• 3 hours ago
00:00Have a bad feeling about this one because I really want Cooper Cup. I understand. He's not the most durable player
00:05He's one of those guys that when he's out there. He's still really good and really really productive, but when he's
00:10Not he's just out and he's like how many games is he gonna play?
00:13You don't you don't know so that's tough if he's your true number one guy
00:17I just wonder the Rams said we don't want him, which is gonna be a tough blow to him
00:22Yeah, and I made a red flag
00:23I would underscore that for a moment the rant the Rams don't want him and they signed Devante Adams
00:28Basically the money they owed him yeah, so they look at Devante Adams
00:31Who's older than cup, but he's been a lot healthier more durable than cup, and they say this is an upgrade
00:36So that that is when it comes to Cooper Cup that is a massive red flag the team that knows him
00:40Was gonna throw the same money at an older player, but also. I think what is smart if you're a wide receiver
00:47That's available right now
00:48You should probably say you're interested in the Patriots just to see what kind of offer could get out there
00:53There's still a lot of cap space they clearly have a need at that position
00:56And so maybe it would work out for you in a similar way as it did to Chris Godwin not that he's gonna stay with
01:01His team, but maybe somebody's like oh well the Patriots are involved so maybe they're gonna offer
01:06Two at 34 or I don't know what it's a third two at 36 then it seems like I will offer the same thing
01:11Hopefully he chooses us because we have a better team. We have a better quarterback
01:13We have a you know a better future for for 2025 because cops probably not gonna play a whole lot longer
01:19He's gonna be 32 for the upcoming season. He's dealing with all these different injuries the last year. He was truly great was
01:262021 so he's not a perfect player, but when you consider what the Patriots have done so far offensively
01:32Which is Mac Collins and Morgan Moses. I don't have a lot of faith that they get Cooper Cup
