• 22 hours ago
(Adnkronos) - “Per la prima volta nella storia di Tempocasa abbiamo oltre 78 mila immobili gestiti dal gruppo Tempocasa. Il nostro portafoglio immobili è cresciuto del 13,1% (rispetto all’anno precedente ndr). Sono le parole di Valerio Vacca, direttore comunicazione e marketing Gruppo Tempocasa, intervenendo alla presentazione dell’ottava edizione di TempoReport, l’Osservatorio immobiliare Tempocasa che analizza il comparto immobiliare, a livello nazionale e locale.


00:00What is the TempoCasa Group's real estate observatory?
00:04The TempoCasa Group's real estate observatory
00:07brings out a lot of numbers, a lot of curiosities.
00:10Two numbers out of all, real estate portfolio
00:14and the number of requests registered by our agencies.
00:17Real estate portfolio, for the first time in the history of TempoCasa,
00:21we have exceeded 70,000 real estate units,
00:2588,000 and more of real estate managed by TempoCasa Group.
00:30This means that we have acquired more,
00:32so there is more offer on the real estate market,
00:35there are more products to be made available for those who are looking for a home.
00:40305,000 requests, so a slightly lower demand for TempoCasa Group
00:45compared to the previous year, which had exceeded 320,000.
00:48This means that many users, many clients who were looking for a home
00:53were left at the window.
00:55So, let's say, interest rates that left them a bit perplexed,
00:59macroeconomic situation that, let's say, blocked them a bit out of fear,
01:05a bit to, let's say, remain at the window
01:08and understand how these global situations developed,
01:12and then start looking for a home again.
01:15So, let's say, 78,000 real estate units,
01:18slightly longer sales times because the buyers withdrew a bit,
01:22but very, very good prospects for 2025.
01:26What is the cut that the client is looking for the most?
01:29It is the three-room flat.
01:30What we recorded both in 2023, so two years ago,
01:33and in 2024, for which we have beefed for two years in a row,
01:37the type that goes best is the three-room flat,
01:40always made an exception for Milan,
01:42where, instead, the two-room flat is sought and preferred the most.
01:46Locations are always on the rise.
01:49Let's say that in 2024 there were still increases,
01:53especially in the big cities, like Milan, Bologna, Rome, Naples and Turin.
01:58So, certainly some canons are being raised.
02:01Clearly, with the new regulations, which also include restrictions
02:05regarding, for example, short-term rents, check-in, check-out,
02:09we are curious to understand what will happen in 2025.
02:13Let's say that the city that commands the most is Milan.
02:17The cut that goes best is the two-room flat,
02:20therefore a very smart cut that allows to remain,
02:23let's say, in relatively low management costs,
02:26but at the same time close to all the services that the city offers.
