning me because I'm trying to hold it all in.
35:08Matthew has been doing amazing with the phone calls.
35:10Matthew, good job.
35:12You're so chill.
35:14You're literally just a chill baby.
35:16Can you give me a chill hand?
35:18I'm nothing but a chill baby.
35:20Chill baby.
35:22Let them know that you just chill like that.
35:26Alright, that's going to do it for the video.
35:28Thank you guys for watching.
35:30Man, that was the most beautiful thing.
35:32These are the people that literally saw us from the beginning.
35:34Us dating, engagement, marriage,
35:36to now having a baby.
35:38It's really full circle.
35:40Seeing all of our friends be so excited in every stage of our life.
35:42This is the best one yet.
35:44It's beautiful.
35:46I love that we had friends that were parents before us.
35:48We got to experience
35:50them go through it and now
35:52they're seeing us go through it.
35:54It's so cool and exciting.
35:56This was definitely our favorite reaction video to film.
35:58My favorite one is when people are going to meet him in person.
36:00It's one thing to see him through a camera,
36:02but another one is to hold him and be like,
36:04wait, this is like your baby.
36:06We're going to wait for him to get his vaccines
36:08and be completely safe
36:10before we allow people to come over
36:12and meet him in person.
36:14So far, only our families have met him.
36:16We'll have our friends come over
36:18and meet him.
36:20We might be sharing a little bit of that too.
36:22I'm excited for that.
36:24By then, he's going to be super chunky.
36:26I know. He's already eating a lot.
36:28He's growing. He's a big baby.
36:30I know he's going to be chunky.
36:32Our baby boy, Matthew, is going through it.
36:34We're going to have a separate video on that.
36:36His skin is flaking.
36:38That's a whole topic in itself.
36:40Completely normal.
36:42We'll touch base on it in a future video.
36:44We're first-time parents, so we're like,
36:46oh my gosh, what the heck, but it's all completely normal.
36:48It's such an exciting journey.
36:50I think the best way to describe it is that
36:52we're learning at least 20 new things
36:54every single day. Matthew has done
36:56nothing but bless our marriage and our family.
36:58Oh, yeah. I'm always
37:00searching everything up on ChatGPT.
37:02I don't know how parents did it before it was
37:04invented. Having to Google things
37:06and go through all these different articles.
37:08For real. With ChatGPT,
37:10it just throws you an answer right away.
37:12What's crazy is that Valentina told me that
37:14something about parents being
37:16attracted to their baby's smell,
37:18it's like something in nature that just happens
37:20where parents just gravitate
37:22towards the baby's smell,
37:24which makes you want to be with him and
37:26nurture him and take care of him.
37:28To us, he knows all my scent, he knows your scent,
37:30and he feels safe with us. By the way,
37:32I know a lot of y'all are asking, but
37:34Feluche is right here with us.
37:36He's been so happy with his baby brother, guys.
37:38Whenever he hears him cry, he comes to him
37:40immediately. He's just there. He's still the same
37:42with us. He likes to play rough with Jacob,
37:44but with the baby, he'll just sniff him and then he'll
37:46just stand next to him. He knows how to be gentle
37:48with him. He's not rough at all.
37:50He's the best big brother. But enough of the yapping,
37:52guys. Make sure to subscribe, turn on post notifications.
37:54We are going to be sharing a lot of our
37:56journey as new parents, and we can't
37:58wait for every fun
38:00and challenging thing that every
38:02season is going to bring. All of that. We'll just
38:04have different videos on everything, basically.
38:06I think I even want to do a video on postpartum,
38:08like body, like breastfeeding,
38:10pumping. Yeah, guys. It's been
38:12crazy. I want to talk about all that, too. Stay tuned.
38:14A lot of fun stuff coming. We're
38:16super excited for this new journey as
38:18parents. I've said this so many times to so
38:20many different people, but this is genuinely
38:22the happiest I've ever been in my life.
38:24It feels like life just has so much more
38:26purpose now. It already felt like
38:28it had purpose before, but now it's just
38:30so clear. It feels like life got easier
38:32and more exciting. But yeah,
38:34guys, we've been talking a lot because we're really excited and happy,
38:36but make sure you turn your post notifications on
38:38to make sure you never miss a video. Like,
38:40comment, and subscribe, and we'll see you
38:42guys in the next video.
38:44Thank you guys so much for watching. Wait, wait, wait.
38:46Matthew, can you give them a peace?
38:48Oh, sorry.
38:50Wrong one. There you go.
38:54Barely. We're working on it.
