• 13 hours ago
00:00Since the cup loss to the blues, it's been a lot of frustrating, uh, finishes to the season. Now
00:05they were in the playoffs, which is different than how this season is going, but they've tried just
00:10changing the coach and thinking that that was going to do everything. This was the first time
00:14they really just blew up the roster. Like they, they got rid of a lot of guys in there and they've
00:20played two games and you'd look at it on paper. You're like, wow, they're really undermanned
00:24with the two, they beat Tampa Bay in Florida and they looked great doing it. Blanked Tampa. Yep.
00:30And they came back from a two, nothing deficit against Florida to win three, two in regulation.
00:35Yeah. Meanwhile, the door off is a beaten down Sam Bennett late in the game and firing up the
00:40crowd with three seconds left. Maybe not the smartest time to take a fight, get in there,
00:43but it's been a bad season for him. So the crowd was into it. The big giant O finally did something
00:49so good. So yeah, they're better off without Marshan and to your point, some of the other
00:53names there as well. Like Brandon Carlo has been a giant baby when Cassidy was here. I forget who
00:58pointed that out earlier in the week. One of our callers mentioned that it's like, Oh yeah,
01:01the issues that some of the players have had, uh, it's a Brusque.
01:05Carlo is gone. Carlo is now gone. I was like, coil was just way too inconsistent. Be careful
01:11about the coil criticism. Cause all the way with texts will start. Hey, great guy. Great local guy.
01:15Yeah. No, but he was just wildly inconsistent. What was he on pace for like seven assists or
01:19whatever? And middle stat, I think what it's two assists in two games. Yeah. So you don't
01:23want them on the bench press, but yeah, he can't, he can't do a pull up and he can't crank out more
01:28than a rep on the bench press, which, you know, I don't know that I could either. But when it comes
01:33to, uh, coil, I didn't really get why people were so up in arms about losing him. It's like,
01:37he's been terrible. No, I think they need to shake that up because one of the things was,
01:41especially after Bergeron and crazy was, all right, where are you going to get center play?
01:45And it's like, well, you got coil. It's like, yeah, but I don't, he's more of a third line
01:49center. Like, I don't think if you're like elevating him, I don't think you're going to
01:51really enjoy the results. So I think they made the right move by the way, to circle back to
01:56something you mentioned earlier. I think they made the right move firing Monty because then they,
02:00they knew once you got rid of the coach and the problems remained in the room and there
02:04were problems in the room. I don't know. I think they're best buds. I think there were problems
02:09in the room and there have been problems in the room and maybe some of the, the, the ship has
02:13been right there or, or who knows, maybe not. Maybe they just want a couple of games.
