00:01Is Howard there please?
00:02Did you tell him John Lennon called?
00:06Well, you remember the Beagle?
00:07That's right, yeah.
00:08Good morning, folks.
00:09Have you had your breakfast yet?
00:10The flyer generation is over.
00:11But we can start all over again, right?
00:12I just got to see the village for the first time.
00:33I really feel at home there.
00:34I was considered a bitch in this society.
00:35Since I met John, I was upgraded into a witch.
00:44I fell in love with an independent, creative genius.
00:50I started waking up.
00:57Why would you do a concert for free?
00:58um die Leidenschaft, die alle Jugendlichen haben, zu verändern.
01:05Sprechen sie mit, singen sie mit
01:09und tun alles, um sie wieder lebendig zu machen.
01:11Viva la Revolucion!
01:29Wie würdest du dich erinnern?
01:32Nur mit zwei Lieben.