• 6 hours ago
Today Tyler and Snowi play ROBLOX 3 LITTLE PIGS TAPES MORPHS!! 😱 We unlock FOXYMATIONS 3 LITTLE PIGS, HANSEL AND GRETEL and MORE!! This Three Little Pigs ANALOG HORROR GAME has SO MANY FUNNY MOMENTS! 👉Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE & leave a like 👍 if you enjoyed!

The Three Little Pigs (Analog Horror) is created by the talented @foxymations3671 subscribe & check out more vids!

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#funnymoments #cartoon #roblox
00:00Today, we're unlocking all characters from the Three Little Pigs tapes in ROBLOX!
00:08Hey, check this out, Snowy!
00:10Whoa, we have Gretel, we have the scary witch, and we even have the wolf when he was a human!
00:16And over here, we have Little Red Riding Hood, Granny, and Red Riding Hood's mom!
00:21I heard every single one of these morphs has special abilities, Snowy!
00:25They got multiple phases in everything!
00:27Let's play with the Three Little Pigs first!
00:30I'll be the pig that builds his house out of sticks.
00:33And I'll be the pig that builds his house out of straw!
00:35All right, brother!
00:37Let's go on the map and we can build our houses!
00:40Where are we going today, Pig Number Two?
00:42Well, Pig Number One, our brother Pig Number Three wanted to meet us.
00:47He said he's trying to warn us about why we should build our houses out of bricks or something.
00:52I don't know, I think he's crazy, though.
00:54Yeah, build a house out of bricks?
00:56That's just dumb!
00:57But we have to be careful because nighttime is gonna come really soon!
01:02There's nothing to be afraid of!
01:04Come on, let's explore the new town that we're moving to!
01:07Hey, what the?
01:08Who's this guy?
01:09I think it's a new friend we could have!
01:11Excuse me, sir, do you know where we can find some sticks and straw?
01:16Yes, yes, I do.
01:19Um, this guy's kind of creepy!
01:22Ha ha ha ha ha!
01:27Um, Snowy, what is this guy laughing at?
01:30What's so funny?
01:31Is there something on my face?
01:32I don't know, Tyler, let's just laugh too!
01:34Ha ha ha, yeah, that's so funny, ha ha!
01:38Ha ha ha ha!
01:39Oink, oink, ha ha ha ha!
01:41Don't you little piggies know that it's kind of dangerous out here for juicy, scrumptious,
01:49finger-licking little piggies like you?
01:52Um, what is this guy talking about?
01:55I don't know, Snowy, I don't like this, it's making me really uncomfortable!
01:59But remember what our brother, pig number three, said?
02:02He said don't talk to strangers, and that's what we've been doing!
02:05Oh yeah, how do we get out of this now?
02:07Hey, little piggy, you got something on your face there, let me grab it!
02:12Ow, Snowy, he's grabbing my face, ow!
02:15Wait, Wolf, look behind you, there's a squirrel!
02:18You said there's an appetizer somewhere?
02:21Run, Tyler, run!
02:22Let's go, Snowy, let's go!
02:24We gotta run, we gotta run!
02:26Oh no, it's nighttime now!
02:28I think we got away from the wolf for now, Silly, but how does my face look?
02:32Aw, Tyler, you kinda look a little roasted!
02:36Oh no, it's because he was scratching up my face!
02:40Come on, Snowy!
02:40Hey, look, it's the different houses!
02:43Come on, let's go into your house, it's the one made out of straw, right?
02:46Yeah, this should be super sturdy!
02:48Okay, let's go in and let's close the door!
02:51I'm gonna hide inside of this thing to be extra safe!
02:55Do you think you can see me in here, Tyler?
02:57Oh, piggy, piggy, piggy, piggy, where are you?
03:02Oh my gosh, I think he's outside!
03:05Oh my gosh, Snowy, do you hear that?
03:07Somebody's knocking on the door, who is that?
03:09Hopefully it's not that wolf!
03:11Who is it?
03:12Who's at the door?
03:14It's your brother!
03:16Oh, you hear that, Tyler?
03:17It's Pig 3!
03:18No, that's not what our brother sounds like!
03:22I'm the Big Bad Wolf and I'm gonna blow this house down!
03:27Guys, hit the like button right now to make the Big Bad Wolf disappear!
03:31Yeah, guys, hit the like button so he doesn't bust our house down!
03:35The likes are coming in!
03:37Oh no, I still hear him pounding on the door!
03:39Is it gonna work?
03:40Hey, the noise has stopped!
03:42Should I go outside and check?
03:44Yeah, Tyler, but be careful!
03:46I'm opening the door!
03:48Hey, it's daytime out and the wolf is gone!
03:51Oh my gosh, Snowy, look at my face, it's fixed!
03:54Yay, I'm so glad!
03:56Thanks for hitting the like button, guys!
03:58Aw, yeah, now I can be a happy, dancing piggy!
04:02Whoa, look at you!
04:04Hey, Snowy, we gotta check out all of the secret things that these morphs have.
04:08Like, check this out, guys.
04:09What is this?
04:10It says, Annoying Speak To?
04:13Let's listen!
04:14Hi, I'm the second pig.
04:16The wolf is coming and I need to protect myself quickly.
04:20According to the story you heard, what material will I use to build my house?
04:25This is awesome!
04:26So they have the voice lines from the actual show!
04:29And check this out, Tyler, I can build a house!
04:32Whoa, hey, maybe we should build houses out of bricks today!
04:37Since the wolf was gonna blow the house down!
04:40Yeah, Tyler, we should probably build something way stronger than this!
04:45Check out the secret voice lines my pig has!
04:48Hello, I am the first pig.
04:49Oh my gosh, that voice is so funny!
04:51I need to protect myself from the wolf.
04:53According to the story you heard, what material will I use to build my house?
04:57You're gonna use straw!
04:59Come on, Snowy, let's go look for Little Red Riding Hood's house!
05:03I wanna unlock those morphs too!
05:05Yeah, me too, Tyler!
05:07It should be around here somewhere, is this it?
05:10Let's see if there's anybody home!
05:11Whoa, look, Snowy, I think this is her house!
05:14The wallpaper looks the same as the tapes!
05:17And look, Snowy, the TV right here says no signal!
05:20Maybe that's why they didn't know about the wolf!
05:23Yeah, they couldn't get the news about him lurking in the woods!
05:27Hey, look what I found in this corner!
05:29Oh my gosh, Snowy, I'm Little Red Riding Hood's mother!
05:32Back when she was still alive!
05:35Look what I just found!
05:36Uh-oh, why is it so dark now?
05:39Little Red Riding Hood, my daughter!
05:41Grandma is very, very sick right now!
05:44I need you to take this basket of candies to her, please, to make her feel better!
05:48Okay, Mom!
05:49But be very careful and don't talk to strangers!
05:52What do I have to be careful about?
05:55There could be wild animals out there!
05:57But I guess most animals are friendly!
05:59Okay, ta-ta, don't keep Grandma waiting!
06:01All right, now I have to go through these big, dark woods!
06:06It is a little creepy, I guess!
06:09I hope I still remember how to get to Granny's house!
06:12I think it's this way!
06:14Hey, what's that thing glowing in the bushes?
06:17Um, hello?
06:19Oh my gosh, it's a wolf!
06:21Hey, little girl, where are you going?
06:24Um, my mom said not to talk to strangers!
06:27I see you got some candy in that basket!
06:30You got anything for a little old wolf like me?
06:33There's nothing little about you, and I'm not supposed to talk to you!
06:41I'm your new friend, don't worry about it!
06:43So where are we going today?
06:44Uh, what the?
06:45Ah, why is it sunlight suddenly?
06:47I'm getting out of here!
06:49That was weird, the wolf must be afraid of sunlight or something!
06:53Well, I made it to Granny's house!
06:55Oh my gosh, it's the wolf!
06:56What are you talking about, silly?
06:58I'm not the wolf, it's me, Tyler!
07:00I'm just looking for the grandma morph!
07:02Oh yeah, I guess I'm a little on edge!
07:04Why, what happened out there, Snowy?
07:06I talked to the wolf, Tyler!
07:09Wait, the wolf?
07:10Snowy, you gotta look what's on the news!
07:13Tree caught falling in front of random person's house.
07:15Wait, no, that's not the news I'm talking about!
07:17Look, Snowy, Forest News!
07:19Have you seen someone like this looking like a wolf in the forest?
07:23If yes, please report immediately!
07:25Destroy it with something like fire!
07:27I did see that, Tyler!
07:28That's who I talked to!
07:30But when it became light out, he ran away!
07:33Weird, we gotta be careful today, Snowy!
07:35Hey, wait, can I go back here?
07:37Whoa, this room is super dark!
07:39And what's this over here?
07:41It gave me a morph!
07:42Hey, you found Granny!
07:44That's right, dear!
07:45I always like to sit in my special chair in my special dark room!
07:50It's a good place for me to knit and stop thinking about
07:54all the scary, horrible things I've seen in my life!
07:58Well, here's your basket of candy, Granny!
08:00Oh, yes!
08:01Thank you so much for this candy!
08:03This will definitely cure my sickness now!
08:06I'm glad I could help my sweet old Granny!
08:09Boy, Little Red Riding Hood has been out there for so long!
08:12I hope she made it to Granny's house, okay?
08:15It's so dark outside, I can barely see!
08:17Oh, somebody's knocking on the door!
08:19It must be my daughter!
08:20Home safely!
08:22Let's see...
08:23Hello, daughter!
08:24Oh my gosh!
08:25Um, Little Red Riding Hood?
08:27You look kind of different now!
08:30Don't worry, Mama!
08:31It's me!
08:32Let me come inside for a nice, hot meal!
08:36Uh, Little Red Riding Hood?
08:38Have you grown since I last saw you?
08:40I'm your daughter!
08:41I'm always growing!
08:42It's because you feed me good meals!
08:46And boy, Little Red Riding Hood!
08:48I guess you don't like wearing red anymore!
08:50You like wearing blue now?
08:51That's because all the advice you've given me about strangers...
08:55Blew my mind!
08:57So I wear blue now!
08:58And daughter, when did your feet get so large?
09:01We might have to get you some new shoes at the shoe cobbler!
09:04Okay, okay!
09:05Are we just gonna talk about how much I'm growing?
09:07Wait a second, you got something on your face there!
09:10Oh, there's something on my face?
09:11Can you get it off for me?
09:13You're scratching me!
09:14You're scratching me too hard!
09:17Oh, I don't feel so good now!
09:18I think I need to sit down for a second!
09:21Okay, granddaughter!
09:22Be careful going back to your mother's house now!
09:26Okay, granny!
09:27I'll be careful!
09:29Love you!
09:30I can't wait to get home!
09:31I'm so tired!
09:32And it's so late out here!
09:34Hopefully mom's not worried about me since I've been gone for so long!
09:39Finally, it's that little girl!
09:40I'm gonna get her this time!
09:42Hey, hey you!
09:44Oh no, it's the police!
09:45Oh, it's just the wolf!
09:47Wait, I am the police!
09:48And you're under arrest for illegally trafficking candy through these woods!
09:53Wait, I have a permit!
09:55Oh yeah?
09:56Well, I have CLAWS!
10:01Oh, I'm dead now!
10:04Now to get those little pigs that tried to escape from me earlier!
10:08Snowy, Snowy!
10:09Did you hear the news?
10:10Last night, the wolf took three new victims!
10:13He's murdering everybody!
10:15Oh no!
10:16How can we stop him?
10:18I think we need to find Hansel so that he can oof the wolf with his blaster!
10:23Come on, let's figure out where Hansel and Gretel live!
10:26Yeah, Hansel is the most famous hunter in the area!
10:30Hey, I think this kind of looks like his house!
10:32Let's go inside and we need to look for the morph!
10:35Hey, maybe it's in this drawer!
10:37It is!
10:38Aw yeah, I'm Hansel now!
10:40And I got my AK-47!
10:43That wolf is gonna be defeated for good!
10:46Tyler, on the bed, I found Gretel!
10:48Hey brother, are you gonna find that wolf and take him down?
10:52You bet I am!
10:53As soon as night time falls, I am going to take that wolf down!
10:58You got this, big bro!
10:59I'm pretty sure this house is where the last wolf murders took place!
11:04I need to investigate!
11:06Something smells really bad coming from this room over here!
11:09That must be the bathroom!
11:11I'm gonna go warn the pigs that the wolf is coming!
11:15Hello, any pigs home?
11:17Hello, is anybody home?
11:18Oh my gosh!
11:19He already got the pig!
11:22Look, look, look, look, look!
11:23The wolf did this to me!
11:25You have to save us!
11:27Don't worry, little pig!
11:28I'll save you!
11:30Oh my gosh, guys!
11:31I see the wolf right there!
11:32Hey, wolf!
11:33You're going down!
11:35Ah, get shot!
11:36Get shot!
11:38Get shot, wolf!
11:43Bullets can't stop me!
11:45Ha, ha, ha, ha!
11:46Oh my gosh, guys!
11:47Look at this!
11:48I got him twice in the chest and once in the eye, but he's just laughing!
11:52Ow, he's scratching me!
11:54I'm still alive, I'm still alive!
11:56My face is a little messed up, though!
11:57Oh no, here he comes!
11:59Oh, I'm dying!
12:03Wait, what?
12:03Why is it just invisible now?
12:05Wait a second!
12:06Oh my gosh!
12:07I unlocked the Hansel's ghost morph because I got oofed!
12:11Wait a second!
12:12The wolf might be headed to where Snowy is right now!
12:14I have to go warn Gretel!
12:16I mean, Snowy!
12:17Oh my gosh, guys!
12:18Look how fast I am!
12:20This must be how the ghost is able to lead her to the right places to go!
12:25I need to tell you the truth about the wolf!
12:28He oofed me!
12:29Oh my gosh, Tyler!
12:31You're a ghost?
12:32I'm a ghost now, Gretel!
12:36And I must tell you the dark truth about the wolf!
12:42What's the truth?
12:43Go follow the path outside and you'll see!
12:48That was so mysterious!
12:50But the wolf has gotten everyone so far!
12:52It's up to me to stop him!
12:55He said to follow this path!
12:56Oh look, there's Hansel's ghost!
13:00Follow me this way!
13:02Or was it that way?
13:04Wait, hold on!
13:05I'm a little turned around here!
13:06Oh, it's this way!
13:08I wonder where Hansel's ghost is taking me!
13:11Here we are!
13:12We were walking all night, but it was worth it!
13:15We have to go into the candy house!
13:18He led me over here!
13:19Whose house is this?
13:21Whoa, who is that?
13:22Come in, child!
13:24Don't you want some candy?
13:26I know I shouldn't go in, but Hansel's ghost led me here, so I guess so!
13:30Uh, yeah!
13:31Candy sounds good!
13:33I can't wait to eat your soul!
13:35I mean, candy with you!
13:37Why don't you stay the night?
13:38We'll have a super fun sleepover!
13:41Sit down right here!
13:43This is kind of weird!
13:44Hey look, there's the ghost!
13:46Don't listen to her!
13:47She's evil!
13:50This is the room that you'll be staying in, child!
13:52And whatever you do, don't you dare go in the basement!
13:56Um, okay!
13:58Good night!
13:59Sleep tight, witch!
14:00Guys, the witch doesn't know this, but I actually came here prepared!
14:04Oh yeah, that's right!
14:06I'm gonna sneak into that basement and see what's in there!
14:10Okay guys, it's nighttime!
14:11I'm gonna try and sneak into the basement and see what's going on!
14:15Here we go!
14:16Oh my gosh, it's the wolf!
14:17Wait a second!
14:18It's not moving!
14:19And it has all these holes in it!
14:21Is he dead?
14:22I guess Hansel must have taken care of him!
14:25But where is Hansel?
14:26This is so weird!
14:28What is this book doing here?
14:30According to the book, I have to get the witch in the heart, the head, and the shoulder!
14:34So I will be ready!
14:36Wait a second, I think I hear someone coming!
14:38Oh, but you're not gonna get a chance to destroy me!
14:41Because I've got you!
14:44Where am I now?
14:45Last thing I remember, everything was fading to black!
14:48Now that I've got you all tied up, I'm going to eat your soul!
14:52Just like I ate your brother's!
14:54Wait, you mean Tyler?
14:56There's no way you ate Tyler's soul!
14:58It's all written in the book of revelations!
15:01Guys, I'm gonna need your help!
15:03Hit the subscribe button right now if you haven't already to save me from the witch!
15:08I will now cast this spell on you!
15:12What is it called when a little girl cries and then a witch tries to eat her?
15:18I'll tell you what it's called!
15:20Who is that?
15:22It's called Hansel Tyler with a ghost scythe!
15:25Die, witch, die!
15:28Witch, what?
15:31Aw, yeah!
15:32I was able to save you, Snowy!
15:35Yes, thank you, Tyler Hansel!
15:37That was crazy!
15:40Come on, let's get out of here!
15:41I'm pretty sure now that I oofed the witch,
15:43we unlocked the rest of the morph, Snowy, like the witch's ghost!
15:47Let's check it out!
15:48Yay, let's check it out!
15:50All of our spirits are free!
15:52Check it out, Tyler!
15:53Since you defeated the witch, we can play as our ghosts now!
15:59Whoa, that's creepy!
16:01What are the special abilities it has?
16:03Look, Tyler, I can become invisible!
16:06Ooh, you can't see me, but I'm whispering in your ear!
16:09Ah, that's too creepy!
16:11She whispers in my ear at nighttime!
16:13And I also get to carry around this book!
16:16Whoa, look, guys, it's The Cry of the Soul!
16:20Hey, Snowy, does that book contain the backstory of the wolf, too?
16:24Yeah, it does!
16:25Check it out!
16:26It gave me the morph of the wolf when he was a human!
16:30He was just a little boy!
16:32But then, Snowy, he went insane!
16:36Check it out!
16:37Oh my gosh, look at that crazy look in his eye!
16:40But it gets even crazier when I play the secret laughing voice line
16:44from when he went crazy!
16:45Listen to this!
16:47Oh my gosh, that is so creepy!
16:50That's so scary!
16:52What is so funny?
16:53Why is it so funny to him, Snowy?
16:55I don't know, I guess he thinks the world is funny!
16:58I guess he thinks taking out a knife and doing a little stabby stabby is funny!
17:03Oh no, I need to get out of here!
17:06Oh my gosh, that witch worf is super fast!
17:08Oh yeah, it's one of the benefits of not being tied to this earthly realm!
17:13The boy might not be able to get his revenge on the witch now that the witch is a ghost,
17:18unless the boy's a ghost, too!
17:20I guess they'll have a happily ever after together!
17:23No way, because I have a ghost knife!
17:27You did this to me!
17:28You turned me into a wolf!
17:30Oh, you can't see me now!
17:32You'll never get me!
17:34Oh yeah?
17:34Well, I'm super fast, too!
17:36I'm gonna get you, I'm gonna get you, witch!
17:38I'm gonna get you!
17:39Hey, Snowy, you know what I just realized?
17:42What, Tyler?
17:43All this time, we've been talking to all the characters,
17:45but we never talked to pig number three!
17:48Whatever happened to that guy?
17:50I don't know, Tyler!
17:51Why don't we try going over to his house?
17:53Good idea, Snowy!
17:54Let's go check on him!
17:55Oink, oink, oink!
17:56I know that wolf is out there, and if that wolf tries to come for me,
18:00I will be prepared with this flamethrower to cook him and defeat him once and for all!
18:05Who's that outside?
18:06Oh my gosh, I think that's the wolf!
18:08The wolf is coming for me!
18:09Hey, I see the little pig in the window!
18:12Oh yeah, there he is!
18:13Hey, pig number three, come outside!
18:15We have good news to tell you!
18:17Oh my gosh, there's two wolves now!
18:19Two of them!
18:20That's it!
18:20I'm gonna have to torch my entire house to take them out with me
18:24to avenge my fallen brothers!
18:27Come on, Silly, let's go talk to him!
18:28Oh my gosh!
18:30Die, you noob, die!
18:33Ah, Snowy, it's on fire in here!
18:36What are you doing, little pig?
18:37We're not the wolf!
18:38The wolf is dead!
18:39Ow, ow, ow!
18:40The floor is fire!
18:41The floor is lava!
18:43Oh, it smells like bacon!
18:45Yeah, honestly, it smells pretty good!
18:47Ow, but it burns!
18:49Guys, while we're trying to get out of this burning house that's on fire,
18:53you should click on one of those videos that's on your screen right now!
18:56And subscribe if you haven't already!
18:59See ya!