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Sada e Haq - Azan Competition

Naimat e Iftar | Shan e Ramzan | ARY Qtv

#SadaeHaq #ShaneRamzan #aryqtv

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00:00In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
00:20And when Nu'man said to his son while he was sleeping,
00:34O my son, do not associate partners with Allah.
00:47Indeed, associating partners with Allah is a great wrong.
01:04And We have commanded man to have two parents.
01:18His mother bore him, and he was born to his mother.
01:28And in his prayer and in his works, he said,
01:41Give thanks to Me, and promise to me that you will return to Me.
02:09And when he came to Us, he used to associate with that which he had no knowledge of.
02:34So do not associate with them, and associate with them in this world.
02:59And associate with them in this world what is right.
03:15And follow the path of those who have returned to you.
03:28Then to Me is your return, and I will tell you.
03:42And I will tell you what you used to do.
03:58Allah has spoken the truth.
04:08And remember when Nu'man said to his son,
04:13And he used to advise, O my son, do not associate partners with Allah.
04:20Indeed, associating partners with Allah is a great wrong.
04:23And We have commanded man to have two parents.
04:29His mother bore him, and he was born to his mother.
04:38And he used to say, O my son, do not associate partners with Allah.
05:05Then to Me is your return, and I will tell you what you used to do.
05:14And the last of our supplications is, Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds.
05:19Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds.
05:33Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds.
05:34Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds.
05:36Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds.
05:56Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds.
06:24Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds.
06:39Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
06:42Mashallah, even today, in your beautiful voice,
06:45The most beautiful book of the universe, the book of Allah,
06:48From the Holy Quran, Mashallah, the way the Ayat-e-Bayyinat,
06:52What light reaches the hearts of our viewers.
06:55May Allah keep you safe.
06:57The month of the revelation of the Qur'an, as much as the Qur'an is read, it is so good.
07:00It is a very beautiful start, Mr. Qari.
07:02May Allah keep you safe, with your permission,
07:03Let's start the competition of the Azan.
07:06Viewers have been informed through secret means,
07:09That the three Azans that will be given today,
07:12Their preparation is very special.
07:14And they will be such Azans, Inshallah,
07:17That the listeners will not be able to forget them.
07:19Has this information reached us correctly?
07:21Tell me with a smile.
07:23You mean to say that they will make it difficult for me today.
07:26No, I want, Mr. Qari, you say it yourself.
07:29I want the three Azans to be given in such a way,
07:31That it will be difficult for me to decide.
07:34It will be good for us and our listeners.
07:36The Azans should be such that,
07:38Motivation has reached you, you are ready, Mashallah.
07:41The first contestant for today's competition of the Azan,
07:44Sayyed Hassan Ali, come to the rostrum.
07:47And with the beautiful words of the Azan,
07:49He is ready to make our listening,
07:51Dazzling and enlightening.
07:53Start with a smile.
07:55And your time starts,
07:57A little,
07:59Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest.
08:13Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest.
08:26I bear witness that there is no god but Allah.
08:56I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
09:22Come to prayer.
09:52Come to success.
10:17Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest.
10:30There is no god but Allah.
10:42Mashallah, there is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
10:44The second contestant is Muhammad Hamza.
10:47Come to the rostrum of today's competition of the Azan.
10:50And start the Azan.
10:52I would like to say thank you,
10:54The sound of our engineers, Mashallah.
10:56The way you have set the echo,
10:58And the time that was created in the Azan,
11:00I do appreciate and our viewers will also acknowledge you.
11:03Thank you very much.
11:05You are ready, Mashallah.
11:07And your time starts with a smile.
11:09Your time starts,
11:11Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest.
11:34Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest.
11:55I bear witness that there is no god but Allah.
12:09I bear witness that there is no god but Allah.
12:32I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
13:02Come to prayer.
13:32Come to success.
13:57Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest.
14:12I bear witness that there is no god but Allah.
14:31The audience liked it.
14:33They felt the atmosphere.
14:35But you don't have to listen to me.
14:37Inshallah, the authentic comments and remarks
14:39Will come from our Chief Justice.
14:40And that will be the final decision.
14:42And that will tell us,
14:44Who is the lucky one who made it possible
14:46To reach the quarter-finals.
14:48The third and last contestant,
14:50In today's competition,
14:52Hafiz Mustafa Kamal.
14:54And let's see if you can show us
14:56Kamal or not.
14:58Come to the rostrum.
15:00And start your Azan.
15:02Our audience is ready to enjoy
15:04The beautiful words of the Azan.
15:06Come a little closer to the mic.
15:08We will start with a smile.
15:10Up, up, up.
15:40Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest.
15:45I bear witness that there is no god but Allah.
16:02I bear witness that there is no god but Allah.
16:18I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
16:35I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
16:50Come to prayer.
17:04Come to prayer.
17:19Come to success.
17:37Come to success.
17:51Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest.
18:03I bear witness that there is no god but Allah.
18:15There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
18:17All three Azans have been completed.
18:19And I am beginning to have doubts
18:21About my secret means, Mr. Qari.
18:23Anyway, I want your credible comments.
18:26I thought they would put me in trouble today.
18:28But it didn't happen at all.
18:30And the secret means proved to be completely wrong.
18:31Anyway, I don't want to believe them anymore.
18:34What would you like to say, Mr. Qari?
18:36Anyway, it is a great blessing that there are Azans.
18:38People are getting interested in giving Azans.
18:41It is a very good thing.
18:43I would say for Syed Hassan Ali that
18:46Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest.
18:49You said Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest.
18:51Mr. Qari, this lesson should be remembered by everyone.
18:53It should be remembered.
18:55We keep telling this again and again.
18:57And secondly, your pronunciation was not very good.
18:59Your pronunciation was not very good.
19:01You should build confidence in your pronunciation.
19:05You should do it well.
19:07Then your Azan will be more beautiful.
19:10Practice makes a man perfect.
19:12And you were trying to read in your nose.
19:15Don't read in your nose.
19:17Open your mouth and read.
19:19I would say for Mohammad Hamza that
19:21He has given a very good Azan.
19:23In the beginning, he was a little nervous.
19:26But later, he has controlled himself.
19:28And he has given a very good Azan.
19:32Hafiz Mustafa Kamal.
19:34And he was a little nervous.
19:36Hafiz Mustafa Kamal.
19:39He has given a very good Azan.
19:42And he was able to hear the words clearly.
19:45What he was saying.
19:47And he has given a good Azan.
19:49He was a little nervous.
19:51Tajweed was also good.
19:52Anyway, in my opinion, the ones who are going ahead today.
19:57Mohammad Hamza and Hafiz Mustafa Kamal will go ahead.
20:00Congratulations to Mohammad Hamza and Hafiz Mustafa Kamal.
20:04But this is just the beginning.
20:06And you have to come with a very good preparation for the quarterfinals.
20:09The things that you have been taught and explained.
20:12Mr. Qari has to follow them.
20:14Because there will be more good ones ahead.
20:17It will be very difficult for you to compete again.
20:19Anyway, it is very important to thank our sponsors.
20:22Gift hampers go with our winners.
20:25Our contestants.
20:27We are very much grateful to Salani Spices.
20:29Who will give gift hampers to our winners.
20:32Thank you very much to Educate Publications.
20:34They will also go with our young people.
20:37Along with this, we would like to thank Crisp Beauty.
20:40And along with you, we would like to thank Fate Issues.
20:42Whose cooperation is with us.
20:44And gift hampers will also go with our young people.
20:48Thank you very much to Marhaba Gulbahar.
20:49Thank you very much to The Ostrich.
20:52Gift hampers will also go with our young people.
20:55Thank you very much to Roo Afza.
20:57Whose beautiful gift of Quran Majeed and Furqan-e-Hameed.
21:00For our winners and finalists.
21:02Along with this, thank you very much to Nelson Paints.
21:04Whose cooperation is with us.
21:06And gift hampers will also go with our young people.
21:09Thank you very much to Khursheed Fans.
21:11Gift hampers will also go with our young people.
21:14And we would like to thank.
21:16To our benefactor, Mr. Suhail Shams.
21:20From whom the Grand Cash Prize has been announced.
21:23For all those winners and finalists.
21:26Their love is always with us.
21:28Thank you very much, Suhail Shams.
21:30Along with this, thank you very much to Wild Venture Water Park.
21:33From whom the membership of Rs. 1 lakh has been announced.
21:36From 4 to 4.30.
21:39The special segment of Nehmat-e-Iftar is held.
21:42Healthy Pakistan.
21:44Doctors are present.
21:46They are very experienced.
21:48And their services are great.
21:51They are renowned doctors of Pakistan.
21:54Who have gained fame on the international level.
21:57You share your medical problems with them.
22:00And they give you reassuring answers.
22:03After the break, you know.
22:05Our favorite host, Syed Salman Gullurani.
22:08Let's continue this transmission.
22:10And will be present with Saut-ul-Quran.
22:12With Qari Waheed Afar Qasmi.
22:13In every moment.
22:15The new glory of a believer.
22:17In conversation.
22:19In character.
22:21The proof of Allah.
22:23This secret is not known to anyone.
22:25That a believer is seen as Qari.
22:28The Quran is in reality.
22:30I give permission to my host, Sumair Ahmed.
